Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of New Items and Effects

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List of New Items

This page lists all new items to Pokemon Sword and Shield, as well as the items' effects. If you would like to know more about what each new item does, please read on.

New Items in the Crown Tundra

Item Effect
Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch When used on a Pokémon, its Ability will change to its species’ Hidden Ability, if it has one.
Adamant Orb ImageAdamant Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves when it is held.
Black Mane Hair ImageBlack Mane Hair Mane hair that belonged to the King of Bountiful Harvests’ beloved steed, Spectrier. The hair is very smooth to the touch.
Burn Drive ImageBurn Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes FIre type.
Carrot Seeds ImageCarrot Seeds Seeds to plant in a field. The kind of carrot you'll get is determined by which field you plant the seeds in.
Chill Drive ImageChill Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Ice type.
Crown Pass ImageCrown Pass A pass to go to the Crown Tundra. Show it to the rail staff at Wedgehurst Station.
Custap Berry ImageCustap Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, it will be able to move first just once when it's in a pinch.
Douse Drive ImageDouse Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Water type.
Dynite Ore ImageDynite Ore Mysterious ore that can be obtained in the Max Lair. Something good will happen if you give it to a collector in the Crown Tundra.
Electirizer ImageElectirizer A box packed with a tremendous amount of electric energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
Enigma Berry ImageEnigma Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, being hit by a supereffective attack will restore its HP.
Galarica Wreath ImageGalarica Wreath Give to Galarian Slowpoke to evolve it into Galarian Slowking.
Griseous Orb ImageGriseous Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Giratina. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Ghost-type moves when it is held.
Iceroot Carrot ImageIceroot Carrot Produce that the King of Bountiful Harvests' beloved steed likes to eat. It grew in a field covered in snow.
Jaboca Berry ImageJaboca Berry If held by a Pokémon, and if a foe’s physical attack lands, the foe also takes damage.
Legendary Clue 1 ImageLegendary Clue 1 A clue about the King of Bountiful Harvests. It's written by Peony, and an old photo is attached to it.
Legendary Clue 2 ImageLegendary Clue 2 A clue about the legend of giants. It's written by Peony and has unique drawings.
Legendary Clue 3 ImageLegendary Clue 3 A clue about the legend of bird Pokemon. It's written by Peony and has a unique drawing.
Legendary Clue? ImageLegendary Clue? A mysterious clue that Peony seems to have dropped. There's a photo attached to it showing a shining hole opening above the Max Lair.
Lustrous Orb ImageLustrous Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Water-type moves when it is held.
Magmarizer ImageMagmarizer A box packed with a tremendous amount of magma energy. It's loved by a certain Pokemon.
Micle Berry ImageMicle Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, its accuracy will increase just once when it's in a pinch.
Radiant Petal ImageRadiant Petal A single petal that the King of Bountiful Harvests gave you. It radiates faint light.
Reins of Unity ImageReins of Unity Reins that people presented to the king. They enable those who are connected to communicate with each other. The reins separate Calyrex and its beloved steed.
Reveal Glass ImageReveal Glass A looking glass that reveals the truth. It's a mysterious glass that returns a Pokemon to its original shape.
Rowap Berry ImageRowap Berry If held by a Pokémon, and if a foe’s special attack lands, the foe also takes damage.
Shaderoot Carrot ImageShaderoot Carrot Produce that the King of Bountiful Harvests' beloved steed likes to eat. It grew in a gloomy field.
Shock Drive ImageShock Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Electric type.
Soul Dew ImageSoul Dew A wondrous orb to be held by either Latios or Latias. It boosts the power of Psychic- and Dragon-type moves when it is held.
White Mane Hair ImageWhite Mane Hair Mane hair that belonged to the King of Bountiful Harvests’ beloved steed, Glastrier. The hair is strong and very flexible.
Wooden Crown ImageWooden Crown A mysterious object made of wood. Part of it seems to be chipped. Maybe it’s meant to be part of something.
Zygarde Cube ImageZygarde Cube An item in which Zygarde Cores and Cells are gathered. You can also use it to change Zygarde's forms.

New Items in the Isle of Armor

Item Effect
Armor Pass ImageArmor Pass A pass to go to the Isle of Armor. Show it to the rail staff at Wedgehurst Station.
Armorite Ore ImageArmorite Ore Rare ore that can be obtained on the Isle of Armor. Something good will happen if you give it to a collector on the Isle of Armor.
Black Apricorn ImageBlack Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.
Blue Apricorn ImageBlue Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.
Exp. Charm ImageExp. Charm Increases the Exp. Points that Pokemon can get.
Galarica Cuff ImageGalarica Cuff Give to Galarian Slowpoke to evolve it into Galarian Slowbro.
Galarica Twig ImageGalarica Twig Can be made into an Accessory needed to evolve Galarian Slowpoke.
Green Apricorn ImageGreen Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.
Mark Charm ImageMark Charm A mysterious and unique charm that increases the chance of finding a Pokémon with a mark.
Max Honey ImageMax Honey If added to Max Soup, the Soup can be used on Urshifu. It also has the same effect as a Max Revive.
Max Mushroom ImageMax Mushroom Mushrooms that have the power of changing Dynamax forms. They boost all stats of a Pokemon during Battle.
Metal Powder ImageMetal Powder An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Defense stat.
Pink Apricorn ImagePink Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.
Quick Powder ImageQuick Powder An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Speed stat.
Red Apricorn ImageRed Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.
Safari Ball ImageSafari Ball A special Poké Ball that was used in the Safari Zone in the Kanto region and in the Great Marsh in the Sinnoh region.
Sport Ball ImageSport Ball A special Poké Ball that is used during the Bug-Catching Contest.
Style Card ImageStyle Card A card that increases the selection in boutiques and hair salons.
White Apricorn ImageWhite Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.
Yellow Apricorn ImageYellow Apricorn Used to create Items with the Cram-o-Matic.

List of New Items


Item Effect
Dynamax Candy ImageDynamax Candy Increases Dynamax level by 1. A higher level results in higher HP when Dynamaxed.
Exp. Candy XS ImageExp. Candy XS Raises a Pokemon's Experience Points slightly.
Exp. Candy S ImageExp. Candy S Raises a Pokemon's Experience Points a small amount.
Exp. Candy M ImageExp. Candy M Raises a Pokemon's Experience Points moderately.
Exp. Candy L ImageExp. Candy L Raises a Pokemon's Experience Points significantly.
Exp. Candy XL ImageExp. Candy XL Raises a Pokemon's Experience Points greatly.

Battle Items

Item Effect
Adamant Orb ImageAdamant Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves when it is held.
Burn Drive ImageBurn Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes FIre type.
Chill Drive ImageChill Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Ice type.
Douse Drive ImageDouse Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Water type.
Eject Pack ImageEject Pack Enables Pokemon with a lowered stat to switch out of battle.
Griseous Orb ImageGriseous Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Giratina. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Ghost-type moves when it is held.
Heavy-Duty Boots ImageHeavy-Duty Boots These boots prevent the effects of traps set on the battlefield.
Lustrous Orb ImageLustrous Orb A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Water-type moves when it is held.
Max Mushroom ImageMax Mushroom Mushrooms that have the power of changing Dynamax forms. They boost all stats of a Pokemon during Battle.
Metal Powder ImageMetal Powder An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Defense stat.
Quick Powder ImageQuick Powder An item to be held by Ditto. Extremely fine yet hard, this odd powder boosts the Speed stat.
Room Service ImageRoom Service Lowers the user's speed during Trick Room.
Shock Drive ImageShock Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Electric type.
Soul Dew ImageSoul Dew A wondrous orb to be held by either Latios or Latias. It boosts the power of Psychic- and Dragon-type moves when it is held.

Training Items

Item Effect
Mild Mint ImageMild Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Adamant Mint ImageAdamant Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Timid Mint ImageTimid Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Rash Mint ImageRash Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Calm Mint ImageCalm Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Gentle Mint ImageGentle Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Lonely Mint ImageLonely Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Hasty Mint ImageHasty Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Bold Mint ImageBold Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Careful Mint ImageCareful Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Relaxed Mint ImageRelaxed Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Lax Mint ImageLax Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Sassy Mint ImageSassy Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Modest Mint ImageModest Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Naive Mint ImageNaive Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Brave Mint ImageBrave Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Naughty Mint ImageNaughty Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Jolly Mint ImageJolly Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Quiet Mint ImageQuiet Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.
Impish Mint ImageImpish Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.


Item Effect
Sausages ImageSausages One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. These sausages should be boiled before eating.
Brittle Bones ImageBrittle Bones One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The taste boiled off from the bones is sure to give a dish a light umami taste.
Mixed Mushrooms ImageMixed Mushrooms One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.
Gigantamix ImageGigantamix One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. A mysterious spice. Even a tiny sprinkle is sure to make a curry gigantic.
Bread ImageBread One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. An indispensable tool for mopping up that extra curry left on your plate.
Fresh Cream ImageFresh Cream One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.
Spice Mix ImageSpice Mix One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. There are over fifty spices contained within this ingredient's hot flavor.
Fancy Apple ImageFancy Apple One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.
Pasta ImagePasta One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. These flour noodles make for a surprisingly good match with curry.
BachBach's Food Tin One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The tinned food that Bach sells is curiously popular in Galar.
Large Leek ImageLarge Leek One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.
Fried Food ImageFried Food One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. It's been a while since it was fried, so it's gotten greasy.
Tin of Beans ImageTin of Beans One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.
Pungent Root ImagePungent Root One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Though carelessly picked, these herbs can add a fragrant accent to a dish.
Moomoo Cheese ImageMoomoo Cheese One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Melted cheese can really give a curry some richness.
Precooked Burger ImagePrecooked Burger One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. If you're unsure about what to cook, you can't go wrong with some burger.
Instant Noodles ImageInstant Noodles One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.
Fruit Bunch ImageFruit Bunch One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The syrupy fruits give off a strong tropical feel.
Smoke-Poke Tail ImageSmoke-Poke Tail One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. When a Slowpoke's tail falls off, it grows back quickly.
Pack of Potatoes ImagePack of Potatoes One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Potatoes help mellow out a spicy taste, to make a dish more mild.
Salad Mix ImageSalad Mix One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The assortment of vegetables looks quite appealing and healthy.
Coconut Milk ImageCoconut Milk One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The refined sweetness of this coconut milk makes it quite popular.
Boiled Egg ImageBoiled Egg One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Even just one boiled egg can really enhance a dish.
Packaged Curry ImagePackaged Curry One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Using packaged curry helps make sure there are no slipups when cooking.
BobBob's Food Tin One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The tinned food that Bob sells is curiously popular in Galar.

Confirmed New Items

Mints: An item that changes a Pokemon's nature

Up until now, there have been the existence of Pokemon Natures, which can make it easier or more difficult for Pokemon's stats to grow. When battling and selecting your team, you had to carefully select Pokemon with the natures that best suited them for them to reach their potential.

However, in Pokemon Sword and Shield, you can change a Pokemon's nature through the use of Mints. Thanks to this fact, what was previously a long and grueling process of trying to obtain the most useful Pokemon for battle has become much simpler.

Exp. Candy: An item that lets you obtain a ton of exp. points

Exp Candy 2.png

Exp. Candy is an item that when used allows a Pokemon gain experience points. While the series previous made use of the item Rare Candy, which raises a Pokemon's level by one per candy used, this item actually gives you a set amount of exp., allowing your Pokemon to grow multiple levels at once.

Exp. Candy can be obtained from Max Raid Battles

This item, which is extremely useful for leveling up, can be obtained as a rewards from Max Raid Battles. This is by far the quickest way to level up your Pokemon, and it also lets you avoid XP share, so completing many Max Raid Battles is the key to level farming!

How to Easily Collect Exp. Candy

Nutritious Drinks

Up to this point in the series, using nutritious drinks (vitamins) like Protein and Iron would add 10 EVs to a Pokemon's stat, although there was a limit of 100.

However, that limit has been increased, and the number of EVs a Pokemon can gain is now up to 252.

Related Links

All ItemsSee All Items
Types of Items
New Items
Poke Balls.pngPoke Balls TRs.pngTRs TMs.pngTMs
Berries.pngBerries Evolutionary Stones.pngEvolutionary Stones Ingredients.pngIngredients
Battle Items.jpgBattle Items Recovery Items.pngRecovery Items Power Items.pngPower Items
Important Items
Mints.pngMints Exp. Candy.pngExp. Candy Vitamins.pngVitamins
Master Ball.pngMaster Ball Fossils.pngFossils Evolutionary Held Items.pngEvolutionary Held Items
Lucky Egg.jpgLucky Egg Rare Candy.pngRare Candy Bottle CapBottle Caps


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