Pokemon Sword and Shield

Throat Spray Effect and How to Get It

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Throat Spray Effect and How To Get It

This is a page on the Battle Item Throat Spray and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see its effect, how to get it, and how to use it competitively.

Throat Spray Effect

Throat Spray ImageThroat Spray
Effect Raises Sp. Atk when a Pokémon uses a sound-based move.

How to Get Throat Spray


Places This Item Can Be Found
Motostoke Snowslide Slope

By Finding the Minccino

A kid is looking for his Minccino at the top of Motostoke. Help him find his Minccino and he will reward you with the Throat Spray.

Where to find Minccino

1. Minccino 1.jpgTalk to the boy at the top of Motostoke. He can be seen at the left part of the stadium.
2. Minccino 2.jpgGo back towards the direction of the stadium.
3. Minccino 3.jpgGo to the fountain at the left side of the stadium and whistle. Press the left stick to whistle, you must be off the bike to do this.
4. Minccino 4.jpgTalk to the boy again and he will give you the Throat Spray.

Exchange for BP at the Battle Tower

battle tower
Throat Spray can be obtained at the BP Shop in exchange for 10 BP. The BP Shop is located in the Battle Tower at Wyndon.

The Battle Tower will be unlocked after clearing the story. For more advice, check out our complete guide and walkthrough below.
Battle Tower Walkthrough and Recommended Party

Obtain in Snowslide Slope

A Throat Spray can be found in the Snowslide Slope area of the The Crown Tundra DLC.

Snowslide Slope Map and Obtainable Pokemon

How to Use Throat Spray

The Thoat Spray has the effect of raising the user's Special Attack by one stage after using a Sound-Based Move once.

This item is niche, but can be helpful for Pokemon that rely on sound-based attacks. An example user is Toxtricity and its signature sound-based move Overdrive.

Toxtricity - Moveset & Best Build for Ranked Battle

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