Pokemon Sword and Shield

Mystic Water Effect and How to Get It

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Competitive Battle Guide

Mystic Water Effect and How to Get It

This is a page on the Battle Item Mystic Water and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see its effect, how to get it, and how to use it competitively.

Mystic Water Effect

Mystic Water ImageMystic Water
Effect An item to be held by a Pokémon. This teardrop-shaped gem boosts the power of Water-type moves.

How to Get Mystic Water

Purchase at the Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop

Bargain Shop.jpg
Located in Stow-on-Side, there is a bargain shop that sells rare items where the prices are not fixed.

You can buy Mystic Water for ₽3000 if it is the Bargain of the Day.

You can only buy one item per day so it is good to visit daily. Talk to the merchant to check yesterday's, tomorrow's, and today's Bargain of the Day.

Obtain in Challenge Beach

A Mystic Water can be found in the Challenge Beach area of the Isle of Armor DLC. You can find it behind the Tower of Waters.

Challenge Beach Map and Obtainable Pokemon

Obtain from Wild Pokemon

The following Pokemon may hold the item, Mystic Water. You can get it by using the move Thief or Trick.

Lapras ImageLapras Goldeen ImageGoldeen Dewpider ImageDewpider Araquanid ImageAraquanid

Receive from Sobble

Sobble pick.png
When you pick Sobble as your starter you will be given the Mystic Water early on in the story.

How to Use Mystic Water

Offensive Water-type Pokemon will see great use for Mystic Water as it boosts Water-type moves by 20%, and also stacks with STAB.

Most Water-type attackers will need this in order to fully maximize their offensive capabilities.

Mystic Water vs Choice Item

There will be times where you will come across the question of what item you should equip to your Water-type attacker. Both Mystic Water and Choice Band or Choice Specs has their pros and cons.

Advantage Disadvantage
Mystic Water ・20% damage boost to Water-type moves
・Can use all moves
・Only boost Water-type moves
Choice Band or Choice Specs ・50% boost to Atk/Sp.Atk ・Locked to one move

The item you should use will depend on how you will utilize your Pokemon's moveset in battle.

If your Pokemon will only rely on one Water-type move, then a Choice item will be the better option. If you think your Pokemon needs to use other moves besides Water-type attacks, then go for Mystic Water.

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