Pokemon Sword and Shield

Where to Find Training Items

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This is a page on Training Items, aka EV-Enhancing Items, in Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you would like to know what Training Items do and where they can be found, please read on.

Where to Find Training Items

Exchange for BP in Hammerlocke

Training Items
Power Band, Power Lens, and other Training Items can be obtained in Hammerlocke by exchaning 10 BP for them. BP is obtained by winning battles in the Battle Tower, so be sure and take on the Battle Tower and collect some BP before trying to power up your Pokemon too much.

List of Training Items

Item Effect
Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Attack stat to grow more after battling.
Power Belt ImagePower Belt An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Defense stat to grow more after battling.
Power Lens ImagePower Lens An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Atk stat to grow more after battling.
Power Band ImagePower Band An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Sp. Def stat to grow more after battling.
Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's Speed stat to grow more after battling.
Power Weight ImagePower Weight An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces Speed but allows the holder's maximum HP to grow more after battling.
Macho Brace ImageMacho Brace An item to be held by a Pokémon. This stiff, heavy brace helps Pokémon grow strong but cuts Speed in battle.

What are Training Items?

Items that add +8 to a Pokemon's EVs

Training Items allow a Pokemon holding them to obtain +8 EVs after battle. For example, a Pokemon holding the Power Bracer will gain +8 Atk after gaining experience in battle. However, note that the Pokemon's Speed stat in battle will be lowered.

How to EV Train Fast

Macho Brace doubles the EVs gained in battle

Although it does not have Power in its name, Macho Brace will double the EVs gained in battle. For example, a Pokemon holding the Macho Brace who defeats a Machop (who normally gives +1 Atk EV) will instead receive +2 Attack EVs.

Related Links

All ItemsSee All Items
Types of Items
New Items
Poke Balls.pngPoke Balls TRs.pngTRs TMs.pngTMs
Berries.pngBerries Evolutionary Stones.pngEvolutionary Stones Ingredients.pngIngredients
Battle Items.jpgBattle Items Recovery Items.pngRecovery Items Power Items.pngPower Items
Important Items
Mints.pngMints Exp. Candy.pngExp. Candy Vitamins.pngVitamins
Master Ball.pngMaster Ball Fossils.pngFossils Evolutionary Held Items.pngEvolutionary Held Items
Lucky Egg.jpgLucky Egg Rare Candy.pngRare Candy Bottle CapBottle Caps


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