Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of Recovery Items (Medicine)

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List of Recovery Items

This page lists all Recovery Items, aka Medicine, in the game Pokemon Sword and Shield, the Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLCs. If you would like to know what items can be used to heal your Pokemon's HP or cure its status conditions, please read on.

List of Recovery Items (Medicine)

HP Restoring Items

Item Effect
Berry Juice ImageBerry Juice A 100 percent pure juice made of Berries. When consumed, it restores 20 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Energy Powder ImageEnergy Powder A very bitter medicinal powder. When consumed, it restores up to 60 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Energy Root ImageEnergy Root An extremely bitter medicinal root. When consumed, it restores up to 120 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Fresh Water ImageFresh Water Water with high mineral content. It can be used to restore 30 HP to a single Pokemon.
Full Restore ImageFull Restore A medicine that can be used to fully restore the HP of a single Pokemon and heal any status conditions it has.
Hyper Potion ImageHyper Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 120 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Lemonade ImageLemonade A very sweet and refreshing drink. It can be used to restore 70 HP to single Pokemon.
Max Potion ImageMax Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to completely restore the max HP of a single Pokemon.
Moomoo Milk ImageMoomoo Milk A bottle of highly nutritious milk. When consumed, it restores up to 100 HP to an injured Pokémon.
Potion ImagePotion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 20 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Soda Pop ImageSoda Pop A highly carbonated soda drink. It can be used to restore 50 HP to a single Pokemon.
Super Potion ImageSuper Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 60 HP to an injured Pokemon.
Sweet Heart ImageSweet Heart A piece of cloyingly sweet chocolate. It can be used to restore 20 HP to a single Pokémon.

PP Restoring Items

Item Effect
Elixir ImageElixir This medicine can be used to restore 10 PP to each of the moves that have been learned by a Pokemon.
Ether ImageEther This medicine can be used to restore 10 PP to a single selected move that has been learned by a Pokemon.
Max Elixir ImageMax Elixir This medicine can be used to fully restore the PP of all of the moves that have been learned by a Pokémon.
Max Ether ImageMax Ether This medicine can be used to fully restore the PP of a single selected move that has been learned by a Pokemon.

Status Condition Healing Items

Item Effect
Antidote ImageAntidote A spray-type medicine for treating poisoning. It can be used to lift the effects of being poisoned from a single Pokemon.
Awakening ImageAwakening A spray-type medicine used against sleep. It can be used once to rouse a Pokemon from the clutches of sleep.
Big Malasada ImageBig Malasada The Alola region's local specialty-fried bread. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokemon.
Burn Heal ImageBurn Heal A spray-type medichine for treating burns. It can be used to heal a single Pokemon suffering from a burn.
Casteliacone ImageCasteliacone Castelia City's specialty, soft-serve ice cream. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Full Heal ImageFull Heal A spray-type medicine that is broadly effective. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokemon.
Heal Powder ImageHeal Powder A very bitter medicinal powder. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Ice Heal ImageIce Heal A spray-type medicine for treating freezing. It can be used to thaw out a single Pokemon that has been frozen solid.
Lava Cookie ImageLava Cookie Lavaridge Town's local specialty. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Lumiose Galette ImageLumiose Galette A popular treat in Lumiose City. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Max Revive ImageMax Revive A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also fully restores the Pokemon's max HP.
Old Gateau ImageOld Gateau The Old Chateau's hidden specialty. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Paralyze Heal ImageParalyze Heal A spray-type medicine for treating paralysis. It can be used to free a single Pokemon that has been paralyzed.
Pewter Crunchies ImagePewter Crunchies Pewter City's famous crunchy snack. They can be used to heal all status conditions of a single Pokémon.
Rage Candy Bar ImageRage Candy Bar Mahogany Town's famous candy. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.
Revival Herb ImageRevival Herb A terribly bitter medicinal herb. It revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its maximum HP.
Revive ImageRevive A medicine that can be used to revive a single Pokemon that has fainted. It also restores half of the Pokemon's max HP.
Shalour Sable ImageShalour Sable Shalour City's famous shortbread. It can be used once to heal all the status conditions of a Pokémon.

HP Restoring Berries

Item Effect
Aguav Berry ImageAguav Berry If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Aspear Berry ImageAspear Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from being frozen on its own in battle.
Cheri Berry ImageCheri Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from paralysis on its own in battle.
Chesto Berry ImageChesto Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from sleep on its own in battle.
Enigma Berry ImageEnigma Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon. If a Pokémon holds one, being hit by a supereffective attack will restore its HP.
Figy Berry ImageFigy Berry If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Iapapa Berry ImageIapapa Berry If held by a Pokemon, it restore the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Leppa Berry ImageLeppa Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can restore 10 PP to a depleted move during battle.
Lum Berry ImageLum Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from any status condition during battle.
Mago Berry ImageMago Berry If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.
Oran Berry ImageOran Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can restore its own HP by 10 points during battle.
Pecha Berry ImagePecha Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from poisoning on its own in battle.
Persim Berry ImagePersim Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from confusion on its own in battle.
Rawst Berry ImageRawst Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can recover from a burn on its own in battle.
Sitrus Berry ImageSitrus Berry A Berry to be consumed by Pokemon. If a Pokemon holds one, it can restore its own HP by a small amount during battle.
Wiki Berry ImageWiki Berry If held by a Pokemon, it restores the user's HP in a pinch, but it will cause confusion if the user hates the taste.

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