Pokemon Sword and Shield

Rare Candy Effect and How to Get It

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Rare Candy Effect and How to Get It

Rare Candy is a Vitamin in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC that causes a Pokemon to level up by one stage. Read on to learn more about its effects, how to get it, and other related guides.

Rare Candy Effect

Rare Candy ImageRare Candy
Effect A candy that is packed with energy. When consumed, it will instantly raise the level of a single Pokemon by one.

Evolves Level 100 Pokemon

Using a Rare Candy on a Pokemon that is level 100 will cause it to evolve. This effect only applies to Pokemon that still have an evolutionary stage and evolves via level up.

So for example, a level 100 Rowlet will evolve into Dartrix if given a Rare Candy. But a level 100 Scyther will not evolve into Scizor if given a Rare Candy.

Raises the Pokemon's Friendship

Giving a Pokemon a Rare Candy will also increase its friendship.

Other Ways to Increase Friendship

How to Get Rare Candy

Buy at Hammerlocke BP Shop

Hammerlocke BP Shop
You can buy Rare Candies for 20 BP at Hammerlocke's Pokemon Center. It is sold by the League Staff on the right.
Hammerlocke Map and Obtainable Pokemon

Obtain at Route 2

Rare Candy can be found on Route 2. Use your Rotom Bike to surf and get the item at the middle of the island.

Win Loto-ID

Loto ID Win.jpg
You can draw the lottery at any Pokemon Center where you get a prize if the drawn number matches the ID of any of your Pokemon.

You can get Rare Candy as one of the prizes. Be sure to check it regularly because it refreshes daily.

It is also recommended to do Surprise Trades for more chances of winning.
How to Surprise Trade Online

Can be Obtained with Pickup

Pokémon with the ability Pickup may obtain Rare Candy, albeit rarely.

Pokemon with Pickup Ability

Pokemon SWSH - Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth Pokemon SWSH - BunnelbyBunnelby Pokemon SWSH - DedenneDedenne Pokemon SWSH - DiggersbyDiggersby
Pokemon SWSH - Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone Pokemon SWSH - Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth Pokemon SWSH - Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon Pokemon SWSH - Gigantamax MeowthGigantamax Meowth
Pokemon SWSH - GourgeistGourgeist Pokemon SWSH - Gourgeist (Large Size)Gourgeist (Large Size) Pokemon SWSH - Gourgeist (Small Size)Gourgeist (Small Size) Pokemon SWSH - Gourgeist (Super Size)Gourgeist (Super Size)
Pokemon SWSH - LillipupLillipup Pokemon SWSH - LinooneLinoone Pokemon SWSH - MeowthMeowth Pokemon SWSH - MunchlaxMunchlax
Pokemon SWSH - PumpkabooPumpkaboo Pokemon SWSH - Pumpkaboo (Large Size)Pumpkaboo (Large Size) Pokemon SWSH - Pumpkaboo (Small Size)Pumpkaboo (Small Size) Pokemon SWSH - Pumpkaboo (Super Size)Pumpkaboo (Super Size)
Pokemon SWSH - ZigzagoonZigzagoon

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