Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Helping Hand (TM41)

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Helping Hand

This is an article for the move Helping Hand (TM41) and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Helping Hand (TM41) - Type and Effect

Type Pokemon Normal Image
Category Pokemon Status Image
Power -
Accuracy -
PP 20
Effect The user assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally's attack.
Max Move Max Guard
Power: -
TM / TR TM41

Pokemon That Learn Helping Hand (TM41)

By Default

NidoqueenNidoqueen NidokingNidoking GrowlitheGrowlithe
ArcanineArcanine HitmonleeHitmonlee HitmonchanHitmonchan
EeveeEevee VaporeonVaporeon JolteonJolteon
FlareonFlareon MarillMarill AzumarillAzumarill
EspeonEspeon UmbreonUmbreon RemoraidRemoraid
OctilleryOctillery TyrogueTyrogue HitmontopHitmontop
LucarioLucario LeafeonLeafeon GlaceonGlaceon
CottoneeCottonee WhimsicottWhimsicott LilligantLilligant
CinccinoCinccino CobalionCobalion TerrakionTerrakion
VirizionVirizion KeldeoKeldeo SylveonSylveon
MagearnaMagearna PoipolePoipole NaganadelNaganadel

By Level Up

Nidoran♀Nidoran♀ NidorinaNidorina Nidoran♂Nidoran♂
NidorinoNidorino GrowlitheGrowlithe ChanseyChansey
BlisseyBlissey AzurillAzurill LatiasLatias
LatiosLatios JirachiJirachi CherubiCherubi
CherrimCherrim RioluRiolu GalladeGallade
LillipupLillipup HerdierHerdier StoutlandStoutland
AudinoAudino PetililPetilil MinccinoMinccino
MeowsticMeowstic WishiwashiWishiwashi ComfeyComfey
PyukumukuPyukumuku IndeedeeIndeedee CalyrexCalyrex
Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider) Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By TM / TR

BulbasaurBulbasaur IvysaurIvysaur VenusaurVenusaur
CharmanderCharmander CharmeleonCharmeleon CharizardCharizard
SquirtleSquirtle WartortleWartortle BlastoiseBlastoise
PikachuPikachu RaichuRaichu Alolan RaichuAlolan Raichu
Nidoran♀Nidoran♀ NidorinaNidorina NidoqueenNidoqueen
Nidoran♂Nidoran♂ NidorinoNidorino NidokingNidoking
ClefairyClefairy ClefableClefable JigglypuffJigglypuff
WigglytuffWigglytuff GrowlitheGrowlithe ArcanineArcanine
PoliwagPoliwag PoliwhirlPoliwhirl PoliwrathPoliwrath
MachopMachop MachokeMachoke MachampMachamp
Galarian FarfetchGalarian Farfetch'd FarfetchFarfetch'd HitmonleeHitmonlee
HitmonchanHitmonchan LickitungLickitung RhydonRhydon
ChanseyChansey KangaskhanKangaskhan Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime JynxJynx ElectabuzzElectabuzz
MagmarMagmar PinsirPinsir TaurosTauros
LaprasLapras EeveeEevee VaporeonVaporeon
JolteonJolteon FlareonFlareon MewMew
CleffaCleffa PichuPichu IgglybuffIgglybuff
TogepiTogepi TogeticTogetic BellossomBellossom
MarillMarill AzumarillAzumarill SudowoodoSudowoodo
PolitoedPolitoed EspeonEspeon UmbreonUmbreon
DunsparceDunsparce ShuckleShuckle HeracrossHeracross
RemoraidRemoraid OctilleryOctillery DelibirdDelibird
MantineMantine TyrogueTyrogue HitmontopHitmontop
SmoochumSmoochum ElekidElekid MagbyMagby
MiltankMiltank BlisseyBlissey RaikouRaikou
EnteiEntei SuicuneSuicune LugiaLugia
Ho-ohHo-oh CelebiCelebi TorchicTorchic
CombuskenCombusken BlazikenBlaziken ZigzagoonZigzagoon
Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon LinooneLinoone Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone
RaltsRalts KirliaKirlia GardevoirGardevoir
AzurillAzurill SableyeSableye MawileMawile
LunatoneLunatone SolrockSolrock MiloticMilotic
DuskullDuskull DusclopsDusclops LatiasLatias
LatiosLatios JirachiJirachi ShinxShinx
LuxioLuxio LuxrayLuxray CherubiCherubi
CherrimCherrim BunearyBuneary LopunnyLopunny
BonslyBonsly Mime Jr.Mime Jr. HappinyHappiny
RioluRiolu LucarioLucario CroagunkCroagunk
ToxicroakToxicroak MantykeMantyke LickilickyLickilicky
RhyperiorRhyperior ElectivireElectivire MagmortarMagmortar
TogekissTogekiss LeafeonLeafeon GlaceonGlaceon
GalladeGallade DusknoirDusknoir RotomRotom
Heat RotomHeat Rotom Wash RotomWash Rotom Frost RotomFrost Rotom
Fan RotomFan Rotom Mow RotomMow Rotom UxieUxie
MespritMesprit AzelfAzelf CresseliaCresselia
VictiniVictini LillipupLillipup HerdierHerdier
StoutlandStoutland MunnaMunna MusharnaMusharna
WoobatWoobat SwoobatSwoobat AudinoAudino
TimburrTimburr GurdurrGurdurr ConkeldurrConkeldurr
ThrohThroh SawkSawk CottoneeCottonee
WhimsicottWhimsicott PetililPetilil LilligantLilligant
MaractusMaractus MinccinoMinccino CinccinoCinccino
GothitaGothita GothoritaGothorita GothitelleGothitelle
SolosisSolosis DuosionDuosion ReuniclusReuniclus
EmolgaEmolga MienfooMienfoo MienshaoMienshao
GolettGolett GolurkGolurk DurantDurant
ZweilousZweilous HydreigonHydreigon CobalionCobalion
TerrakionTerrakion VirizionVirizion ReshiramReshiram
ZekromZekrom KyuremKyurem KeldeoKeldeo
PanchamPancham PangoroPangoro EspurrEspurr
MeowsticMeowstic SpritzeeSpritzee AromatisseAromatisse
SwirlixSwirlix SlurpuffSlurpuff BinacleBinacle
BarbaracleBarbaracle ClauncherClauncher ClawitzerClawitzer
SylveonSylveon HawluchaHawlucha DedenneDedenne
DiancieDiancie PopplioPopplio BrionneBrionne
PrimarinaPrimarina CutieflyCutiefly RibombeeRibombee
WishiwashiWishiwashi SalanditSalandit SalazzleSalazzle
BounsweetBounsweet SteeneeSteenee TsareenaTsareena
ComfeyComfey PyukumukuPyukumuku TogedemaruTogedemaru
DrampaDrampa DhelmiseDhelmise SolgaleoSolgaleo
LunalaLunala MagearnaMagearna PoipolePoipole
NaganadelNaganadel ZeraoraZeraora CinderaceCinderace
DottlerDottler OrbeetleOrbeetle GossifleurGossifleur
EldegossEldegoss YamperYamper BoltundBoltund
HatennaHatenna HattremHattrem HattereneHatterene
ObstagoonObstagoon SirfetchSirfetch'd Mr. RimeMr. Rime
MilceryMilcery AlcremieAlcremie FalinksFalinks
FrosmothFrosmoth IndeedeeIndeedee DreepyDreepy
DrakloakDrakloak DragapultDragapult ZacianZacian
ZamazentaZamazenta KubfuKubfu Urshifu Single-Strike StyleUrshifu Single-Strike Style
Urshifu Rapid-Strike StyleUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style CalyrexCalyrex Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

Helping Hand is one of the most important moves that can be used by support Pokemon in Doubles. It boosts the target's attack for that turn by 50%.

This move has increased priority which means that it will be used first most of the time, and can guarantee that the target's move will receive a boost in that turn.

Helping Hand can be used on an allied Pokemon about to do a single-target attack to ensure its move will hit as hard as it can, or to an ally that is about to do a multi-target move to maximize its offensive potential.

Helping Hand (TM41) Locations

Purchase from the Motostoke Poke Mart

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Poke Mart TM.png

Helping Hand (TM41) is available for purchase at the Poke Mart at Motostoke.

Motostoke Map

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
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Moves by Category
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Moves by Effects
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List of Priority Moves


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