Pokemon Sword and Shield

Galarian Farfetch'd - Evolutions, Location, and Learnset

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Galarian Farfetch

This is a page on the Pokemon Galarian Farfetch'd, including its Learnset and where it can be found in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on for information on its evolutions, abilities, type advantages, and location.

#217 #218 #219
WobbuffetWobbuffet Galarian FarfetchGalarian Farfetch'd SirfetchSirfetch'd

Galarian Farfetch'd - Type and Abilities

Galarian Farfetch'd - Type

Galarian Farfetch'd
Wild Duck Pokémon
Pokemon - Galarian Farfetch
Type 1 Type 2
Pokemon Fighting Image -

Galarian Farfetch'd Weaknesses and Resistances

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Bug Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage

Galarian Farfetch'd Pokédex Entries

The Farfetch’d of the Galar region are brave warriors, and they wield thick, tough leeks in battle.
The stalks of leeks are thicker and longer in the Galar region. Farfetch’d that adapted to these stalks took on a unique form.

Best Pokemon Tier List For Ranked Battle

Galarian Farfetch'd Abilities

Name Description
Steadfast Raises Speed each time the Pokemon Flinches.

Galarian Farfetch'd Hidden Ability

Name Description
Scrappy Enables moves to hit Ghost-type Pokemon.

Galarian Farfetch'd Egg Group

Egg Groups
Pokemon - Flying Egg GroupFlying Pokemon - Field Egg GroupField

Base Stats of Galarian Farfetch'd

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

List of All Pokemon by Base Stats

Evolution Chart of Galarian Farfetch'd

Evolution Line
Galarian FarfetchGalarian Farfetch'd 3x critical strike during battle

How to Evolve Every Pokemon

How to Evolve Galarian Farfetch'd into Sirfetch'd

Get 3 Critical Hits in one battle

How to Evolve Galarian Farfetch
Galarian Farfetch'd has an exclusive method for evolution. Unlike other Pokemon, Galarian Farfetch'd evolves by landing 3 critical hits in a single battle.

Tips to Evolve Galarian Farfetch'd

How to Evolve Galarian Farfetch
The chances of getting 3 critical hits in one battle are usually extremely rare. However, there are a few techniques players can use to increase their odds dramatically.

Catch a Galarian Farfetch'd with Leek

How to Evolve Galarian Farfetch
There are chances of a Galarian Farfetch'd in the wild holding a Leek as its held item. Leek gives Galarian Farfetch'd a two-stage boost in its critical-hit ratio. With a two-stage boost, Galarian Farfetch'd is able to pull off critical hits 50% of the time. With a Galarian Farfetch'd holding a Leek, players can achieve the evolution conditions for Galarian Farfetch'd in an average of only six attacks.

If you don't manage to catch a Galarian Farfetch'd with a Leek on your first try, consider using the move Thief to steal the Leek from a wild Galarian Farfetch'd without needing to catch it.
Pokemon Who Can Learn Thief

Use Focus Energy

The Focus Energy TR can be found in Motostoke near the entrance to the city. This move will provide a two-stage critical-hit ratio boost, so teaching it to Galarian Farfetch'd is another useful way to quickly evolve it.

List of TRs

Use Dire Hit

Dire Hit is an item which will boost a Pokemon's critical hit ratio in battle by two stages. Just using this item once will provide Galarian Farfetch'd with the same critical hit boost as the Leek or Focus Energy.

Use Leaf Blade

Galarian Farfetch'd is able to learn the move Leaf Blade by level up or by TM. This move has a one-stage increased critical-hit ratio, allowing Galarian Farfetch'd to land critical hits more easily (but not to the same degree as the other methods).

Stack the techniques above

These effects can also be stacked to further increase its odds. For example, a Galarian Farfetch'd with Leek and Focus Energy will have a four-stage boost, equivalent to a 100% critical-hit ratio. Note that the effects of Focus Energy and Dire Hit do not stack with each other.

Locations Where Galarian Farfetch'd Appears

Where to find Galarian Farfetch'd

Random Encounter

There are no maps where this Pokemon appears.

Visible Encounter

Galarian Farfetch
Galarian Farfetch'd comes as early as Route 5 in the game just right after finishing the 1st Gym.

However, Galarian Farfetch'd is exclusive to Pokemon Sword, so you will need to trade to obtain it in Pokemon Shield.

Map Weather Appearance Rate
Route 5 - Rare (Sword Only)
Giant's Mirror Cloudy Rare

Raid Encounter

Location Hidden Ability?
Stony Wilderness Special Den (C) No
Dusty Bowl Den (I) No
North Lake Miloch Den (D) No
North Lake Miloch Den (C) No
Frostpoint Field Rare Den E Yes
Giant's Bed Rare Den B Yes
Snowslide Slope Rare Den H Yes
Ballimere Lake Rare Den B Yes
Frigid Sea Rare Den I Yes

See our detailed maps for info on all Pokemon locations and Raid Battles around the Crown Tundra!
The Crown Tundra Maps and Pokemon Locations

Learnset of Galarian Farfetch'd

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. Move Type Power Acc. PP
Base Peck Pokemon Flying Image 35 100 35
Base Sand Attack Pokemon Ground Image - 100 15
5 Leer Pokemon Normal Image - 100 30
10 Fury Cutter Pokemon Bug Image 40 95 20
15 Rock Smash Pokemon Fighting Image 40 100 15
20 Brutal Swing Pokemon Dark Image 60 100 20
25 Detect Pokemon Fighting Image - - 5
30 Knock Off Pokemon Dark Image 65 100 20
40 Brick Break Pokemon Fighting Image 75 100 15
45 Swords Dance Pokemon Normal Image - - 20
50 Slam Pokemon Normal Image 80 75 20
55 Leaf Blade Pokemon Grass Image 90 100 15
60 Final Gambit Pokemon Fighting Image - 100 5
65 Brave Bird Pokemon Flying Image 120 100 15

Learnset by TM

No. Move Type Power Acc. PP
TM12 Solar Blade Pokemon Grass Image 125 100 10
TM21 Rest Pokemon Psychic Image - - 10
TM24 Snore Pokemon Normal Image 50 100 15
TM25 Protect Pokemon Normal Image - - 10
TM30 Steel Wing Pokemon Steel Image 70 90 25
TM31 Attract Pokemon Normal Image - 100 15
TM34 Sunny Day Pokemon Fire Image - - 5
TM39 Facade Pokemon Normal Image 70 100 20
TM40 Swift Pokemon Normal Image 60 - 20
TM41 Helping Hand Pokemon Normal Image - - 20
TM42 Revenge Pokemon Fighting Image 60 100 10
TM43 Brick Break Pokemon Fighting Image 75 100 15
TM56 U-turn Pokemon Bug Image 70 100 20
TM58 Assurance Pokemon Dark Image 60 100 10
TM76 Round Pokemon Normal Image 60 100 15
TM79 Retaliate Pokemon Normal Image 70 100 5
TM97 Brutal Swing Pokemon Dark Image 60 100 20

Learnset by TR

No. Move Type Power Acc. PP
TR00 Swords Dance Pokemon Normal Image - - 20
TR01 Body Slam Pokemon Normal Image 85 100 15
TR13 Focus Energy Pokemon Normal Image - - 30
TR20 Substitute Pokemon Normal Image - - 10
TR26 Endure Pokemon Normal Image - - 10
TR27 Sleep Talk Pokemon Normal Image - - 10
TR29 Baton Pass Pokemon Normal Image - - 40
TR31 Iron Tail Pokemon Steel Image 100 75 15
TR39 Superpower Pokemon Fighting Image 120 100 5
TR50 Leaf Blade Pokemon Grass Image 90 100 15
TR53 Close Combat Pokemon Fighting Image 120 100 5
TR57 Poison Jab Pokemon Poison Image 80 100 20
TR66 Brave Bird Pokemon Flying Image 120 100 15
TR85 Work Up Pokemon Normal Image - - 30
TR95 Throat Chop Pokemon Dark Image 80 100 15

Learnset through a Move Tutor

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Dual Wingbeat Pokemon Flying Image 40 90 10

Learnset via Egg Moves

Move Type Power Acc. PP
Final Gambit Pokemon Fighting Image - 100 5
Gust Pokemon Flying Image 40 100 35
Sky Attack Pokemon Flying Image 140 90 5
Flail Pokemon Normal Image - 100 15
Simple Beam Pokemon Normal Image - 100 15
Night Slash Pokemon Dark Image 70 100 15
Quick Attack Pokemon Normal Image 40 100 30
Curse Pokemon Ghost Image - - 10
Roost Pokemon Flying Image - - 10
Feint Pokemon Normal Image 30 100 10
Feather Dance Pokemon Flying Image - 100 15
Covet Pokemon Normal Image 60 100 25
First Impression Pokemon Bug Image 90 100 10

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Other Gen 8 Pokemon

Gen 8 Pokemon
GrookeyGrookey ThwackeyThwackey RillaboomRillaboom
Gigantamax RillaboomGigantamax Rillaboom ScorbunnyScorbunny RabootRaboot
CinderaceCinderace Gigantamax CinderaceGigantamax Cinderace SobbleSobble
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BlipbugBlipbug DottlerDottler OrbeetleOrbeetle
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CorviknightCorviknight Gigantamax CorviknightGigantamax Corviknight SkwovetSkwovet
GreedentGreedent NickitNickit ThievulThievul
Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone ObstagoonObstagoon
WoolooWooloo DubwoolDubwool ChewtleChewtle
DrednawDrednaw Gigantamax DrednawGigantamax Drednaw YamperYamper
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RolycolyRolycoly CarkolCarkol CoalossalCoalossal
Gigantamax CoalossalGigantamax Coalossal ArrokudaArrokuda BarraskewdaBarraskewda
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AlcremieAlcremie Gigantamax AlcremieGigantamax Alcremie ApplinApplin
FlappleFlapple Gigantamax FlappleGigantamax Flapple AppletunAppletun
Gigantamax AppletunGigantamax Appletun Galarian FarfetchGalarian Farfetch'd SirfetchSirfetch'd
Galarian StunfiskGalarian Stunfisk Galarian CorsolaGalarian Corsola CursolaCursola
ImpidimpImpidimp MorgremMorgrem GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl
Gigantamax GrimmsnarlGigantamax Grimmsnarl HatennaHatenna HattremHattrem
HattereneHatterene Gigantamax HattereneGigantamax Hatterene Galarian WeezingGalarian Weezing
CufantCufant CopperajahCopperajah Gigantamax CopperajahGigantamax Copperajah
CramorantCramorant ToxelToxel ToxtricityToxtricity
Gigantamax ToxtricityGigantamax Toxtricity SilicobraSilicobra SandacondaSandaconda
Gigantamax SandacondaGigantamax Sandaconda Galarian YamaskGalarian Yamask RunerigusRunerigus
Galarian PonytaGalarian Ponyta Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash SinisteaSinistea
PolteageistPolteageist IndeedeeIndeedee Indeedee (Female)Indeedee (Female)
MorpekoMorpeko FalinksFalinks SnomSnom
FrosmothFrosmoth ClobbopusClobbopus GrapploctGrapploct
PincurchinPincurchin Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime Mr. RimeMr. Rime
Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darumaka Galarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan Galarian Darmanitan (Zen Mode)Galarian Darmanitan (Zen Mode)
StonjournerStonjourner EiscueEiscue Eiscue (Noice Face)Eiscue (Noice Face)
DuraludonDuraludon Gigantamax DuraludonGigantamax Duraludon DracozoltDracozolt
ArctozoltArctozolt DracovishDracovish ArctovishArctovish
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ZamazentaZamazenta EternatusEternatus Galarian SlowpokeGalarian Slowpoke
Galarian SlowbroGalarian Slowbro Galarian SlowkingGalarian Slowking KubfuKubfu
Urshifu Single-Strike StyleUrshifu Single-Strike Style Gigantamax Urshifu Single-Strike StyleGigantamax Urshifu Single-Strike Style Urshifu Rapid-Strike StyleUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style
Gigantamax Urshifu Rapid-Strike StyleGigantamax Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style ZarudeZarude RegielekiRegieleki
RegidragoRegidrago Galarian ArticunoGalarian Articuno Galarian ZapdosGalarian Zapdos
Galarian MoltresGalarian Moltres GlastrierGlastrier SpectrierSpectrier
CalyrexCalyrex Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider) Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

Pokemon by Generation

All Generation Lists
Generation 1 Pokemon.pngGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 New PokemonGeneration 8 (New Pokemon)

Pokemon by Type

All Type Lists
FireFire WaterWater GrassGrass
ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal

Pokemon by Stats

All Stat Lists
Base Stats EV Yield Speed Ranking

Other Pokemon Guides

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Which Starter Pokemon Should You Choose? Type Effectiveness and Damage Output
Generation 8
(New Pokemon)
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List of Egg Groups Guide to Egg Moves


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