Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Taunt (TR37)


This is an article for the move Taunt and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Taunt - Effect

Type Pokemon Dark Image
Category Pokemon Status Image
Power -
Accuracy 100
PP 20
Effect The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
Max Move Max Guard
Power: -
TM / TR TR37

Pokemon That Learn Taunt

By Default

CrawdauntCrawdaunt ToxicroakToxicroak WeavileWeavile
DarmanitanDarmanitan Galarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan VanillishVanillish
VanilluxeVanilluxe PangoroPangoro Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Lycanroc (Dusk Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form) OranguruOranguru ThwackeyThwackey
RillaboomRillaboom Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider)

By Level Up

MeowthMeowth Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth
PersianPersian Alolan PersianAlolan Persian SneaselSneasel
Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone MawileMawile
CorphishCorphish AbsolAbsol CroagunkCroagunk
PidovePidove TranquillTranquill UnfezantUnfezant
DarumakaDarumaka Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darumaka ZoruaZorua
ZoroarkZoroark VanilliteVanillite AxewAxew
FraxureFraxure HaxorusHaxorus PanchamPancham
HawluchaHawlucha YveltalYveltal PyukumukuPyukumuku
BuzzwoleBuzzwole GrookeyGrookey RookideeRookidee
CorvisquireCorvisquire CorviknightCorviknight ToxtricityToxtricity
Toxtricity (Low Key Form)Toxtricity (Low Key Form) ClobbopusClobbopus GrapploctGrapploct
ObstagoonObstagoon PerrserkerPerrserker GlastrierGlastrier

By TM / TR

NidoqueenNidoqueen NidokingNidoking ZubatZubat
GolbatGolbat MeowthMeowth Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth
Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth PersianPersian Alolan PersianAlolan Persian
AbraAbra KadabraKadabra AlakazamAlakazam
GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter GengarGengar
OnixOnix KoffingKoffing WeezingWeezing
Galarian WeezingGalarian Weezing Mr. MimeMr. Mime Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime
JynxJynx GyaradosGyarados AerodactylAerodactyl
Galarian ZapdosGalarian Zapdos Galarian MoltresGalarian Moltres MewtwoMewtwo
MewMew CrobatCrobat SudowoodoSudowoodo
UmbreonUmbreon SteelixSteelix QwilfishQwilfish
SneaselSneasel SkarmorySkarmory LarvitarLarvitar
PupitarPupitar TyranitarTyranitar Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon
Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone RaltsRalts
KirliaKirlia GardevoirGardevoir LoudredLoudred
ExploudExploud SableyeSableye MawileMawile
AggronAggron CarvanhaCarvanha SharpedoSharpedo
CorphishCorphish CrawdauntCrawdaunt DuskullDuskull
DusclopsDusclops AbsolAbsol GlalieGlalie
StunkyStunky SkuntankSkuntank Mime Jr.Mime Jr.
SpiritombSpiritomb SkorupiSkorupi DrapionDrapion
CroagunkCroagunk ToxicroakToxicroak WeavileWeavile
ElectivireElectivire MagmortarMagmortar GalladeGallade
DusknoirDusknoir FroslassFroslass AzelfAzelf
HeatranHeatran VictiniVictini PurrloinPurrloin
LiepardLiepard PidovePidove TranquillTranquill
UnfezantUnfezant WoobatWoobat SwoobatSwoobat
TimburrTimburr GurdurrGurdurr ConkeldurrConkeldurr
ThrohThroh SawkSawk CottoneeCottonee
WhimsicottWhimsicott BasculinBasculin SandileSandile
KrokorokKrokorok KrookodileKrookodile DarumakaDarumaka
Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darumaka DarmanitanDarmanitan Galarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan
ScraggyScraggy ScraftyScrafty ArchenArchen
ArcheopsArcheops ZoruaZorua ZoroarkZoroark
GothitaGothita GothoritaGothorita GothitelleGothitelle
VanilliteVanillite VanillishVanillish VanilluxeVanilluxe
EmolgaEmolga EscavalierEscavalier FrillishFrillish
JellicentJellicent LitwickLitwick LampentLampent
ChandelureChandelure AxewAxew FraxureFraxure
HaxorusHaxorus BearticBeartic MienfooMienfoo
MienshaoMienshao DruddigonDruddigon PawniardPawniard
BisharpBisharp BouffalantBouffalant VullabyVullaby
MandibuzzMandibuzz HeatmorHeatmor DeinoDeino
ZweilousZweilous HydreigonHydreigon CobalionCobalion
TerrakionTerrakion VirizionVirizion TornadusTornadus
Tornadus (Therian Forme)Tornadus (Therian Forme) ThundurusThundurus Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme)
KeldeoKeldeo FletchlingFletchling FletchinderFletchinder
TalonflameTalonflame PanchamPancham PangoroPangoro
InkayInkay MalamarMalamar BinacleBinacle
BarbaracleBarbaracle HawluchaHawlucha NoibatNoibat
NoivernNoivern YveltalYveltal LittenLitten
TorracatTorracat IncineroarIncineroar RockruffRockruff
Lycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midday Form) Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form) Lycanroc (Dusk Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
SalanditSalandit SalazzleSalazzle StuffulStufful
BewearBewear TsareenaTsareena ComfeyComfey
OranguruOranguru PassimianPassimian WimpodWimpod
GolisopodGolisopod PyukumukuPyukumuku TurtonatorTurtonator
MimikyuMimikyu Jangmo-oJangmo-o Hakamo-oHakamo-o
Kommo-oKommo-o Tapu KokoTapu Koko Tapu LeleTapu Lele
Tapu BuluTapu Bulu Tapu FiniTapu Fini BuzzwoleBuzzwole
PheromosaPheromosa BlacephalonBlacephalon ZeraoraZeraora
GrookeyGrookey ThwackeyThwackey RillaboomRillaboom
ScorbunnyScorbunny RabootRaboot CinderaceCinderace
RookideeRookidee CorvisquireCorvisquire CorviknightCorviknight
NickitNickit ThievulThievul ToxtricityToxtricity
ClobbopusClobbopus GrapploctGrapploct ImpidimpImpidimp
MorgremMorgrem GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl ObstagoonObstagoon
PerrserkerPerrserker Mr. RimeMr. Rime RunerigusRunerigus
MorpekoMorpeko CopperajahCopperajah DracozoltDracozolt
ArctozoltArctozolt Urshifu Single-Strike StyleUrshifu Single-Strike Style ZarudeZarude
GlastrierGlastrier SpectrierSpectrier Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Taunt Competitive Analysis

Taunt is one of the staple moves in competitive Pokemon. This move forces the target to only be able to use attacking moves for three turns.

Support Pokemon are usually the ones to run Taunt. This move is used in order to prevent either a sweeper from setting up, or an opposing support Pokemon from using support moves such as Light Screen, Reflect, Tailwind, or even Taunt itself.

Taunt Locations

Purchase from the Wild Area Trader

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Watt Trader.png
Taunt is available to purchase from the Watt Traders in the Wild Area for 2000 Watts.

The Watt Traders' selection of TM and TRs changes everyday so make sure to check what's in stock!

How to Farm Watts Quickly

A Possible Drop from Max Raids

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Max Raid Battle.png
It's also possible to get Taunt from Dark-type Max Raid dens as a reward for defeating or catching the resident Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokemon.

How to Max Raid With Friends

Get from the Cram-o-Matic

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Cram-o-Matic.png
It's also possible to get Taunt from the Cram-o-Matic, although the chances are still low even when using the right items.

How to Use the Cram-o-Matic

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
Moves by Type
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ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
Physical Special Status
Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Moves that Ignore Abilities
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Multi-Target Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves that Make Contact Moves that Do Not Make Contact Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Moves that Forces a Switch Sound-Based Moves
List of Priority Moves


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