Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Electric Terrain (TM90)

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Pokemon Sword and Shield - Electric Terrain

This is an article for the move Electric Terrain (TM90) and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Electric Terrain (TM90) - Type and Effect

Type Pokemon Electric Image
Category Pokemon Status Image
Power -
PP 10
Effect The user electrifies the ground for five turns, powering up Electric-Type moves. Pokemon on the ground no longer fall asleep
Max Move Max Guard
Power: -
TM / TR TM90

Pokemon That Learn Electric Terrain (TM90)

By Default

MagnetonMagneton LuxrayLuxray MagnezoneMagnezone

By Level Up

ManectricManectric KlinklangKlinklang StunfiskStunfisk
TogedemaruTogedemaru Tapu KokoTapu Koko XurkitreeXurkitree
BoltundBoltund PincurchinPincurchin

By TM / TR

PikachuPikachu RaichuRaichu Alolan RaichuAlolan Raichu
MagnetonMagneton MewMew PichuPichu
RaikouRaikou ManectricManectric LuxrayLuxray
MagnezoneMagnezone ElectivireElectivire RotomRotom
Heat RotomHeat Rotom Wash RotomWash Rotom Frost RotomFrost Rotom
Fan RotomFan Rotom Mow RotomMow Rotom KlinklangKlinklang
StunfiskStunfisk HelioptileHelioptile HelioliskHeliolisk
DedenneDedenne TogedemaruTogedemaru Tapu KokoTapu Koko
XurkitreeXurkitree ZeraoraZeraora MelmetalMelmetal
BoltundBoltund PincurchinPincurchin MorpekoMorpeko

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

Electric Terrain

Electric Terrain is one of the four terrains usable in the game. Once it is in the field, Electric Terrain will have numerous effects.

Do note that only Pokemon on the ground are affected by this, and Flying-types, Pokemon with Levitate, or those holding Air Balloon will not be affected.

Electric Terrain and Other Moves

While Electric Terrain is active, all Electric-type attacks will be 30% stronger. This makes the terrain a great field for Regieleki with its Transistor Ability and offensive Electric-type Pokemon using Choice Band or Choice Specs.

The move Rising Voltage from Isle of Armor has its base power doubled when used in Electric Terrain.

As for environment-dependent moves, Terrain Pulse becomes an Electric-type move and its power is doubled. Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt.

Pokemon Cannot Fall Asleep

Pokemon under the effects of Electric Terrain cannot fall asleep. This includes both situations where the status is targeted or self-inflicted.

For example, Yawn, Spore, and Sing will not work. Rest will fail as well.

Abilities Tied to Electric Terrain

Sending out a Pokemon with Electric Surge in the field will automatically spawn Electric Terrain.

Alolan Raichu will have its Speed doubled because of its Surge Surfer Ability.

Items Tied to Electric Terrain

Pokemon with Electric Seed will consume the item and raise their Defense stat, which is useful as Electric-type Pokemon are weak to Ground-type moves which are dominantly physical attacks.

Terrain Extender will extend Electric Terrain from five turns to eight turns.

Electric Terrain and Electric-Flying Pokemon

Zapdos, Tornadus and its Therian Forme, Fan Rotom, and Emolga are Electric and Flying-type Pokemon. These Pokemon have rather unique interactions with Electric Terrain due to their mixed typing.

These Pokemon's Electric-type moves will still be boosted as the boosting effect ignores whether the attacker is grounded or not. This also applies to those with Levitate and other un-grounding mechanics.

However, Rising Voltage will not have its powered doubled as it needs to have the user be affected by Electric Terrain; that is, on the ground.

The same principle also applies to the sleep status condition. As they are not affected by Electric Terrain, these Pokemon can fall asleep and be hit by sleep-inducing moves.

List of Moves that Change Terrain

Electric Terrain (TM90) Locations

Purchase from the Hammerlocke Poke Mart

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Poke Mart TM

Electric Terrain (TM90) is available for purchase at the Poke Mart at Hammerlocke.

Hammerlocke Map

Related Links

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