Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Iron Tail (TR31)

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Competitive Battle Guide

Iron Tail.png

This is an article for the move Iron Tail and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Iron Tail - Effect

Type Pokemon Steel Image
Category Pokemon Physical Image
Power 100
Accuracy 75
PP 15
Effect The target is slammed with a steel-hard tail. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.
Max Move Max Steelspike
Power: 130
TM / TR TR31

Pokemon That Learn Iron Tail

By Default

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Level Up

OnixOnix SteelixSteelix AronAron
LaironLairon AggronAggron DialgaDialga

By TM / TR

CharmanderCharmander CharmeleonCharmeleon CharizardCharizard
SquirtleSquirtle WartortleWartortle BlastoiseBlastoise
PikachuPikachu RaichuRaichu Alolan RaichuAlolan Raichu
SandshrewSandshrew Alolan SandshrewAlolan Sandshrew SandslashSandslash
Alolan SandslashAlolan Sandslash Nidoran♀Nidoran♀ NidorinaNidorina
NidoqueenNidoqueen Nidoran♂Nidoran♂ NidorinoNidorino
NidokingNidoking ClefairyClefairy ClefableClefable
VulpixVulpix Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix NinetalesNinetales
Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales MeowthMeowth Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth
Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth PersianPersian Alolan PersianAlolan Persian
PsyduckPsyduck GolduckGolduck GrowlitheGrowlithe
ArcanineArcanine AbraAbra KadabraKadabra
AlakazamAlakazam PonytaPonyta Galarian PonytaGalarian Ponyta
RapidashRapidash Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash Galarian SlowpokeGalarian Slowpoke
SlowpokeSlowpoke Galarian SlowbroGalarian Slowbro SlowbroSlowbro
Galarian FarfetchGalarian Farfetch'd FarfetchFarfetch'd OnixOnix
Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor CuboneCubone MarowakMarowak
Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak LickitungLickitung RhyhornRhyhorn
RhydonRhydon ChanseyChansey KangaskhanKangaskhan
ElectabuzzElectabuzz MagmarMagmar TaurosTauros
GyaradosGyarados LaprasLapras EeveeEevee
VaporeonVaporeon JolteonJolteon FlareonFlareon
PorygonPorygon AerodactylAerodactyl DratiniDratini
DragonairDragonair DragoniteDragonite MewtwoMewtwo
MewMew CleffaCleffa PichuPichu
MarillMarill AzumarillAzumarill WooperWooper
QuagsireQuagsire EspeonEspeon UmbreonUmbreon
Galarian SlowkingGalarian Slowking SlowkingSlowking DunsparceDunsparce
SteelixSteelix SneaselSneasel Porygon2Porygon2
MagbyMagby MiltankMiltank BlisseyBlissey
RaikouRaikou EnteiEntei SuicuneSuicune
LarvitarLarvitar PupitarPupitar TyranitarTyranitar
LugiaLugia TreeckoTreecko GrovyleGrovyle
SceptileSceptile MudkipMudkip MarshtompMarshtomp
SwampertSwampert ZigzagoonZigzagoon Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon
LinooneLinoone Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone AzurillAzurill
AronAron LaironLairon AggronAggron
ElectrikeElectrike ManectricManectric TorkoalTorkoal
FlygonFlygon AltariaAltaria ArmaldoArmaldo
FeebasFeebas MiloticMilotic AbsolAbsol
SphealSpheal SealeoSealeo WalreinWalrein
SalamenceSalamence GroudonGroudon RayquazaRayquaza
ShinxShinx LuxioLuxio LuxrayLuxray
BunearyBuneary LopunnyLopunny StunkyStunky
SkuntankSkuntank GibleGible GabiteGabite
GarchompGarchomp RioluRiolu LucarioLucario
HippopotasHippopotas HippowdonHippowdon SkorupiSkorupi
DrapionDrapion SnoverSnover AbomasnowAbomasnow
WeavileWeavile LickilickyLickilicky RhyperiorRhyperior
ElectivireElectivire MagmortarMagmortar LeafeonLeafeon
GlaceonGlaceon Porygon-ZPorygon-Z UxieUxie
MespritMesprit AzelfAzelf DialgaDialga
GiratinaGiratina Giratina (Origin Forme)Giratina (Origin Forme) PurrloinPurrloin
LiepardLiepard AudinoAudino ScolipedeScolipede
SandileSandile KrokorokKrokorok KrookodileKrookodile
ScraggyScraggy ScraftyScrafty TirtougaTirtouga
CarracostaCarracosta ArchenArchen ArcheopsArcheops
MinccinoMinccino CinccinoCinccino EmolgaEmolga
AxewAxew FraxureFraxure HaxorusHaxorus
DruddigonDruddigon HydreigonHydreigon TornadusTornadus
Tornadus (Therian Forme)Tornadus (Therian Forme) ThundurusThundurus Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme)
LandorusLandorus Landorus (Therian Forme)Landorus (Therian Forme) BunnelbyBunnelby
DiggersbyDiggersby EspurrEspurr MeowsticMeowstic
SkrelpSkrelp DragalgeDragalge ClauncherClauncher
ClawitzerClawitzer HelioptileHelioptile HelioliskHeliolisk
TyruntTyrunt TyrantrumTyrantrum AmauraAmaura
AurorusAurorus SylveonSylveon DedenneDedenne
GoomyGoomy SliggooSliggoo GoodraGoodra
NoibatNoibat NoivernNoivern ZygardeZygarde
Zygarde (10% Forme)Zygarde (10% Forme) Zygarde (Complete Forme)Zygarde (Complete Forme) PopplioPopplio
BrionneBrionne PrimarinaPrimarina RockruffRockruff
Lycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midday Form) Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form) Lycanroc (Dusk Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
WishiwashiWishiwashi SalanditSalandit SalazzleSalazzle
PassimianPassimian TurtonatorTurtonator TogedemaruTogedemaru
Jangmo-oJangmo-o Hakamo-oHakamo-o Kommo-oKommo-o
SolgaleoSolgaleo GuzzlordGuzzlord PoipolePoipole
NaganadelNaganadel ZeraoraZeraora SkwovetSkwovet
GreedentGreedent DrednawDrednaw ObstagoonObstagoon
PerrserkerPerrserker DracozoltDracozolt ArctozoltArctozolt
ZacianZacian ZamazentaZamazenta ZarudeZarude

By Egg Move

NidorinoNidorino SealeoSealeo GarchompGarchomp

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Iron Tail Competitive Analysis

Iron Tail is a good utility move for Steel-types as it has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Defense stat by one stage. This is useful againt bulky Pokemon such as Blissey as it makes it easier to chip down on their health.

However, the secondary effect isn't that impactful considering at 100 base power you'd expect it to deal lethal damage.

Iron Tail Locations

Obtain in Brawlers' Cave

An Iron Tail can be found in the Brawlers' Cave area of the The Isle of Armor DLC.

Brawlers' Cave Map and Obtainable Pokemon

Purchase from the Wild Area Trader

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Watt Trader.png
Iron Tail is available to purchase from the Watt Traders in the Wild Area for 5000 Watts.

The Watt Traders' selection of TM and TRs changes everyday so make sure to check what's in stock!

How to Farm Watts Quickly

A Possible Drop from Max Raids

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Max Raid Battle.png
It's also possible to get Iron Tail from Steel-type Max Raid dens as a reward for defeating or catching the resident Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokemon.

How to Max Raid With Friends

Get from the Cram-o-Matic

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Cram-o-Matic.png
It's also possible to get Iron Tail from the Cram-o-Matic, although the chances are still low even when using the right items.

How to Use the Cram-o-Matic

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
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Moves by Category
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Moves by Effects
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List of Priority Moves


1 Anonymousover 4 years

I couldn't find iron tail in pokemon sword


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