Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Uproar (TR35)

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This is an article for the move Uproar (TR35) and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Uproar - Type and Effect

Type Pokemon Normal Image
Category Pokemon Special Image
Power 90
Accuracy 100
PP 10
Effect The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. During that time, no Pokemon can fall asleep.
Max Move Max Strike
Power: 130
TM / TR TR35

Pokemon That Learn Uproar

By Default

ExeggutorExeggutor Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor

By Level Up

ExeggcuteExeggcute HoothootHoothoot NoctowlNoctowl
WhismurWhismur LoudredLoudred ExploudExploud
VibravaVibrava FlygonFlygon RotomRotom
Heat RotomHeat Rotom Wash RotomWash Rotom Frost RotomFrost Rotom
Fan RotomFan Rotom Mow RotomMow Rotom AzelfAzelf
TympoleTympole PalpitoadPalpitoad SeismitoadSeismitoad
DarumakaDarumaka Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darumaka DarmanitanDarmanitan
Galarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan VanilliteVanillite VanillishVanillish
VanilluxeVanilluxe TornadusTornadus Tornadus (Therian Forme)Tornadus (Therian Forme)
ThundurusThundurus Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme) WishiwashiWishiwashi
GrookeyGrookey ThwackeyThwackey RillaboomRillaboom

By TM / TR

PikachuPikachu RaichuRaichu Alolan RaichuAlolan Raichu
NidoqueenNidoqueen NidokingNidoking ClefairyClefairy
ClefableClefable JigglypuffJigglypuff WigglytuffWigglytuff
ZubatZubat GolbatGolbat DiglettDiglett
Alolan DiglettAlolan Diglett DugtrioDugtrio Alolan DugtrioAlolan Dugtrio
MeowthMeowth Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth
PersianPersian Alolan PersianAlolan Persian FarfetchFarfetch'd
GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter GengarGengar
ExeggcuteExeggcute ExeggutorExeggutor Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor
CuboneCubone MarowakMarowak Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak
HitmonleeHitmonlee HitmonchanHitmonchan KoffingKoffing
WeezingWeezing Galarian WeezingGalarian Weezing RhyhornRhyhorn
RhydonRhydon ChanseyChansey KangaskhanKangaskhan
Mr. MimeMr. Mime Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime JynxJynx
ElectabuzzElectabuzz MagmarMagmar TaurosTauros
GyaradosGyarados SnorlaxSnorlax MewMew
HoothootHoothoot NoctowlNoctowl CrobatCrobat
CleffaCleffa PichuPichu IgglybuffIgglybuff
TogepiTogepi TogeticTogetic BellossomBellossom
MarillMarill AzumarillAzumarill SudowoodoSudowoodo
PolitoedPolitoed TyrogueTyrogue HitmontopHitmontop
SmoochumSmoochum ElekidElekid MagbyMagby
BlisseyBlissey LarvitarLarvitar PupitarPupitar
TyranitarTyranitar CelebiCelebi MudkipMudkip
MarshtompMarshtomp SwampertSwampert LotadLotad
LombreLombre LudicoloLudicolo WingullWingull
PelipperPelipper NinjaskNinjask WhismurWhismur
LoudredLoudred ExploudExploud AzurillAzurill
AronAron LaironLairon AggronAggron
ElectrikeElectrike ManectricManectric RoseliaRoselia
CarvanhaCarvanha SharpedoSharpedo VibravaVibrava
FlygonFlygon SwabluSwablu AltariaAltaria
WhiscashWhiscash KyogreKyogre GroudonGroudon
RayquazaRayquaza JirachiJirachi BudewBudew
RoseradeRoserade VespiquenVespiquen BunearyBuneary
LopunnyLopunny BonslyBonsly Mime Jr.Mime Jr.
HappinyHappiny SpiritombSpiritomb MunchlaxMunchlax
RhyperiorRhyperior MagmortarMagmortar TogekissTogekiss
Porygon-ZPorygon-Z RotomRotom Heat RotomHeat Rotom
Wash RotomWash Rotom Frost RotomFrost Rotom Fan RotomFan Rotom
Mow RotomMow Rotom AzelfAzelf HeatranHeatran
VictiniVictini LillipupLillipup HerdierHerdier
StoutlandStoutland PidovePidove TranquillTranquill
UnfezantUnfezant WoobatWoobat SwoobatSwoobat
AudinoAudino TympoleTympole PalpitoadPalpitoad
SeismitoadSeismitoad BasculinBasculin SandileSandile
KrokorokKrokorok KrookodileKrookodile DarumakaDarumaka
Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darumaka DarmanitanDarmanitan Galarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan
MaractusMaractus ArchenArchen ArcheopsArcheops
ZoruaZorua ZoroarkZoroark MinccinoMinccino
CinccinoCinccino GothitaGothita GothoritaGothorita
GothitelleGothitelle VanilliteVanillite VanillishVanillish
VanilluxeVanilluxe KlinkKlink KlangKlang
KlinklangKlinklang ElgyemElgyem BeheeyemBeheeyem
StunfiskStunfisk Galarian StunfiskGalarian Stunfisk BouffalantBouffalant
DeinoDeino ZweilousZweilous HydreigonHydreigon
TornadusTornadus Tornadus (Therian Forme)Tornadus (Therian Forme) ThundurusThundurus
Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme) DiggersbyDiggersby PanchamPancham
PangoroPangoro BinacleBinacle BarbaracleBarbaracle
NoibatNoibat NoivernNoivern PopplioPopplio
BrionneBrionne PrimarinaPrimarina Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
WishiwashiWishiwashi PassimianPassimian TurtonatorTurtonator
DrampaDrampa Jangmo-oJangmo-o Hakamo-oHakamo-o
Kommo-oKommo-o BlacephalonBlacephalon PoipolePoipole
NaganadelNaganadel GrookeyGrookey ThwackeyThwackey
RillaboomRillaboom SkwovetSkwovet GreedentGreedent
YamperYamper BoltundBoltund CramorantCramorant
ToxtricityToxtricity ImpidimpImpidimp MorgremMorgrem
GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl PerrserkerPerrserker Mr. RimeMr. Rime
MorpekoMorpeko GlastrierGlastrier SpectrierSpectrier
Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider) Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

Uproar has the secondary effect of attacking a random opponent for three turns, while no other Pokemon can fall asleep. This move is niche due to its secondary effect, and would be suited to Normal-type Pokemon due to the STAB they receive from this move. Pokemon with the Punk Rock Ability will have this move boosted for them.

List of Sound-Based Moves

Uproar Locations

Purchase from the Wild Area Trader

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Watt Trader.png
Uproar (TR35) is available to purchase from the Watt Traders in the Wild Area for 3000 Watts.

The Watt Traders' selection of TM and TRs changes everyday so make sure to check what's in stock!

How to Farm Watts Quickly

A Possible Drop from Max Raids

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Max Raid Battle.png
It's also possible to get Uproar (TR35) from Normal-type Max Raid dens as a reward for defeating or catching the resident Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokemon.

How to Max Raid With Friends

Get from the Cram-o-Matic

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Cram-o-Matic.png
It's also possible to get Uproar (TR35) from the Cram-o-Matic, although the chances are still low even when using the right items.

How to Use the Cram-o-Matic

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
Moves by Type
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PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
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Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Moves that Ignore Abilities
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Moves that Make Contact Moves that Do Not Make Contact Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Moves that Forces a Switch Sound-Based Moves
List of Priority Moves


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