Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Thunder Punch (TM05)

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Pokemon Sword and Shield - Thunder Punch

This is an article for the move Thunder Punch (TM05) and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Thunder Punch (TM05) - Type and Effect

Type Pokemon Electric Image
Category Pokemon Physical Image
Power 75
Accuracy 100
PP 15
Effect The target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Max Move Max Lightning
Power: 130

Pokemon That Learn Thunder Punch (TM05)

By Default

RaichuRaichu DragoniteDragonite DusclopsDusclops
DusknoirDusknoir MarshadowMarshadow MelmetalMelmetal

By Level Up

HitmonchanHitmonchan ElectabuzzElectabuzz ElekidElekid
ElectivireElectivire XurkitreeXurkitree ZeraoraZeraora

By TM / TR

CharmanderCharmander CharmeleonCharmeleon CharizardCharizard
PikachuPikachu RaichuRaichu Alolan RaichuAlolan Raichu
NidoqueenNidoqueen NidokingNidoking ClefairyClefairy
ClefableClefable JigglypuffJigglypuff WigglytuffWigglytuff
AbraAbra KadabraKadabra AlakazamAlakazam
MachopMachop MachokeMachoke MachampMachamp
GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter GengarGengar
CuboneCubone MarowakMarowak Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak
HitmonchanHitmonchan LickitungLickitung RhydonRhydon
ChanseyChansey KangaskhanKangaskhan Mr. MimeMr. Mime
ElectabuzzElectabuzz MagmarMagmar SnorlaxSnorlax
DragoniteDragonite MewtwoMewtwo MewMew
PichuPichu SudowoodoSudowoodo ElekidElekid
MagbyMagby MiltankMiltank BlisseyBlissey
TyranitarTyranitar TreeckoTreecko GrovyleGrovyle
SceptileSceptile CombuskenCombusken BlazikenBlaziken
LombreLombre LudicoloLudicolo RaltsRalts
KirliaKirlia GardevoirGardevoir WhismurWhismur
LoudredLoudred ExploudExploud SableyeSableye
MawileMawile AggronAggron FlygonFlygon
DusclopsDusclops MetangMetang MetagrossMetagross
RegirockRegirock RegiceRegice RegisteelRegisteel
GroudonGroudon JirachiJirachi BunearyBuneary
LopunnyLopunny MunchlaxMunchlax RioluRiolu
LucarioLucario CroagunkCroagunk ToxicroakToxicroak
LickilickyLickilicky RhyperiorRhyperior ElectivireElectivire
MagmortarMagmortar LeafeonLeafeon GalladeGallade
DusknoirDusknoir UxieUxie MespritMesprit
AzelfAzelf RegigigasRegigigas VictiniVictini
AudinoAudino TimburrTimburr GurdurrGurdurr
ConkeldurrConkeldurr ThrohThroh SawkSawk
ScraggyScraggy ScraftyScrafty ReuniclusReuniclus
DruddigonDruddigon GolettGolett GolurkGolurk
HeatmorHeatmor ThundurusThundurus Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme)
ZekromZekrom DiggersbyDiggersby PanchamPancham
PangoroPangoro HelioliskHeliolisk HawluchaHawlucha
DedenneDedenne GoodraGoodra IncineroarIncineroar
Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form) StuffulStufful BewearBewear
Kommo-oKommo-o Tapu KokoTapu Koko BuzzwoleBuzzwole
XurkitreeXurkitree MarshadowMarshadow ZeraoraZeraora
MelmetalMelmetal ToxtricityToxtricity GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl
ObstagoonObstagoon MorpekoMorpeko DracozoltDracozolt
ArctozoltArctozolt KubfuKubfu Urshifu Single-Strike StyleUrshifu Single-Strike Style
Urshifu Rapid-Strike StyleUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

Thunder Punch is a physical Electric-type move that has a 10% chance to deal paralysis.

Fire-type physical attackers are usually equipped with this move as coverage against Water-type Pokemon that constantly threaten them. It's secondary use it to use it as Max Lightning to set up an Electric Terrain and thwart any plans to make them fall asleep.

Additionally, this move can also be learned by other Pokemon that can take advantage of getting their opponents paralyzed or the effects of Electric Terrain.

List of Moves that Inflict Status Conditions

Thunder Punch (TM05) Locations

Purchase from the Wyndon Poke Mart

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Poke Mart TM.png

Thunder Punch (TM05) is available for purchase at the Poke Mart at Wyndon.

Wyndon Map

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
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Moves by Category
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