Genshin Impact

“Heart of Watatsumi” World Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Heart of Watatsumi Quest Guide
“Heart of Watatsumi” is the final sub-quest under the The Moon-Bathed Deep quest chain in the Watatsumi Island for Genshin Impact 2.1. See how to unlock the World Quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

All The Moon-Bathed Deep Quests
Eye of Watatsumi Fang of Watatsumi Fin of Watatsumi
Tail of Watatsumi Heart of Watatsumi

How to Unlock “Heart of Watatsumi”

Complete all Prerequisite Quests from the Moon-Bathed Deep

Genshin Impact - The Moon-Bathed Deep Quest Guide

To unlock the final World Quest ''Heart of Watatsumi'', you must first complete all Moon-Bathed Deep sub-quests: Eye of Watasumi, Fang of Watatsumi, Fin of Watatsumi, and Tail of Watatsumi.

All The Moon-Bathed Deep Quests Guides

“Heart of Watatsumi” Walkthrough

Return to Sangonomiya Shrine and talk to Tsuyuko

Genshin - Return to Tsuyuko at the Shrine
Head to Sangonomiya Shrine and talk to Tsuyuko to tell her of your progress.

Open the Gate to the “Heart of Watatsumi”

Genshin - Heart of Watatsumi Gate Location
Teleport near the location east of Sangonomiya Shrine and glide down by the waterfalls until you see a glowing door.

Use the Spirit Pearls to Unlock the Cave

Genshin - How to Open the Heart of Watatsumi Gate
Use the Spirit Pearls to open the door to the Heart of Watatsumi.

Go to the ''Heart''

Genshin - Heart of Watatsumi Puzzle
Enter the cave and walk towards the glowing spot and glide down to continue the quest.

Break the final seal

Genshin - Heart of Watatsumi Puzzle Solution
There will be four puzzles in the area similar to the puzzle in the ''Fin of Watatsumi'' Quest. You can start on any of the three puzzles, but the fourth one will be locked.

Rotate the Fish Statues to Solve the First Three Puzzles

Genshin - How to Solve the Fish Puzzle
In each of the puzzle platforms, rotate the three fish statues to face the circular discs in the middle. Hydro Mimics will appear that you have to defeat, and then Press Pay respects to the statue on the Mysterious Pillar.

Pay Respects First Before Rotating

Genshin - How to Get the Key of the Deep
Once all three puzzles are finished, go the fourth one and use the Mysterious Pillar to open the puzzle first. Rotate the fish statues again towards the center disc. After solving the puzzle, waves of Hydro Mimics will appear. Defeat them then a cutscene will trigger.

Obtain the Key of the Deep

Genshin - Get the Key of the Deep
Go towards the center of all the puzzles and get the Key of the Deep.

Talk to Tsuyuko

Genshin - Report Back to Tsuyuko
Report back to Tsuyuko. Finish the conversation to complete the quest series!

Obtain Hidden Furnishing Blueprints

Genshin - Heart of Watatsumi - Elemental Sight
While in the cave, use Elemental Sight to find a rock pile in the cave that you can break. Breaking the rock pile will reveal a Precious Chest. You can get the War Drum: Line-Breaking Reverb and the Ritual Shrine Furnishing Blueprints from this chest!

“Heart of Watatsumi” Information

Sub-Quest of The Moon-Bathed Deep

Genshin - Watatsumi Island
“Heart of Watatsumi” is the fifth and last part of the The Moon-Bathed Deep world quest chain, where you join Tsuyuko in breaking the five seals in Watatsumi Island and obtaining the Key of the Deep.

The Moon-Bathed Deep Quest Guides

Prerequisite to The Still Water's Flow

Genshin Impact - The Still Water
Completing the Heart of Watatsumi world quest will give you the Key of the Deep item, which is required in The Still Water's Flow quest and eventually lead to unlocking Enkanomiya.

The Still Water's Flow World Quest Guide

“Heart of Watatsumi” Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

Other The Moon-Bathed Deep Quest Guides

The Moon-Bathed Deep Quest Guides
The Moon-Bathed Deep "Eye of Watatsumi" "Fang of Watatsumi"
"Fin of Watatsumi" "Tail of Watatsumi" "Heart of Watatsumi"

The Moon-Bathed Deep Quest Line Guide

All Inazuma World Quests Guide

Inazuma World Quest Guides
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List of World Quests


10 Anonymous14 days

SUCH AN EVIL QUEST are the 6-7 waves necessary

9 Help pls3 months

Guys I died and leveled the world back to 4 and now the quest won’t start where I left off??? Help??? Pls??,

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