Elden Ring Weapons

Elden Ring Weapons

List of All Weapons

This is a list of all weapons in Elden Ring. Read on for a complete list of all weapons in the base game and DLC, including a guide for all weapon types and how to upgrade weapons.

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List of All Weapons All DLC Weapons All Weapon Locations
Best Weapons Tier List Best DLC Weapons What Weapons to Get First

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All Base Game and DLC Weapons

Note: More weapon data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. For mobile users, press on the table and swipe sideways to scroll.

※ Select the search criteria from the dropdown below then press the Search button to filter the weapons by type.

Weapon Type Req. STR Req. DEX Req. INT Req. FTH Req. ARC STR Scaling DEX Scaling INT Scaling FTH Scaling ARC Scaling Ash of War
Academy Glintstone Staff ImageAcademy Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 28 0 0 D - S - - No Skill
Alabaster LordAlabaster Lord's Sword Greatsword 16 12 18 0 0 B D D - - Alabaster Lords' Pull
Albinauric Bow ImageAlbinauric Bow Bow 7 18 0 0 0 E D - - - Mighty Shot
Albinauric Staff ImageAlbinauric Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 10 0 12 D - B - S No Skill
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword ImageAncient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Colossal Sword 35 10 0 0 19 B E - - D White Light Charge
AnsbachAnsbach's Longbow
(DLC Only)
Bow 10 18 0 0 0 D D - - - Fan Shot
AntAnt's Skull Plate Greatshield 28 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Antspur Rapier ImageAntspur Rapier Thrusting Sword 10 20 0 0 0 D C - - - Impaling Thrust
Anvil Hammer ImageAnvil Hammer
(DLC Only)
Colossal Weapon 39 10 11 20 0 B E E D - Smithing Art Spears
Arbalest ImageArbalest Crossbow 18 12 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
AstrologerAstrologer's Staff Glintstone Staff 7 0 16 0 0 D - S - - No Skill
Axe of Godfrey ImageAxe of Godfrey Colossal Weapon 42 14 0 0 0 C D - - - Regal Roar
Axe of Godrick ImageAxe of Godrick Greataxe 34 22 0 0 0 C C - - - I Command Thee, Kneel!
AzurAzur's Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff 10 0 52 0 0 C - S - - No Skill
Backhand Blade ImageBackhand Blade
(DLC Only)
Backhand Blade 10 13 0 0 0 C C - - - Blind Spot
BanditBandit's Curved Sword Curved Sword 11 13 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Banished KnightBanished Knight's Greatsword Greatsword 17 0 0 0 0 C D - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Banished KnightBanished Knight's Halberd Halberd 14 12 0 0 0 C C - - - Charge Forth
Barbed Staff-Spear ImageBarbed Staff-Spear
(DLC Only)
Great Spear 14 18 0 22 0 D D - A - Jori's Inquisition
Bastard Sword ImageBastard Sword Greatsword 16 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
BastardBastard's Stars Flail 8 22 22 0 0 E C B - - Nebula
Battle Axe ImageBattle Axe Axe 12 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Wild Strikes
Battle Hammer ImageBattle Hammer Great Hammer 26 8 0 0 0 B E - - - Braggart's Roar
Beast Claw ImageBeast Claw
(DLC Only)
Beast Claw 13 11 0 0 0 C D - - - Savage Claws
Beast Crest Heater Shield ImageBeast Crest Heater Shield Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Beast-Repellent Torch ImageBeast-Repellent Torch Torch 12 8 0 0 0 B D - - - Torch Attack
Beastclaw Greathammer ImageBeastclaw Greathammer Great Hammer 20 10 0 18 0 C C - D - Regal Beastclaw
BeastmanBeastman's Cleaver Curved Greatsword 25 14 0 0 0 B - - - - Spinning Slash
BeastmanBeastman's Curved Sword Curved Sword 13 11 0 0 0 B D - - - Spinning Slash
Black Bow ImageBlack Bow Bow 9 20 0 0 0 D D - - - Barrage
Black Knife ImageBlack Knife Dagger 8 12 0 18 0 E B - C - Blade of Death
Black Leather Shield ImageBlack Leather Shield Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Black Steel Greathammer ImageBlack Steel Greathammer
(DLC Only)
Great Hammer 25 11 0 17 0 B E - C - Endure
Black Steel Greatshield ImageBlack Steel Greatshield
(DLC Only)
Greatshield 35 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Black Steel Twinblade ImageBlack Steel Twinblade
(DLC Only)
Twinblade 18 15 0 13 0 D C - D - Spinning Slash
Blade of Calling ImageBlade of Calling Dagger 6 13 0 15 0 D C - B - Blade of Gold
Blasphemous Blade ImageBlasphemous Blade Greatsword 22 15 0 21 0 C C - B - Taker's Flames
BloodfiendBloodfiend's Arm
(DLC Only)
Colossal Weapon 28 11 0 0 16 C E - - C Endure
BloodfiendBloodfiend's Sacred Spear
(DLC Only)
Great Spear 22 12 0 0 13 D E - - B Bloodfiends' Bloodboon
Bloodhound Claws ImageBloodhound Claws Claw 10 15 0 0 0 C D - - - Bloodhound's Step
BloodhoundBloodhound's Fang Curved Greatsword 18 17 0 0 0 C B - - - Bloodhound's Finesse
Bloodstained Dagger ImageBloodstained Dagger Dagger 9 12 0 0 0 B D - - - Quickstep
Bloody Helice ImageBloody Helice Heavy Thrusting Sword 16 19 0 0 17 E C - - B Dynast's Finesse
Blue Crest Heater Shield ImageBlue Crest Heater Shield Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Blue-Gold Kite Shield ImageBlue-Gold Kite Shield Medium Shield 12 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Blue-White Wooden Shield ImageBlue-White Wooden Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - No Skill
Bolt of Gransax ImageBolt of Gransax Spear 20 40 0 0 0 D C - - - Ancient Lightning Spear
Bone Bow ImageBone Bow
(DLC Only)
Light Bow 8 11 0 0 0 D D - - - Rancor Shot
Bonny Butchering Knife ImageBonny Butchering Knife
(DLC Only)
Greataxe 16 20 0 0 0 B D - - - ---
Brass Shield ImageBrass Shield Medium Shield 16 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Briar Greatshield ImageBriar Greatshield Greatshield 21 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Brick Hammer ImageBrick Hammer Great Hammer 31 0 0 0 0 A - - - - Barbaric Roar
Broadsword ImageBroadsword Straight Sword 10 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Square Off
Buckler ImageBuckler Small Shield 8 13 0 0 0 E D - - - Buckler Parry
Butchering Knife ImageButchering Knife Greataxe 16 20 0 0 0 E B - - - Barbaric Roar
Caestus ImageCaestus Fist 8 8 0 0 0 C C - - - Endure
Cane Sword ImageCane Sword Straight Sword 8 11 0 0 0 D C - - - Square Off
Carian Glintblade Staff ImageCarian Glintblade Staff Glintstone Staff 6 12 22 0 0 D D S - - No Skill
Carian Glintstone Staff ImageCarian Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff 6 8 24 0 0 D - S - - No Skill
Carian KnightCarian Knight's Shield Medium Shield 10 10 15 0 0 C - D - - No Skill
Carian KnightCarian Knight's Sword Straight Sword 10 10 18 0 0 C D D - - Carian Grandeur
Carian Regal Scepter ImageCarian Regal Scepter Glintstone Staff 8 10 60 0 0 D D S - - Spinning Weapon
Carian Sorcery Sword ImageCarian Sorcery Sword
(DLC Only)
Thrusting Sword 10 19 16 0 0 E D S - - Impaling Thrust
Carian Thrusting Shield ImageCarian Thrusting Shield
(DLC Only)
Thrusting Shield 17 13 15 0 0 C C D - - Shield Strike
CelebrantCelebrant's Cleaver Axe 12 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Wild Strikes
CelebrantCelebrant's Rib-Rake Spear 8 14 0 0 0 D C - - - Barbaric Roar
CelebrantCelebrant's Sickle Dagger 6 11 0 0 0 E B - - - Quickstep
CelebrantCelebrant's Skull Great Hammer 18 12 0 0 0 C C - - - Barbaric Roar
Chainlink Flail ImageChainlink Flail Flail 18 12 0 0 0 B E - - - Spinning Chain
Chilling Perfume Bottle ImageChilling Perfume Bottle
(DLC Only)
Perfume Bottle 3 13 13 0 0 - C C - - Kick
Cinquedea ImageCinquedea Dagger 10 10 0 0 0 B D - - - Quickstep
Cipher Pata ImageCipher Pata Fist 0 0 0 30 0 - - - A - Unblockable Blade
Clawmark Seal ImageClawmark Seal Sacred Seal 4 0 0 10 0 B - - B - No Skill
Claws of Night ImageClaws of Night
(DLC Only)
Claw 8 20 0 0 0 - B - - - Scattershot Throw
ClaymanClayman's Harpoon Spear 12 10 12 0 0 C E D - - Impaling Thrust
Claymore ImageClaymore Greatsword 16 13 0 0 0 C D - - - Lion's Claw
Cleanrot KnightCleanrot Knight's Sword Thrusting Sword 11 13 0 0 0 C D - - - Impaling Thrust
Cleanrot Spear ImageCleanrot Spear Spear 16 16 0 14 0 C C - D - Sacred Phalanx
Clinging Bone ImageClinging Bone Fist 8 22 0 0 16 E B - - C Lifesteal Fist
Club ImageClub Hammer 10 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Barbaric Roar
Coded Sword ImageCoded Sword Straight Sword 0 0 0 20 0 - - - A - Unblockable Blade
Coil Shield ImageCoil Shield Small Shield 7 6 0 0 0 D - - - - Viper Bite
CommanderCommander's Standard Halberd 24 14 0 0 0 B D - - - Rallying Standard
Composite Bow ImageComposite Bow Light Bow 15 15 0 0 0 E D - - - Mighty Shot
Cranial Vessel Candlestand ImageCranial Vessel Candlestand Great Hammer 26 8 0 22 0 B D - B - Surge of Faith
CrepusCrepus's Black-Key Crossbow Crossbow 14 16 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
Crescent Moon Axe ImageCrescent Moon Axe Greataxe 25 15 0 0 0 D C - - - War Cry
Cross-Naginata ImageCross-Naginata Spear 16 20 0 0 0 D B - - - Impaling Thrust
Crossed-Tree Towershield ImageCrossed-Tree Towershield Greatshield 30 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Crucible Hornshield ImageCrucible Hornshield Greatshield 26 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Crystal Knife ImageCrystal Knife Dagger 8 12 9 0 0 C D B - - Quickstep
Crystal Spear ImageCrystal Spear Spear 10 16 16 0 0 D B D - - Impaling Thrust
Crystal Staff ImageCrystal Staff Glintstone Staff 8 0 48 0 0 C - S - - No Skill
Crystal Sword ImageCrystal Sword Straight Sword 13 10 15 0 0 C D D - - Spinning Slash
CursebladeCurseblade's Cirque
(DLC Only)
Backhand Blade 9 22 0 0 0 D B - - - Deadly Dance
Curved Club ImageCurved Club Hammer 11 7 0 0 0 C D - - - Barbaric Roar
Curved Great Club ImageCurved Great Club Great Hammer 24 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Barbaric Roar
Dagger ImageDagger Dagger 5 9 0 0 0 D B - - - Quickstep
Dancing Blade of Ranah ImageDancing Blade of Ranah
(DLC Only)
Curved Sword 9 20 0 0 0 - A - - - Unending Dance
DaneDane's Footwork
(DLC Only)
Hand-to-Hand Art 8 8 0 0 0 C C - - - Palm Blast
Dark Moon Greatsword ImageDark Moon Greatsword Greatsword 16 11 38 0 0 D D B - - Moonlight Greatsword
Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle ImageDeadly Poison Perfume Bottle
(DLC Only)
Perfume Bottle 3 13 0 0 18 - C - - C Deadly Poison Spray
Death KnightDeath Knight's Longhaft Axe
(DLC Only)
Greataxe 23 10 0 18 0 B E - D - Blinkbolt: Long-hafted Axe
Death KnightDeath Knight's Twin Axes
(DLC Only)
Axe 14 12 16 0 0 C D - C - Blinkbolt: Twinaxe
Death Ritual Spear ImageDeath Ritual Spear Spear 14 20 18 0 0 D B D - - Spearcall Ritual
DeathDeath's Poker Greatsword 15 17 11 0 0 C B D - - Ghostflame Ignition
Demi-Human QueenDemi-Human Queen's Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 10 0 0 C - S - - No Skill
DevoniaDevonia's Hammer
(DLC Only)
Colossal Weapon 30 13 0 19 0 B D - C - Devonia's Vortex
DevourerDevourer's Scepter Colossal Weapon 24 20 0 25 0 C C - C - Devourer of Worlds
DiggerDigger's Staff Glintstone Staff 8 0 12 0 0 C - S - - No Skill
Dismounter ImageDismounter Curved Greatsword 19 16 0 0 0 C D - - - Spinning Slash
Distinguished Greatshield ImageDistinguished Greatshield Greatshield 32 0 0 0 0 B - - - - No Skill
Dragon Communion Seal ImageDragon Communion Seal Sacred Seal 0 0 0 10 10 - - - B S No Skill
Dragon Greatclaw ImageDragon Greatclaw Colossal Weapon 30 14 0 0 0 C D - - - Endure
Dragon Halberd ImageDragon Halberd Halberd 22 10 0 0 0 B C - - - Spinning Slash
Dragon KingDragon King's Cragblade Heavy Thrusting Sword 18 37 0 0 0 D B - - - Thundercloud Form
Dragon-HunterDragon-Hunter's Great Katana
(DLC Only)
Great Katana 15 20 0 0 0 C C - - - Dragonwound Slash
Dragonclaw Shield ImageDragonclaw Shield Greatshield 28 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Shield Bash
Dragonscale Blade ImageDragonscale Blade Katana 12 20 0 0 0 D B - - - Ice Lightning Sword
Dryleaf Arts ImageDryleaf Arts
(DLC Only)
Hand-to-Hand Art 8 8 0 0 0 C C - - - Palm Blast
Dryleaf Seal ImageDryleaf Seal
(DLC Only)
Sacred Seal 8 0 0 27 0 D - - S - No Skill
Dueling Shield ImageDueling Shield
(DLC Only)
Thrusting Shield 15 14 0 0 0 D C - - - Shield Strike
Duelist Greataxe ImageDuelist Greataxe Colossal Weapon 30 10 0 0 0 D C - - - Endure
Eclipse Crest Greatshield ImageEclipse Crest Greatshield Greatshield 32 0 0 0 0 B - - - - No Skill
Eclipse Shotel ImageEclipse Shotel Curved Sword 10 25 0 30 0 D C - C - Death Flare
EleonoraEleonora's Poleblade Twinblade 12 21 0 0 19 E C - - D Bloodblade Dance
EnvoyEnvoy's Greathorn Colossal Weapon 28 12 0 24 0 C C - D - Great Oracular Bubble
EnvoyEnvoy's Horn Hammer 10 12 0 16 0 C C - C - Oracular Bubble
EnvoyEnvoy's Long Horn Great Hammer 23 11 0 18 0 C D - B - Bubble Shower
Erdsteel Dagger ImageErdsteel Dagger Dagger 7 12 0 14 0 D D - D - Quickstep
Erdtree Bow ImageErdtree Bow Bow 8 12 0 14 0 E D - D - Mighty Shot
Erdtree Greatbow ImageErdtree Greatbow Greatbow 20 14 0 14 0 D D - D - Through and Through
Erdtree Greatshield ImageErdtree Greatshield Greatshield 30 0 0 12 0 B - - D - Shield Bash
Erdtree Seal ImageErdtree Seal Sacred Seal 0 0 0 40 0 - - - S - No Skill
Estoc ImageEstoc Thrusting Sword 11 13 0 0 0 E B - - - Impaling Thrust
Euporia ImageEuporia
(DLC Only)
Twinblade 16 16 0 24 0 D D - B - Euporia Vortex
ExecutionerExecutioner's Greataxe Greataxe 34 8 0 0 0 B E - - - War Cry
Falchion ImageFalchion Curved Sword 9 13 0 0 0 C C - - - Spinning Slash
Fallingstar Beast Jaw ImageFallingstar Beast Jaw Colossal Weapon 34 12 20 0 0 C C D - - Gravity Bolt
Falx ImageFalx
(DLC Only)
Curved Sword 12 15 0 0 0 D B - - - Revenger's Blade
Family Heads ImageFamily Heads Flail 8 18 16 0 0 D B D - - Familial Rancor
Finger Seal ImageFinger Seal Sacred Seal 4 0 0 10 0 D - - S - No Skill
Fingerprint Stone Shield ImageFingerprint Stone Shield Greatshield 48 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Fire KnightFire Knight's Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Colossal Sword 22 18 0 12 0 D C - D - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Fire KnightFire Knight's Seal
(DLC Only)
Sacred Seal 8 0 0 23 0 D - - S - No Skill
Fire KnightFire Knight's Shortsword
(DLC Only)
Dagger 8 13 0 12 0 D C - D - Quickstep
Firespark Perfume Bottle ImageFirespark Perfume Bottle
(DLC Only)
Perfume Bottle 3 14 0 0 0 - B - - - Kick
Flail ImageFlail Flail 10 18 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Chain
Flamberge ImageFlamberge Greatsword 15 14 0 0 0 D B - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Flame Crest Wooden Shield ImageFlame Crest Wooden Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Flowerstone Gavel ImageFlowerstone Gavel
(DLC Only)
Hammer 14 8 0 0 15 C D - - C Flower Dragonbolt
Flowing Curved Sword ImageFlowing Curved Sword Curved Sword 9 17 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Forked Greatsword ImageForked Greatsword Greatsword 14 16 0 0 0 D C - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Forked Hatchet ImageForked Hatchet Axe 9 14 0 0 0 D C - - - Quickstep
Forked-Tongue Hatchet ImageForked-Tongue Hatchet
(DLC Only)
Axe 10 13 0 0 0 D C - - - ---
Frenzied Flame Seal ImageFrenzied Flame Seal Sacred Seal 0 0 0 0 0 C C C B - No Skill
Frenzyflame Perfume Bottle ImageFrenzyflame Perfume Bottle
(DLC Only)
Perfume Bottle 3 10 12 12 0 D C D D - Kick
FreyjaFreyja's Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Curved Greatsword 25 14 0 0 0 B E - - - Spinning Slash
Frozen Needle ImageFrozen Needle Thrusting Sword 11 18 0 0 0 D B - - - Impaling Thrust
Full Moon Crossbow ImageFull Moon Crossbow Crossbow 10 10 14 0 0 - - - - - Kick
GargoyleGargoyle's Black Axe Greataxe 24 8 0 22 0 C E - D - War Cry
GargoyleGargoyle's Black Blades Twinblade 18 15 0 22 0 B E - D - Spinning Slash
GargoyleGargoyle's Black Halberd Halberd 26 10 0 22 0 C D - D - Spinning Slash
GargoyleGargoyle's Blackblade Greatsword 18 10 0 22 0 C D - D - Corpse Wax Cutter
GargoyleGargoyle's Great Axe Greataxe 24 8 0 0 0 B E - - - War Cry
GargoyleGargoyle's Greatsword Greatsword 18 10 0 0 0 B E - - - Vacuum Slice
GargoyleGargoyle's Halberd Halberd 26 10 0 0 0 B E - - - Spinning Slash
GargoyleGargoyle's Twinblade Twinblade 18 15 0 0 0 B E - - - Spinning Slash
Gazing Finger ImageGazing Finger
(DLC Only)
Colossal Weapon 20 8 20 14 0 B - D E - Kowtower's Resentment
Gelmir Glintstone Staff ImageGelmir Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 14 14 0 D - B B - No Skill
GhizaGhiza's Wheel Colossal Weapon 28 18 0 0 0 C C - - - Spinning Wheel
Ghostflame Torch ImageGhostflame Torch Torch 10 10 14 0 0 D D C - - Torch Attack
Giant-Crusher ImageGiant-Crusher Colossal Weapon 60 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Endure
GiantGiant's Red Braid Whip 18 12 0 21 0 B D - B - Flame Dance
GiantGiant's Seal Sacred Seal 4 0 0 14 0 D - - S - No Skill
Gilded Iron Shield ImageGilded Iron Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
Glaive ImageGlaive Halberd 18 15 0 0 0 C C - - - Spinning Slash
Glintstone Kris ImageGlintstone Kris Dagger 5 12 16 0 0 E C C - - Glintstone Dart
Glintstone Staff ImageGlintstone Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 10 0 0 D - S - - No Skill
Godskin Peeler ImageGodskin Peeler Twinblade 17 22 0 0 0 D B - - - Black Flame Tornado
Godskin Stitcher ImageGodskin Stitcher Heavy Thrusting Sword 14 17 0 0 0 C C - - - Impaling Thrust
Godslayer Seal ImageGodslayer Seal Sacred Seal 4 0 0 27 0 D - - S - No Skill
GodslayerGodslayer's Greatsword Colossal Sword 20 22 0 20 0 D B - C - The Queen's Black Flame
Golden Beast Crest Shield ImageGolden Beast Crest Shield Greatshield 24 0 0 0 0 B - - - - No Skill
Golden Epitaph ImageGolden Epitaph Straight Sword 12 10 0 14 0 D D - C - Last Rites
Golden Greatshield ImageGolden Greatshield Greatshield 34 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Golden Halberd ImageGolden Halberd Halberd 30 14 0 12 0 B D - D - Golden Vow
Golden Lion Shield ImageGolden Lion Shield
(DLC Only)
Medium Shield 11 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Roaring Bash
Golden Order Greatsword ImageGolden Order Greatsword Greatsword 16 21 0 28 0 E D - B - Establish Order
Golden Order Seal ImageGolden Order Seal Sacred Seal 0 0 17 17 0 - - A A - No Skill
Golem Greatbow ImageGolem Greatbow Greatbow 24 18 0 0 0 C D - - - Through and Through
GolemGolem's Halberd Colossal Weapon 36 14 0 0 0 C D - - - Charge Forth
Grafted Blade Greatsword ImageGrafted Blade Greatsword Colossal Sword 40 14 0 0 0 B D - - - Oath of Vengeance
Grafted Dragon ImageGrafted Dragon Fist 20 14 16 0 0 C D - D - Bear Witness!
Grave Scythe ImageGrave Scythe Reaper 17 13 0 0 0 C D - - - Spinning Slash
Gravel Stone Seal ImageGravel Stone Seal Sacred Seal 4 0 0 18 0 D - - S - No Skill
Great Club ImageGreat Club Colossal Weapon 35 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Golden Land
Great Epee ImageGreat Epee Heavy Thrusting Sword 15 16 0 0 0 D C - - - Impaling Thrust
Great Katana ImageGreat Katana
(DLC Only)
Great Katana 14 18 0 0 0 D C - - - Overhead Stance
Great Knife ImageGreat Knife Dagger 6 12 0 0 0 E B - - - Quickstep
Great Mace ImageGreat Mace Great Hammer 28 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Endure
Great Omenkiller Cleaver ImageGreat Omenkiller Cleaver Greataxe 23 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Wild Strikes
Great Stars ImageGreat Stars Great Hammer 22 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Endure
Great Turtle Shell ImageGreat Turtle Shell Medium Shield 14 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Barricade Shield
Greataxe ImageGreataxe Greataxe 30 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Barbaric Roar
Greatbow ImageGreatbow Greatbow 20 20 0 0 0 D D - - - Through and Through
Greathorn Hammer ImageGreathorn Hammer Great Hammer 22 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Barbaric Roar
Greatsword ImageGreatsword Colossal Sword 31 12 0 0 0 B D - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Greatsword of Damnation ImageGreatsword of Damnation
(DLC Only)
Greatsword 20 15 0 20 0 C D - D - Golden Crux
Greatsword of Radahn (Light) ImageGreatsword of Radahn (Light)
(DLC Only)
Colossal Sword 32 24 15 0 0 C C D - - Lightspeed Slash
Greatsword of Radahn (Lord) ImageGreatsword of Radahn (Lord)
(DLC Only)
Colossal Sword 32 24 15 0 0 C C D - - Promised Consort
Greatsword of Solitude ImageGreatsword of Solitude
(DLC Only)
Greatsword 27 13 0 0 0 A D - - - Solitary Moon Slash
Grossmesser ImageGrossmesser Curved Sword 14 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Spinning Slash
GuardianGuardian's Swordspear Halberd 17 16 0 0 0 E B - - - Spinning Slash
Halberd ImageHalberd Halberd 14 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Charge Forth
Haligtree Crest Greatshield ImageHaligtree Crest Greatshield Greatshield 36 0 0 0 0 B - - - - No Skill
Halo Scythe ImageHalo Scythe Reaper 13 16 0 15 0 D C - D - Miquella's Ring of Light
Hammer ImageHammer Hammer 14 7 0 0 0 C D - - - Kick
Hand Axe ImageHand Axe Axe 9 8 0 0 0 D C - - - Quickstep
Hand Ballista ImageHand Ballista Ballista 30 14 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
Hand of Malenia ImageHand of Malenia Katana 16 48 0 0 0 E B - - - Waterfowl Dance
Harp Bow ImageHarp Bow Light Bow 9 9 0 0 0 E D - - - Barrage
Hawk Crest Wooden Shield ImageHawk Crest Wooden Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Heater Shield ImageHeater Shield Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Heavy Crossbow ImageHeavy Crossbow Crossbow 14 10 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
HelphenHelphen's Steeple Greatsword 19 10 22 0 0 C E B - - Ruinous Ghostflame
Highland Axe ImageHighland Axe Axe 12 9 0 0 0 C D - - - War Cry
Hookclaws ImageHookclaws Claw 8 14 0 0 0 D B - - - Quickstep
Horn Bow ImageHorn Bow Bow 10 14 12 0 0 D D E - - Mighty Shot
Horned WarriorHorned Warrior's Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Curved Greatsword 19 16 0 13 0 B D - D - Horn Calling: Storm
Horned WarriorHorned Warrior's Sword
(DLC Only)
Curved Sword 11 14 0 14 0 D C - D - Horn Calling
Horse Crest Wooden Shield ImageHorse Crest Wooden Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
HoslowHoslow's Petal Whip Whip 10 20 0 0 0 D C - - - Kick
Ice Crest Shield ImageIce Crest Shield Small Shield 9 0 0 0 0 D - - - - No Skill
Icerind Hatchet ImageIcerind Hatchet Axe 11 16 0 0 0 D B - - - Hoarfrost Stomp
Icon Shield ImageIcon Shield Greatshield 22 0 0 0 0 B - - - - No Skill
IgonIgon's Greatbow
(DLC Only)
Greatbow 23 16 0 0 0 C E - - - Igon's Drake Hunt
InquisitorInquisitor's Girandole Spear 18 15 0 16 0 C C - B - Charge Forth
Inseparable Sword ImageInseparable Sword Greatsword 18 18 0 20 0 D D - B - Sacred Blade
Inverted Hawk Heater Shield ImageInverted Hawk Heater Shield Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Inverted Hawk Towershield ImageInverted Hawk Towershield Greatshield 30 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Iron Ball ImageIron Ball Fist 11 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Braggart's Roar
Iron Cleaver ImageIron Cleaver Axe 15 7 0 0 0 B D - - - Wild Strikes
Iron Greatsword ImageIron Greatsword Greatsword 18 10 0 0 0 B E - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Iron Roundshield ImageIron Roundshield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - No Skill
Iron Spear ImageIron Spear Spear 13 11 0 0 0 C D - - - Charge Forth
Ivory Sickle ImageIvory Sickle Dagger 6 11 13 0 0 D C C - - Quickstep
Jar Cannon ImageJar Cannon Ballista 34 12 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
Jawbone Axe ImageJawbone Axe Axe 14 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Wild Strikes
Jellyfish Shield ImageJellyfish Shield Greatshield 20 14 0 0 0 B - - - - Contagious Fury
Katar ImageKatar Fist 8 10 0 0 0 D C - - - Impaling Thrust
Kite Shield ImageKite Shield Medium Shield 12 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
KnightKnight's Greatsword Greatsword 16 12 0 0 0 D C - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Lamenting Visage ImageLamenting Visage
(DLC Only)
Torch 9 0 0 0 0 A - - - - Blindfold of Happiness
Lance ImageLance Great Spear 20 14 0 0 0 C C - - - Charge Forth
Large Club ImageLarge Club Great Hammer 22 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Barbaric Roar
Large Leather Shield ImageLarge Leather Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Lazuli Glintstone Sword ImageLazuli Glintstone Sword Straight Sword 8 9 13 0 0 C D D - - Glintstone Pebble
LedaLeda's Sword
(DLC Only)
Light Greatsword 11 22 0 19 0 D B - D - Needle Piercer
Light Crossbow ImageLight Crossbow Crossbow 12 8 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
Lightning Perfume Bottle ImageLightning Perfume Bottle
(DLC Only)
Perfume Bottle 3 16 0 14 0 - C - C - No Skill
Lion Greatbow ImageLion Greatbow Greatbow 22 18 0 0 0 D D - - - Radahn's Rain
Lizard Greatsword ImageLizard Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Greatsword 12 14 0 0 0 D C - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
Longbow ImageLongbow Bow 9 0 0 0 0 D D - - - Mighty Shot
Longhaft Axe ImageLonghaft Axe Greataxe 24 8 0 0 0 C D - - - War Cry
Longsword ImageLongsword Straight Sword 10 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Square Off
LordswornLordsworn's Greatsword Greatsword 16 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
LordswornLordsworn's Shield Greatshield 16 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
LordswornLordsworn's Straight Sword Straight Sword 10 10 0 0 0 D D - - - Square Off
LorettaLoretta's War Sickle Halberd 20 15 20 0 0 C C C - - Loretta's Slash
Lucerne ImageLucerne Halberd 15 12 0 0 0 D B - - - Charge Forth
LusatLusat's Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff 10 0 52 0 0 C - S - - No Skill
Mace ImageMace Hammer 12 7 0 0 0 C D - - - Kick
Madding Hand ImageMadding Hand
(DLC Only)
Fist 8 8 13 20 0 D D D D - Madding Spear-Hand Strike
Magma Blade ImageMagma Blade Curved Sword 9 15 0 16 0 C D - C - Magma Shower
Magma Whip Candlestick ImageMagma Whip Candlestick Whip 8 16 0 18 0 D B - C - Sea of Magma
Magma WyrmMagma Wyrm's Scalesword Curved Greatsword 24 15 0 18 0 B D - B - Magma Guillotine
Main-gauche ImageMain-gauche
(DLC Only)
Dagger 7 15 0 0 0 D B - - - Parry
MalikethMaliketh's Black Blade Colossal Sword 34 12 0 20 0 B D - B - Destined Death
Man-SerpentMan-Serpent's Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - No Skill
Manor Towershield ImageManor Towershield Greatshield 30 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Mantis Blade ImageMantis Blade Curved Sword 10 12 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Marais ExecutionerMarais Executioner's Sword Greatsword 24 14 0 0 23 B E - - D Eochaid's Dancing Blade
MarikaMarika's Hammer Hammer 20 12 0 19 0 B D - C - Gold Breaker
Marred Leather Shield ImageMarred Leather Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Marred Wooden Shield ImageMarred Wooden Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Maternal Staff ImageMaternal Staff
(DLC Only)
Glintstone Staff 7 0 21 0 21 D - A - A No Skill
Messmer Soldier Shield ImageMessmer Soldier Shield
(DLC Only)
Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Messmer SoldierMessmer Soldier's Axe
(DLC Only)
Axe 14 10 0 0 0 C C - - - War Cry
Messmer SoldierMessmer Soldier's Spear
(DLC Only)
Great Spear 19 16 0 0 0 C C - - - Impaling Thrust
Meteoric Ore Blade ImageMeteoric Ore Blade Katana 15 14 18 0 0 C D C - - Gravitas
Meteorite Staff ImageMeteorite Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 18 0 0 D - S - - No Skill
Milady ImageMilady
(DLC Only)
Light Greatsword 12 17 0 0 0 D C - - - Impaling Thrust
Miquellan KnightMiquellan Knight's Sword Straight Sword 11 11 0 16 0 D D - D - Sacred Blade
Misbegotten Shortbow ImageMisbegotten Shortbow Light Bow 16 8 0 0 0 D E - - - Barrage
Misericorde ImageMisericorde Dagger 7 12 0 0 0 E C - - - Quickstep
MohgwynMohgwyn's Sacred Spear Great Spear 24 14 0 0 27 C D - - C Bloodboon Ritual
MonkMonk's Flameblade Curved Greatsword 18 18 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
MonkMonk's Flamemace Hammer 18 18 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
MoonrithyllMoonrithyll's Knight Sword
(DLC Only)
Colossal Sword 20 14 18 0 0 C C D - - Tremendous Phalanx
Moonveil ImageMoonveil Katana 12 18 23 0 0 E B B - - Transient Moonlight
MorgottMorgott's Cursed Sword Curved Greatsword 14 35 0 0 17 D B - - B Cursed-Blood Slice
Morning Star ImageMorning Star Hammer 12 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Kick
Nagakiba ImageNagakiba Katana 18 22 0 0 0 D B - - - Unsheathe
NanayaNanaya's Torch
(DLC Only)
Torch 10 10 14 16 0 E E E E - Feeble Lord's Frenzied Flame
Nightrider Flail ImageNightrider Flail Flail 10 24 0 0 0 D B - - - Spinning Chain
Nightrider Glaive ImageNightrider Glaive Halberd 26 10 0 0 0 B E - - - Spinning Slash
NobleNoble's Estoc Thrusting Sword 9 10 0 0 0 D D - - - Impaling Thrust
NobleNoble's Slender Sword Straight Sword 8 11 0 0 0 E B - - - Square Off
Nox Flowing Hammer ImageNox Flowing Hammer Hammer 17 7 0 0 0 B D - - - ---
Nox Flowing Sword ImageNox Flowing Sword Curved Sword 8 15 0 0 0 D B - - - ---
Obsidian Lamina ImageObsidian Lamina
(DLC Only)
Reaper 12 25 0 0 17 E B - - D Dynastic Sickleplay
Omen Cleaver ImageOmen Cleaver Curved Greatsword 19 16 0 0 0 C C - - - Spinning Slash
One-Eyed Shield ImageOne-Eyed Shield Greatshield 36 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Flame Spit
Onyx LordOnyx Lord's Greatsword Curved Greatsword 20 16 16 0 0 B E B - - Onyx Lord's Repulsion
OrdovisOrdovis's Greatsword Greatsword 14 8 0 0 0 A E - C - Ordovis' Vortex
Ornamental Straight Sword ImageOrnamental Straight Sword Straight Sword 10 14 0 0 0 D B - - - Golden Tempering
Parrying Dagger ImageParrying Dagger Dagger 5 14 0 0 0 E B - - - Parry
Partisan ImagePartisan Spear 15 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Impaling Thrust
Pata ImagePata
(DLC Only)
Fist 11 15 0 0 0 D C - - - Impaling Thrust
PerfumerPerfumer's Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
PestPest's Glaive Halberd 13 13 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Pickaxe ImagePickaxe Great Hammer 22 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Endure
Pike ImagePike Spear 20 14 0 0 0 C D - - - Charge Forth
Pillory Shield ImagePillory Shield Small Shield 10 0 0 0 0 D - - - - No Skill
Poisoned Hand ImagePoisoned Hand
(DLC Only)
Fist 8 8 0 0 28 E - - - A Poison Spear-Hand Strike
Poleblade of the Bud ImagePoleblade of the Bud
(DLC Only)
Halberd 14 22 0 0 20 E D - - B Romina's Purification
PrelatePrelate's Inferno Crozier Colossal Weapon 45 8 0 0 0 B E - - - Prelate's Charge
Prince of DeathPrince of Death's Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 18 18 0 D - A A - No Skill
Pulley Bow ImagePulley Bow Bow 11 11 0 0 0 D D - - - Mighty Shot
Pulley Crossbow ImagePulley Crossbow Crossbow 16 16 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
Putrescence Cleaver ImagePutrescence Cleaver
(DLC Only)
Greataxe 28 10 0 0 15 C E - - C Spinning Guillotine
QueelignQueelign's Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Heavy Thrusting Sword 14 18 0 12 0 D C - D - Impaling Thrust
RabbathRabbath's Cannon
(DLC Only)
Ballista 28 16 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
RakshasaRakshasa's Great Katana
(DLC Only)
Great Katana 12 27 0 0 0 D B - - - Weed Cutter
Rapier ImageRapier Thrusting Sword 7 12 0 0 0 D B - - - Impaling Thrust
Raptor Talons ImageRaptor Talons Claw 6 14 0 0 0 E B - - - Quickstep
Red BearRed Bear's Claw
(DLC Only)
Beast Claw 20 10 0 0 0 B D - - - Red Bear Hunt
Red Branch Shortbow ImageRed Branch Shortbow Light Bow 8 16 0 0 0 E D - - - Barrage
Red Crest Heater Shield ImageRed Crest Heater Shield Medium Shield 10 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Red Thorn Roundshield ImageRed Thorn Roundshield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
Reduvia ImageReduvia Dagger 5 13 0 0 13 E C - - B Reduvia Blood Blade
Regalia of Eochaid ImageRegalia of Eochaid Straight Sword 12 18 0 0 15 D C - - C Eochaid's Dancing Blade
RellanaRellana's Twin Blades
(DLC Only)
Light Greatsword 13 16 16 16 0 C C C C - Moon-and-Fire Stance
Repeating Crossbow ImageRepeating Crossbow
(DLC Only)
Crossbow 13 15 0 0 0 - - - - - Repeating Fire
Rickety Shield ImageRickety Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
Rift Shield ImageRift Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
Ringed Finger ImageRinged Finger Hammer 15 9 0 0 0 B D - - - Claw Flick
Ripple Blade ImageRipple Blade Axe 11 11 0 0 20 - - - - S Wild Strikes
Ripple Crescent Halberd ImageRipple Crescent Halberd Halberd 12 12 0 0 20 - - - - S Spinning Slash
Rivers of Blood ImageRivers of Blood Katana 12 18 0 0 20 E B - - D Corpse Piler
Riveted Wooden Shield ImageRiveted Wooden Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
RogierRogier's Rapier Thrusting Sword 8 17 0 0 0 E B - - - Repeating Thrust
RosusRosus' Axe Axe 18 10 18 0 0 C D C - - Rosus' Summons
Rotten Battle Hammer ImageRotten Battle Hammer Great Hammer 26 8 0 0 0 B D - - - Braggart's Roar
Rotten Crystal Spear ImageRotten Crystal Spear Spear 10 16 16 0 0 D B D - - Charge Forth
Rotten Crystal Staff ImageRotten Crystal Staff Glintstone Staff 8 0 48 0 0 C - S - - No Skill
Rotten Crystal Sword ImageRotten Crystal Sword Straight Sword 13 10 15 0 0 C D D - - Spinning Slash
Rotten Greataxe ImageRotten Greataxe Colossal Weapon 30 10 0 0 0 D C - - - Endure
Rotten Staff ImageRotten Staff Colossal Weapon 34 8 0 0 0 B D - - - Erdtree Slam
Round Shield ImageRound Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Royal Greatsword ImageRoyal Greatsword Colossal Sword 26 18 22 0 0 C D C - - Wolf's Assault
Ruins Greatsword ImageRuins Greatsword Colossal Sword 50 0 16 0 0 S - D - - Wave of Destruction
Rusted Anchor ImageRusted Anchor Greataxe 26 9 0 0 0 B E - - - Endure
Sacred Relic Sword ImageSacred Relic Sword Greatsword 14 24 0 22 0 D B - C - Wave of Gold
Sacrificial Axe ImageSacrificial Axe Axe 16 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Wild Strikes
ScavengerScavenger's Curved Sword Curved Sword 9 14 0 0 0 C C - - - Spinning Slash
Scepter of the All-Knowing ImageScepter of the All-Knowing Hammer 12 18 21 0 0 D C C - - Knowledge Above All
Scimitar ImageScimitar Curved Sword 7 13 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Scorpion Kite Shield ImageScorpion Kite Shield Medium Shield 12 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
ScorpionScorpion's Stinger Dagger 6 12 0 0 0 D B - - - Repeating Thrust
Scripture Wooden Shield ImageScripture Wooden Shield Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
Scythe ImageScythe Reaper 14 14 0 0 0 D B - - - Spinning Slash
SentrySentry's Torch Torch 15 8 0 15 0 D E - C - Torch Attack
Serpent Bow ImageSerpent Bow Bow 8 15 0 0 11 D D - - D Mighty Shot
Serpent Crest Shield ImageSerpent Crest Shield
(DLC Only)
Medium Shield 12 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Serpent Flail ImageSerpent Flail
(DLC Only)
Flail 10 24 0 21 0 E C - B - Flare, O Serpent
Serpent-GodSerpent-God's Curved Sword Curved Sword 13 9 0 0 0 C D - - - Spinning Slash
Serpent-Hunter ImageSerpent-Hunter Great Spear 0 0 0 0 0 A E - - - Great-Serpent Hunt
Serpentbone Blade ImageSerpentbone Blade Katana 11 22 0 0 0 E B - - - Double Slash
Shadow Sunflower Blossom ImageShadow Sunflower Blossom
(DLC Only)
Colossal Weapon 24 8 0 25 0 C E - B - Shadow Sunflower Headbutt
Shamshir ImageShamshir Curved Sword 7 13 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Shield of Night ImageShield of Night
(DLC Only)
Small Shield 8 0 18 0 0 - D - - - Revenge of the Night
Shield of the Guilty ImageShield of the Guilty Small Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Shield Bash
Short Spear ImageShort Spear Spear 10 10 0 0 0 D C - - - Impaling Thrust
Short Sword ImageShort Sword Straight Sword 8 10 0 0 0 D C - - - Kick
Shortbow ImageShortbow Light Bow 8 10 0 0 0 D D - - - Barrage
Shotel ImageShotel Curved Sword 9 19 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
SiluriaSiluria's Tree Great Spear 27 13 0 20 0 B D - C - Siluria's Woe
Silver Mirrorshield ImageSilver Mirrorshield Medium Shield 12 10 10 0 0 C - D - - No Skill
Smithscript Axe ImageSmithscript Axe
(DLC Only)
Axe 13 10 11 11 0 C D E E - Wild Strikes
Smithscript Cirque ImageSmithscript Cirque
(DLC Only)
Backhand Blade 0 14 11 11 0 D C E E - Blind Spot
Smithscript Dagger ImageSmithscript Dagger
(DLC Only)
Throwing Blades 5 11 11 11 0 D B E E - Piercing Throw
Smithscript Greathammer ImageSmithscript Greathammer
(DLC Only)
Great Hammer 20 10 11 11 0 C E E E - Endure
Smithscript Shield ImageSmithscript Shield
(DLC Only)
Small Shield 10 15 11 11 0 C D E E - Discus Hurl
Smithscript Spear ImageSmithscript Spear
(DLC Only)
Spear 9 12 11 11 0 D C E E - Impaling Thrust
Smoldering Shield ImageSmoldering Shield Small Shield 10 9 0 12 0 D - - C - Shield Bash
SoldierSoldier's Crossbow Crossbow 10 8 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
Spear of the Impaler ImageSpear of the Impaler
(DLC Only)
Great Spear 14 35 0 18 0 E B - C - Messmer's Assault
Spiked Caestus ImageSpiked Caestus Fist 8 10 0 0 0 C C - - - Endure
Spiked Club ImageSpiked Club Hammer 12 7 0 0 0 C C - - - Barbaric Roar
Spiked Palisade Shield ImageSpiked Palisade Shield Greatshield 20 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Spiked Spear ImageSpiked Spear Spear 14 16 0 0 0 D D - - - Impaling Thrust
Spiralhorn Shield ImageSpiralhorn Shield Small Shield 8 10 0 0 0 D - - - - Parry
Spiraltree Seal ImageSpiraltree Seal
(DLC Only)
Sacred Seal 8 0 0 17 0 D - - S - No Skill
Spirit Glaive ImageSpirit Glaive
(DLC Only)
Halberd 14 17 16 0 0 D C D - - Rancor Slash
Spirit Sword ImageSpirit Sword
(DLC Only)
Curved Sword 8 16 16 0 0 E C C - - Rancor Slash
Spread Crossbow ImageSpread Crossbow
(DLC Only)
Crossbow 11 17 0 0 0 - - - - - Kick
St. TrinaSt. Trina's Torch Torch 10 10 0 14 0 D D - C - Fires of Slumber
Staff of Loss ImageStaff of Loss Glintstone Staff 6 12 14 0 0 D D S - - No Skill
Staff of the Avatar ImageStaff of the Avatar Colossal Weapon 34 8 0 24 0 A D - B - Erdtree Slam
Staff of the Great Beyond ImageStaff of the Great Beyond
(DLC Only)
Glintstone Staff 7 0 25 25 0 D - B B - No Skill
Staff of the Guilty ImageStaff of the Guilty Glintstone Staff 8 0 0 12 0 C - - S - No Skill
Star Fist ImageStar Fist Fist 12 8 0 0 0 C D - - - Endure
Star-Lined Sword ImageStar-Lined Sword
(DLC Only)
Katana 10 23 21 0 0 D B D - - Onze's Line of Stars
Starscourge Greatsword ImageStarscourge Greatsword Colossal Sword 38 12 15 0 0 B D D - - Starcaller Cry
Steel-Wire Torch ImageSteel-Wire Torch Torch 10 8 0 0 0 D B - - - Firebreather
Stone Club ImageStone Club Hammer 16 8 0 0 0 B E - - - Kick
Stone-Sheathed Sword ImageStone-Sheathed Sword
(DLC Only)
Straight Sword 16 8 0 0 0 B D - - - Square Off
Stormhawk Axe ImageStormhawk Axe Axe 19 15 0 0 0 C D - - - Thunderstorm
Sun Realm Shield ImageSun Realm Shield Medium Shield 8 0 0 0 0 C - - - - Parry
Swift Spear ImageSwift Spear
(DLC Only)
Spear 10 26 0 0 0 - B - - - Impaling Thrust
Sword Lance ImageSword Lance
(DLC Only)
Heavy Thrusting Sword 21 11 0 0 0 B E - - - Spinning Gravity Thrust
Sword of Darkness ImageSword of Darkness
(DLC Only)
Straight Sword 14 11 0 24 0 C D - D - Darkness
Sword of Light ImageSword of Light
(DLC Only)
Straight Sword 14 11 0 24 0 C D - D - Light
Sword of Milos ImageSword of Milos Greatsword 15 19 0 0 0 C C - - - Shriek of Milos
Sword of Night ImageSword of Night
(DLC Only)
Katana 11 20 0 0 0 - B - - - Witching Hour Slash
Sword of Night and Flame ImageSword of Night and Flame Straight Sword 12 12 24 24 0 D D B B - Night-and-Flame Stance
Sword of St. Trina ImageSword of St. Trina Straight Sword 10 12 14 0 0 D C D - - Mists of Slumber
Thiollier's Hidden Needle
(DLC Only)
Fist 10 22 15 0 0 D B C - - Sleep Evermore
Thorned Whip ImageThorned Whip Whip 8 16 0 0 0 D B - - - Kick
Tooth Whip ImageTooth Whip
(DLC Only)
Whip 10 24 0 0 0 D B - - - Painful Strike
Torch ImageTorch Torch 5 5 0 0 0 C D - - - Torch Attack
Torchpole ImageTorchpole Spear 14 15 0 0 0 C C - - - Charge Forth
Treespear ImageTreespear Great Spear 15 22 0 18 0 D C - D - Sacred Order
Troll KnightTroll Knight's Sword Colossal Sword 20 14 18 0 0 C C D - - Troll's Roar
TrollTroll's Golden Sword Colossal Sword 29 10 0 0 0 B - - - - Troll's Roar
TrollTroll's Hammer Colossal Weapon 28 8 0 10 0 B E - D - Troll's Roar
Twinbird Kite Shield ImageTwinbird Kite Shield Medium Shield 12 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Twinblade ImageTwinblade Twinblade 10 18 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Twinned Knight Swords ImageTwinned Knight Swords Twinblade 16 18 0 0 0 C D - - - Spinning Slash
Uchigatana ImageUchigatana Katana 11 15 0 0 0 D C - - - Unsheathe
Urumi ImageUrumi Whip 10 19 0 0 0 E B - - - Kick
VarreVarre's Bouquet Hammer 8 16 0 0 24 E C - - B Blood Tax
Velvet Sword of St. Trina ImageVelvet Sword of St. Trina
(DLC Only)
Straight Sword 10 12 14 0 0 D D D - - Mists of Eternal Sleep
Venomous Fang ImageVenomous Fang Claw 9 9 0 0 0 D C - - - Quickstep
Verdigris Greatshield ImageVerdigris Greatshield
(DLC Only)
Greatshield 49 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Moore's Charge
VeteranVeteran's Prosthesis Fist 15 12 0 0 0 C D - - - Storm Kick
Visage Shield ImageVisage Shield Greatshield 44 0 0 0 0 B - - - - Shield Bash
Vulgar Militia Saw ImageVulgar Militia Saw Halberd 15 13 0 0 0 D C - - - Spinning Slash
Vulgar Militia Shotel ImageVulgar Militia Shotel Halberd 14 16 0 0 0 E B - - - Spinning Slash
VykeVyke's War Spear Great Spear 16 20 0 18 0 D B - C - Frenzyflame Thrust
Wakizashi ImageWakizashi Dagger 9 13 0 0 0 D C - - - Quickstep
WarhawkWarhawk's Talon Straight Sword 10 16 0 0 0 D B - - - Spinning Slash
Warped Axe ImageWarped Axe Axe 24 8 0 0 0 B - - - - War Cry
Warpick ImageWarpick Hammer 11 9 0 0 0 D D - - - Kick
WatchdogWatchdog's Greatsword Colossal Sword 30 10 0 0 0 B E - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)
WatchdogWatchdog's Staff Colossal Weapon 34 10 0 0 0 C D - - - Sorcery of the Crozier
Weathered Straight Sword ImageWeathered Straight Sword Straight Sword 7 10 0 0 0 D C - - - Square Off
Whip ImageWhip Whip 8 14 0 0 0 D C - - - Kick
Wing of Astel ImageWing of Astel Curved Sword 7 17 20 0 0 E C B - - Nebula
Winged Greathorn ImageWinged Greathorn Greataxe 20 20 0 0 0 C C - - - Soul Stifler
Winged Scythe ImageWinged Scythe Reaper 16 16 0 24 0 D C - C - Angel's Wings
Wolf Crest Shield ImageWolf Crest Shield
(DLC Only)
Medium Shield 12 0 0 0 0 C - - - - No Skill
Zamor Curved Sword ImageZamor Curved Sword Curved Greatsword 16 18 0 0 0 C B - - - Zamor Ice Storm
Zweihander ImageZweihander Colossal Sword 19 11 0 0 0 D C - - - Stamp (Upward Cut)

List of Weapons by Stat Scaling

Strength Dexterity Intelligence
Faith Arcane

List of Weapons by Damage Types

StandardStandard StrikeStrike SlashSlash PiercePierce
MagicMagic FireFire HolyHoly LightningLightning

List of Weapons by Status Effects

BleedBleed FrostFrost RotScarlet Rot
SleepSleep PoisonPoison MadnessMadness

All Weapon Types Explained

Click to Jump to a Section!
Base Game DLC

All Base Game Weapon Types

Weapon Type Description
AxesAxes Axes are heavy weapons that are best used in close combat. As a heavy weapon, they can deal both vitality and poise damage to enemies.
BallistaBallista Ballistas can deal high damage from afar, making them an ideal weapon for sniping enemies. They do not require loading before firing unlike Crossbows.
BowsBows Bows are standard ranged weapons that deal standard and pierce damage.
ClawsClaws Claws are also fast weapons that are equipped on both hands similar to fists, but have slightly farther reach and deal slashing damage that inflict bleed.
Colossal SwordsColossal Swords Colossal swords are similar to Greatswords but have a longer reach and they require more strength stats to wield.
Colossal WeaponColossal Weapons Each Colossal Weapon has its gimmick, despite this, they are extremely powerful weapons that can stunlock enemies or instantly kill them.
CrossbowsCrossbows Crossbows are standard ranged weapons that require loading before firing. They also have no draw animation, allowing players to fire instantly.
Curved GreatswordsCurved Greatsword Curved Greatswords also specialize in slash attacks and deal higher damage, but similar to greatswords they have low mobility.
Curved SwordsCurved Swords Curved Swords specialize in slash attacks with fast attack speeds, making them an ideal weapon for applying status effects.
DaggersDaggers Daggers have fast attack speed and high Critical Damage but have short reach, making it an ideal weapon for backstabbing enemies.
FistsFists First are equipped on both hands and are extremely fast weapons, this makes them an ideal weapon for applying status effects.
FlailsFlails Flails are unique weapons that deal more damage when enemies are hit with the striking head compared to the handle.
Glintstone StavesGlintstone Staves Glintstone Staves are weapons required to cast magic spells.
Great HammersGreat Hammers Great Hammers have farther reach and more damage compared to Hammers, but are much slower and require more strength stats.
Great SpearGreat Spears Great Spears have far reach and devastating damage outputs but have slow windups.
GreataxeGreataxes Greataxes have farther reach and higher vitality and pose damage compared to Axes, but are much slower
GreatbowsGreatbows Greatbows can deal high damage from afar, making them an ideal weapon for sniping enemies. They require Great Arrows as ammunition.
GreatshieldsGreatshields Greatshields have a lot of weight, but are extremely efficient in blocking attacks.
GreatswordGreatswords Greatswords have low mobility but deal significant damage against enemies; ideal weapons for veterans who memorize attack patterns.
HalberdHalberds Halberds have wide slashing attacks and long piercing attacks with medium damage, they're an exceptionally good weapon choice for beginners.
HammerHammers Hammers are slow weapons that are extremely effective against armored enemies by breaking their poise.
Heavy Thrusting SwordsHeavy Thrusting Swords Heavy Thrusting Swords deal higher pierce damage compared to Thrusting Swords, but their attacks are slower.
KatanaKatanas Katanas specialize in slash attacks and can apply bleed to enemies making it an extremely powerful early game weapon.
Light BowsLight Bows Lightbows are fast ranged weapons that can fire arrows immediately after performing terrain actions.
Medium ShieldsMedium Shields Medium Shields offer better damage reduction when blocking, making it an ideal beginner's shield when trying to learn how to parry.
ReaperReapers Reapers have long-reaching slashing attacks that can damage enemies behind shields.
Sacred SealsSacred Seals Sacred Seals are weapons required to cast incantations.
Small ShieldsSmall Shields Small Shields are lightweight shields that should be used for parrying instead of blocking.
SpearsSpears Spears are medium-ranged thrusting weapons that are perfect for keeping enemies at a distance.
Straight SwordsStraight Swords Straight Swords are light weapons with fast attack speed and decent reach, making them a balanced weapon that fits beginners in the early game.
Thrusting SwordsThrusting Sword Thursting Swords specialize in pierce damage, with fast attack speed and decent reach; ideal for maintaining distance while attacking.
TorchesTorches Torches deal low damage but can set enemies ablaze and ward off beasts.
TwinbladesTwinblades Twinblades are perfect for AoE attacks around the wielder; their fast attack speed also makes them an ideal weapon for applying status effects.
WhipsWhips Whips have extremely long reach, but have low damage and are extremely weak against armored enemies.

All DLC Weapon Types

Weapon Type Description
Backhand BladesBackhand Blades Swords held in reverse grip to deliver slashes and thrusting attacks in quick succession.
Beast ClawsBeast Claws Aggressive close-range weapons similar to Fists, but are highly mobile to compensate for their lack of reach.
Great KatanasGreat Katanas Bigger version of the Katana that boasts higher damage and range at the cost of a slower attack speed.
Hand-to-HandHand-to-Hand Unleashes a flurry of swift punches and kicks at extremely close range.
Light GreatswordsLight Greatswords Similar to Greatswords, Light Greatswords are faster and offer mobility with thrusting attacks.
Perfume BottlesPerfume Bottles Offers ranged attacks that do not consume FP. These are the weapon versions of the consumable Perfume Bottles.
Throwing BladesThrowing Blades Throwing Blades act as ranged weapons that can pelt enemies from afar without an ammo restriction.
Thrusting ShieldsThrusting Shields Opens up opportunities for thrusting attacks after blocking enemy attacks. Versatile weapon that offers offensive and defensive options in combat.

How to Upgrade Weapons

Enhance Weapons at Smithing Tables and Blacksmiths

Hewg Keeps Smithing

Players can upgrade their weapons through the use of smithing tables or bringing their weapons to a blacksmith.

The first smithing table that you can encounter is found at the Church of Elleh. Keep in mind that upgrading your weapons at smithing tables is capped at +3, only blacksmiths can fully upgrade your weapons.

Smithing Master Hewg and Blacksmith Iji can upgrade your Special weapons to +10 and your Normal weapons to +25. Master Hewg is found at the Roundtable Hold, while Iji is found near the Road to the Manor site of grace.

How to Upgrade Weapons

Pay Attention to Stat Scaling Before Leveling Up

Some weapons will get boosted stat scaling as you upgrade them. If you want to get better damage bonuses from your stats, make sure to pay attention to which stats get scaled up after upgrading your weapon.

Stat Scaling Explained

Elden Ring Related Guides

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Elden Ring - DLCDLC Elden Ring - Story WalkthroughStory Walkthrough
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Elden Ring - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Elden Ring - TalismansTalismans
Elden Ring - Spirit AshesSpirit Ashes Elden Ring - Bell BearingsBell Bearings
Elden Ring - Great RunesGreat Runes Elden Ring - WhetbladesWhetblades
Elden Ring - ItemsItems Elden Ring - EndingsEndings
Elden Ring - BossesBosses Elden Ring - WeaponsWeapons
Elden Ring - Magic SpellsMagic Spells Elden Ring - ArmorArmor
Elden Ring - BuildsBuilds Elden Ring - ClassesStarting Classes
Elden Ring Ashes of WarAshes of War Elden Ring - Divine Towers Divine Towers
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Elden Ring - News and Game InfoNews and Game Info Elden Ring - Patch NotesPatch Notes
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All Achievements and Trophies All Whetblade Locations
Larval Tears How to Unlock the Map
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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Any chance the sections can be edited like wiki pages? Wanted to add some missing stuff.


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