Elden Ring

Academy of Raya Lucaria Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Elden Ring - Academy of Raya Lucaria Walkthrough

Academy of Raya Lucaria is one of the Legacy Dungeons that you can explore in Elden Ring. Read on for a complete walkthrough of the dungeon, its location on the map, list of bosses and how to beat them, and obtainable items in Academy of Raya Lucaria!

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Academy of Raya Lucaria Overview

Academy of Raya Lucaria Basic Information

Academy of Raya Lucaria

View Full Map
Type Legacy Dungeon
Region Liurnia of the Lakes
Location Near the western edge of Liurnia
Boss Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Red Wolf of Radagon

How to Get to Academy of Raya Lucaria

Raya Lucaria Academy is found near the western edge of Liurnia. The gates to the academy can only be opened with the Academy Glintstone Key.

How to Get Into the Academy of Raya Lucaria

Academy of Raya Lucaria Walkthrough

Getting the Academy Glintstone Key

1 Enter the keep and exit to the other side to find the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace.
The path inside the keep is linear, so you'll be able to find the exit by moving from one room to another.
At the Church of Irith, south of the Site of Grace, you can find a Sacred Tear and Thops.
Talk with Thops and he will tell you how to get inside the Academy of Raya Lucaria using a Glintstone Key.
Travel northwest and activate the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace
You can find a merchant nearby and a map fragment further to the north.
Head north and find the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace along with a map fragment.
Make sure to also grab the Golden Seed nearby to the northwest.
Follow the path leading northwest to reach the Site of Grace at South Raya Lucaria Gate and obtain the Meeting Place Map.
It is recommended to simply run past all the enemies that guard the South Raya Lucaria Gate.
6 Go around the academy until you reach the area to its west marked by the Meeting Place Map. Make sure to touch the nearby Temple Quarter Site of Grace. You can use Torrent to hop over the rocks behind Smarag to sneak past him and grab the Academy Glintstone Key.
It is not necessary to kill him and it is recommended to take the key and run at this point in the game.
How to Beat Glintstone Dragon Smarag
7 Return to the South Raya Lucaria Gate.

Preparation for the Academy of Raya Lucaria

Location What You Can Find
Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel ・Obtain the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing
Church of Vows ・Purchase Sorceries and Incantations
Castle Morne ・Obtain Smithing Stones
・Get the Grafted Blade Greatsword
・Get the Twinblade Talisman
・Get the Whip

Obtaining the Glintstone Key

After getting the Meeting Place Map at the South Raya Lucaria Gate, fast travel to the Site of Grace of Academy Gate Town and head northwest. Instead of passing through the guarded area, turn left and go around the area below the academy until you reach the marked spot on the Meeting Place Map.

Unmount Torrent and crouch as you get close to your destination, lest you wake up Smarag. You can also use Torrent to hop over the rocks behind him, but it can be a little finicky. Sneak behind the dragon and grab the Academy Glintsone Key, then quickly fast travel to the South Raya Lucaria Gate.

Academy of Raya Lucaria Objectives

8 Pass through the gate and activate the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace. You can find a Golden Seed at the end of the bridge to your right, opposite of the elevator. You can also find a merchant if you turn around and head down the path behind you, past the packs of wolves.
9 Ride the elevator and head up.
10 Head south until you reach the chapel. Be wary of the Marionette enemies that drop down from the ceiling. Defeat all the enemies or run past them, then take a left to find the Church of the Cuckoo Site of Grace.
11 Follow the path outside to the graveyard area. Hug the left-side path, and behind a gravestone with a Mushroom and Spellproof Dried Liver surrounded by enemies is a hidden path.
Follow the path and it will take you to an alcove with two bow-wielding Marionette Soldiers. Defeat them and pick up the Marionette Soldier Ashes from the corpse behind them.
12 Jump down from the alcove. Be wary of the enemies at the bottom. You can find a Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot nearby at the base of a tree. Hug the right side of the path, and behind some tombstones is a hidden area with the Carian Knight armor set guarded by some enemies.
13 Make your way back up from the hidden area and follow the path until you reach what looks like a waterwheel with platforms you can jump on and ride it.
14 Ride the waterwheel to the top and jump off, then head south and turn left to find a room with the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace.
15 Enter the hallway to your right, follow it to the next room, then take another right to the stairs. The room where the hallway leads to is filled with enemies, and it is advised to simply run past all of them as they can easily overwhelm you.
16 Continue to the upper floor and pass through the mist to fight the Red Wolf of Radagon
How to Beat Red Wolf of Radagon
17 After beating the Red Wolf of Radagon, activate the Debate Parlor Site of Grace.
18 Go outside and take a hard right, then jump over the railing and climb up the ladder. Jump through the broken window and turn right. You will find a chest with the Radagon Icon talisman inside.
19 Make your way back outside into the courtyard and hug the western side. Watch out for the Virgin Abductor patrolling the area. You can find a Golden Seed in the grassy area surrounded by a few enemies.
20 Head northeast until you reach a giant staircase. Cross the gap using one of the beams connecting to the staircase.
As you walk up, large iron balls will roll down the stairs, so stick to the sides and watch the ball as the it doesn't travel in a straight line and will bounce slightly from side to side, creating some safe spots. You can also find a Smithing Stone 5 at the bottom of the stairs.
21 Enter through the door, then head north to a courtyard where you'll fight Moongrum, Carian Knight.
Don't let your attacks get parried or he'll execute a riposte and take a huge chunk off your health, or kill you immediately if you're low-level. Using jump attacks is recommended as they can't be parried. The first time you bring the knight's HP down by a half, he will switch their shield with a wand, and you can be more aggressive without the risk of getting blocked. He will drop a Carian Knight's Shield upon defeat.
22 Use the elevator up and open the door ahead to fight Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Before you fight the boss, we recommend turning left first, then make your way to the bridge with a locked door that leads back to the courtyard. This will save you a long trip to go back to Rennala if you fall in battle.
How to Beat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Points of interest after beating Rennala

Location What You Can Find
Academy Library Respec your stats from Rennala
Schoolhouse Classroom ・Reach Volcano Manor through the large water wheel

Walkthrough and Progression Guide: Where to Go and What to Do First

Academy of Raya Lucaria General Tips

Ignore the mages

Elden Ring - academy mages firing missiles

You'll run into a lot of scholarly mages inside the academy who can shoot magic missiles at high-speed. Just run past them, especially if they're in groups, while dodging their projectiles with rolls.

Two Illusory Walls

Two Illusory Walls are found inside the Academy of Raya Lucaria, both located along the path from the Schoolhouse Classroom and Debate Parlor

From the Schoolhouse Classroom, enter the hallway nearby and immediately turn left. Enter the next room and hit the wall directly in front of you to reveal a secret path.

The other one is found just before the Debate Parlor, where you fought the Red Wolf of Radagon. Hit the bookshelf nearest to the staircase on your left (facing the parlor) to reveal another secret path that leads to a hidden room.

All Illusory Walls and How to Find Them

Boss Fight Strategy for Rennala

Hit the glowing follower

Elden Ring - glowing follower

Rennala will be invulnerable while floating during the first phase. You'll need to defeat the follower with a glowing aura, which will then pass the light to another follower. You can easily find your target follower by tracing where the flying books are coming from.

After hitting three glowing followers, Rennala will fall down and be vulnerable to your attacks. When Rennala starts casting a golden orb from her hands, quickly roll away from her to avoid the explosion.

End the second phase quickly

Elden Ring - Rennala 2nd phase

Rennala will have a wide array of spells to cast during the second phase, making it a lot more difficult than when she's just floating around and hurling rocks. Try not to drag out the battle and close the gaps while dodging her attacks in order to reach her.

Watch out for her summons. It is not necessary to kill her summons and it is recommended to run away and ignore them while trying to hit Rennala and avoiding all their attacks.

Bleed attacks are very useful during this phase as they can deal massive damage to Rennala each time you proc Blood Loss. Heavy and jumping attacks are also effective at breaking her stance.

How to Beat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

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