Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Rellana's Twin Blades Build Guide

Elden Ring - Rellana

This is a build guide for the Rellana's Twin Blades weapon in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on for a guide to the Rellana's Twin Blades build, including info on the build's stat distribution and recommended equipment.

Rellana's Twin Blades Guides
Elden Ring - Twin Blades Weapon IconRellana's Twin Blades Location Elden Ring - Twin Blades Build IconRellana's Twin Blades Build Guide

Rellana's Twin Blades Build Guide

Split Damage Between Physical, Magic, and Fire

Weapon Details
Rellana Rellana's Twin Blades
Weapon Skill: Moon-and-Fire Stance
Weapon Scaling
Str: D Dex: D Int: D Fai: D Arc: -
Stat Requirements
Str: 13 Dex: 16 Int: 16 Fai: 16 Arc: 0

Rellana's Twin Blades are the star of this DLC weapon build, and it can be obtained via the Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight. It splits its scaling between Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Faith, with all 4 getting C-scaling when the weapon is upgraded to +10.

Strength and Dexterity will dictate the amount of damage your physical attacks do, Intelligence will dictate the damage done by your Moon Stance projectiles, while Faith determines the damage of your Fire Stance attacks.

Moon-and-Fire Stance and the Light Greatsword Moveset

Rellana's Twin Blades main gimmick is its Moon-and-Fire Stance. While using the Ash of War, you adopt a stance (similar to the Sword of Night and Flame) that turns your light attacks into Int-based ranged slashes, and your heavy attack into an AoE swirl of Faith-based Flames.

While great on its own, its light greatsword moveset is what truly makes it shine, allowing you to seamlessly flow between light and heavy attacks, with the option for an AoE or ranged attack using its Ash of War.

However, this does mean that this weapon has a high skill ceiling, since it requires you to be familiar with the blades' moveset. Knowing which inputs result in a true combo will help you use these blades even against highly aggressive bosses in the base game and DLC.

Use Incantations to Buff Fire Stance Damage

Buffing Incantations
Flame, Grant Me Strength IconFlame, Grant Me Strength Golden Vow IconGolden Vow Howl of Shabriri IconHowl of Shabriri

The Fire Stance offers the most utility in this build since its AoE fire attack can get multiple opponents in one go. Multiple instances of damage can also be inflicted due to the AoE, especially when fighiting larger opponents.

This build takes advantage of the weapon sharing split scaling with Faith by having you raise your Faith stat to at least 25. This grants you access to a plethora of damage buffs (that stack), allowing you to make the most out of the Flame Stance's Ash of War damage.

Rellana's Twin Blades Build Stat Distribution

Recommended Stats

Recommended Level
Stat Points Explanation
VGR 50 ・50 Vigor is enough for the DLC provided you're upgrading your Scadutree Blessing before each major boss. This can be raised to 60 if you feel too squishy.
MND 30 ・You'll be spamming the Ash of War a lot when using Rellana's Twin Blades. 30 Mind gives you enough FP for buffs and Ash of War spam at the start of the fight.
END 30 ・30 END just to hit the soft cap for stamina gain. This can be raised some more, but Stamina-boosting talismans and equip load talismans can work in a pinch.
STR 32 ・Even split between STR and DEX so you get good Physical damage and you gain access to more weapon options. STR won't get its 1.5x bonus since these are paired weapons.
DEX 32 ・Even split between STR and DEX so you get good Physical damage and you gain access to more weapon options.
INT 23 ・Enough INT to have access to Sorcery options as well as alternative DEX-INT weapons like the Star-Lined Sword or the Moonveil.
FAI 25 ・Enough Faith to use buffing incantations as well as the Blasphemous Blade. Can be raised to 27 Faith so you gain access to Lord's Divine Fortification for the Final Bosses of the base game and DLC.
ARC 7 ・ARC is not needed.

Recommended Starting Class: Vagabond

Elden Ring - Vagabond Class

15 10 11 14 13 9 9 7

For this Rellana's Twin Blades build, we recommend to start with the Vagabond class as that offers a lot more room to balance out everything, as well as having a solid early game.

Starting classes have a fixed stat distribution set. While useful for deciding on making a build early, they will have little influence later on when maximizing builds to their soft and hard caps in the late game and New Game Plus.

Vagabond Class Guide

Respec Stats at Rennala in Raya Lucaria

Your character's accumulated stat points can be reset by offering a Larval Tear to Rennala for rebirth at the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Offering Larval Tears are non-refundable. Once your character stats have been reset to your class's base stats, you will have to reassign your attribute points.

How to Respec Stats

Rellana's Twin Blades Build Equipment


Weapon Explanation
Rellana Rellana's Twin Blades
Best Weapon

・Scales well with every stat and is extremely flexible
・Fast attack speed making it a good Physical weapon
・Faith-scaling Flames are capable of staggering opponents
・Int-scaling projectiles can pick off enemies from range
Milady Icon Milady
Best Alternative

・Non-magical variant of Rellana's Twin Blades, but still provides high Physical scaling
・Flexible as it can be infused with Ashes of War
Blasphemous Blade Icon Blasphemous Blade
2nd Best Alternative

・Generally good option due to this build preemptively meeting the requirements
・Weapon Art can provide both damage and sustain making this one of the safest options until you gain access to the DLC weapons
Golden Order Seal ImageGolden Order Seal ・Has excellent incantation scaling and is one of the best seals for Faith-Int builds.
Sword of Night and Flame ImageSword of Night and Flame ・Decent option to use until you get one of the better alternatives
・Has a powerful but long-winding weapon art that can take opponents down quickly, provided that you slot into Int/Faith stats

Best Weapon Tier List


Spells Explanation
Golden Vow IconGolden Vow ・Used to buff yourself with increased attack and defenses.
Flame, Grant Me Strength IconFlame, Grant Me Strength ・Used to buff your physical and fire-affinity attack power.
Howl of Shabriri IconHowl of Shabriri ・Used for the buff that increases damage but with the downside that it also increases damage taken.
・Does not stack with Flame, Grant Me Strength.
LordLord's Divine Fortification ・Greatly increases Holy Damage negation.

List of All Magic Spells


Armor of Choice
RellanaRellana's Helm RellanaRellana's Armor
RellanaRellana's Gloves RellanaRellana's Greaves

Since you are already using Rellana's Twin Blades, you can opt to complete the full set as the Rellana Armor Set perfectly meets the minimum 51 Poise requirement!

Otherwise, pick whichever armor best suits your weapons, personality, and playstyle so long as you either have the Bull-Goat's Talisman or the minimum to reach 51 Poise.

Best Armor and All Armor Sets


Talisman Effect
RellanaRellana's Cameo ・ Enhances attacks executed after maintaining the same stance for a while.
Shard of Alexander IconShard of Alexander ・ Greatly boosts the attack power of skills.
MillicentMillicent's Prosthesis ・ Boosts dexterity, raises attack power with successive attacks.
Rotten Winged Sword Insignia IconRotten Winged Sword Insignia ・ Greatly raises attack power with successive attacks.
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman IconDragoncrest Greatshield Talisman ・ Enormously boosts physical damage negation.
Carian Filigreed Crest IconCarian Filigreed Crest ・ Lowers FP consumed by skills.
Godskin Swaddling Cloth IconGodskin Swaddling Cloth ・ Successive attacks restore HP.

Best Talismans

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1 Anonymous9 months

This build is bad. You will lose out on a ton of weapon art damage by investing into STR and DEX, and the weapon art is the most important part of this weapon. Going STR/DEX only gets you about ~9% AR on a weapon where AR isn't particularly important, whereas going with this stat spread (47 INT/47 FTH) will get you ~31% more weapon art damage. For more info check out Crightt on Youtube; he actually does optimization math properly unlike the more popular youtubers this build was taken from.


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