Elden Ring

Redmane Castle Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Elden Ring - Redmane Castle Walkthrough

Redmane Castle is one of the Legacy Dungeons that you can explore in Elden Ring. Read on for a complete walkthrough of the dungeon, its location on the map, list of bosses and how to beat them, and obtainable items in Redmane Castle!

Redmane Castle Overview

Redmane Castle Basic Information

Redmane Castle

View Full Map
Type Legacy Dungeon
Region Caelid
Location At the southern edge of Caelid
Boss Starscourge Radahn
Misbegotten Warrior

How to Get to Redmane Castle

Redmane Castle is located at the southernmost part of Caelid. Activate the Site of Grace at Rotview Balcony then from there, follow the guidance of grace until you reach Redmane Castle.

Redmane Castle Walkthrough

Passing through Caelid

1 Follow the path on the northeast corner of Limgrave to Rotview Balcony's Site of Grace
2 Follow the guidance of grace and unlock these 4 Sites of Grace along the way
・Caelem Ruins
・Caelid Highway South
・Cathedral of Dragon Communion
・Impassable Greatbridge

Preparation for Redmane Castle

Location What You Can Find
Gael Tunnel ・Collect Smithing Stones and Somber Smithing Stones
Sellia Crystal Tunnel ・Collect Smithing Stones and Somber Smithing Stones

Follow the guidance of grace from Rotview Balcony

Elden Ring - guidance of grace

The first Site of Grace that you'll find after crossing the border between Limgrave and Caelid is at the Rotview Balcony. From there, follow the guidance of grace while activating more Sites of Grace along the way, until it leads you southeast, where the Redmane Castle is located.

Sites of Grace Guide

Redmane Castle Objectives

Note: You can only continue to the events of Redmane Castle after you trigger the Radahn Festival. If the portal near the bridge isn't active, that means the festival is not being held yet and you're still missing the prerequisites.
3 Use the portal near the Site of Grace to get transported inside the Redmane Castle.
4 Go up the stairs toward the plaza and talk to the announcer NPC above the gate to start the festival.
5 After the cutscene, head north to the chapel, ride the elevator on your right, and make your way to the shore.
6 Travel through the portal and defeat Starscourge Radahn.
How to Beat Starscourge Radahn
7 After the battle, talk to Blaidd near the Site of Grace to end the festival.
Changes after the festival:
・Enemies will appear in the castle
・Doors in the castle will be unlocked
Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight will appear at the plaza

Triggering the Radahn Festival

Elden Ring - portal outside Redmane Castle

You need to trigger the Radahn Festival first before you can reach Redmane Castle and fight Starscourge Radahn. If the portal in front of Redmane Castle is active, that means the Radahn Festival is about to begin.

Radahn Festival Triggers
1. Progress Ranni's questline until you speak to Blaidd about Nokron.
2. Resting at any Site of Grace in the Altus Plateau. This can be done either by going through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice or through the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Walkthrough and Progression Guide: Where to Go and What to Do First

Redmane Castle General Tips

First Site of Grace in Redmane Castle

Elden Ring - first Redmane Castle Site of Grace

After you get transported inside the castle using the portal by the bridge, immediately climb the stairs north and turn right to find a Site of Grace inside the room.

Use the portal to reach Radahn

Elden Ring - portal to Wailing Dunes

You have to use the portal at the beach to reach the boss fight area. Don't attempt to reach Radahn by crossing the waters, as you'll drown and die instantly if you do so!

Castle doors will unlock after the festival

Elden Ring - mist in Redmane Castle

Some doors at Redmane Castle will be locked during the festival and will only be unlocked by talking to the announcer NPC at the chapel after beating Radahn.

Enemies will also appear within the castle and the plaza will be blocked by a mist. Passing through the mist will trigger a fight against Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight.

Boss Fight Strategy for Radahn

Summon NPCs to help you fight Radahn

Elden Ring - summon signs near Radahn

You can find a lot of gold summon signs within the boss arena. Allow them to draw Radahn's aggro before you close in and attack.

Avoid the gravity orbs by mounting

Elden Ring - gravity orbs

When Radahn started launching gravity orbs at you, call Torrent right before one of them hits you to make use of the summon animation's i-frame. You can then disengage and run around with Torrent until you can find an opening.

Double jump over the gravity wave

The gravity meteorites attack is usually followed by Radahn leaping then slamming the ground to create a gravity wave. You can avoid this attack while mounted by performing a double jump.

Take note that if you're too close to Radahn, you might still get hit by the blade slam.

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn

What to Do in Caelid

Caelid Checklist
CheckmarkCollect Smithing Stones and Somber Smithing Stones

CheckmarkClear Sellia, Town of Sorcery

CheckmarkVisit Nokron, Eternal City

CheckmarkCollect Ghost Gloveworts at Ainsel River

Collect Smithing Stones and Somber Smithing Stones

Gael Tunnel Sellia Crystal Tunnel

Before facing Radahn, you can make a detour to Gael Tunnel and Sellia Crystal Tunnel to gather Smithing Stones and Somber Smithing Stones for weapon upgrades!

How to Upgrade Weapons

Clear Sellia, Town of Sorcery

Sellia, Town of Sorcery is found by following the guidance of grace from Rotview Balcony, then turning east before reaching the curve. You can obtain rare items such as a Golden Seed and an Imbued Sword Key within the area that can be useful in your fight against Radahn.

Sellia, Town of Sorcery Location and What to Do

Visit Nokron, Eternal City

Elden Ring - Nokron entrance

The entrance to the Eternal City isn't in Caelid but it only appears after defeating Radahn. Find the crater south of the Mistwood Outskirts at Limgrave (look for the floating rocks) and you'll be able to venture into Nokron, Eternal City to loot more useful items such as one of the best Spirit Summons in the game, the Mimic Tear Ashes. You will also be able to advance through Ranni's questline, which will also send you to a journey in this new area.

Nokron, Eternal City Walkthrough and Location

Collect Ghost Gloveworts at Ainsel River

By following Ranni's questline, you'll also eventually arrive at Ainsel River, where you can collect lots of Ghost Gloveworts to upgrade your Spirit Ashes, like the Mimic Tear Ashes that you just found!

You can reach Ainsel River by traveling through the portal at Renna's Rise, north of Ranni's Rise and Seluvis' Rise at Liurnia.

Ainsel River Interactive Map and Region Guide

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1 Diogo Gomesabout 3 years

After entering the last building in the castle and talking with the general you have to report back to Iji. Then the festival triggers


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