Elden Ring

List of All Ashes of War and Weapon Skills

Elden Ring Ashes of War

This is a list of all Ashes of War and Weapon Skills in Elden Ring. Read on to learn how to use Ashes of War, equip weapon skills, and all default and obtainable Ashes of War!

List of All Ashes of War

Obtainable Ashes of War

Ashes of War
Elden Ring AssassinAssassin's Gambit Elden Ring Barbaric RoarBarbaric Roar Elden Ring BarrageBarrage
Elden Ring Barricade ShieldBarricade Shield Elden Ring BeastBeast's Roar Elden Ring Black Flame TornadoBlack Flame Tornado
Elden Ring Blood BladeBlood Blade Elden Ring Blood TaxBlood Tax Elden Ring BloodhoundBloodhound's Step
Elden Ring Bloody SlashBloody Slash Elden Ring BraggartBraggart's Roar Elden Ring Carian GrandeurCarian Grandeur
Elden Ring Carian GreatswordCarian Greatsword Elden Ring Carian RetaliationCarian Retaliation Elden Ring Charge ForthCharge Forth
Elden Ring Chilling MistChilling Mist Elden Ring CragbladeCragblade Elden Ring DeterminationDetermination
Elden Ring Double SlashDouble Slash Elden Ring EarthshakerEarthshaker Elden Ring Enchanted ShotEnchanted Shot
Elden Ring EndureEndure Elden Ring EruptionEruption Elden Ring Flame of the RedmanesFlame of the Redmanes
Elden Ring Flaming StrikeFlaming Strike Elden Ring Giant HuntGiant Hunt Elden Ring Glintblade PhalanxGlintblade Phalanx
Elden Ring Glintstone PebbleGlintstone Pebble Elden Ring Golden LandGolden Land Elden Ring Golden ParryGolden Parry
Elden Ring Golden SlamGolden Slam Elden Ring Golden VowGolden Vow Elden Ring GravitasGravitas
Elden Ring Ground SlamGround Slam Elden Ring Hoarah LouxHoarah Loux's Earthshaker Elden Ring Hoarfrost StompHoarfrost Stomp
Elden Ring Holy GroundHoly Ground Elden Ring Ice SpearIce Spear Elden Ring Impaling ThrustImpaling Thrust
Elden Ring KickKick Elden Ring Lifesteal FistLifesteal Fist Elden Ring Lightning RamLightning Ram
Elden Ring Lightning SlashLightning Slash Elden Ring LionLion's Claw Elden Ring LorettaLoretta's Slash
Elden Ring Mighty ShotMighty Shot Elden Ring No SkillNo Skill Elden Ring ParryParry
Elden Ring Phantom SlashPhantom Slash Elden Ring Piercing FangPiercing Fang Elden Ring Poison Moth FlightPoison Moth Flight
Elden Ring Poisonous MistPoisonous Mist Elden Ring Prayerful StrikePrayerful Strike Elden Ring PrelatePrelate's Charge
Elden Ring QuickstepQuickstep Elden Ring Rain of ArrowsRain of Arrows Elden Ring Raptor of the MistsRaptor of the Mists
Elden Ring Repeating ThrustRepeating Thrust Elden Ring Royal KnightRoyal Knight's Resolve Elden Ring Sacred BladeSacred Blade
Elden Ring Sacred OrderSacred Order Elden Ring Sacred Ring of LightSacred Ring of Light Elden Ring SeppukuSeppuku
Elden Ring Shared OrderShared Order Elden Ring Shield BashShield Bash Elden Ring Shield CrashShield Crash
Elden Ring Sky ShotSky Shot Elden Ring Spectral LanceSpectral Lance Elden Ring Spinning SlashSpinning Slash
Elden Ring Spinning StrikesSpinning Strikes Elden Ring Spinning WeaponSpinning Weapon Elden Ring Square OffSquare Off
Elden Ring Stamp (Sweep)Stamp (Sweep) Elden Ring Stamp (Upward Cut)Stamp (Upward Cut) Elden Ring Storm AssaultStorm Assault
Elden Ring Storm BladeStorm Blade Elden Ring Storm StompStorm Stomp Elden Ring Storm WallStorm Wall
Elden Ring StormcallerStormcaller Elden Ring Sword DanceSword Dance Elden Ring ThopsThops's Barrier
Elden Ring Through and ThroughThrough and Through Elden Ring ThunderboltThunderbolt Elden Ring TrollTroll's Roar
Elden Ring UnsheatheUnsheathe Elden Ring Vacuum SliceVacuum Slice Elden Ring Vow of the IndomitableVow of the Indomitable
Elden Ring War CryWar Cry Elden Ring Waves of DarknessWaves of Darkness Elden Ring White ShadowWhite Shadow's Lure
Elden Ring Wild StrikesWild Strikes

Default Ashes of War (Weapon Skills)

Ashes of War
Alabaster Lords' Pull Ancient Lightning Spear Angel's Wings
Bear Witness! Blade of Death Blade of Gold
Bloodblade Dance Bloodboon Ritual Bloodhound's Finesse
Bubble Shower Buckler Parry Claw Flick
Contagious Fury Corpse Piler Corpse Wax Cutter
Cursed-Blood Slice Death Flare Destined Death
Devourer of Worlds Dynast's Finesse Eochaid's Dancing Blade
Erdtree Slam Establish Order Familial Rancor
Firebreather Fires of Slumber Flame Dance
Flame Spit Flowing Form (Hammer) Flowing Form (Sword)
Frenzyflame Thrust Ghostflame Ignition Glintstone Dart
Gold Breaker Golden Retaliation Golden Tempering
Gravity Bolt Great Oracular Bubble Great-Serpent Hunt
I Command Thee, Kneel! Ice Lightning Sword Knowledge Above All
Last Rites Magma Guillotine Magma Shower
Miquella's Ring of Light Mists of Slumber Moonlight Greatsword
Nebula Night-and-Flame Stance Oath of Vengeance
Onyx Lord's Repulsion Oracular Bubble Ordovis' Vortex
Radahn's Rain Rallying Standard Reduvia Blood Blade
Regal Beastclaw Regal Roar Rosus' Summons
Ruinous Ghostflame Sacred Phalanx Sea of Magma
Shriek of Milos Siluria's Woe Sorcery of the Crozier
Soul Stifler Spearcall Ritual Spinning Chain
Spinning Wheel Starcaller Cry Storm Kick
Surge of Faith Taker's Flames The Queen's Black Flame
Thundercloud Form Thunderstorm Tongues of Fire
Torch Attack Transient Moonlight Unblockable Blade
Viper Bite Waterfowl Dance Wave of Destruction
Wave of Gold Wolf's Assault Zamor Ice Storm

List of All DLC Ashes of War

Obtainable DLC Ashes of War

Ashes of War
Elden Ring Aspects of the Crucible: WingsAspects of the Crucible: Wings Blind Spot Blinkbolt
Carian Sovereignty Divine Beast Frost Stomp Elden Ring Dryleaf WhirlwindDryleaf Whirlwind
Flame Skewer Elden Ring Flame SpearFlame Spear Ghostflame Call
Igon's Drake Hunt Overhead Stance Palm Blast
Piercing Throw Raging Beast Rolling Sparks
Savage Claws Elden Ring Savage LionSavage Lion's Claw Scattershot Throw
Shield Strike Elden Ring Shriek of SorrowShriek of Sorrow Spinning Gravity Thrust
Swift Slash The Poison Flower Blooms Twice Elden Ring Wall of SparksWall of Sparks
Wing Stance

Default DLC Ashes of War (Weapon Skills)

Ashes of War
Blindfold of Happiness Blinkbolt: Long-hafted Axe Blinkbolt: Twinaxe
Bloodfiends' Bloodboon Darkness Deadly Dance
Deadly Poison Spray Devonia's Vortex Discus Hurl
Dragonwound Slash Dynastic Sickleplay Euporia Vortex
Fan Shot Feeble Lord's Frenzied Flame Flare, O Serpent
Flower Dragonbolt Golden Crux Horn Calling
Horn Calling: Storm Jori's Inquisition Kowtower's Resentment
Light Lightspeed Slash Madding Spear-Hand Strike
Messmer's Assault Mists of Eternal Sleep Moon-and-Fire Stance
Moore's Charge Needle Piercer Onze's Line of Stars
Painful Strike Poison Spear-Hand Strike Promised Consort
Rancor Shot Rancor Slash Red Bear Hunt
Repeating Fire Revenge of the Night Revenger's Blade
Roaring Bash Romina's Purification Shadow Sunflower Headbutt
Sleep Evermore Smithing Art Spears Solitary Moon Slash
Spinning Guillotine Tremendous Phalanx Unending Dance
Weed Cutter White Light Charge Witching Hour Slash

All DLC Ashes of War and Skills

How to Use Ashes of War

Use the L2 Button to Use Ashes of War and Skills

Elden Ring - Use the L2 Button to Use Skills
To use Ashes of War / weapon skills, you have to two-hand your weapon and press the L2 button to activate the skill. Depending on the skill, you can unleash additional attacks by pressing the R1/R2/L2 buttons after the initial attack.

If your left hand is empty, you may be able to activate the skill in your right hand without having to go to two-handed mode.

How to Two-Hand Weapons

Parrying is a weapon skill accomplished with an equipped shield

Elden Ring - How to Parry
Equip a shield with the Parry skill attached to your left hand and press L2 to repel enemy melee attacks. If your parry is successful, you can stagger your enemies, giving you a chance to strike a fatal blow.

How to Parry and Perform Critical Strikes

What are Ashes of War?

Skills That Can Be Equipped to Armaments

Elden Ring - Uncolored Ashes of War

Ashes of War are items that allow you to equip a Weapon Skill onto your armament like Weapons or Shields. These can be obtained via pick-up in the overworld, commonly through Scarab drops but it can also be bought from NPCs or sometimes looted from chests.

Every weapon in Elden Ring has a Skill, but different Ashes of War can be equipped to non-unique weapons via Whetblades.

Uncolored Ashes of War Allow the Most Affinities

Weapons using regular uncolored Ashes of War such as Vacuum Slice have the most available affinities you can choose from. This means you can choose from any of the neutral affinities like Heavy to special types like Blood.

Colored Ashes of War Have Limited Affinities

Elden Ring - Colored Ashes of War
Choosing Ashes of War with already an inherent element or status such as Carain Greatsword are often limited to the specific affinities of their own (such as Fire or Flame Art if it physically applies fire) and default affinities such as Quality.

Weapon Skills Cost FP to Use

Using Weapons Skills will cost you FP and will decrease your FP gauge. Once the FP gauge reaches 0, you will not be able to use your weapon skills again.

If you want to increase the number of times you can use your skills, you need to commit a lot of points to your FP attribute or you can bring more than one Flask of Cerulean Tears to keep you filled with FP.

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