Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring Scadutree Fragment Locations

Scadutree Fragment Locations

This is a map and checklist for all 50 Scadutree Fragment locations in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Learn how to get all Scadutree Fragments and the Scadutree Blessings max level.

Shadow Realm Blessings
Scadutree Fragment Revered Spirit Ashes Scadutree Blessing Scaling

Scadutree Fragment Interactive Map

Scadutree Fragment Map Locations and Routes

★ Click on the Scadutree Fragment icon to view its in-game location.
★ Collect Scadutree Fragments along the green route to avoid all boss encounters.
★ Scadutree Fragment numbering on the map is in relation to their detailed location sections below.


Scadutree Fragment Route


The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

All Gravesite Plain Scadutree Fragments

Jump to an area!
Gravesite Plain ▼ Scadu Altus
▼ Shadow Keep ▼ Land of the Tower

1-2. Church of Consolation Scadutree Fragments (x2)

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Southeast of Scorched Ruins.

You can find two Scadutree Fragments inside the Church of Consolation by the statue of Marika. There will be a Black Knight guarding it.

Church of Consolation Location

3. Scorched Ruins Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: East of Scorched Ruins by the small graveyard after defeating an enemy with a sparkling pot on its head. Keep in mind that these enemies will despawn after a few seconds.

From the Scorched Ruins site of grace, head directly east and defeat the enemy carrying a pot on its head. It runs away and disappears shortly after being spotted so quickly kill it. If it has disappeared, come back after resting at a site of grace.

Scorched Ruins Location

4. Three-Path Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

This one is easy to spot as it is found right next to a Miquella's Cross, as well as the Three-Path Cross site of grace, and the NPCs Freyja and Hornsent.

5. Main Gate Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

Reach this place by heading west from the Three-Path Cross site of grace. The fragment will be right next to another Miquella's Cross.

6. Southwest of Cliffroad Terminus Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Dropped by an enemy with a sparkling pot by the graveyard. Keep in mind that these enemies will despawn after a few seconds.

From the Main Gate Cross site of grace, head south on a rocky path along the cliff wall until you reach the Cliffroad Terminus site of grace. Head further southwest to a graveyard to find the fragment.

7. Castle Front Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: In front of the Marika statue.

This one is easily found close to the Castle Front site of grace, on a statue of Marika along the main path.

8. Pillar Path Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

From the Castle Front site of grace, head southeast to find the Pillar Path Cross site of grace. The fragment will be right next to a Miquella's Cross, with an NPC called Thiollier nearby.

9. Castle Ensis Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

This fragment is found inside the Castle Ensis Legacy Dungeon, next to the Castle Ensis Checkpoint site of grace and a Miquella's Cross.

Castle Ensis Walkthrough

10. Cerulean Coast (West) Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Inside a cave guarded by a Demi-Human Chief northeast of the Site of Grace.

You can get to the Cerulean Coast by heading south down the Ellac River. From the Castle Front Site of Grace, head south to the swamp area to reach the Ellac River Cave.

From there, head south until past the Furnace Golem. Follow the red path indicated above to reach the cave with the fragment.

How to Get to Cerulean Coast

11. Cerulean Coast Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

From the Castle Front site of Grace, head south, down to a green swamp, circle around down to Ellac River Cave, then upon reaching Ellac River, head all the way down south till you reach Cerulean Coast.

12. Charo's Hidden Grave Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Defeat the roaming Hippopotamus.

From the Dragon Pit site of grace, progress towards the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion and further towards the Charo's Hidden Grave site of grace. Head past the opening and you will find the Hippo at the end of the river by the lake above the cliff.

How to Get to Charo's Hidden Grave

13. Stone Coffin Fissure Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

After reaching the above Scadutree fragment, head further down south to the bottom part of the map. In order to enter Stone Coffin Fissure, you must first have been to Shadow Keep to break the seal.

14. Foot of the Jagged Peak Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Southeast from the Site of Grace past two Dragons and jumping into the spiritspring.

Reach this area by passing through the Dragon's Pit dungeon and head east till you find the Foot of the Jagged Peak site of grace. From here, head southeast past two dragons, and past two spiritspring jumps.

All Scadu Altus Scadutree Fragments

Jump to an area!
▲ Gravesite Plain Scadu Altus
▼ Shadow Keep ▼ Land of the Tower

15. Highroad Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

After completing Castle Ensis, the Highroad Cross site of grace should be just after the exit, with a fragment nearby.

Castle Ensis Walkthrough

16. Camp North of Highroad Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: North of the Site of Grace inside the camp.

From the Highroad Cross site of grace, head directly north to a camp. The fragment should be near the entrance to the camp on the side of the road.

17. Moorth Ruins Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

After exiting Castle Ensis and reaching the Highroad Cross site of grace, head east to find Moorth Ruins. The fragment will be next to the Moorth Ruins site of grace.

Moorth Ruins Guide

18. Moorth Ruins Camp Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: West of the Site of Grace in front of a Marika statue by the small camp.

From Moorth Ruins, head slightly west to a camp, which should have a fragment on a statue of Marika.

19. Cave North of Moorth Ruins Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: In front of a Marika statue in the middle of the lake leading to a cave.

Head northeast of Moorth Ruins toward a cave that has a statue of Marika at the entrance and a Scadutree fragment.

20. Southeast of Moorth Ruins Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Dropped by an undead shadow with a sparkling pot. Keep in mind that these enemies will despawn after a few seconds.

Head southeast of the Moorth Ruins site of grace to find an enemy with a pot on its head. Kill it to obtain the fragment.

21-22. Church of the Crusade Scadutree Fragments (x2)

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Northwest of the Highroad Cross Site of Grace.

You can find two Scadutree Fragments in the Church of the Crusade by the big statue of Marika in the center of the church.

Church of the Crusade Location

23. Scaduview Cross Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

Unlock the sealed spiritspring to the north of the cliff in order to access this upper level and reach Scaduview Cross. The Scadutree Fragment is beside Miquella's Cross.

24. Recluses' River Upstream Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found at the bottom of the nearby waterfall.

From the Recluses' River Upstream site of grace, head south and follow the rocks leading to the bottom by the river. After dropping down, follow the river north to find a coffin by the waterfall.

How to Get to Recluses River

To get to Recluses' River Upstream, you must follow the same route that takes you to Abyssal Woods:

First, find the coffin in Shadow Keep. The coffin can be found behind an illusory wall after taking the lift down from Specimen Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace.

25-26. Recluses' River Downstream Hippo Scadutree Fragments (x2)

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Defeat the roaming Hippopotamus.

After finding the Recluses' River Upstream site of grace above, make your way down to the Recluses' River Downstream site of grace. Head east and defeat the hippo to obtain 2 Scadutree fragments.

27-28. Church Ruins Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace in front of an altar.

Follow the path to Abyssal Woods by heading through Darklight Catacombs south of the Recluses' River Downstream site of grace.

Upon reaching Abyssal Woods, head to the southeastern part of the region to obtain the Abyssal Woods map fragment as well as the Scadutree fragment.

How to Get to Abyssal Woods

29. Abyssal Woods Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Northwest of the Site of Grace by the corpse next to a tree.

From the Woodland Trail site of grace, head west toward the Abyssal Woods site of grace, then northwest to find the fragment next to a tree.

All Shadow Keep Scadutree Fragments

Jump to an area!
▲ Gravesite Plain ▲ Scadu Altus
Shadow Keep ▼ Land of the Tower

30-31. Shadow Keep Main Gate Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus at Shadow Keep.

Enter Shadow Keep from Scadu Altus to immediately fight the Golden Hippopotamus boss, which drops 2 Scadutree fragments.

Shadow Keep Walkthrough

32. Shadow Keep, Church District Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Inside a flooded room before the lift and the drain lever.

Starting from the Moorth Ruins site of grace, head southeast into a hole in the ground.

Progress further and take the ladder up into Bonny Village. Head past the 2 bridges and follow the road leading north to reach the Church District of Shadow Keep.

Church District Walkthrough

33. Specimen Storehouse, 4th Floor Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

From the Main Gate Plaza site of grace after defeating the Golden Hippopotamus, head out the west door, up the stairs, past the dining hall and onto the main battlements. Head north to the main lift that takes you up to the Specimen Storehouse.

Here, find a way to the upper floor of the storehouse, jump onto the large hanging statue in the middle of the room, to reach the Storehouse, Fourth Floor site of grace.

34. Messmer's Tower Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Inside the tower after the Fire Knight before reaching the Dark Chamber Entrance site of grace.

From the Storehouse, Fourth Floor site of grace, progress further up the tower, reach the Storehourse, Seventh Floor site of grace, pull the lever down the stairs, jump across the center platform to reach the tower where you fight Messmer the Impaler.

Messmer the Impaler Location and How to Beat

35. Shadow Keep, Back Gate Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Inside a room near the Site of Grace.

From the Church District Entrance site of grace, jump across roofs until you get on top of the church's roof, which has a hole in it. Jump into the church, head north and ride a lift going up to the Specimen Storehouse.

Find the Storehouse, Back Section site of grace, climb up a very long ladder to the top, climb a couple staircases, then find a window you can jump out of onto wooden platforms to reach the Storehouse, Loft site of grace.

Ride up the nearby elevator to the ceiling beams, and progress further until you reach the Shadow Keep, Back Gate site of grace, where the fragment should be.

How to Get to Shadow Keep, Back Gate

36-40. Scaduview (Northmost Region) Scadutree Fragments (x5)

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Obtained from the Scadutree Chalice after defeating Commander Gaius in Scaduview.

From the Shadow Keep, Back Gate site of grace, head north into Scadutree Chalice to find 5 Scadutree fragments on the ground. To reach this area, you will need to fight Commander Gaius.

Commander Gaius Location and How to Beat

All Land of the Tower Scadutree Fragments

Jump to an area!
▲ Gravesite Plain ▲ Scadu Altus
▲ Shadow Keep Land of the Tower

41. Belurat, Tower Settlement Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found inside a room just by Miquella's Cross.

From Belurat, Tower Settlement site of grace head south to the Small Private Altar grace. At the covered building after the knight, turn right down the alley and follow the path. At the waterfall, turn right and go up the ladder.

From here, head up the stairs then immediately left. When attacked by scorpions, jump over the rubble into a hidden room, where the Scadutree Fragment is located.

Belurat Tower Settlement Walkthrough

42. Rauh Ancient Ruins (East) Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace under Miquella's Cross.

Gain access to this region by exiting west out of Shadow Keep till you reach the Viaduct Minor Tower site of grace in Rauh Ruins.

From here, progress through the catacombs to the west until you find a hole with a spiritspring you can fall down onto with Torrent. The fragment and the Rauh Ancient Ruins (East) site of grace should be nearby to the southeast.

43. Ancient Ruins of Rauh (Underground) Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Dropped by an enemy with a sparkling pot. Keep in mind that these enemies will despawn after a few seconds.

From the Rauh Ancient Ruins (East) site of grace, head back north and jump up the second spiritspring you see. A pot-holding enemy should be right in front of where you land.

44. Viaduct Minor Tower Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Defeat the roaming Hippopotamus below the stairs.

From the Viaduct Minor Tower site of grace, head to the left and you'll see a lift that takes you down, head straight and look to your left where you'll be able to see a square hole you can enter. After entering the hole, just head straight down the stairs.

45. Rauh Ancient Ruins (West) Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found in the ruins to the west up the stairs by the end of the room.

From the Rauh Ancient Ruins (West) sit of grace, press on further southwest and up the stairs and into a large room with pillars. The fragment should be on the west wall of the room.

46. Temple Town Ruins Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found on a corpse hanging on a ledge on top of the Temple Town Ruins.

Head to Temple Town Ruins, which is in the same area as the Rauh Ruins map fragment. Enter through a small crack in the wall of Temple Town Ruins to enter. The fragment will be on a ledge you can get up to with Torrent.

Temple Town Ruins Guide

47. Enir-Ilim, Spiral Rise Site of Grace Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found next to the Site of Grace. Requires you to defeat Romina, the Saint of the Bud to gain access to this area.

Progress through Enir-Ilim until you reach the Spiral Rise site of grace, west of the First Rise site of grace. You will need to defeat Romina, Saint of the Bud.

Enir-Ilim Walkthrough

48. Enir-Ilim, Spiral Rise Altar Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found in front of an altar guarded by a Spider Scorpion.

From the Spiral Rise site of grace, take the spiral stairs up until you see a window opening on your left. Drop down into the stairs below and take the stairs on your left. Drop down from the ledge into another set of stairs and walk up.

Drop down again from the broken railings and continue walking down the edges of the building. Once you have reached another set of stairs, jump into the nearby window, which takes you to a secret section of Belurat, Tower Settlement. You will find the Fragment in the open area nearby.

Scadutree Fragment #21 Video Guide

The route to reach this Fragment requires extensive platforming. This route is also necessary to get one of the best DLC weapons, the Euporia.

49. Enir-Ilim Rooftops Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found by the altar at the rooftops. Requires you to defeat Romina, the Saint of the Bud to gain access to this area.

From the Spiral Rise site of grace, head up the stairs and jump out of a window halfway up the stairs to land on a rooftop. Head northwest across rooftops and climb the stairs to the top to find the fragment in a room with an altar.

50. Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Scadutree Fragment

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Found by the altar. Requires you to defeat Romina, the Saint of the Bud to gain access to this area.

From fragment #23, head southeast across more rooftops, back into the tower, and progress further south going up several stairs till you reach the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom site of grace. The fragment should be nearby.

What is the Scadutree Blessing Max Level?

Scadutree Blessing Max Level is 20

Scadutree Blessing Max Level is 20

Blessing Level Scadutree Fragments Required Total Scadutree Fragments
(1) 1 1
(2) 2 3
(3) 2 5
(4) 2 7
(5) 2 9
(6) 2 11
(7) 2 13
(8) 2 15
(9) 2 17
(10) 3 20
(11) 3 23
(12) 3 26
(13) 3 29
(14) 3 32
(15) 3 35
(16) 3 38
(17) 3 41
(18) 3 44
(19) 3 47
(20) 3 50

The Scadutree Blessing max level is 20 with a total of 50 Scadutree Fragments found throughout the Realm of Shadow. Once you have reached level 20, the game will prompt that your Scadutree Blessing cannot be empowered any further.

50 Scadutree Fragments In Total

In order to reach the max Scadutree Blessing of 20, you will need to hunt down and find a total of 50 Scadutree Fragments across the Realm of Shadow.

Scadutree Blessing Explained

Increases Attack Power and Damage Negation

Scadutree Fragments - Increases Attack Power and Damage Negation
Each level of the Scadutree Blessing will increase your Attack Power and Damage Negation by 5%. Collect as many Scadutree Fragments as you can to maximize your stats for the Realm of Shadow.

Effect Only Works in the Realm of Shadow

The Scadutree Blessing only works when you are inside the Realm of Shadow, the DLC area of Elden Ring. When you check your stats, they will be highlighted as yellow which indicates that the Scadutree Blessing is in effect.

Revered Spirit Ash Blessing has a similar effect for Summons

There is another Bolstering Item found in the Shadow Realm called Revered Spirit Ashes. Using these at a Site of Grace will level up the Attack and Damage Negation of your Spirit Ashes and Torrent instead, however. Both of these play a large role in how power scaling works in the DLC, so they are very important items you should try to seek out.

All Revered Spirit Ash Locations and How to Use

Increased at Sites of Grace by Using Scadutree Fragments

At any Site of Grace, open the Shadow Realm Blessing menu to increase your Scadutree Blessing level. You can increase the Scadutree Blessing level by consuming Scadutree Fragments collected in the Realm of Shadow.

The first level costs 1 Scadutree Fragment, Levels 2 through 9 cost 2 Fragments, and Levels 10 through 20 cost 3 Fragments.

All Sites of Graces

Find Scadutree Fragments in the Overworld or After Defeating Bosses

Scadutree Fragment - Found After Defeating Bosses
Scadutree Tree Fragments are a Bolstering Item found in various areas throughout the overworld, such as in front of Marika Statues, as well as near some Sites of Grace. They can also be obtained after defeating certain Bosses such as the Golden Hippopotamus. Keep in mind that not every boss will reward you with Scadutree Fragments, however.

Often Found Near Miquella's Cross

Scadutree Fragments - Found Next to Miquella
A good number of the overworld Scadutree Fragments can be located either next to a Miquella's Cross or in front of Marika statues. These crosses are very noticable and can be found next to sites of graces.

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2 Anonymous9 months

I lost all my progress when the map got updated! :(

1 Anonymous9 months

FFS why did you changed the map. I tracked my scadutree fragments and bosses defeated and you now added some useless path (which is spoiler ffs I don't want to see the path, only track locations) and you removed 90% of the bosses.


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