Elden Ring

Bloodhound's Step Ash of War Location and Effect

Bloodhound's Step is an Ash of War in Elden Ring. Read on to learn the location of Bloodhound's Step in-game, as well as how to use Bloodhound's Step, its effect, and FP cost per cast.

Bloodhound's Step Location

Dropped by the Lenne's Rise Night's Cavalry

Dropped by the Night's Cavalry boss that patrols the bridge to the north of the Lenne's Rise site of grace in Caelid. This boss only appears at night.

Night's Cavalry Boss Guide

How to Use Bloodhound's Step

Used as a Faster Quickstep Dodge

This skill functions like the Quickstep skill. However, Bloodhound's step covers more distance and renders the player invisible for a split second when used. Attacks will not connect for a brief moment of invincibility, just like using a dodge roll. However, do note that if you run out of FP, Bloodhound's step will function like a regular Quickstep.

Bloodhound's Step Effect and Basic Info

Bloodhound's Step Overview
Elden Ring - Bloodhound
Skill that allows the user to become temporarily invisible while dodging at high speed. Moves faster and travels farther than a regular quickstep. This skill can be used to circle around lock-on targets.
Elden Ring - Keen Keen
FP Cost
Skill Type Ash of War
Infusable Weapons All Melee Weapons
Chargeable? No

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