Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough

DLC Walkthrough

Find out what to do and where to go with this Walkthrough and Progression guide for Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn what objectives you'll need to complete to finish the main story, which bosses to fight, as well as how to progress!

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough

1. Go to Castle Ensis

From the starting Site of Grace, Gravesite Plain, head northeast and cross the Ellac Greatbridge to reach the Castle Front Site of Grace in front of Castle Ensis.

2. Enter Castle Ensis and Reach the Castle-Lord's Chamber

Get past the giant guarding the short bridge, then enter the cave and go up the slope to find the Castle Ensis Checkpoint Site of Grace. Go down the hole to the right of the locked gate, which is adjacent to the Site of Grace, and come up from the underground river to clear a few rooms and unlock the gate connecting the Checkpoint Site of Grace to the next area.

Get past knights, dogs, and the NPC invader Moonrithyll, Carian Knight to find the gate to the next area, in the back right of the building Moonrithyll is guarding. Keep progressing and take the elevator being guarded by a Black Knight to arrive at the Castle-Lord's Chamber Site of Grace, right before the Rellana boss fight fog wall.

3. Defeat Rellana, Twin Moon Knight

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree - Rellana World View

Defeat Rellana, Twin Moon Knight. We recommend you tackle this boss at Scadutree Blessing level 3 to deal and tank more damage. You can also summon the NPC Needle Knight Leda for assistance in the fight.

How to Beat Rellana, Twin Moon Knight

4. Head North From Ensis Moongazing Grounds to Shadow Keep

Defeat Rellana will unlock the Ensis Moongazing Grounds Site of Grace as well as entry into Scadu Altus. Follow the road north, past the army camp and Furnace Golem, and ride the lift into the castle to reach the Shadow Keep Main Gate Site of Grace.

Take note that reaching the Shadow Keep will break the charm on Miquella's followers, which will affect ongoing NPC quests related to them.

5. Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus

Golden hippo World View

Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus mini-boss in the plaza area right in front of the Shadow Keep Main Gate Site of Grace. The Hippopotamus has a large frame and hits hard, so make sure you're well-prepared for this fight to proceed with the main quest as quickly as possible.

How to Beat Golden Hippopotamus

6. Ascend from the Plaza to Reach the Storehouse

Defeating the Golden Hippopotamus will unlock the Main Gate Plaza Site of Grace. Rest, then take the left doorway and climb the stairs until you reach the dining room with two Black Knights. Take the door to the left, then keep walking until you see large stairs doing down to the right. Head down these steps, guarded by Vulgar Militia, to open the gate and a shortcut back to the Main Gate Plaza.

Go back up the large stairs and ride the lieft past the red-cloaked enemy to reach the Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace.

7. Ascend the Storehouse to Reach the Dark Chamber Entrance

From the First Floor, keep staing the stairs going up to reach a stone statue hanging near the railing of the atrium. Climb up the statue to get to the Fourth Floor Site of Grace.

Once the Site is unlocked, progress forward along the outside perimeter of the castle until you reach another doorway back into the Storehouse near the end of the perimeter. Turn right and continue taking any stairs going up until you reach the Seventh Floor Site of Grace for a convenient checkpoint.

Turn around, going back down one flight of stairs, then take the right doorway and head to the end of the room to find a lever that will activate small stairs in the center of the atrium. Climb the scaffolding that appears and the statue to the next floor to another doorway leading outside. Go out, then turn right and follow the path until you reach the Dark Chamber Entrance Site of Grace.

8. Defeat Messmer The Impaler

Messmer Image

Defeat Messmer the Impaler to get Messmer's Kindling, a key item to burn the Sealing Tree. He's a tough and mobile two-phase boss, so make sure you are equipped and leveled to fight him.

How to Beat Messmer the Impaler

9. Pick up Leda's Note on the Fourth Floor of the Storehouse

After defeating Messmer, teleport to the Fourth Floor Site of Grace to find Leda's note on a nearby table. The contents will guide you on to where to go next.

10. Descend from the Storehouse's First Floor to the Viaduct Tower

Teleport to the First Floor Site of Grace, then enter the room on the left to take a lift down. Proceed through the rooms until you reach the church area. Go through the door on the opposite side of the altar, then unlock the West Rampart Site of Grace right outside.

Get onto the rampart, and ride Torrent to the other end while avoiding fire rain being spawned by a red-cloaked enemy, who is also at the other end of the rampart. Take the lift being guarded by this enemy to arrive at the Viaduct Minor Tower Site of Grace.

11. Descend from the Viaduct Tower to the Rauh Ancient Ruins, East

Exit the Viaduct Tower and go right to find a staircase leading into the ruins. After taking the stairs, go straight and turn right at the end, then turn left at the large doors and go down the gaps in the floor surrounding the giant brazier.

After falling, open the giant doors in the room, then continue along the corridor until you see a hole in the floor with a Spiritspring. Descend via Torrent, then look for where the light shines through the ceiling to find the path leading back out, where the Rauh Ancient Ruins, East Site of Grace is.

12. Cross the Bridge and Proceed to the Church of the Bud

Cross the bridge via Torrent by the Site of Grace as quickly as possibly to avoid getting blasted from afar by the Furnace Golem on the other plateau. Once you reach the covered area beside the Golem, look south and go across the pond and up the slope to unlock the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West Site of Grace.

From this Site of Grace, ride west and ascend through more ruins. Take the stairs, then when you reach a large room, go left and follow the passage to the lift. Go up the lift and continue up a set of Scarlet Rot-flooded ruins until you reach the outside and unlock the Church of the Bud, Main Entrance Site of Grace.

13. Defeat Romina, Saint of the Bud

Romina, Saint of the Bud

Defeat Romina, Saint of the Bud to gain access to the Sealing Tree necessary to unlock the next area. Prepare consumables and talismans resistant to Scarlet Rot, as well as weapons or spells that inflict Bleed and Frost to make this boss fight go by quickly and smoothly.

How to Beat Romina, Saint of the Bud

14. Burn the Sealing Tree

After defeating Romina, you'll unlock the small area behind her arena, which contains the black Sealing Tree growing on the altar. Make sure you have Messmer's Kindling in order to burn the Sealing Tree and progress to the next region.

Take note that once you burn the Sealing Tree after beating this boss, most NPC quests will become impossible to progress, so progress your NPC quests as much as you can beforehand. We recommended completing the quests of Sir Ansbach and Thiollier specifically.

All DLC NPC Quests and Locations

15. Head from Enir-Ilim Outer Wall to Spiral Rise

After burning the Sealing Tree, you will be teleported to the outer wall of Enil-Irim. Follow the stairs and unlock the First Rise Site of Grace. Then, go outside and continue ascending until you reach the Spiral Rise Site of Grace.

16. Ascend from Spiral Rise to the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom

From the Site of Grace, go up the stairs, then jump out the window left to get onto the awning outside. Turn and keep hugging the right side, walking roofs until you see a railing with a hole in it to jump through.

Continue ascending up stairs and roofs until you re-enter a tower via an open window, then continue going up until you reach the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Site of Grace.

17. Defeat Leda and Allies in the Cleansing Chamber

You will be unable to progress until you defeat Ida and the other NPCs in the Cleansing Chamber via the Summoning Sign. If you have completed the quests of Sir Ansbach and Thiollier, they will be available via Summoning Signs to fight alongside you.

18. Take the Lift to the Final Boss

After defeating Ida and her allies, you can pick up their drops before taking the lift at the back of the room to find the Divine Gate Front Staircase Site of Grace. Unlock it, and prepare to face the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree.

19. Defeat the Final Boss

Defeat the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree. They are weak to Scarlet Rot, so you can prepare equipment, spells, and throwables such as Rancor Pots to aid you in your fight. Be prepared for two phases, the second of which is triggered when the boss reaches about 40% HP.

What Level is Recommended for the DLC?

Best Faced at Level 150 or Higher

For Shadow of the Erdtree, we recommend being Level 150 and higher, or at least within Level 125 at the barest minimum due to its difficulty.

As the Elden Ring DLC was made with endgame content in mind, players can expect to fight high-level opponents that have higher damage scaling than even the late game sections of the base game.

Best Rune Farming Locations

How to Access the DLC

Defeat Mohg and Radahn

Elden Ring - Mohg

Before gaining access to the Land of Shadow, players must first defeat Starscourge Radahn and Mohg, Lord of Blood in order to fulfill the expansion's start conditions.

How to Access Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

Beating the Entire Game is Not Required

Despite being an endgame-level expansion, players are not required to clear the game in order to access this expansion, as they can immediately access it from Mohgwyn Palace after both Radahn and Mohg are dead.

Mohgwyn Palace Walkthrough and Location

Interact with the Cocoon of the Empyrean

Elden Ring - Leda

Upon revisiting Mohgwyn Palace, a new NPC named Needle Knight Leda will be there, instructing the player to touch the Cocoon of the Empyrean to enter the Land of Shadow.

Restart the Game if Leda is Not Beside the Cocoon

If Leda is absent from the front of the cocoon upon returning, try restarting your game as it will completely reload everything, allowing Leda to spawn in their intended spot.

DLC Story Walkthrough Tips

Collect Scadutree Fragments as you Explore

Scadutree Fragment 21

Collect as many Scadutree Fragments as you can as you explore, as the Scadutree Blessing level will be your main method of upgrading your damage and damage reduction in the Shadow Realm. Otherwise, you will be consistently one or two-shotted by the enemies in the Land of Shadow, even if you are at Level 150+ with a generous amount of Vigor.

All Scadutree Fragment Locations

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Should You Suggest Thiollier or Hornsent? All DLC Sites of Grace Map
How to Skip Rellana Should You Imbibe Nectar?


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