Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Dragon's Pit Location and Rewards

Dragon's Pit is a Minor Dungeon in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn more about Dragon's Pit, including its map location, rewards, and what to do!

Dragon's Pit Location

How to Get to Dragon's Pit

Dragon's Pit

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Type Minor Dungeon
Region Gravesite Plain
Location South of Castle Ensis after the end of the road.
Boss Ancient Dragon-Man

Dragon's Pit is found in the Gravesite Plain region of the Realm of Shadow.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

Dragon's Pit Rewards

List of Rewards
Dragon Heart Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana

Obtain the Dragon Heart and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone


In order to obtain the Dragon Heart and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, you have to defeat the Magma Wyrm inside the cave up some stairs. Equip talismans and armor with high flame resistance to help beat this boss.

Obtain the Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana


The Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana is dropped after defeating the Ancient Dragon-Man boss for Dragon's Pit. Drop down to the large gaping hole to find the boss room.

Dragon-Hunter's Great Katana Location, Stats, and Scaling

Dragon's Pit Boss

Defeat the Ancient Dragon-Man

Defeat the Ancient Dragon-Man

Ancient Dragon-Man is an optional boss in Dragon's Pit that uses a Great Katana. Defeat him to unlock the pathway towards Foot of the Jagged Peak and Charo's Hidden Grave.

Ancient Dragon-Man Location and How to Beat

Gives Access to the Southern Area

Gives Access to Foot of the Jagged Peak

Once you have cleared the Dragon's Pit, enter the door after the boss to find the Dragon's Pit Terminus site of grace. Past this area to the south is the pathway to Charo's Hidden Grave, while the pathway to the east leads to Foot of the Jagged Peak.

How to Get to Charo's Hidden Grave (Red Area)

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