Elden Ring

All Whetblade Locations

Elden Ring - All Whetstone and Whetblade

This is a list of all Whetblade locations in Elden Ring. Read on for a list of all Whetblades and the Whetstone, what affinities they add, and how to use Whetblades.

All Whetblade Locations

Whetstone Knife

All Whetblades and Whetstone
Whetstone Knife Iron Whetblade Glintstone Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Black Whetblade Sanctified Whetblade
Whetstone Knife Location
Gatefront Ruins
Affinities ・Standard

The Whetstone Knife is the easiest whetblade to find. Its location is found at the Gatefront Ruins in the small encampment populated by Godrick soldiers.

To find the chest, look for the stairs leading downwards in one of the ruins and open the door to find the chest with the whetstone.

Whetstone Knife Location Guide

Iron Whetblade

All Whetblades and Whetstone
Whetstone Knife Iron Whetblade Glintstone Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Black Whetblade Sanctified Whetblade
Iron Whetblade Location
Stormveil Castle
Affinities ・Quality

The Iron Whetblade is found just past a fog gate around the kitchen (which is also guarded by a Grafted Scion). You'll require a Stonesword Key to open the said fog.

Iron Whetblade Location Guide

Glintstone Whetblade

All Whetblades and Whetstone
Whetstone Knife Iron Whetblade Glintstone Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Black Whetblade Sanctified Whetblade
Glintstone Whetblade Location
Academy of Raya Lucaria
Affinities ・Magic

You can find the Glintstone Whetblade on a corpse hanging by a balcony at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. You need to defeat the Red Wolf of Radagon to access the area leading to the item.

Glintstone Whetblade Location Guide

Red-Hot Whetblade

All Whetblades and Whetstone
Whetstone Knife Iron Whetblade Glintstone Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Black Whetblade Sanctified Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Location
Redmane Castle
Affinities ・Fire
・Flame Art

You can find the Red-Hot Whetblade in Redmane Castle on a corpse on the first floor of a tower past the Chamber Outside the Plaza Site of Grace.

Red-Hot Whetblade Location Guide

Black Whetblade

All Whetblades and Whetstone
Whetstone Knife Iron Whetblade Glintstone Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Black Whetblade Sanctified Whetblade
Black Whetblade Location
Nokron, Eternal City
Affinities ・Poison

From the Mimic Tear boss fight, follow the bridge and hug the leftside wall until you reach the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace.

Traverse the wall until you find two Mimic Tears. Defeat them and follow the road until you reach a traversable pillar.

The Black Whetblade can be looted from the corpse after jumping down the end of the other side.

Black Whetblade Location Guide

Sanctified Whetblade

All Whetblades and Whetstone
Whetstone Knife Iron Whetblade Glintstone Whetblade
Red-Hot Whetblade Black Whetblade Sanctified Whetblade
Sanctified Whetblade Location
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Affinities ・Sacred

You can find the Sanctified Whetblade near the anvil at the Roundtable Hold in the Capital in Leyndell. It is found in the original place of Smithing Master Hewg.

Sanctified Whetblade Location Guide

How to Use Whetblades

Choose Affinity in Ashes of War Menu

Elden Ring - How to Use Whetblades

Affinities allow you to add Passive Effects and modify Attribute Scaling via Ashes of War.

The whetstone and whetblades enable a submenu for choosing affinities when changing weapons' Ashes of War. You only need to make sure you have acquired any of those items when changing Ashes of War at a Site of Grace.

Special weapons like the Blasphemous Blade cannot have their Ashes of War modified. You will have to check carefully in the Ashes of War menu if a desired weapon's Ash of War can be changed.

Uncolored Ashes of War Allow the Most Affinities

Elden Ring - Uncolored Ashes of War

Weapons using regular uncolored Ashes of War such as Vacuum Slice have the most available affinities you can choose from. This means you can choose from any of the neutral affinities like Heavy to special types like Blood.

Colored Ashes of War Have Limited Affinities

Elden Ring - Colored Ashes of War

Choosing Ashes of War with already an inherent element or status such as Carain Greatsword are often limited to the specific affinities of their own (such as Fire or Flame Art if it physically applies fire) and default affinities such as Quality.

What are Whetblades?

Grants Default Affinity Choices

Elden Ring - Changing Affinities with Whetblades

In the possession of whetblades, most Ashes of War will allow you to choose in adding afffinities that grant a weapon Passive Effects or modify its Attribute Scaling.

These are are invaluable key items to look out for if you are leaning towards a certain or build or if you want to maximize your weapon's potential.

Build Guide for Beginners

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3 Anonymous@Game8about 3 years

Apologies, we mean Site of Grace.

2 Anonymous@Game8about 3 years

Hi, the Red-Hot Whetblade is found just past the enemy with a guillotine. From the bonfire just before the crucible knight fog, head straight through the farthest door past the soldiers with the flame throwers.


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