Elden Ring

Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Elden Ring - Leyndell Royal Capital Walkthrough

Leyndell, Royal Capital is one of the Legacy Dungeons that you can explore in Elden Ring. Read on for a complete walkthrough of the dungeon, its location on the map, list of bosses and how to beat them, and obtainable items in Leyndell, Royal Capital!

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Leyndell, Royal Capital Overview

Leyndell, Royal Capital Basic Information

Leyndell, Royal Capital

View Full Map
Type Legacy Dungeon
Region Altus Plateau
Location East half of Altus Plateau, directly east of the Grand Lift of Dectus
Boss Godfrey, First Elden Lord
Draconic Tree Sentinel
Morgott, the Omen King
Mohg, The Omen
Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing
Radagon of the Golden Order
Elden Beast
Valiant Gargoyle (Leyndell)
Vargram the Raging Wolf and Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm
Ulcerated Tree Spirit (Mini-Boss)

How to Get to Leyndell, Royal Capital

You can reach the Royal Capital by activating the Grand Lift of Dectus using the Dectus Medallion. Ride the lift and ride east until you reach Leyndell.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Walkthrough

Passing through Altus Plateau

1 Go to the Site of Grace at the Main Academy Gate of Raya Lucaria and examine the seal on the north path to warp straight to Bellum Highway.
2 Head north from the highway until you reach the Grand Lift of Dectus
The guards will rain down rocks and bolts at you as you approach the gate. Try to dodge them by veering alternately to left and right.
3 If you have the Dectus Medallion, you can use it to activate the lift

You can find the left half of the medallion on Fort Haight at Limgrave and the right half on Fort Faroth at Caelid.
4 From Altus Plateau, head east along the road and make your way to the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace
5 Go around the capital until you reach its northeastern gate
6 Defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel so you can pass through and enter Leyndell
How to Beat Draconic Tree Sentinel

Preparation for Leyndell, Royal Capital

Location What You Can Find
Sealed Tunnel Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 2

Traveling to Bellum Highway

Elden Ring - Academy portal to Bellum Highway

Fast travel to the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace at Raya Lucaria Academy then head north to find a large blue seal. Examine the seal to pass through it and travel straight to Bellum Highway.

Academy of Raya Lucaria Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Obtaining the Dectus Medallion

Fort Haight Fort Faroth

To activate the Grand Lift of Dectus, you need to obtain the two halves of the Dectus Medallion. The left half of the medallion is found in Fort Haight at Limgrave, while the other half is found in Fort Faroth at Caelid.

Use the complete Dectus Medallion at the Grand Lift of Dectus and ride it up to Altus Plateau.

Go around the capital to reach the entrance

Upon reaching the Site of Grace at the Outer Wall Phantom Tree, travel north until you reach another Site of Grace then east until you find the Draconic Tree Sentinel.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Objectives

7 Follow the path and you will find another Site of Grace on the bridge ahead.
8 Enter the building, ride the lift on your left, then head southwest to the center until you reach the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace
You'll have to pass through the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace and run up the giant dragon wing to reach the West Capital Rampart.
9 Pass through the capital and make your way to the overgrown keep at the center of the map
10 Run along the roots on the side and make your way to the top, where you'll go against Godfrey, First Elden Lord.
How to Beat Godfrey, First Elden Lord
11 After the battle against Godfrey, go to the balcony on your right, run along the giant root, and follow the path northeast until you reach the Site of Grace inside the Queen's Bedchamber.
12 Climb the stairs south of the room and defeat Morgott, the Omen King.
How to Beat Morgott, the Omen King
13 Go up the stairs ahead and touch the wall of thorns to make a Site of Grace appear at the center of the arena.
14 Rest at the Site of Grace for a dialogue with Melina who will give you the Rold Medallion.
15 Warp to the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace then head east until you find a lift that you can ride up.
16 Run to the other side of the bridge and ride the lift down.
17 If you follow the path from the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace, you will reach the Grand Lift of Rold, which will take you to the Mountaintops of the Giants.

Walkthrough and Progression Guide: Where to Go and What to Do First

Leyndell, Royal Capital General Tips

Stay mounted while fighting the sentinel

Elden Ring - Draconic Tree Sentinel fight

You won't be able to enter Leyndell without defeating the Draconic Tree Sentinel. It would be easier to fight this boss on horseback so you can quickly dodge its attacks. You can also use a Spirit Summon to draw aggro while you attack the sentinel from behind.

How to Beat Draconic Tree Sentinel

Attack Godfey at the end of his combos

Elden Ring - Godfrey boss fight

Godfrey's attacks are quite slow but they hit really hard. Focus on dodging his attacks until he finishes their animations before landing a few hits in. You can also use Spirit Summons to draw Godfrey's aggro and give you more chances of dishing out damage.

How to Beat Godfrey, First Elden Lord

Boss Fight Strategy for Morgott

Some attack patterns are similiar with Margit's

Elden Ring - Morgott attack patterns

Morgott's attack patterns are quite similar to the ones Margit the Fell Omen uses. However, some of Morgott's attacks have longer delays and the intervals between his attack animations are short.

How to Beat Morgott, the Omen King

Summon Melina outside the boss area

Elden Ring - summoning Melina

You can opt to have Melina's aid during the fight by interacting with the summon sign outside the boss area. Melina can tank Morgott's attacks while you strike from a safe spot and can also heal you using her own spell, easing up the fight significantly.

Melina: Where to Find Her and Everything She Can Do

What to Do in Leyndell, Royal Capital

Leyndell, Royal Capital Checklist
CheckmarkGet the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing

CheckmarkGet the Viridian Amber Medallion

CheckmarkGet the Blessed Dew Talisman

CheckmarkRestore Morgott's Great Rune

CheckmarkAdvance Dung Eater's questline

Get the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing

You can get the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 2 inside the Sealed Tunnel. Give this item to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold and you will be able to purchase Smithing Stones 3 and 4.

Sealed Tunnel Location and What to Do

Get the Viridian Amber Medallion

You can fight and defeat Margit near the Outer Wall Battleground to obtain the Viridian Amber Medallion +1. This talisman increases your maximum stamina, which can be really helpful in boss fights if you're in need of extra dodges or weapon swings.

How to Get Viridian Amber Medallion +1: Effects and Locations

Get the Blessed Dew Talisman

The Blessed Dew Talisman is a neat talisman found within Leyndell that gradually restores HP while equipped. You can actually obtain this early in the game by opening a transporter chest on top of the Tower of Return in Weeping Peninsula.

Opening the chest will warp you straight to the Divine Bridge, where you can find the chest containing the talisman and a sleeping golem in the area past the Site of Grace.

How to Get Blessed Dew Talisman: Effects and Locations

Restore Morgott's Great Rune

Elden Ring - Divine Tower of East Altus location

After defeating Morgott, you can bring his Great Rune to the Divine Tower of East Altus, located east of the Royal Capital, to restore the rune's power.

Follow the bridge east of the capital until you reach the lift that takes you to the Forbidden Lands, but instead of riding the lift down, turn right and make your way to the end of the path until you reach the Divine Tower.

What Are Great Runes?

Fight the Fell Twins along the way

Elden Ring - Fell Twins

Before you reach the Divine Tower, you'll be forced to fight the Fell Twins. Only after beating them can you pass through the bridge and restore the Great Rune.

How to Beat Fell Twins: Boss Fight Guide

Advance Dung Eater's questline

You can continue Dung Eater's questline by finding his physical body at the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds in Leyndell. Once there, run to his cell and unlock it using the Sewer-Gaol Key that you received from him after giving a Seedbed Curse.

Dung Eater Questline and Location

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