Elden Ring

All Arcane Weapons List

This is a list of all Arcane Weapons in Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about the Arcane weapons available in the base game and DLC as well as how to add Arcane Scaling to your non-Arcane weapons.

All Arcane Weapons

※ The stat scaling values displayed in the current table are the base scaling values for each weapon.

Note: More weapon data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. If you're on desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally through the table.
Search Term
Weapon Type Req. STR Req. DEX Req. INT Req. FTH Req. ARC STR Scaling DEX Scaling INT Scaling FTH Scaling ARC Scaling
Poisoned Hand ImagePoisoned Hand
(DLC Only)
Fist 8 8 0 0 28 E - - - A
MohgwynMohgwyn's Sacred Spear Great Spear 24 14 0 0 27 C D - - C
VarreVarre's Bouquet Hammer 8 16 0 0 24 E C - - B
Marais ExecutionerMarais Executioner's Sword Greatsword 24 14 0 0 23 B E - - D
Maternal Staff ImageMaternal Staff
(DLC Only)
Glintstone Staff 7 0 21 0 21 D - A - A
Rivers of Blood ImageRivers of Blood Katana 12 18 0 0 20 E B - - D
Ripple Crescent Halberd ImageRipple Crescent Halberd Halberd 12 12 0 0 20 - - - - S
Poleblade of the Bud ImagePoleblade of the Bud
(DLC Only)
Halberd 14 22 0 0 20 E D - - B
Ripple Blade ImageRipple Blade Axe 11 11 0 0 20 - - - - S
EleonoraEleonora's Poleblade Twinblade 12 21 0 0 19 E C - - D
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword ImageAncient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
(DLC Only)
Colossal Sword 35 10 0 0 19 B E - - D
Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle ImageDeadly Poison Perfume Bottle
(DLC Only)
Perfume Bottle 3 13 0 0 18 - C - - C
Obsidian Lamina ImageObsidian Lamina
(DLC Only)
Reaper 12 25 0 0 17 E B - - D
Bloody Helice ImageBloody Helice Heavy Thrusting Sword 16 19 0 0 17 E C - - B
MorgottMorgott's Cursed Sword Curved Greatsword 14 35 0 0 17 D B - - B
BloodfiendBloodfiend's Arm
(DLC Only)
Colossal Weapon 28 11 0 0 16 C E - - C
Clinging Bone ImageClinging Bone Fist 8 22 0 0 16 E B - - C
Regalia of Eochaid ImageRegalia of Eochaid Straight Sword 12 18 0 0 15 D C - - C
Flowerstone Gavel ImageFlowerstone Gavel
(DLC Only)
Hammer 14 8 0 0 15 C D - - C
Putrescence Cleaver ImagePutrescence Cleaver
(DLC Only)
Greataxe 28 10 0 0 15 C E - - C
Reduvia ImageReduvia Dagger 5 13 0 0 13 E C - - B
BloodfiendBloodfiend's Sacred Spear
(DLC Only)
Great Spear 22 12 0 0 13 D E - - B
Albinauric Staff ImageAlbinauric Staff Glintstone Staff 6 0 10 0 12 D - B - S
Serpent Bow ImageSerpent Bow Bow 8 15 0 0 11 D D - - D
Dragon Communion Seal ImageDragon Communion Seal Sacred Seal 0 0 0 10 10 - - - B S

How to Add Arcane Scaling to Weapons

Use the Black Whetblade

Whetblade Effect
Elden Ring - Black WhetbladeBlack Whetblade Occult Affinity:
・Grants Arcane scaling.
Blood Affinity:
・Grants Arcane scaling.
・Improves or adds Blood Loss Buildup.
Poison Affinity:
・Grants Arcane scaling.
・Improves or adds Poison Buildup.

If you want to give your weapons Arcane scaling, you will need to obtain and use the Black Whetblade from Nokron, the Eternal City. Similar to the Red-Hot Whetblade, this item requires you to beat Radahn before you can reach its location.

Once you get the Black Whetblade, you will be able to add the Occult, Blood, or Poison affinities to your weapon, granting it Arcane scaling depending on the Ash of War you choose to imprint.

Weapon Stat Scaling Explained

Imprint Ashes of War with Occult, Blood, or Poison Affinities

Ashes of War that have an Occult (e.g., Spectral Lance), Blood (e.g., Bloody Slash), or Poison (e.g., Poison Moth Flight) affinity will give your weapon Arcane scaling when imprinted.

If you're using an Arcane build but don't have access to the Black Whetblade, then Ashes of War with Occult, Blood, or Poison affinities are your best bet for adding early game Arcane scaling.

How to Get All Ashes of War

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Elden Ring - Weapons

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List of Weapons by Stat Scaling

Strength Dexterity Intelligence
Faith Arcane

List of Weapons by Damage Types

StandardStandard StrikeStrike SlashSlash PiercePierce
MagicMagic FireFire HolyHoly LightningLightning

List of Weapons by Status Effects

BleedBleed FrostFrost RotScarlet Rot
SleepSleep PoisonPoison MadnessMadness

List of Weapon Types

Melee Weapons
Axes Claws
Colossal Swords Colossal Weapons
Curved Greatswords Curved Swords
Daggers Fists
Flails Greataxes
Greatswords Great Hammers
Great Spears Halberds
Hammers Heavy Thrusting Swords
Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
Glintstone Staves Sacred Seals
Ranged Weapons
Light Bows Bows
Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
Backhand Blades Beast Claws
Great Katanas Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Light Greatswords Perfume Bottles
Throwing Blades Thrusting Shields


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