Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Velvet Sword of St. Trina Location, Stats, and Scaling

Velvet Sword of St. Trina is a Straight Sword in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree that scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Read on to learn how to get the Velvet Sword of St. Trina, as well as its location, description, upgrades, stat requirements, and best Ashes of War.

Velvet Sword of St. Trina Location

Note: The Velvet Sword of St. Trina is only available if you own the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

In a Cave West of the Fissure Cross Site of Grace

The Velvet Sword of St. Trina is found in the Stone Coffin Fissure, at the end of a cave in a lower area accessible by dropping down from the northwest ledge of the Fissure Cross Site of Grace. The Stone Coffin Fissure is found in the Cerulean Coast and is only accessible after Miquella's Great Rune breaks.

How to Get the Velvet Sword of St. Trina
Reach Scadu Altus first via Castle Ensis or the Rellana Skip (Fort of Reprimand). Then break Miquella's Great Rune to unseal the Stone Coffin Fissure by going to any of these two points:
・Going close to the gate of Shadow Keep.
・Going past the rope bridge east of Bonny Village.
ⓘ Note that breaking Miquella's Great Rune will also affect NPC Questlines in the Realm of Shadow.
To reach the Cerulean Coast, start by going southeast of the Castle Front and then going around east until you reach the Ellac River Cave. At the other end of the cave, go south to the Ellac River Downstream, take the steps down the waterfall, and continue south until you reach the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace.
From the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace, head south (the Southern Shore Map Fragment can be obtained on the way) and then southwest until you reach a giant sinkhole where The Fissure is located deep inside.
At the west side of the giant sinkhole, use the steps going down to get to the The Fissure Site of Grace.
From The Fissure Site of Grace, continue on forward through the tunnel until you reach the Stone Coffin Fissure. Claim the nearby Site of Grace on the right.
From the Stone Coffin Fissure Site of Grace, follow the path forward, going down to a lower area and past the Bloodfiends.
Drop down from the collapsible ledge (does no fall damage) guarded by a Bloodfiend.
After the drop, run towards the Fissure Cross Site of Grace at the end. Be careful of the several Bloodfiends in the area.
From the Fissure Cross Site of Grace, go to the northeast ledge.
Drop down from this ledge to the section at the very bottom.
At the bottom, look towards the large crack in the stone coffin where you can see a cave and go inside.
The Velvet Sword of St. Trina will be at the end of this small cave guarded by Purple Slime enemies.

Velvet Sword of St. Trina Description and Stats Overvie

Basic Information

Elden Ring - Velvet Sword of St. TrinaVelvet Sword of St. Trina Overview
Type: Straight Sword
ATK Type: Standard/Pierce
Skill: Mists of Eternal Sleep
Passive: Eternal Sleep (42)
Weight: 2.5
Silver sword of St. Trina, now stained the color of velvet. Inflicts eternal sleep. When St. Trina was abandoned, the faint, light-purple mists coalesced into an intoxicating deep-purple cloud.

Required Stats to Equip

10 12 14 0 0

Stat Scaling

E D E - -

Basic Stats

Phys. Atk. 95 Phys. Def. 37.0
Mag. Atk. 61 Mag. Def. 37.0
Fire Atk. 0 Fire Def. 25.0
Lght. Atk. 0 Lght. Def. 25.0
Holy Atk. 0 Holy Def. 25.0
Crit. Atk. 110 Guard Boost 27

Velvet Sword of St. Trina Upgrades

Jump to a Section!
Base vs. Max Max Upgrades Req. Materials

Base and Max Level Comparison

Lvl. Phys. Dmg. Sec. Dmg. STR DEX INT FAI ARC
+0 95 61 MAG
E D E - -
+10 232 149 MAG D D D - -

Max Upgrade Level in Each Affinity

The Velvet Sword of St. Trina is a unique weapon. It cannot be modified to have other affinities.

Required Upgrade Materials

Levels Material Quantity
+2 Somber Smithing Stone 2 (1)
+3 Somber Smithing Stone 3 (1)
+4 Somber Smithing Stone 4 (1)
+5 Somber Smithing Stone 5 (1)
+6 Somber Smithing Stone 6 (1)
+7 Somber Smithing Stone 7 (1)
+8 Somber Smithing Stone 8 (1)
+9 Somber Smithing Stone 9 (1)
+10 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (1)

Velvet Sword of St. Trina requires one Somber Smithing Stone for every level to upgrade until +9. The final level at +10 requires a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Somber Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Velvet Sword of St. Trina Ashes of War

Cannot Be Infused with Ashes of War

The Velvet Sword of St. Trina cannot be infused with a different Ash of War since it is considered a unique weapon. Weapons that are upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones are classified as unique weapons.

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List of Weapons by Status Effects

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List of Weapon Types

Melee Weapons
Axes Claws
Colossal Swords Colossal Weapons
Curved Greatswords Curved Swords
Daggers Fists
Flails Greataxes
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Hammers Heavy Thrusting Swords
Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
Glintstone Staves Sacred Seals
Ranged Weapons
Light Bows Bows
Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
Backhand Blades Beast Claws
Great Katanas Hand-to-Hand Weapons
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Throwing Blades Thrusting Shields


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