Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Rellana's Twin Blades Location, Stats, and Scaling

Elden Ring - Rellana

Rellana's Twin Blades is a Light Greatsword in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree that scales with Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Faith. Read on to learn how to get the Rellana's Twin Blades, as well as its location, description, upgrades, stat requirements, and best Ashes of War.

Rellana's Twin Blades Guides
Elden Ring - Twin Blades Weapon IconRellana's Twin Blades Location Elden Ring - Twin Blades Build IconRellana's Twin Blades Build Guide

Rellana's Twin Blades Location

Note: Rellana's Twin Blades are only available if you own the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Obtained by Trading Remembrance of Rellana, Twin Moon Knight


Realm of Shadow

Rellana's Twin Blades can be obtained by beating Rellana, Twin Moon Knight, then turning in her Remembrance to Enia at the Roundtable Hold to get the weapon.

To fight Rellana and obtain her Remembrance, you will need to make it to the end of the Castle Ensis Legacy Dungeon in Gravesite Plain.

How to Get Rellana's Twin Blades
From the Castle Ensis Checkpoint site of grace, walk southwest past the closed gate and drop down the hole.
Exit the cave and turn left towards the waterfall. There are rocks sticking out the waterfall where you can hop onto to reach the stream above.
Head north to find a long ladder on your left that leads back to the same floor as the checkpoint.
Exit the room with the guards and you will find a wheel inside the room across. Turn this wheel to open the gate on your right for a shortcut to the Castle Ensis Checkpoint site of grace.
Go up the stairs and cross the bridge with more guards before going up the slope to your right.
Turn right again and enter the chapel on the other side. Moonrithyll, Carian Knight will be right front of the chapel's entrance, but you can just run past him.
Upon entering the chapel, proceed to the end of the room with the spirit at the altar, then exit right to the hallway.
Follow the hallway to the end, then take the stairs leading to the doorway that goes back outside.
Go up the stairs (there will be another mage on the roof ahead that you can either kill or ignore), then open the gate to your right and continue progressing along the castle rampart.
Take either the higher or lower path forward to reach the tower that you need to climb.
Reach the tower and climb the stairs around it until you see a Black Knight.
Behind the Black Knight is a lift that will take you up to the Castle Lord's Chamber site of grace.
The last steps going up from the site of grace lead to the fog wall of Rellana's boss room.
Defeat Rellana to obtain the Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight.
Teleport to Roundtable Hold and trade the Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight with Enia to obtain Rellana's Twin Blades.

Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Boss Guide

Duplicate Rellana's Remembrance to Get Both Rewards

Note that Boss Remembrances only grant you one potential reward per use. If you want to get both Rellana's Twin Blades and Rellana's Twin Moons, make sure to duplicate the Remembrance using one of the Walking Mausoleums or Remembrance Coffins found in the game.

All DLC Remembrance Duplication Locations

Rellana's Twin Blades Description and Stats Overview

Basic Information

Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Twin Blades Overview
Type: Light Greatsword
ATK Type: Standard/Pierce
Skill: Moon-and-Fire Stance
Weight: 8.0
Carian light greatsword embedded with blue glintstone. Weapon of Rellana, the Twin Moon Knight. Two swords as a single armament. When two-handing, a straight sword engraved with golden flame will be carried in the left hand. Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together.

Required Stats to Equip

13 16 16 16 0

Stat Scaling

D D D D -

Basic Stats

Phys. Atk. 103 Phys. Def. 66.0
Mag. Atk. 66 Mag. Def. 47.0
Fire Atk. 66 Fire Def. 29.0
Lght. Atk. 0 Lght. Def. 47.0
Holy Atk. 0 Holy Def. 26.0
Crit. Atk. 100 Guard Boost 35

Rellana's Twin Blades Upgrades

Jump to a Section!
Base vs. Max Max Upgrades Req. Materials

Base and Max Level Comparison

Lvl. Phys. Dmg. Sec. Dmg. STR DEX INT FAI ARC
+0 103 66 MAG
D D D D -
+10 252 161 MAG
161 FIRE
C C C C -

Max Upgrade Level in Each Affinity

The Rellana's Twin Blades is a unique weapon. It cannot be modified to have other affinities.

Required Upgrade Materials

Levels Material Quantity
+2 Somber Smithing Stone 2 (1)
+3 Somber Smithing Stone 3 (1)
+4 Somber Smithing Stone 4 (1)
+5 Somber Smithing Stone 5 (1)
+6 Somber Smithing Stone 6 (1)
+7 Somber Smithing Stone 7 (1)
+8 Somber Smithing Stone 8 (1)
+9 Somber Smithing Stone 9 (1)
+10 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (1)

Rellana's Twin Blades requires one Somber Smithing Stone for every level to upgrade until +9. The final level at +10 requires a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Somber Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Rellana's Twin Blades Ashes of War

Cannot Be Infused with Ashes of War

The Rellana's Twin Blades cannot be infused with a different Ash of War since it is considered a unique weapon. Weapons that are upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones are classified as unique weapons.

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Elden Ring - Weapons

All Weapons List

Weapon Guides

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DLC Bleed Weapons DLC Unique Weapons
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List of Weapons by Stat Scaling

Strength Dexterity Intelligence
Faith Arcane

List of Weapons by Damage Types

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MagicMagic FireFire HolyHoly LightningLightning

List of Weapons by Status Effects

BleedBleed FrostFrost RotScarlet Rot
SleepSleep PoisonPoison MadnessMadness

List of Weapon Types

Melee Weapons
Axes Claws
Colossal Swords Colossal Weapons
Curved Greatswords Curved Swords
Daggers Fists
Flails Greataxes
Greatswords Great Hammers
Great Spears Halberds
Hammers Heavy Thrusting Swords
Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
Glintstone Staves Sacred Seals
Ranged Weapons
Light Bows Bows
Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
Backhand Blades Beast Claws
Great Katanas Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Light Greatswords Perfume Bottles
Throwing Blades Thrusting Shields


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