Elden Ring

Best Talismans

Elden Ring - Best Talismans List
Talismans are accessories that you can add to your overall equipment in Elden Ring. Read on to see the best talismans to use for exploring and combat!

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List of Best Talismans

Best Talismans for Combat

Ranking Talisman Explanation
1st Great-JarGreat-Jar's Arsenal ・ Vastly raises maximum equip load by 1.2 x

・ Useful when equipping multiple and heavy weapons

2nd Dragoncrest Greatshield TalismanDragoncrest Greatshield Talisman ・ Increases physical damage negation by 20%

・ Useful for many enemy encounters since they deal mostly physical damage
3rd Shard of AlexanderShard of Alexander ・ Greatly increases the attack power of skills

・ Useful when using weapons with powerful skills, such as Rivers of Blood
4th Radagon IconRadagon Icon ・ Shortens spell casting time of both sorceries and incantations

・ Casting time buff stacks with Azur's Glintstone Staff
5th Graven-Mass TalismanGraven-Mass Talisman ・ Greatly increases the power of sorceries

・ A must-have Talisman for pure Intelligence caster builds
6th FaithfulFaithful's Canvas Talisman ・ Greatly increases the power of incantations

・ A must-have Talisman for pure Faith caster builds

Best Talismans for Exploration

Ranking Talisman Explanation
1st Gold ScarabGold Scarab ・ Increases the amount of runes earned by 1.2 x

・Useful for quickly levelling up characters
2nd Silver ScarabSilver Scarab ・ Increases the drop rate of items

・ Useful for farming rare equipment, weapons, and crafting materials from enemies
3rd ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +2 ・ Increases maximum HP, Stamina, and Equip Load

・ Available in three versions
4th Longtail Cat TalismanLongtail Cat Talisman ・ Prevents fall damage

・ Useful in locations that require careful traversal or platforming, such as Miquella's Haligtree
5th Ancestral SpiritAncestral Spirit's Horn ・ Restores FP after defeating enemies

・ A useful talisman when using weapon skills that have heavy FP consumption

List of All Talismans

Best Combat Talisman Analyses

Great-Jar Talisman

Great-JarGreat-Jar's Arsenal
Weight Effect
1.5 Vastly raises maximum equip load.
How to Obtain
Obtained as a reward for defeating the Great Jar's three champions summoned from the red simmon signs on the ground.

Increases Equipment Load

The Great-Jar's Arsenal provides a 1.2x boost to equipment load, allowing characters to wear and wield heavier armor and weapons.

This Talisman allows players to skip levelling Endurance in favor of other stats such as Vigor, which is very useful in multiplayer when meeting certain level caps.

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman IconDragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
Weight Effect
0.8 Enormously boosts physical damage negation.
How to Obtain
Obtained in a chest on a balcony northeast of Haligtree Roots in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.

Increases Physical Damage Negation

The Dragoncrest Greatshield Talsiman increases physical damage negation by 20%, and is very useful in both normal combat and against bosses since most enemies deal physical damage.

Shard of Alexander

Shard of Alexander IconShard of Alexander
Weight Effect
0.9 Greatly boosts the attack power of skills.
How to Obtain
Obtained after defeating Iron-Fist Alexander in Crumbling Farum Azula at the conclusion of his questline.

Boosts the Power of Skills

The Shard of Alexander greatly increases the power of weapon skills and Ashes of War equipped on weapons. This Talisman is it boosts the power weapon skills, such as the Dark Moon Greatsword's Moonlight Greatsword and Rivers of Blood's Corpse Piler.

Radagon Icon

Radagon Icon IconRadagon Icon
Weight Effect
0.7 Shortens spell casting time.
How to Obtain
Obtained from a treasure chest in Academy of Raya Lucaria on the second floor of the Debate Parlor accessible after climbing up a ladder from the courtyard.

Shortens Spell Casting Time

Radagon Icon is a very useful talsiman for both Intelligence and Faith-based caster builds. Many powerful sorceries and incantations, such as the Comet Azur and Fortissax's Lightning Spear, have very long casting times that leave the player vulnerable to enemy attacks.

This talisman shortens casting time, allowing players to fire powerful spells quickly and quickly dodge or reposition themselves before getting hit. The talisman's effect also stacks with Azur's Glintstone Staff.

Graven-Mass Talisman

Graven-Mass Talisman IconGraven-Mass Talisman
Weight Effect
1.0 Raises potency of sorceries.
How to Obtain
Obtained at the top of Albinauric Rise after solving the tower's puzzle.

Boosts the Power of Sorceries

The Graven-Mass Talisman is a must-have for intelligence-based caster builds that rely on offensive sorceries. It's also a good alternative to Lusat's Glintstone Staff since it doesn't increase FP consumption, though you can alternatively equip both to further boost the power of your sorceries.

Faithful's Canvas Talisman

FaithfulFaithful's Canvas Talisman
Weight Effect
0.7 Raises potency of incantations.
How to Obtain
Obtained in the upper part of Sellia Crystal Tunnel in a room guarded by two Kindred of Rot..

Boosts the Power of Incantations

The Faithful's Canvas Talisman is a must-have for faith-based caster builds that rely on offensive incantations. It also boosts the power of Dragon Incantations, making them useful for Faith/Arcane hybrids.

Best Exploration Talisman Analyses

Gold Scarab

Gold Scarab IconGold Scarab
Weight Effect
1.2 Increases runes obtained from defeated enemies.
How to Obtain
Obtained as a reward for defeating two Cleanrot Knights that serve as the boss for the Abandoned Cave.

Increases the Amount of Runes Earned

The Gold Scarab talisman is very useful when focusing on levelling up your character as it doubles the runes earned from defeated enemies.

It's best equipped in relatively safe levelling areas, such as the path with the Albinaurics near the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of Grace in Mohgwyn Palace.

How to Level Up Fast

Silver Scarab

Silver Scarab IconSilver Scarab
Weight Effect
1.2 Raises item discovery.
How to Obtain
Obtained from a chest behind an illusory wall in the Hidden Path to the Haligtree accessible after dropping down from the central room and onto an invisible bridge.

Increases Item Drop Rate

The Silver Scarab talisman is very useful when farming rare equipment, weapons, or crafting materials from enemies such as the Magma Blade from the Man-Serpents in Volcano Manor.

Erdtree's Favor +2

ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +2
Weight Effect
1.5 Raises maximum HP, stamina and equip load.
How to Obtain
Obtained on a branch in a courtyard surrounded by Ulcerated Tree Spirits in Leyndell, Capital of Ash.

Boosts Max HP, Stamina, and Equip Load

The Erdtree's Favor +2 is a useful talisman for general exploring as it raises the character's max HP, Stamina, and Equip Load significantly. Although the +2 version provides the strongest boost, the regular and +1 versions are also good alternatives as the stat boosts are still very high.

Longtail Cat Talisman

Longtail Cat Talisman IconLongtail Cat Talisman
Weight Effect
0.6 Renders the wearer immune to fall damage.
How to Obtain
Obtained from a dead body left of the Abductor Virgin enemy in the area with the large moving gear at the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Prevents Fall Damage

The Longtail Cat Talisman is very useful when exploring unknown locations that have trecherous terrain, such as the exterior of the Divine Tower of Caelid and Miquella's Haligtree.

Keep in mind that while it prevents fall damage, it doesn't protect from falls from lethal heights that instantly kill the character, such as falling into bottomless pits.

Ancestral Spirit's Horn

Ancestral SpiritAncestral Spirit's Horn
Weight Effect
1.2 Restores FP upon defeating enemies.
How to Obtain
Obtained from Enia, the Finger Reader at Roundtable Hold by using the Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor after defeating the Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Restores FP when Defeating Enemies

The Ancestral Spirit's Horn is a very useful talisman when going through locations and legacy dungeons while using weapons with expensive skills or spells, and helps the character preserve their Flask of Cerulean Tears for tougher encounters or bosses.

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