Elden Ring

All Buffs and Debuffs and What They Do

Elden Ring - All Buffs and Debuffs
Status Buffs and Debuffs are various changes that affect your Player's stats in the game Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about what each Buff and Debuff does and how you can remove them.

All Buffs and Debuffs

All Buffs

Buff Description Granted By
Increased Rune Buff ・Amount of Runes found is increased. Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
Increased Power ・Damage dealt is increased for all attacks.
・Strength and Dexterity are increased.
・All Heirloom Talismans
Sorcery Attack Raised ・ Damage of Sorcery spells is increased. Stargazer Heirloom
Imp Head (Cat)
Stamina Increased ・ Stamina is increased. Viridian Amber Medallion
FP is Raised ・ FP is raised. Cerulean Amber Medallion
Damage Negation Increased ・Damage negation increased for all types of damage. Spelldrake Talisman
Pearldrake Talisman
Flamedrake Talisman
FP Skill Consumption Lowered ・FP skill consumption is lowered. Carian Filigreed Crest
HP Gradually Recovers ・HP is gradually recovered. Blessed Dew Talisman
Deathbed Dress
Maximum HP Increased ・Maximum HP is increased. Crimson Amber Medallion
Maximum Equipment Load Increased ・Maximum Equipment Load is increased. Erdtree's Favor
Item Discovery Boosted Elden Ring.PNG ・Item Discovery rate increased. Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot
Jump Attacks Enhanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Damage of jump attacks increased. Claw Talisman
Muffled Sound Elden Ring.PNG ・Eliminates sound of footsteps. Soft Cotton
Crepus's Vial
Reduced Damage and Headshots Elden Ring.png ・Reduces damage and impact of headshots taken. Crucible Knot Talisman
Restores HP on Kill Elden Ring.PNG ・Restores HP when killing enemies. Serpent-God's Curved Sword
Taker's Cameo
Reveal Summoning Signs Elden Ring.PNG ・Reveals Summoning and Hostile Signs (only for Online play). Furlcalling Finger Remedy
Roar and Breath Attacks Enhanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Increase damage done by roar and breath attacks. Roar Medallion
Rune Loss Prevented Elden Ring.PNG ・Prevents Rune loss on death. Sacrificial Twig
Rune Loss Prevented Temporary Elden Ring.PNG ・Temporarily prevents Rune loss on death. Twiggy Cracked Tear
Spell Casting Shortened Elden Ring.PNG ・Reduces spell casting time. Radagon Icon
Stamina Recovery Increased Elden Ring.PNG ・Stamina recovery is increased. Greenspill Crystal Tear
Pickled Turtle Neck
Stamina Reducing Attacks Against Blockers Enhanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Stamina-reducing attacks against blockers are enhanced. Hammer Talisman
Status Effect Resistance Increased Elden Ring.PNG ・Increased resistance against Status Effects. Clarifying Horn Charm
Mottled Necklace
Successive Attacks Raised Attack Elden Ring.PNG ・Raises attack power with successive attacks. Winged Sword Insignia
Attract Enemies Aggression Elden Ring.PNG ・Constantly attracts enemies. Shabriri's Woe
Attributes Increased Damage Taken Increased Elden Ring.PNG ・Increases all attributes, but increases damage taken. Radagon's Scarseal
Radagon's Soreseal
Marika's Scarseal
Charge Attack Enhanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Enhances charged attacks. Axe Talisman
Cooperator Disguise Elden Ring.PNG ・Disguises you as a Cooperator. Host's Trick-Mirror
Host of Fingers Disguise Elden Ring.PNG ・Disguises you as a Host of Fingers. Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror
Counterattacks Thrusting Weapons Enchanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Enhances counterattacks unique to thrusting weapons. Spear Talisman
Critical Hits Restore FP Elden Ring.PNG ・Critical hits restore FP. Assassin's Cerulean Dagger
Critical Hits Restore HP Elden Ring.PNG ・Critical hits restore HP. Assassin's Crimson Dagger
Enhanced Dodge Rolls Elden Ring.PNG ・Dodge rolls are enhanced. Crucible Feather Talisman
Windy Crystal Tear
Fall Damage Reduced Elden Ring.PNG ・Reduces fall damage (will not prevent death by fall damage). Longtail Cat Talisman
Final Attack Chain Hit Enhanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Increases the damage of the final hit of a chain of attacks. Twinblade Talisman
FP Cost Reduced Elden Ring.PNG ・FP cost of spells are reduced. Primal Glintstone Blade
Guard Counters Enhanced Elden Ring.PNG ・Increases damage from Guard Counters. Curved Sword Talisman
Holy Attacks Increased Damage Negation Decreased Elden Ring.PNG ・Increases the damage of Holy attacks but damage negation is decreased. Sacred Scorpion Charm
HP Regeneration Elden Ring.PNG ・HP is regenerating. Crimsonburst Crystal Tear
FP Regeneration Elden Ring.png ・FP is regenerating. Starlight Shard
Increased FP Restored Elden Ring.PNG ・FP restored by Flask of Cerulean Tears is increased. Cerulean Seed Talisman
Send Summoning Sign to Summoning Pool Elden Ring.png ・Summoning Sign is sent into the Summoning Pool. ・Small Golden Effigy
Stake of Marika Nearby Elden Ring.png Stake of Marika is active nearby. ・Being in an area with a Stake of Marika

Talisman Buffs

One reliable way to apply buffs to your character in Elden Ring is by equipping Talisman. To check if your character is receiving a buff from a Talisman, look under the HP, FP, and Stamina bar for the Talisman's icon.

List of Talismans

All Debuffs

Debuff Description Granted By
HP DownRed Square Debuff ・Maximum health is reduced by 5%. ・Being hugged by Fia, Deathbed Companion
Cannot Fast Travel Elden Ring.png ・You cannot Fast Travel from your current location. ・Being in underground locations
・After being snared by a teleportation trap

How to Remove Red Square Debuff

Fia HP Debuff

If, in a moment of weakness or curiousity, you accepted Fia's embrace, you probably noticed a red square with a downward pointing arrow under your HP, FP, and Stamina bars shortly.

In order to remove the effects of the Red Square Debuff, use Baldachin's Blessing, which Fia gave you when you accepted her hug.

What are Buffs and Debuffs?

Buffs and Debuffs Passively Affect Your Stats

How to Tell Buff Debuff.jpg
By now you've probably noticed little red, blue, or green squares on your hud from time to time. These indicate that your character is receiving a buff or debuff.

Buffs and debuffs are passive status effects that slightly alter a core stat or mechanic either positively or negatively (and sometimes a mix). Buffs and Debuffs are indicated as icons under your HP, FP, and Stamina meters.

How to Tell Permanent Buffs/Debuffs vs Temporary Buffs/Debuffs

In Elden Ring, some buffs and debuffs are applied via your equipment, Talismans, or Great Runes. Still others occur when you consume a particular item or are hit with an attack by an enemy. The effect will last until the equipment or Great Rune is unequipped and will not diminish over time. These are denoted by the effect icon being on a square background.

Temporary buffs and debuffs, on the other hand, will go away over time. You can tell a buff or debuff is temporary when it has a diamond background.

Permanent Temporary
Damage Negation Increased Stamina Increased

Can Buffs and Debuffs Be Stacked?

Buffs Debuffs Stacked
Yes, your character can have multiple buffs and/or debuffs active at once. To see all buffs and debuffs stacking, check the icons on your HUD below the HP, FP and Stamina bars.

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What is Arcane? How to Increase Your Health
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How to Leave a Boss Fight How to Pause the Game
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How to Fast Travel How to Use Summon Pool Stakes
Day and Night Cycle Differences How to Change Time
All Illusory Wall Locations All Painting Locations and Rewards
How to Get Into the Academy of Raya Lucaria How to Get to Nokron
All Portals and Teleport Locations All Imp Statue Locations and Rewards
Movement and Combat Tips
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How to Guard Counter How to Backstab
Hidden Combat Mechanics -


2 Anonymousabout 3 years

Agreed. Junk list

1 Anonymousabout 3 years

This isn’t even all the buffs and debuffs. FFS dude.


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