Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Dryleaf Dane Quest and Location

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree - Dryleaf Dane Banner

Dryleaf Dane is an NPC in the Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, initially found in the Moorth Ruins at Scadu Altus. Read on to learn more about Dryleaf Dane's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and how to beat him!

Dryleaf Dane Quest Walkthrough

Quest Objectives

1. Get the Monk's Missive and May the Best Win Gesture

Elden Ring - May the Best Win World View
The May the Best Win gesture can be found at the Highroad Cross Site of Grace on a broken wall next to the road, along with the Monk's Missive that hints towards Dane's location to the east of the Highroad Cross. The gesture is required to interact (duel) with Dane.

2. Duel Dryleaf Dane at the Moorth Ruins

Find Dryleaf Dane next to the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace, and use the May the Best Win gesture to challenge him to a one-on-one fight in a closed-off zone. Once you beat him, Dane will leave behind the Hand-to-Hand Dryleaf Arts, the headpiece Dane's Hat, and a reminder for you to not be complacent.

Appears as a Gold Summon for Romina, Saint of the Bud

Whether or not you beat Dryleaf Dane, you'll be able to summon him as an ally against Romina, Saint of the Bud. If you're having a tough time against the boss, consider summoning the martial monk to aid you in battle. Note that summoning Dryleaf Dane does not affect his questline.

Romina, Saint of the Bud Boss Guide

3. Defeat Leda and Allies in the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom

Leda red summon sign at Enir-Illim

After burning the Sealing Tree and teleporting to Enir-Ilim, you will eventually reach the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom and be forced to interact with a red summoning sign to enter a battle between hostile and friendly NPCs.

Dryleaf Dane will be summoned as an invader.

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough

NPC List and Summon Conditions

NPC Faction Summon Conditions
Ansbach Ally Will be available as a gold summon if you gave him the Secret Rite Scroll and helped him against Leda's invasion.
Thiollier Ally Will be available as a gold summon if you completed his quest and told him St. Trina's last words at the end of it.
Sanguine Noble Nataan Ally Replaces Ansbach as a gold summon if Ansbach dies during his quest.
Leda Hostile Always appears as hostile.
Dryleaf Dane Hostile Always appears as hostile.
Freyja Hostile Freyja joins Leda as an invader if you delivered Ansbach's Letter to Freyja to her during her quest.
Moore Hostile Moore joins Leda as an invader if you chose the Put it behind you dialogue option during his quest.
Hornsent Hostile Hornsent fights you if he was not killed during his quest-related invasions before before burning the Sealing Tree. He will also fight you if you do not summon him for the Messmer boss fight.

4. Loot Dryleaf Dane's Equipment after the NPC Fight

Killing Leda and her allies will be the end of all their respective questlines. You can loot their bodies to retrieve their equipment, including Dryleaf Dane for the Dryleaf Robe, Dryleaf Arm Wraps, and Dryleaf Cuissardes armor pieces, as well as the Hand-to-Hand Dane's Footwork.

Dane's Full Armor Set is at the Recluses' River Downstream

Map View World View

The Dryleaf armor set can be found on a corpse under a waterfall north of Recluses' River Downstream Site of Grace. You'll need to progress through the Shadow Keep and solve the Domain of Dragons painting to access this area.

How to Get the Dryleaf Armor Set

Dryleaf Dane Location

First Encountered in the Moorth Ruins of Scadu Altus

World View Map Location

Dryleaf Dane will make his first appearance at the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace in the Scadu Altus region, directly east of the Highroad Cross Site of Grace.

Do NPC Quests Before Burning the Sealing Tree

After defeating Messmer and Romina, then setting fire to the Sealing Tree behind the Church of the Bud, all of Miquella's followers' NPC quests will stop. Make sure to do the quests of Dryleaf Dane, and of the other followers of Miquella, before burning the Sealing Tree.

All DLC NPC Quests

Dryleaf Dane Armor and Weapon Drops

Dryleaf Dane Drops his Helm and Weapons

Weapon Dryleaf Arts
Dane's Footwork
Armor Dane's Hat

Dryleaf Dane will reward you with the Dryleaf Arts weapon and Dane's Hat after defeating him in a duel by Moorth Ruins, while Dane's Footwork can be obtained after defeating Leda's group in Enir-Ilim.

The rest of Dryleaf Dane's armor is part of the Dryleaf armor set, and it's obtained by looting a corpse under the Recluses' River Downstream Site of Grace.

How to Beat Dryleaf Dane

Tips for Beating Dryleaf Dane

Use Status Debuffs for Burst Damage

Dryleaf Dane is very susceptible to debuffs such as Frostbite, Bleed, and Poison. Use this to your advantage to cut down his health bar quickly.

Dane is Easy to Stagger

Dane's outfit has very low poise, meaning that it's easy to stunlock and stagger him during the fight (preventing him from attacking). Use weapons like Light Greatswords (if you want faster attacks) or Colossals for guaranteed staggers.

Watch For Fast Hands and Feet

When fighting Dryleaf Dane, it will be your first time encountering the Hand-to-Hand weapon type in action, as he uses both Dryleaf Arts and Dane's Footwork against you.

His attacks will be fast, but mostly require him to be up close, so poking and retreating is very easy if you want to play it safe early into your playthrough.

Be Careful of Ranged Attacks

Dane only has two moves that can hit you at a further range than his normal attacks. Learn to read their tells so you don't get thrown off in case you try to back away and heal.

Palm Blast

Dane can use the Dryleaf Arts' skill Palm Blast to charge up an AoE strike in front of him. The blast has a deceivingly long range and can tag you at mid-distance, so gauge your distance well or time your dodge after he charges the Blast.

Discus of Light

If you stay at a distance, Dane will occasionally charge and throw a Discus of Light against you. It's easy to dodge, but be mindful of the boomerang effect when it returns to Dane.

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