Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Best DLC Sorceries

Elden Ring - Best DLC Sorceries

This lists the best DLC sorceries in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Learn about what these DLC sorceries are, their FP costs, stat requirements, and how to get them.

Best DLC Sorceries

Elden Ring - Attention!.png Attention! We are rushing out guides as quickly as possible. More details will be added to this page soon!

Best Early DLC Sorceries

Sorcery Evaluation and How to Get
Glintblade Trio IconGlintblade Trio
INT: 28
FP Cost: 19
Slots: 1
・Fires 3 glintblade projectiles at a target.
・Has delayed effect for strategic uses in PvP.
How to Get:
・In Castle Ensis, after opening the gate past the church where you fight Moonrithyll, drop down to the path on the left and find a ladder to climb the church. On the church roof, look for an area with a corpse at the edge (this item will be on that corpse).
Rings of Spectral Light IconRings of Spectral Light
INT: 28
FAI: 18
FP Cost: 12
Slots: 1
・Fires several ringed projectiles that build up Frost damage on hit.
・Can combo frostbite resets with fire damage from other sorceries such as Rykard's Rancor (has the same FAI requirement).
How to Get:
・Obtain from a giant bird statue near Charro's Hidden Grave Site of Grace (north, above the site). Circle back around the stream with a giant tombstone to reach it.
MiriamMiriam's Vanishing
INT: 26
FP Cost: 9
Slots: 1
・Fires several ringed projectiles that build up Frost damage on hit.
・Can combo frostbite resets with fire damage from other sorceries such as Rykard's Rancor (has the same FAI requirement).
How to Get:
・Buy for 10,000 Runes from Count Ymir at Cathedral of Manus Metyr.
RellanaRellana's Twin Moons
INT: 72
FP Cost: 47
Slots: 2
・Deals high magical damage in an AoE around the caster.
・Useful for clearing groups when surrounded.
How to Get:
・Obtained as one of the Remembrance rewards from defeating Rellana, Twin Moon Knight.

All DLC Spells

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