Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

All Furnace Golem Locations and Weakness

Elden Ring - Furnace Golem

The Furnace Golem is a mini-boss that appears in multiple locations and drops Crystal Tears when defeated in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. See Furnace Golem's locations, weaknesses, best build, general tips, and rewards here.

Furnace Golem Locations

Furnace Golem Map Locations

There are a total of 8 Furnace Golems located across the Realm of Shadow. 2 Furnace Golems (east of the Cathedral of Manus Metyr and west of Charro's Hidden Grave) require Hefty Furnace Pots or Hefty Fire Pots to be thrown onto their burning heads to damage them. You cannot damage their legs since they are armored (invulnerable).

1 Furnace Golem at the Ruins of Unte only needs to be awakened with a Hefty Furnace Pot and can be fought normally afterwards.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

Furnace Golem Crystal Tear Rewards

Boss Location and Rewards
Furnace Golem (Gravesite Plain) Location: Scorched Ruins
Where to Find: Found wandering the fields to the north of the Scorched Ruins site of grace.
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem (Rauh Ruins) Location: Rauh Ancient Ruins, West
Where to Find: Located northwest of the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West Site of Grace, dormant in the water.
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem (Ruins of Unte) Location: Ruins of Unte, Castle Watering Hole
Where to Find: Found lying dormant in the waters to the south west of the Ruins of Unte. It'll activate once you're near enough.
・Furnace Visage
Inactive Furnace Golem (Ruins of Unte) Location: Ruins of Unte, Castle Watering Hole
Where to Find: Found seated in front of the entrance to the Ruins of Unte. Requires you to throw a Hefty Furnace Pot into its wicker basket head to activate and defeat it.
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem (Church District Highroad) Location: Church District Highroad
Where to Find: Found roaming the area to the east of the Cathedral of Manus Metyr.
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem (Ellac River) Location: Charo's Hidden Grave, Charo's Hidden Grave
Where to Find: Found along the Ellac River, guarding the entrance to the Cerulean Coast.
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem (Charo's Hidden Grave) Location: Charo's Hidden Grave, Lamenter's Gaol
Where to Find: Found on a cliff overlooking the area with a lot of Gravebirds.
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem (Shadow Keep) Location: Highroad Cross
Where to Find: A Mini-Boss situated just infront of the Shadow Keep right after the area where Messmer's Soldier's keep is situated.
・Furnace Visage

All 8 Furnace Golems each drop a different Crystal Tear. Up to 2 Crystal Tears can be mixed in the Flask of Wonderous Physick and used to grant you useful temporary buffs.

For example, the Deflecting Hardtear obtained from Furnace Golem north of the Scorched Ruins near the beginning of the DLC grants reduced stamina drain and increased damage negation on each perfect guard for 5 minutes.

All DLC Crystal Tears

Furnace Golem Weakness

Strike Damage is Effective

Strike damage works well on Furnace Golems from weapons like the Black Steel Greathammer. They are great for their high burst damage potential, making it easier to stance-break Furnace Golems. Strike damage usually comes from blunt weapons like the Giant Crusher.

List of All Strike Weapons

Lightning is Also Effective

Compared to other elements, Lightning is found to be the most effective especially when some of these Furnace Golems are on water or in rainy weather such as the ones near the Ellac River Downstream or the Ruins of Unte. Use lightning infusions or lightning-based spells such as the incantation Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike in these situations.

List of All Lightning Weapons

Weak to Hefty Furnace Pots

A Furnace Golem will take massive damage from Hefty Furnace Pots thrown on top of its burning head. Exploiting this weakness is necessary when you come across Furnace Golems with armored legs.

Hefty Furnace Pots are craftable if you have the Greater Potentate's Cookbook 2 obtained at the Run-Down Traveler's Rest below the southern section of the Ellac Greatbridge. You can also craft and use Hefty Fire Pots should you find yourself low on Hefty Furnace Pots.

How to Get Hefty Furnace Pots

Best Builds Against Furnace Golem

High Damage STR or Quality Weapons

Elden Ring - Black Steel GreathammerBlack Steel Greathammer
Skill: Cragblade
Elden Ring - Giant-CrusherGiant-Crusher
Skill: Cragblade
Elden Ring - Messmer SoldierMessmer Soldier's Spear
Skill: Cragblade

Use high damage weapons such as the Black Steel Greathammer for STR/FAI, Giant-Crusher for pure STR, or Messmer Soldier's Spear for STR/DEX and give them either Heavy or Quality infusions, or a Lightning infusion when on water or in rainy weather.

When using a spear or thrusting weapon, it is good to pair it with a Fingerprint Stone Shield or a Redmane Greatshield on your off-hand for defense.

The Cragblade Ash of War will give weapons a temporary physical and stance damage buff on skill use. This stays also when you ride on horseback (you will need to activate it on foot first). You can equip a dagger with Raptor of the Mists as a second main hand for easily evading the Furnace Golem's stomp attacks.

Best DLC Weapons

High Damage DEX Weapons are Also Effective

Elden Ring - Dragon KingDragon King's Cragblade
Skill: Thundercloud Form
Elden Ring - MiladyMilady
Skill: Wing Stance

If you have invested a lot into DEX, the Dragon King's Cragblade or Lightning-infused Milady are good weapons for taking on the Furnace Golems. For the Milady, use the Wing Stance's heavy attack (jumping thrust) to deal massive amounts of stance damage to the Furnace Golems legs.

Use Damage Talismans

Claw Talisman IconClaw Talisman Axe Talisman IconAxe Talisman Spear Talisman IconSpear Talisman

When fighting the Furnace Golem, boost your weapon's damage by equipping the Claw or Axe Talisman for increased damage to jump and charge attacks. The Spear Talisman will boost the damage of your thrusting weapons while the golem is attacking. If you are further into the game, the Two-Handed Sword Talisman is also a good talisman for increasing damage from two-handed attacks.

Use High Stance Damage Spells

Ancient Dragons Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike Pest-Thread Spears Icon Pest-Thread Spears Shard Spiral Icon Shard Spiral

The best spells to use against Furnace Golems are the incantations Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike and Pest-Thread Spears, and the sorcery Shard Spiral. For the Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike, position yourself near both legs of the Furnace Golem to maximize the incantation's damage.

All DLC Spells

Use Talismans for Fire Damage Negation

Flamedrake Talisman +3 IconFlamedrake Talisman +3 Pearldrake Talisman +3 IconPearldrake Talisman +3

The Furnace Golem will often use projectile fire attacks and fire-based stomp attacks. It is best to have the Flamedrake Talisman +3 or the Pearldrake Talisman +3 for increasing your fire damage negation.

Alternatively, a Fire-infused Fingerprint Stone Shield (has 100 fire damage negation) will come in handy if you want to completely block out fire damage on shield block. For a lighter alternative greatshield, use the Redmane Greatshield.

All DLC Talismans

Recommended Specific Build: Pickaxe Raptor Build

Main Hand Weapon Main Hand Hard Swap
Pickaxe ImagePickaxe +24-25
Skill: Cragblade
Dagger ImageDagger
Skill: Raptor of the Mists
Character Stat Distribution
VGR 55 STR 55
DEX 55 END 24

Stats above are based on Vagabond class's stat distribution.

If you're willing to respec or do a stat distribution overhaul, we recommended going with a Pickaxe Raptor Build to defeat unarmored Furnace Golems. This build can be made at RL 150 at the earliest with a Vagabond class and up to RL158 if you started from the Prophet class. Adjust rune levels when needed, but focus on investing in STR and DEX with a minimum of 55 VGR.

This build uses a Quality Pickaxe for damage scaling on STR and DEX. Equip a Dagger as a second main hand weapon to use Raptor of the Mists for evasion. For armor, use the Fingerprint Set for 51 poise and to keep your weight at Medium Load. Use Godrick's Great Rune for a flat 5 point increase to all attributes, increasing your overall damage, HP, FP, stamina, and equip load.

Use Charge Attacks and Raptor of the Mists

Charge attacks boosted with the Axe Talisman are good options to use for breaking the Furnace Golem's stance. For evading the Furnace Golem's AoE attacks, jump for single stomps and switch to your second main hand Dagger for using Raptor of the Mists on simultaneous double stomps.

Use Crystal Tears for Damage and Stamina

For stamina recovery in evading and attacking the Furnace Golem, it is best to equip a Two-Headed Turtle Talisman and drink a physick mixed with the Greenburst Crystal Tear (lasts 3 minutes). For increased charge damage, mix your physick with the Spiked Cracked Tear.

Furnace Golem General Tips

Tips for Beating Rellana

Ride Torrent To Dodge Attacks

Most of Furnace Golem's Flame Stomp Attacks have a wide range that can easily be dodged by jumping. However, the flames linger for a short duration so its highly recommended to ride Torrent to extend your jump duration by using double jump.

Stagger it 3 Times to Topple It

While fighting the Furnace Golem, you may hear the stagger sound when attacking it but the Golem won't have any staggering animation. This is normal as you'll need to do it 3 times to finally bring the golem down and land a critical hit on its head.

Use Hefty Furnace Pots to Deal Massive Damage

Elden Ring - Throwing a Hefty Furnace Pot

A thing you can do against the Furnace Golem is to throw Hefty Furnace Pots into its burning head to deal high damage. This is necessary for Furnace Golems with armored legs that block all forms of damage. You can also throw the pots into the the Furnace Golem when it is toppled.

How to Get Hefty Furnace Pots

Stay Behind it to Avoid its Lethal Grab Attack

The Furnace Golem has a wide hitting grab that puts the player atop its flame body. This will instantly kill the player regardless of thier HP values. Always position yourself behind the golem to avoid this attack.

Furnace Golem Rewards

Furnace Golem Rewards
Furnace Golem
(Gravesite Plain)
・11428 Runes
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem
(Shadow Keep)
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem
(Charo's Hidden Grave)
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem
(Ellac River)
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem
(Church District Highroad)
・Furnace Visage
Inactive Furnace Golem
(Ruins of Unte)
・14060 Runes
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem
(Ruins of Unte)
・13773 Runes
・Furnace Visage
Furnace Golem
(Rauh Ruins)
・Furnace Visage

Along with runes and Furnace Visages, each Furnace Golem also drops a new Crystal Tear you mix and use in a Flask of Wondrous Physick.

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Bosses

List of All Bosses

DLC Bosses

DLC Boss Lists
All DLC Bosses Order and Locations All DLC Remembrance Bosses
Bosses Difficulty Tier List -
Main Bosses
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Golden Hippopotamus
Messmer the Impaler Romina, Saint of the Bud
Promised Consort Radahn
Optional Bosses
Divine Beast Dancing Lion Commander Gaius
Demi-Human Queen Marigga Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Blackgaol Knight Chief Bloodfiend
Black Knight Edredd Ancient Dragon-Man
Furnace Golem Lamenter
Putrescent Knight Jori, Elder Inquisitor
Death Knight Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame
Bayle the Dread Scadutree Avatar
Metyr, Mother of Fingers Red Bear
Rakshasa Jagged Peak Drake
Rugalea the Great Red Bear Ralva the Great Red Bear
Ancient Dragon Senessax Curseblade Labirith
Black Knight Garrew Fallingstar Beast
Death Rite Bird Tibia Mariner
Ghostflame Dragon Tree Sentinel
Magma Wyrm Crucible Knight Devonia
Hostile NPCs
Logur the Beast Claw -

Main Bosses

All Bosses in Elden Ring
Margit the Fell Omen Godrick the Grafted
Red Wolf of Radagon Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Royal Knight Loretta Starscourge Radahn
Godfrey, First Elden Lord Morgott, the Omen King
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy Fire Giant
Malenia, Blade of Miquella Mohg Lord of Blood
Regal Ancestor Spirit Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Lichdragon Fortissax Godskin Duo
Dragonlord Placidusax Maliketh, the Black Blade
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Radagon of the Golden Order Elden Beast

Optional Bosses

Limgrave Optional Bosses
Beastman of Farum Azula Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Demi-Human Chiefs Flying Dragon Agheel
Guardian Golem Leonine Misbegotten
Mad Pumpkin Head Miranda the Blighted Bloom
Patches Runebear
Scaly Misbegotten Soldier of Godrick
Stonedigger Troll Tree Sentinel
Liurnia of the Lakes Optional Bosses
Adan, Thief of Fire Alabaster Lord
Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader Bols, Carian Knight
Bloodhound Knight Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Glintstone Dragon Adula Magma Wyrm Makar
Royal Revenant Spirit-Caller Snail
Caelid Optional Bosses
Battlemage Hugues Black Blade Kindred (Caelid)
Commander O'Neil Decaying Ekzykes
Fallingstar Beast Flying Dragon Greyll
Frenzied Duelist Magma Wyrm
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest Putrid Tree Spirit
Altus Plateau Optional Bosses
Ancient Dragon Lansseax Crucible Knight Ordovis
Demi-Human Queen Gilika Demi-Human Queen Maggie
Demi-Human Queen Margot Draconic Tree Sentinel
Elemer of the Briar Esgar, Priest of Blood
Fell Twins Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
Godefroy the Grafted Kindred of Rot
Mohg, The Omen Necromancer Garris
Onyx Lord Perfumer Tricia
Red Wolf of the Champion Sanguine Noble
Virgin Abductors Wormface
Mountaintops of the Giants Optional Bosses
Astel, Stars of Darkness Black Blade Kindred (Mountaintops of the Giants)
Borealis the Freezing Fog Commander Niall
Misbegotten Crusader Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
Great Wyrm Theodorix Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable
Siofra River Optional Bosses
Ancestor Spirit Valiant Gargoyles
Mimic Tear
Ainsel River Optional Bosses
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella -
Deeproot Depths Optional Bosses
Crucible Knight Siluria -
Multiple Location Optional Bosses
Ancient Hero of Zamor Black Knife Assassin
Bell Bearing Hunter Cemetery Shade
Cleanrot Knights Crucible Knight
Crystalian Death Rite Bird
Deathbird Erdtree Avatar
Erdtree Burial Watchdog Godskin Apostle
Godskin Noble Grafted Scion
Grave Warden Duelist Mad Pumpkin Head
Misbegotten Warrior Night's Cavalry
Omenkiller Tibia Mariner
Dragonkin Soldier -


All Bosses in Elden Ring
Elder Dragon Greyoll Lion Guardian
Valiant Gargoyle (Leyndell) -

Hostile NPCs and Invaders

Limgrave Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Bloody Finger Nerijus Old Knight Istvan
Recusant Henricus -
Liurnia of the Lakes Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Great Horned Tragoth Festering Fingerprint Vyke
Altus Plateau Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger Inquisitor Ghiza
Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan Rileigh the Idle
Vargram the Raging Wolf & Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm Magnus the Beast Claw
Mountaintops of the Giants Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood -
The Roundtable Hold Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Mad Tongue Alberich -
Multiple Location Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater -


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