Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Messmer the Impaler Weakness and Location

Elden Ring - Messmer the impaler

This is a boss guide for Messmer the Impaler in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Learn about Messmer's weakness and location, how to get to Messmer, as well as the best build against Messmer here.

Messmer Guides
Messmer Weakness and Location What to Do After Messmer

Messmer the Impaler Weakness

Weak to Bleed and Frostbite

Messmer the Impaler is weak to attacks that apply Bleed and Frostbite. These dealt the most damage and procs the easiest when we tested each affinity using the same weapon against Messmer the Impaler.

Bleed Weapons such as power-stanced Great Stars or a Blood-infused Greatsword are great options if you want to easily proc Blood Loss against Messmer. For Frostbite and Bleed options, you can look to katanas like a Cold-Infused Nagakiba or Great Katana.

Slash Weapons are Most Effective

Messmer is less resistant to Slash damage than any other type of damage, so equip weapons that have classes or movesets which deal Slash damage, such as Reapers, Curved Swords, Katanas, and Great Katanas.

The previously mentioned Nagakiba and Great Katana are excellent choices to double-down on Messmer's weakness to Bleed and Slash.

List of Slash Weapons

Takes More Damage from Holy

Messmer takes increased Holy damage, so consider applying Holy Grease, or using weapons with Sacred affinity or innate Holy damage like the Winged Scythe and Black Knife, to target his weakness.

On the other hand, he is more resistant to Fire damage, so avoid using Fire-based weapons if you have the alternative arsenal to do so.

List of Holy Weapons

Best Builds Against Messmer the Impaler

Slash Weapons are Recommended

Elden Ring - Great KatanaGreat Katana Elden Ring - Nightrider GlaiveNightrider Glaive Elden Ring - Winged ScytheWinged Scythe

DEX builds can opt for a Cold-infused Great Katana or Nagakiba to proc Frostbite and Blood Loss on Messmer, while the STR users can go for the Nightrider Glaive with Blood infusion using the Black Whetblade.

Faith users have a variety of choices since Messmer is weak to Holy. The Winged Scythe has Bleed buildup, Holy damage, and Slash damage, while a Sacred-infused Backhand Blade is also viable.

Equip Talismans and Armor that Increase Your Damage

Shard of AlexanderShard of Alexander Rotten Winged Sword InsigniaRotten Winged Sword Insignia Lord of BloodLord of Blood's Exultation
MillicentMillicent's Prosthesis White MaskWhite Mask Rakshasa ArmorRakshasa Armor Set

If you are using fast weapons, the Winged Sword Insignia or its upgraded version, and Millicent's Prosthesis will help increase your damage since you will be constantly attacking Messmer. Combine this with the Lord of Blood's Exultation and White Mask to increase more of your damage for every proc of Blood Loss.

Shard of Alexander is great for those that tend to use their Ash of War, while the Rakshasa Armor Set will help max out all the damage you deal.

Use Holy Incantations or Frost Sorceries

Discus of LightDiscus of Light Black BladeBlack Blade
Glintstone IcecragGlintstone Icecrag AdulaAdula's Moonblade

For Faith users, opening with Black Blade after Messmer's first attack will take a huge chunk of health from him at the start. If you are eyeing for Holy damage, the Discus of Light is a low FP cost incantation with a short cast time.

INT users can use most of the Cold Sorceries including Zamor Ice Storm since Frostbite can easily proc on Messmer.

Use Talismans and Armor for Fire Damage Negation

Flamedrake Talisman +3Flamedrake Talisman +3 Pearldrake Talisman +3Pearldrake Talisman +3 Fire Prelate ArmorFire Prelate Armor

Most of Messmer's attacks deal fire damage so the Flamedrake Talisman +3 will help you immensely against this. The Fire Prelate Set also gives the highest fire damage negation when fully equipped.

If you are looking for more defense, the Pearldrake Talisman +3 and Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman are great alternatives against Messmer.

Specific Recommended Build: Blood Tax Build

DEX Main Weapon STR Main Weapon
Great Katana IconGreat Katana
Skill: Blood Tax
Occult Icon Occult
Nightrider GlaiveNightrider Glaive
Skill: Blood Tax
Occult Icon Occult
Character Stat Distribution
STR 14 (Katana)
40 (Glaive)
ARC 60
VIG 50
DEX 40 (Katana)
18 (Glaive)

If you are willing to respec and do a stat distribution overhaul, we recommend going with the Blood Tax Build to defeat Messmer the Impaler. This build is recommended to be at RL 150 and above.

The Blood Tax Build emphasizes an Occult-infused Great Katana for DEX users, or an Occult-infused Nightrider Glaive for STR users, paired with the Blood Tax Ash of War to proc Blood Loss as fast as possible by constantly attacking and staying near the boss. With this, just two uses of Blood Tax will proc the Blood Loss immediately.

Equip Armor and Talismans for More Damage

Helm Armor Gauntlets Greaves
White MaskWhite Mask Elden Ring - Rakshasa ArmorRakshasa Armor Elden Ring - Rakshasa GauntletsRakshasa Gauntlets Elden Ring - Rakshasa GreavesRakshasa Greaves
Lord of BloodLord of Blood's Exultation Rotten Winged Sword InsigniaRotten Winged Sword Insignia Shard of AlexanderShard of Alexander Flamedrake Talisman +3Flamedrake Talisman +3

If you have most of these items equipped, your damage will increase immensely by the time you reach second phase since you will be procing Blood Loss most of the time.

Proc Blood Loss on Every Two Blood Tax Uses

As soon as you enter Messmer's boss room, he will lunge at you with his fire orb and explode. Dodge both of these and use Blood Tax immediately to quickly stack bleed buildup. Keep using the Ash of War whenever you have an opening to proc Blood Loss and deal large amounts of damage.

Messmer the Impaler General Tips

Tips for Beating Messmer

Recommended Level for Messmer the Impaler

Recommended Levels
Rune Level Level 150 or Higher
Scadutree Blessing Level 10 or Higher

Messmer the Impaler is a difficult main boss in the DLC due to his extremely high damage output, quick moveset, and tricky 2nd phase. We recommend increasing your level to at least 150 and your Scadutree Blessings to at least 10 to avoid getting one-shot during the fight.

All Scadutree Fragment Locations

Increase Your Fire Resistance

You can prepare for the Messmer fight by increasing your Fire Resistance since a lot of his attacks are fire-based. Bringing consumables like Fireproof Dried Liver or using buffs like Flame, Protect Me will help you in this fight, immensely.

For an even better advantage, consider getting the Flamedrake Talisman +3 from the Fort of Reprimand in Scadu Altus. This powerful fire damage negation talisman can prevent you from getting one or two-shotted during the Messmer fight, easily.

Flamedrake Talisman +3 Location

Summon Hornsent and Jolan Inside the Arena

Gold Sign Summons
Jolan Hornsent

You can summon Horsent as well as Jolan for the Messmer bossfight if you have progressed their questlines. Unlike most other gold summon signs, Horsent and Jolan's summon signs are found inside the arena.

At the start of the fight, immediately rush to both of their summoning signs to summon them as fast as possible before Messmer can start using his own combos.

Use Cold Damage to Burst and Slow Messmer

Messmer is susceptible to frostbite, and slowing him down may make dodging his lengthy and long-reaching combos easier for you. Consider using Freezing Grease or the Chilling Mist Ash of War to infuse your weapon with cold damage to increase your damage and dodge windows against Messmer.

Where to Get Chilling Mist

Dodge into Messmer's Attacks

The very first thing to keep in mind when starting to fight Messmer is the flame infusion on his attacks. Aside from visually impairing you, several of his flame-infused attacks will also throw flames forward from the actual swing, which will catch you if you roll backwards. Fight the habit to retreat, learn his timings, and roll forward.

This will be particularly important for spellcasters or ranged characters, as Messmer is capable of quickly closing the gap on you no matter how far you are, which means ranged players are at a disadvantage unless they use summons to taunt Messmer.

Learn Both his Fast and Delayed Moves

Messmer is capable of mixing up any of his combos that begin with him igniting his hands, which become hard to deal with as he likes to do both fast and delayed finishing attacks, and sometimes has moves with delayed explosions. Do not rush to attack him until his combo is finished.

Easy to Roll Through his Mid-Air Combo

One of Messmer's most threatening-looking combos is when he leaps into the air to thrust you repeatedly before slamming down with a delayed explosion. Do not panic by rolling backward or repeatedly.

All you need to do is roll forward once when he first lunges and swings at you and when he starts thrusting you. Stay close, walk under and around him as he delays his slam, then only roll after he slams the ground to i-frame the delayed explosion.

Dodge his Grab at the Last Second

Messmer has a grab move, marked by him stretching out his ignited hand and running towards you, that will annihilate your health bar if it hits. He will catch you if you dodge too early, so dodge at the very last second, as he's already in front of you, to avoid the grab.

Delayed Thrust Combo

There's one particular combo variation wherein he drags his spear along the ground before his finishing thrust that is particularly good to learn, as it is the most distinct and delayed from the rest of his fire combos.

Always Activate Lock On

Messmer's mobility is high, and he will constantly move laterally and vertically in both of his phases. Be sure to activate your Lock On to avoid losing track of Messmer's position and his current attack.

Transforms to Base Serpent Messmer at 50% HP

After you you deplete Messmer's HP to about 50%, he will change into Base Serpent Messmer. He will retain and use the combos from his first phase, while adding in new combos and moves where he summons serpents to strike you from range.

These serpents won't drastically change his original combos, so you just have to focus on adding his new moves to your memory.

Move and Roll Sideways during his Serpent Combo

Base Serpent Messmer's Serpent Combo is his longest attack string. Run away as soon as Messmer starts summoning the ooze. Then, dodge the two initial consecutive serpents. Delay your third and fourth rolls. Quickly dodge the fifth serpent, then delay your last roll if needed for Messmer's finisher.

Continuously moving and rolling sideways is the best approach here not just for the serpents, but to also mess up the tracking of Messmer's finishing attack.

Messmer the Impaler Location

Found in the Shadow Keep

World View Map Location

Messmer the Impaler is found at the end of the Shadow Keep's Specimen Storehouse Legacy Dungeon in the Land of Shadow. Make your way to the top of the tower and go through all the floors of the Shadow Keep and fight Messmer at the tower's last room.

How to Get to Messmer

After arriving at the main entrance of Shadow Keep, take the elevator up and you will find the Shadow Keep Main Gate site of grace. Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus ahead to progress further. You can summon Hornsent and Freyja for this fight if you have progressed their questline.
After defeating the boss, take the path to the west to progress further and go to the top of the wooden stairs on your right into the room with two Black Knights. Head past them and take the stairs on your left into a Fire Knight. Take the lift behind him to arrive at the Specimen Storehouse.
From the Storehouse, First Floor site of grace, take the path to the left and into the narrow alley. Keep moving forward and once you are up the stairs, immediately take a left by the bookshelves.
Go past the first intersection and take a right into the stairs leading up. Go up another set of stairs in front of you that leads to a Fire Knight in the middle. Head past him to his left onto the bridge and jump on the feet of the statue hanging on your right. You will find the Specimen Storehouse, Fourth Floor site of grace at the end.
From the Storehouse, Fourth Floor site of grace, go out the doorway, take a left, and go up the stairs past the Fire Knight at the end. Head inside the doorway on the left, take a right and keep moving forward past another Fire Knight until you reach a set of stairs leading up. Take these stairs two more times going up another floor to find the Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace inside the room in front of you.
Head back outside the room and go down a floor by the stairs into another room with a lever at the end. Pull the lever to rotate the pillar in the middle, opening a path leading up. Jump onto the wooden pillar and climb the goat statue leading to a small room with a Stake of Marika.
7 Specimen Storehouse Bridge to Messmer
Head out the doorway and go up the stairs on your right to find a Fire Knight guarding the double doors. Open the door and go up the stairs to find the Dark Chamber Entrance site of grace and Messmer the Impaler.

Shadow Keep Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Messmer The Impaler Rewards

Messmer the Impaler Rewards
Runes 400000
Drops Remembrace of the Impaler
Messmer's Kindling

Remembrance of the Impaler Rewards

Elden Ring - Spear of the ImpalerSpear of the Impaler Elden Ring - MessmerMessmer's Orb

The Remembrance of the Impaler can be turned in to Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold. Doing so lets the player choose either the Spear of the Impaler (weapon) or Messmer's Orb (incantation) for their reward.

Messmer's Kindling is Required to Progress the DLC Story

MessmerMessmer's Kindling Overview
Effect: Burns the Sealing Tree.
Type: Key Item

Messmer's Kindling is a necessary item to progress the DLC's main story. You can use it to burn the brambles blocking the path at the top of the Belurat, Divine Tower.

However, do note that this triggers the point of no return for a lot of the DLC NPC Quests, so make sure to complete the NPC quests for Miquella's followers before using this item.

Messmer's Kindling Location and How to Use

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Bosses

List of All Bosses

DLC Bosses

DLC Boss Lists
All DLC Bosses Order and Locations All DLC Remembrance Bosses
Bosses Difficulty Tier List -
Main Bosses
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Golden Hippopotamus
Messmer the Impaler Romina, Saint of the Bud
Promised Consort Radahn
Optional Bosses
Divine Beast Dancing Lion Commander Gaius
Demi-Human Queen Marigga Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Blackgaol Knight Chief Bloodfiend
Black Knight Edredd Ancient Dragon-Man
Furnace Golem Lamenter
Putrescent Knight Jori, Elder Inquisitor
Death Knight Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame
Bayle the Dread Scadutree Avatar
Metyr, Mother of Fingers Red Bear
Rakshasa Jagged Peak Drake
Rugalea the Great Red Bear Ralva the Great Red Bear
Ancient Dragon Senessax Curseblade Labirith
Black Knight Garrew Fallingstar Beast
Death Rite Bird Tibia Mariner
Ghostflame Dragon Tree Sentinel
Magma Wyrm Crucible Knight Devonia
Hostile NPCs
Logur the Beast Claw -

Main Bosses

All Bosses in Elden Ring
Margit the Fell Omen Godrick the Grafted
Red Wolf of Radagon Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Royal Knight Loretta Starscourge Radahn
Godfrey, First Elden Lord Morgott, the Omen King
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy Fire Giant
Malenia, Blade of Miquella Mohg Lord of Blood
Regal Ancestor Spirit Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Lichdragon Fortissax Godskin Duo
Dragonlord Placidusax Maliketh, the Black Blade
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Radagon of the Golden Order Elden Beast

Optional Bosses

Limgrave Optional Bosses
Beastman of Farum Azula Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Demi-Human Chiefs Flying Dragon Agheel
Guardian Golem Leonine Misbegotten
Mad Pumpkin Head Miranda the Blighted Bloom
Patches Runebear
Scaly Misbegotten Soldier of Godrick
Stonedigger Troll Tree Sentinel
Liurnia of the Lakes Optional Bosses
Adan, Thief of Fire Alabaster Lord
Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader Bols, Carian Knight
Bloodhound Knight Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Glintstone Dragon Adula Magma Wyrm Makar
Royal Revenant Spirit-Caller Snail
Caelid Optional Bosses
Battlemage Hugues Black Blade Kindred (Caelid)
Commander O'Neil Decaying Ekzykes
Fallingstar Beast Flying Dragon Greyll
Frenzied Duelist Magma Wyrm
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest Putrid Tree Spirit
Altus Plateau Optional Bosses
Ancient Dragon Lansseax Crucible Knight Ordovis
Demi-Human Queen Gilika Demi-Human Queen Maggie
Demi-Human Queen Margot Draconic Tree Sentinel
Elemer of the Briar Esgar, Priest of Blood
Fell Twins Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
Godefroy the Grafted Kindred of Rot
Mohg, The Omen Necromancer Garris
Onyx Lord Perfumer Tricia
Red Wolf of the Champion Sanguine Noble
Virgin Abductors Wormface
Mountaintops of the Giants Optional Bosses
Astel, Stars of Darkness Black Blade Kindred (Mountaintops of the Giants)
Borealis the Freezing Fog Commander Niall
Misbegotten Crusader Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
Great Wyrm Theodorix Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable
Siofra River Optional Bosses
Ancestor Spirit Valiant Gargoyles
Mimic Tear
Ainsel River Optional Bosses
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella -
Deeproot Depths Optional Bosses
Crucible Knight Siluria -
Multiple Location Optional Bosses
Ancient Hero of Zamor Black Knife Assassin
Bell Bearing Hunter Cemetery Shade
Cleanrot Knights Crucible Knight
Crystalian Death Rite Bird
Deathbird Erdtree Avatar
Erdtree Burial Watchdog Godskin Apostle
Godskin Noble Grafted Scion
Grave Warden Duelist Mad Pumpkin Head
Misbegotten Warrior Night's Cavalry
Omenkiller Tibia Mariner
Dragonkin Soldier -


All Bosses in Elden Ring
Elder Dragon Greyoll Lion Guardian
Valiant Gargoyle (Leyndell) -

Hostile NPCs and Invaders

Limgrave Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Bloody Finger Nerijus Old Knight Istvan
Recusant Henricus -
Liurnia of the Lakes Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Great Horned Tragoth Festering Fingerprint Vyke
Altus Plateau Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger Inquisitor Ghiza
Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan Rileigh the Idle
Vargram the Raging Wolf & Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm Magnus the Beast Claw
Mountaintops of the Giants Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood -
The Roundtable Hold Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Mad Tongue Alberich -
Multiple Location Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater -


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