Elden Ring

Best Strength Faith Build Guide

This is the best Strength Faith Build in Elden Ring. Learn how to use this Strength Faith build's info, build stat distribution, and equipment.

Strength Faith Build Guide

Best Weapons for Strength Faith Build

Best Weapon Explanation
Blasphemous Blade ImageBlasphemous Blade
Ash of War: Taker's Flames
・Scales well with both Strength and Faith.
・Strong skill that can deal massive damage at range.
・Better Faith scaling than Strength.
OrdovisOrdovis' Greatsword
Ash of War: Ordovis' Vortex
・Scales well with both Strength and Faith.
・Alternative damage type for enemies that are resistant to Fire.
・Better Strength scaling than Faith.

Use Incantations to Buff Your Damage

Buffing Incantations
Flame, Grant Me Strength IconFlame, Grant Me Strength Golden Vow IconGolden Vow Howl of Shabriri IconHowl of Shabriri

Using your high Faith stat, you'll be able to use incantations to buff yourself and increase damage. Make use of these incantations to further boost your damage against everything.

Flexible Weapon Options

Many weapons work well with a Strength Faith build so you'll have a lot of options to choose from when picking weapons. Blasphemous Blade and Ordovis' Greatsword, mentioned above, are the strongest ones to use in general.

Blasphemous Blade

Blasphemous Blade deals fire damage its attacks and its skill, Taker's Flames. While holding the weapon, the player will heal for every enemy that dies.

Taker's Flames deals pure fire damage that only scales with Faith. Hitting an enemy with the skill also heals the user for a substantial amount. Use the skill along with the incantation buffs to deal massive damage to enemies at mid-range.

Ordovis' Greatsword

Ordovis' Greatsword deals holy damage with a skill called Ordovis' Vortex and excellent scaling with Strength. This weapon is a good alternative to Blasphemous Blade when enemies are resistant to fire damage and performs better if you want to focus more on Strength.

Strength Faith Build Stat Distribution

Recommended Stats

Recommended Level
Stat Points Explanation
VGR 50 ・Maximum HP.
MND 20 ・Maximum FP.
END 28 ・Stamina and Equip Load.
STR 60 ・High STR for more damage with STR-scaling weapons
DEX 15 ・Enough DEX for the weapon you want to use.
INT 9 ・INT is not needed.
FAI 40 ・High Faith for damage and using incantations.
ARC 7 ・ARC is not needed.

Recommended Starting Class: Vagabond

Elden Ring - Vagabond Class

15 10 11 14 13 9 9 7

For this Strength Faith build, it is recommended to start with the Vagabond class for an easier time in the early game since we will mostly be using Vigor, Endurance, Strength, and/or Dexterity while raising Faith in later stages.

Starting classes have a fixed stat distribution set. While useful for deciding on making a build early, they will have little influence later on when maximizing builds to their soft and hard caps in the late game and New Game Plus.

Vagabond Class Guide

Respec Stats at Rennala in Raya Lucaria

Your character's accumulated stat points can be reset by offering a Larval Tear to Rennala for rebirth at the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia of the Lakes.

Offering Larval Tears are non-refundable. Once your character stats have been reset to your class's base stats, you will have to reassign your attribute points.

How to Respec Stats

Strength Faith Build Equipment


Weapon Explanation
Blasphemous Blade ImageBlasphemous Blade
Best Weapon

・Scales well with both Strength and Faith.
・Strong skill that can deal massive damage at range.
・Better Faith scaling than Strength.
OrdovisOrdovis' Greatsword
Best Alternative

・Scales well with both Strength and Faith.
・Alternative damage type for enemies that are resistant to Fire.
・Better Strength scaling than Faith.
Golden Halberd ImageGolden Halberd ・High damage and long reach.
Golden Vow weapon skill to buff yourself.
Magma Blade ImageMagma Blade ・Strong weapon skill in Magma Shower.
・Can be dual wielded for strong jump attacks.
Great Club ImageGreat Club ・Can be enchanted with holy.
・High Strength weapon.
Erdsteel Dagger ImageErdsteel Dagger ・Works well with Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes.
・Scales well with Faith when using the Flame affinity.
Black Knife ImageBlack Knife ・Long range weapon skill with Blade of Death.
・Black flame deals continuous damage.
EnvoyEnvoy's Long Horn ・Strong weapon skill in Bubble Shower.
・Good against large bosses or groups of enemies.
SiluriaSiluria's Tree ・Strong weapon skill in Siluria's Woe.
・Skill can be fired at range.
TrollTroll's Hammer ・Unblockable weapon skill in Troll's Roar.
・Can easily break posture.
GodslayerGodslayer's Greatsword ・Strong weapon skill in The Queen's Black Flame.
・Requires higher dexterity to use.
Erdtree Seal ImageErdtree Seal ・Best Faith scaling seal to use.
GodslayerGodslayer's Seal ・Available in the early game.
・Improves Godslayer incantations.
Gravel Stone Seal ImageGravel Stone Seal ・Improves Dragon Cult incantations.
Dragon Communion Seal ImageDragon Communion Seal ・Available in the early game.
・Good if you want to use more status effects.

Best Weapon Tier List


Spells Explanation
Golden Vow IconGolden Vow ・Used to buff yourself with increased attack and defenses.
Flame, Grant Me Strength IconFlame, Grant Me Strength ・Used to buff your physical and fire-affinity attack power.
Howl of Shabriri IconHowl of Shabriri ・Used for the buff that increases damage but with the downside that it also increases damage taken.
・Does not stack with Flame, Grant Me Strength.
Catch Flame IconCatch Flame ・Moderate damage.
・Available in the early game.
The Flame of Frenzy IconThe Flame of Frenzy ・Wide-range good for dealing with groups of enemies.
・Available in the early game.
・Builds up madness on self.
Black Flame IconBlack Flame ・Continuous damage dealing a percentage of target's health.
・Available in the early game.
Bestial Sling IconBestial Sling ・Low FP cost with good damage.
・Wide forward attack range.
Rotten Breath IconRotten Breath ・Wide attack range.
・Builds up Scarlet Rot.
Dragonice IconDragonice ・Wide attack range.
・Builds up frostbite.
Darkness IconDarkness ・To obscure enemy vision.
・Does not work on all enemies.

List of All Magic Spells


Armor Effect
PreceptorPreceptor's Big Hat ・Reduced stamina but Mind +3.
・Useful for when you want extra FP.
Imp Head (Corpse) IconImp Head (Corpse) ・Faith +2 for more stats.
Incantation Scarab IconIncantation Scarab ・Reduces FP cost from incantations but increases damage taken.
Radiant Gold Mask IconRadiant Gold Mask ・Improves Golden Order incantations.
Albinauric Mask IconAlbinauric Mask ・Arcane +4 for when you want to equip a certain weapon.
・Reduces healing from flasks.
Omensmirk Mask IconOmensmirk Mask ・Strength +2 for more stats.
Okina Mask IconOkina Mask ・Dexterity +3 for when you want to equip a certain weapon.

Best Armor and All Armor Sets


Talisman Effect
Sacred Scorpion Charm IconSacred Scorpion Charm ・ Raises holy attack, but lowers damage negation.
Axe Talisman IconAxe Talisman ・ Enhances charge attacks.
Godfrey Icon IconGodfrey Icon ・ Enhances charged spells and skills.
Shard of Alexander IconShard of Alexander ・ Greatly boosts the attack power of skills.
MarikaMarika's Soreseal ・ Greatly raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
RadagonRadagon's Scarseal ・ Raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
Cerulean Amber Medallion +2 IconCerulean Amber Medallion +2 ・ Vastly raises maximum FP.
ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +2 ・ Raises maximum HP, stamina, and equip load.
Radagon Icon IconRadagon Icon ・ Shortens spell casting time.
FaithfulFaithful's Canvas Talisman ・ Raises potency of incantations
FlockFlock's Canvas Talisman ・ Greatly raises potency of incantations.
Starscourge Heirloom IconStarscourge Heirloom ・ Raises strength.
Two Fingers Heirloom IconTwo Fingers Heirloom ・ Raises faith.
Fire Scorpion Charm IconFire Scorpion Charm ・ Raises fire attack, but lowers damage negation.
Roar Medallion IconRoar Medallion ・ Enhances roars and breath attacks.

Best Talismans

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