Elden Ring

List of All Incantations

Elden Ring - List of All Incantations

Incantations are spells that scale with Faith and require a Sacred Seal to cast in Elden Ring. See a list of all Incantations and how to get all Incantation spells in this guide.

Incantation Guides
List of All Incantations Best Incantations Best DLC Incantations

List of All Incantations

All Base Game Incantations

Note: More Incantation data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll.

※ Select the search criteria below and press the Search button to filter the data.

Spell Category Int Req. Faith Req. Arcane Req. Memory Slots How to Get
Elden Ring - Beast Claw.pngBeast Claw Offensive 0 8 0 1 Give 5 Deathroots to Gurranq
Elden Ring - Cure Poison.pngCure Poison Support 0 10 0 1 Purchase from Corhyn
Elden Ring - Dragonfire.pngDragonfire Offensive 0 15 12 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - GreyollGreyoll's Roar Legendary 0 28 17 1 Can be exchanged for 1 Dragon Heart in the Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Heal.pngHeal Support 0 12 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 1500 Runes
Elden Ring - Litany of Proper Death.pngLitany of Proper Death Offensive 17 17 0 1 Can be bought from Hunter D for 2500 Runes
Elden Ring - Catch Flame.pngCatch Flame Offensive 0 8 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 600 Runes
Elden Ring - Rejection.pngRejection Offensive 0 12 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 1500 Runes
Elden Ring - The Flame of Frenzy.pngThe Flame of Frenzy Offensive 0 16 0 1 Examine a spot of glowing light in the ruins of Callu Baptismal Church in Weeping Peninsula
Elden Ring - Urgent Heal.pngUrgent Heal Support 0 8 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 1000 Runes
Elden Ring - Dragonclaw.pngDragonclaw Offensive 0 17 13 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Dragonice.pngDragonice Offensive 0 15 12 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Glintstone Breath.pngGlintstone Breath Offensive 0 15 12 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Rotten Breath.pngRotten Breath Offensive 0 15 12 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Dragonmaw.pngDragonmaw Offensive 0 24 16 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Frozen Lightning Spear.pngFrozen Lightning Spear Offensive 0 34 0 1 Defeat the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella in the Ainsel River
Elden Ring - FortissaxFortissax's Lightning Spear Offensive 0 46 0 1 Defeat the Lichdragon Fortissax at the end of Fia's questline, located at the Prince of Death's Throne
Elden Ring - LansseaxLansseax's Glaive Offensive 0 40 0 1 Defeat Ancient Dragon Lansseax in the Altus Plateau region
Elden Ring - Howl of Shabriri.pngHowl of Shabriri Offensive 0 33 0 1 Obtained in a chest on the second to the last floor of the Frenzy-Flaming Tower
Elden Ring - Bestial Sling.pngBestial Sling Offensive 0 10 0 1 Give 2 Deathroots to Gurranq
Elden Ring - Poison Mist.pngPoison Mist Support 0 12 0 1 Dropped by a scarab located southeast of the Castle Morne Rampart site of grace in Limgrave's Weeping Pennisula
Elden Ring - OrderOrder's Blade Support 13 13 0 1 Can be bought from Hunter D for 3000 Runes
Elden Ring - Magic Fortification.pngMagic Fortification Support 0 10 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 3500 Runes
Elden Ring - Flame Fortification.pngFlame Fortification Support 0 10 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 3000 Runes
Elden Ring - Flame Sling.pngFlame Sling Offensive 0 10 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 800 Runes
Elden Ring - O, Flame!.pngO, Flame! Offensive 0 16 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 6000 Runes
Elden Ring - Surge, O Flame!.pngSurge, O Flame! Offensive 0 9 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 5500 Runes
Elden Ring - Flame, Cleanse Me.pngFlame, Cleanse Me Support 0 12 0 1 Found on a corpse located in the Fire Monk Camp, southwest of the Eastern Tableland Site of Grace
Elden Ring - SmaragSmarag's Glintstone Breath Offensive 0 23 15 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - EkzykesEkzykes's Decay Offensive 0 23 15 1 Can be exchanged for Dragon Hearts in Cathedral of Dragon Communion
Elden Ring - Aspects of the Crucible: Tail.pngAspects of the Crucible: Tail Offensive 0 27 0 1 Acquired by defeating Crucible Knight in Stormhill Evergaol, Limgrave
Elden Ring - Aspects of the Crucible: Horns.pngAspects of the Crucible: Horns Offensive 0 27 0 1 Acquired by defeating Crucible Knight at the bottom of Rampart Tower in Stormveil Castle, Limgrave
Elden Ring - Flame of the Fell God.pngFlame of the Fell God Legendary 0 41 0 1 Defeat Adan, the Thief of Fire, in the Malefactor's Evergaol
Elden Ring - Whirl, O Flame!.pngWhirl, O Flame! Offensive 0 13 0 1 Dropped by a scarab located northeast of the Shack of the Rotting in Caelid
Elden Ring - Order Healing.pngOrder Healing Support 11 11 0 1 Dropped by a scarab in the Siofra Aqueduct
Elden Ring - Darkness.pngDarkness Support 0 18 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 3500 Runes
Elden Ring - Scouring Black Flame.pngScouring Black Flame Offensive 0 28 0 1 Defeat the Godskin Apostle at Dominula, Windmill Village in Altus Plateau
Elden Ring - AssassinAssassin's Approach Support 0 10 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 2000 Runes
Elden Ring - Protection of the Erdtree.pngProtection of the Erdtree Support 0 35 0 1 Dropped by a scarab located southeast of the Road of Iniquity Side Path Site of Grace
Elden Ring - Golden Vow.pngGolden Vow Support 0 25 0 1 Obtained from a corpse found inside the Corpse-Stench Shack on Mt. Gelmir
Elden Ring - Lightning Fortification.pngLightning Fortification Support 0 10 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 7500 Runes
Elden Ring - Great Heal.pngGreat Heal Support 0 15 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 9000 Runes
Elden Ring - Discus of Light.pngDiscus of Light Offensive 13 13 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 11000 Runes
Elden Ring - Noble Presence.pngNoble Presence Offensive 0 26 0 1 Obtained after defeating the Godskin Noble at Volcano Manor in Mt. Gelmir
Elden Ring - LordLord's Heal Support 0 20 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 8000 Runes
Elden Ring - LordLord's Aid Support 0 12 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 2500 Runes
Elden Ring - Divine Fortification.pngDivine Fortification Support 0 10 0 1 Dropped by a scarab on top of the collapsed structure west of Tombsward Ruins
Elden Ring - Lightning Strike.pngLightning Strike Offensive 0 28 0 1 Dropped by a scarab on the crevice east of Tombsward site of grace
Elden Ring - Bloodflame Blade.pngBloodflame Blade Support 0 12 10 1 Dropped by a scarab north of the Rose Church in the Liurnia of the Lakes
Elden Ring - Poison Armament.pngPoison Armament Support 0 10 0 1 Dropped by a scarab south of the Sellia Crystal Tunnel
Elden Ring - Black Flame.pngBlack Flame Offensive 0 20 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 6000 Runes
Elden Ring - Black Flame Blade.pngBlack Flame Blade Support 0 17 0 1 Can be bought from Corhyn for 7500 Runes
Elden Ring - Lightning Spear.pngLightning Spear Offensive 0 17 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 6000 Runes
Elden Ring - Black Blade.pngBlack Blade Offensive 0 46 0 2 Defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade
Elden Ring - Flame, Fall Upon Them.pngFlame, Fall Upon Them Offensive 0 28 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 10000 Runes
Elden Ring - Flame, Grant Me Strength.pngFlame, Grant Me Strength Support 0 16 0 1 Obtained from a corpse behind Fort Gael in Caelid
Elden Ring - Flame, Protect Me.pngFlame, Protect Me Support 0 24 0 1 Found on a corpse behind a fogged barrier in the Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave site of grace (use a Stonesword Key to lift the barrier)
Elden Ring - Giantsflame Take Thee.pngGiantsflame Take Thee Offensive 0 30 0 2 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 13000 Runes
Elden Ring - Burn, O Flame!.pngBurn, O Flame! Offensive 0 27 0 1 Defeat the Fire Giant, and exchange its Remembrance with Enia, the Finger Reader
Elden Ring - Black Flame Ritual.pngBlack Flame Ritual Offensive 0 42 0 1 Defeat Spirit-Caller Snail in the Spiritcaller's Cave
Elden Ring - Black FlameBlack Flame's Protection Support 0 30 0 1 Rewarded by Gideon Ofnir after traveling to Miquella's Haligtree
Elden Ring - Bloodboon.pngBloodboon Offensive 0 14 17 1 Defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood, and exchange his Remembrance with Enia, the Finger Reader
Elden Ring - Barrier of Gold.pngBarrier of Gold Support 0 24 0 1 Dropped by an invisible scarab in Leyndell, Royal Capital
Elden Ring - Wrath of Gold.pngWrath of Gold Offensive 0 32 0 1 Obtained from a chest under Woodlfolk Ruins
Elden Ring - Erdtree Heal.pngErdtree Heal Support 0 42 0 1 Found at the Queen's Bedchamber in Leyndell, City of Ash
Elden Ring - BlessingBlessing's Boon Support 0 24 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 4000 Runes
Elden Ring - Blessing of the Erdtree.pngBlessing of the Erdtree Support 0 38 0 1 Found at the Queen's Bedchamber in Leyndell, City of Ash
Elden Ring - LordLord's Divine Fortification Support 0 27 0 1 Reward by Gideon Ofnir after defeating Malenia, Blade of Miquella
Elden Ring - Triple Rings of Light.pngTriple Rings of Light Offensive 23 23 0 1 Located behind a fogged door near the Prayer Room site of grace in Miquella's Haligtree
Elden Ring - RadagonRadagon's Rings of Light Offensive 31 31 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 7500 Runes
Elden Ring - Elden Stars.pngElden Stars Legendary 0 50 0 2 On a corpse in a small cave guarded by ants in Deeproot Depths
Elden Ring - Law of Regression.pngLaw of Regression Support 37 0 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 10000 Runes
Elden Ring - Immutable Shield.pngImmutable Shield Support 19 19 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 13000 Runes
Elden Ring - Law of Causality.pngLaw of Causality Support 29 0 0 1 Reward by Gideon Ofnir after defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood
Elden Ring - Stone of Gurranq.pngStone of Gurranq Offensive 0 13 0 1 Give 6 Deathroots to Gurranq
Elden Ring - GurranqGurranq's Beast Claw Offensive 0 15 0 1 Give 8 Deathroots to Gurranq
Elden Ring - Bestial Vitality.pngBestial Vitality Support 0 12 0 1 Give 3 Deathroots to Gurranq
Elden Ring - Bestial Constitution.pngBestial Constitution Support 0 9 0 1 Dropped by a scarab hiding at bottom of the western side of the Farum Greatbridge
Elden Ring - Ancient DragonsAncient Dragons' Lightning Strike Offensive 0 26 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 10000 Runes.
Elden Ring - Honed Bolt.pngHoned Bolt Offensive 0 24 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 7000 Runes.
Elden Ring - Ancient DragonsAncient Dragons' Lightning Spear Offensive 0 32 0 1 Can be bought from Miriel Pastor of Vow for 8500 Runes.
Elden Ring - Electrify Armament.pngElectrify Armament Support 0 15 0 1 Can be bought from Scribe Corhyn for 6000 Runes.
Elden Ring - VykeVyke's Dragonbolt Support 0 23 0 1 Defeat Roundtable Knight Vyke in Lord Contender's Evergaol
Elden Ring - Dragonbolt Blessing.pngDragonbolt Blessing Support 0 21 0 1 Obtained from a chest inside Stormcaller Church in Altus Plateau
Elden Ring - AgheelAgheel's Flame Offensive 0 23 15 1 Defeat Flying Dragon Agheel in Limgrave
Elden Ring - Magma Breath.pngMagma Breath Offensive 0 14 10 1 Defeat the Magma Wyrm in Mt. Gelmir
Elden Ring - TheodorixTheodorix's Magma Offensive 0 21 14 1 Defeat Great Wyrm Theodorix at the eastern end of the frozen river of the Consecrated Snowfield
Elden Ring - BorealisBorealis's Mist Offensive 0 23 15 1 Defeat Borealis, the Freezing Fog, in the frozen lake at the Mountaintops of the Giants
Elden Ring - PlacidusaxPlacidusax's Ruin Offensive 0 36 0 3 Defeat Dragonlord Placidusax and exchange its Remembrance with Enia, the Finger Reader
Elden Ring - Pest Threads.pngPest Threads Offensive 0 11 0 1 Can be bought from Gowry for 7500 Runes.
Elden Ring - Swarm of Flies.pngSwarm of Flies Offensive 0 11 16 1 Obtained from a corpse near the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance site of grace, outside of the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum
Elden Ring - Scarlet Aeonia.pngScarlet Aeonia Offensive 0 35 0 3 Defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella, and exchange its Remembrance with Enia, the Finger Reader
Elden Ring - Death Lightning.pngDeath Lightning Offensive 0 47 0 2 Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax in the end of Fia's questline
Elden Ring - Inescapable Frenzy.pngInescapable Frenzy Offensive 0 21 0 1 Obtained from a corpse near the Cathedral of the Forsaken in Leyndell, Royal Capital
Elden Ring - Unendurable Frenzy.pngUnendurable Frenzy Offensive 0 31 0 1 Obtained from a chest in Yelough Anix Ruins
Elden Ring - Frenzied Burst.pngFrenzied Burst Offensive 0 22 0 1 Defeat the scarab north of the Frenzied Flame Village.
Elden Ring - Aspects of the Crucible: Breath.pngAspects of the Crucible: Breath Offensive 0 27 0 1 Defeat Tanith's Knight after killing Tanith inside Rykard's boss room
Elden Ring - FireFire's Deadly Sin Offensive 0 19 0 1 Get the Flightless Bird Painting near the first floor of the Fortified Manor
Elden Ring - Golden Lightning Fortification.pngGolden Lightning Fortification Support 0 24 0 1 Dropped by a scarab near the Dragon Temple Lift in Crumbling Farum Azula
Elden Ring - Bloodflame Talons.pngBloodflame Talons Offensive 0 13 15 1 Defeat Mohg, the Omen
Elden Ring - Shadow Bait.pngShadow Bait Support 0 13 0 1 Found on a Corpse in Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Each of the 101 Incantations has their own Stat requirements, which, once met, can be cast using a Sacred Seal. Incantations are categorized into Offensive, Support, and Legendary spells.

All DLC Incantations

Shadow of the Erdtree Incantations
Messmer's Orb Elden Ring - Rain of FireRain of Fire Elden Ring - Fire SerpentFire Serpent
Elden Ring - Divine Bird FeathersDivine Bird Feathers Divine Beast Tornado Elden Ring - SpiraSpira
Giant Golden Arc Watchful Spirit Elden Ring - MidraMidra's Flame of Frenzy
Elden Ring - Pest-Thread SpearsPest-Thread Spears Rotten Butterflies Elden Ring - Ghostflame BreathGhostflame Breath
Elden Ring - BayleBayle's Flame Lightning Elden Ring - BayleBayle's Tyranny Electrocharge
Dragonbolt of Florissax Knight's Lightning Spear Roar of Rugalea
Elden Ring - Multilayered Ring of LightMultilayered Ring of Light Light of Miquella Wrath from Afar
Land of Shadow Minor Erdtree Aspects of the Crucible: Bloom
Elden Ring - Aspects of the Crucible: ThornsAspects of the Crucible: Thorns Elden Ring - Heal from AfarHeal from Afar Furious Blade of Ansbach
Elden Ring - Golden ArcsGolden Arcs

All DLC Spells

Best Incantations

List of Best Incantations
Early Game
Mid Game
Late Game

The best incantations to use in Elden Ring are spells that cover a wide area and are capable of easily taking out groups of enemies or large targets at a fair distance. Aside from these offensive incantations, you have a good selection of spells that can grant significant buffs to your character.

Best Incantations

How to Use Incantations

How to Equip and Use Incantations
Check IconReach the Spell's Stat Requirements
Check IconEquip Incantations at Sites of Grace
Check IconCast Incantations with a Sacred Seal

Reach the Spell's Stat Requirements

Elden Ring - Stat Requirements for Incantations
Incantations require a certain amount of Intelligence, Faith, and Arcane stats to equip. Advanced Incantations require higher stats, depending on your build. You can check how much stats you need by viewing the Spells in your Inventory.

You can increase your stats by spending your Runes to level up at any Site of Grace.

Best Faith Builds

Equip Incantations at Sites of Grace

Elden Ring - Equipping Incantations
Rest at a Site of Grace and select Memorize Spells to equip Incantations into your Memory Slots. You will be not be able to use spells that you have not equipped into your Memory Slots.

You can increase your Memory Slots by obtaining Memory Stones. This will allow you to equip more spells at once or use spells that requires more Memory Slots.

How to Increase Memory Slots

Cast Incantations with a Sacred Seal

Elden Ring - Equipping Sacred Seal
Incantations will require you to equip a Sacred Seal to cast. Sacred Seals, similar to other weapons, require certain stats to be properly utilized. Note that although you can opt for any Sacred Seal, some can boost the effects of certain Incantations, making them considerably stronger.

You can cycle between your currently equipped spells by pressing up on the D-pad.

Best Sacred Seals and All Sacred Seals List

Elden Ring Related Guides

Magic Spells partial.png

List of All Magic Spells

All Magic Spell Guides

Type of Magic Spells
Incantations Sorceries
Magic Spell Guides
All Legendary Incantations All Dragon Incantations
All Legendary Sorceries DLC Spells
Best DLC Sorceries Best DLC Incantations


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