Elden Ring

How to Two-Hand Weapons

Elden Ring - Two-Handing
Two-Handing in Elden Ring lets you wield your weapons or shields with both hands instead of only one. Read on to learn how to two-hand wield weapons in Elden Ring, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of doing so!

How to Two-Hand Wield Weapons

Platform Button Combination
PC (Hold) E + Left Click / Right Click
Hold E + Left Click or Right Click
PlayStation (Hold) ▲ + L1 / R1
Hold the UP Button + L1 or R1
Xbox (Hold) Y + LB / RB
Hold Y + LB or RB

Elden Ring lets you two-hand weapons and shields via specific keybinds that depend on which platform you're playing in. All of these involve holding the button that shows your quickslot menu, and tapping the hand slot that you want to two-hand with.

Two-Hand Weapon Benefits

Increased Attack Power

Two-Handing a weapon or shield increases their Attack Power at the cost of using slightly more stamina for each strike with the weapon.

Access To Another Moveset

Two-Handing also grants access to another moveset, especially if it's a larger weapon. You might have a strong downward strike instead of a normal horizontal swing.

Keep in mind, however, that you will lose the benefit of a shield's defense while Two-Handing, which may force you to rely more on dodging.

Allows the Usage of Certain Skills

Skills such as Square-Off can only be performed via two-handing its weapon first or the weapon on your other hand slot doesn't have a skill in the first place. Try two-handing a weapon if its weapon skill doesn't seem to work!

List of Skills - All Weapon Arts

Two-Hand Weapon Disadvantages

Shields and Secondary Weapons Cannot be Used

Obviously, since you will be wielding the weapon with both hands, you will not be able to use a shield to guard and parry.

On the topic of secondary weapons, be sure to check which weapon you are currently using if you are dual-wielding, as dual-wielding the wrong weapon can result in your death.

Guard Can be Used but is Unreliable

You can guard with a katana or sword, but the guard value is lower so it is less reliable and harder to use than a shield.

Some Weapons Have Slightly Slower Attacks

The downside is that some weapons have slightly slower attack motions, resulting in scenarios where you get hit during an attack that a one-handed user would have dodged.

With that in mind, be sure to keep the timing discrepancies in the back of your head when attacking.

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