Elden Ring

All Great Runes and How to Use

Elden Ring - Great Runes

This is a list of all 7 Great Runes in Elden Ring. Continue reading to learn about all Great Runes, what the best Great Rune is, and how to use Great Runes!

All Great Runes List

7 Great Runes in Elden Ring

Great Rune Location and Effect
GodrickGodrick, the Grafted Divine Tower of Limgrave
All stats +5
Great Rune of the UnbornRennala, Queen of the Full Moon Academy of Raya Lucaria
You become able to respec your stats.
RadahnStarscourge Radahn Divine Tower of Caelid
HP, FP, and Stamina are increased by 15%.
MorgottMorgott, the Omen King Divine Tower of East Altus
Increases max HP by 25%.
MohgMohg, Lord of Blood Divine Tower of East Altus
Use to grant a blessing of blood to summoned phantoms.
RykardRykard, Lord of Blasphemy Divine Tower of West Altus
Restores HP upon defeating enemies.
MaleniaMalenia, Blade of Miquella Isolated Divine Tower
Atacking after taking a hit allows you to recover a small amount the health that was lost .

Best Great Rune

Morgott's Great Rune is the Best Great Rune

Great Runes Ranked
Diablo 4 - S-Tier Classes S-Tier MorgottMorgott's Great Rune RadahnRadahn's Great Rune
Diablo 4 - A-Tier Classes A-Tier GodrickGodrick's Great Rune MaleniaMalenia's Great Rune RykardRykard's Great Rune
Diablo 4 - B-Tier Classes B-Tier Great Rune of the UnbornGreat Rune of the Unborn

Morgott's Great Rune is the best Great Rune to use because it increases your current max HP by 25%, fitting all builds in any scenario. Although damage increase is desirable, being able to tank more hits allows you to survive longer and keep your Runes intact.

To maximize the use of Morgott's Great Rune, it's best to use all HP-boosting buffs first before using the rune arc. All the HP accumulated from other sources will be increased from the Great Rune.

An alternative for this is Radahn's Great Rune which only offers a 15% increase to your max HP, but it also increases your FP and Stamina by the same amount.

How to Use Great Runes and Where to Activate Them

Restore the Great Rune's Power at a Divine Tower

Go to each boss's Divine Tower to activate the power of their Great Rune. You will need to defeat the corresponding boss to access the area.

The Great Rune of the Unborn does not apply to this step as defeating Rennala grants you the full power of the Great Rune immediately.

All Divine Towers and Rewards
Divine Tower of Limgrave
Godrick's Great Rune
Divine Tower of Liurnia
Cursemark of Death
Divine Tower of Caelid
Radahn's Great Rune
Isolated Divine Tower
Malenia's Great Rune
Divine Tower of East Altus
Morgott and Mohg's Great Rune
Divine Tower of West Altus
Rykard's Great Rune

See Great Runes at Sites of Grace

Great Runes Site of Grace Elden Ring

Go to the menu screen and select the Great Runes option. On this menu, you can view each Great Rune's effects and choose which ones to equip. A Rune Arc is required to receive the power of a Great Rune.

All Sites of Grace Locations

Equip Great Runes by Using a Rune Arc

Rune Arc Elden Ring

Using a Rune Arc will activate the Great Rune's effect. This will last until your character dies and the effect ends. You will need to use another Rune Arc to activate it again.

How to Get Rune Arcs: Effects and Locations

Rune Arcs Can be Purchased at the Roundtable

You can obtain Rune Arcs from Rats or buy them off merchants for 4000 Runes.

One of the merchants that sell Rune Arcs is the Twin Maiden Husks at The Roundtable Hold.

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