Elden Ring

New Game Plus Guide

Elden Ring - New Game Plus Guide

New Game Plus is a mode in Elden Ring that allows players to begin a new Journey with their levels, items, and weapons carried over. Read on to learn more about the gameplay differences in New Game Plus, which items carry over, and what to do before starting NG+.

How to Unlock New Game Plus

Available after Defeating the Final Boss

How to Unlock New Game Plus

Elden Ring's New Game Plus mode can be unlocked after you beat the final boss of the game and choose an ending. After the credits roll, you will be given the option to start a Journey 2 (New Game Plus) or stay in your current world.

Choose Yes if you plan to immediately hop on to New Game Plus, or No if you still plan to explore your current endgame world for items you may have missed.

Available at the Roundtable Hold

Begin Journey at the Roundtable Hold

Choosing No will teleport you back to the last site of grace you rested at, allowing you to keep playing in your current world. Once you are ready for New Game Plus, rest at the Table of Lost Grace in the Roundtable Hold and select the option to Begin Journey 2.

Keep in mind that you will not be able to return to your previous world after starting Journey 2, so make sure you have everything you need before starting New Game Plus.

New Game Plus Overview

What Changes in New Game Plus?

New Game Plus Differences

New Game Plus will increase the HP and damage of all bosses and enemies. However, it will also increase the amount of runes you receive for defeating them.

These difficulty and reward changes will increase with each New Game Plus instance you start. At NG+7, scaling will stop, effectively making NG+8 and onwards a repeat of NG+7 difficulty.

What Carries Over to NG+?

What Carries Over to New Game Plus

Most of your current player progress will carry over to New Game Plus. Barring certain key items like the Mending Runes and quest-related items like the Black Knifeprint, the following items all carry over upon beginning a new Journey:

Do note that reusable items (listed above), refer to the ones that unlock game features for the player. This includes the Spectral Steed Ring used to summon Torrent, the Spirit Calling Bell for summoning Spirit Ashes, and the Crafting Kit.

What Doesn't Carry Over to NG+?

What Does Not Carry Over to New Game Plus

The items that do not carry over are mostly NPC quest-related items and those tied to the game's main story. The biggest change will have to be the Bell Bearings since they effectively reset the Twin Maiden Husks into a basic merchant.

What To Do Before New Game Plus

What to do Before New Game Plus

Before beginning a New Game Plus save, it is recommended that you complete as much of the following tasks as possible. These steps will ensure that you are prepared to tackle the difficulty spike of New Game Plus.

Pre-NG+ Checklist
Check IconLevel Up Your Character
Check IconPrepare Upgrade Materials for a New Build
Check IconCollect +10 and +25 Upgrade Materials
Check IconBuy or Secure Key Items
Check IconCollect Weapons, Ashes of War, Sorceries, and Incantations
Check IconCollect Equipment for New Builds
Check IconIncrease Flask Count and Upgrade to +12
Check IconUse All Remembrances
Check IconCap Out Flask Count and Potency
Check IconRespec using Rennala
Check IconSpeak to Rennala for a Respec
Check IconPlan for a New Ending

Level Up Your Character

Level Up Your Character

Due to the increased difficulty of New Game Plus, you will want a higher character level as you move up the ladder of NG+1 to NG+7. Level up as much as you can or want because the usual rune farming spots will have to be re-unlocked during New Game Plus.

Rune Farming Guide: How to Get Runes Fast

Prepare Upgrade Materials for a New Build

Farming Guides
Smithing Stone Farming GuideSmithing Stones Somber Smithing Stone Farming GuideSomber Smithing Stones
Ghost Glovewort Farming GuideGhost Gloveworts Grave Glovewort Farming GuideGrave Gloveworts

For players looking to restart the game with a fresh build, make sure to farm the necessary upgrade materials before hopping on to New Game Plus. Stock up on upgrade materials for weapons and spirit ashes you would like to try out during New Game Plus.

Collect +10 and +25 Upgrade Materials

+10 and +25 Upgrade Materials
Ancient Dragon Smithing StoneAncient Dragon Smithing Stone Sombering Ancient Dragon Smithing StoneSomber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
Great Ghost GlovewortGreat Ghost Glovewort Elden Ring - Great Grave GlovewortGreat Grave Glovewort

Out of all the upgrade materials, the ones used to +10 or +25 weapons and spirit ashes are limited per playthrough. Make sure to collect all the available ones in your current world before you starting a New Game Plus save.

Buy or Secure Key Items

Key Items Checklist
Stonesword Keys
Larval Tears
All Crafting Cookbooks
All Physick Tears
Cracked Pots
Ritual Pots
Perfume Bottles
Memory Stones
Talisman Pouches

Unlike FromSoftware's previous titles like Dark Souls 2, all items in Elden Ring can be obtained in a single playthrough. For players focusing on simply playing the game during New Game Plus, make sure to at least collect the key items listed above during Journey 1.

How to Get All Key Items

Collect Weapons, Ashes of War, Sorceries, and Incantations

List of Items by Category
Weapons Ashes of War
Sorceries Incantations

The first playthrough will be the easiest. Make full use of its difficulty setting by collecting all the items you will want to try out next, before hopping on to New Game Plus. Get the weapons you want to power-stance or obtain spells and sorceries you may want to try out.

Collect Equipment for New Builds

Equipment Categories
Elden Ring - HelmetHelms Elden Ring - ArmorChest Armor Elden Ring - GauntletsGauntlets Elden Ring - GreavesGreaves

Again, for players looking to try out new builds, make sure to collect all the equipment you want to use prior to NG+. Similarly, the equipment of certain bosses like Maliketh and Loretta will only be available for purchase from Enia, after you beat them during NG+.

Use All Remembrances

Use All Remembrances

Make sure to use up all the Remembrances available to you before resetting the game. If you do not, you will have to defeat the same boss again during NG+ to unlock their Remembrance items for purchase at Enia's shop.

All Remembrances and What They Unlock

Collect All Limited Crafting Items

Collect All Limited Crafting Materials

Elden Ring has limited crafting items that do not respawn even after reloading the world. Since some of the more powerful consumables are locked behind these items, make sure to maximize your gains by collecting all the available ones in your current world.

An example of a limited crafting item is the Sacramental Bud. Used to craft Preserving Boluses, this item does not respawn after being collected, essentially locking consumable cures for Scarlet Rot behind an NG+ playthrough.

Cap Out Flask Count and Potency

How to Upgrade Flasks Elden Ring.png

Before beginning an New Game Plus save, make sure to fully upgrade your flasks to +12 and increase your flask count to 14. This will prepare you for the increased damage dealt by the bosses in New Game Plus.

Additionally, capping out your flask upgrades saves you the time needed to hunt down additional Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears during New Game Plus.

Flask Guide: How to Upgrade Flasks

Find All the Map Fragments

Collect All Map Fragments

Map progress carries over to New Game Plus. Make sure to collect all the map fragments in the game to ensure you can view the entire map and all of your discovered dungeons during your next Journey.

All Map Fragments Locations

Speak to Rennala for a Respec

Speak to Rennala for a Respec

Before embarking on a new Journey, make sure to respec your character if you plan to try out a new build. Speak to Rennala at the Academy of Raya Lucaria and spend a Larval Tear to redistribute your stats and create a new build.

How to Respec Stats: All Respec Item Locations

Plan for a New Ending

Plan for a New Ending

Finally, before starting a New Game, make sure to scope out what needs to be done to unlock the different endings of Elden Ring. To get all of the ending-related achievements, you will need to see the Normal Ending, the Age of Stars ending, and the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending.

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

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