Elden Ring

List of All Talismans

Elden Ring - List of All Talismans

This is a list of all Talismans in Elden Ring. Read on to find out the effects of each Talisman, where to find them, as well as the best talismans and legedary talismans.

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List of All Talismans

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Talisman Effect and How to Get
Ancestral SpiritAncestral Spirit's Horn Effect: Restores FP upon defeating enemies
How to Get:
Obtained by giving the Remembrance of the Ancestor to Enia at the Roundtable Hold, and spending 3000 Runes to get the talisman.
ArrowArrow's Reach Talisman Effect: Increases bow effective range.
How to Get:
Found inside a chest atop the actual gate of the Gatefront Ruins (before where the troll jumps down) in Limgrave. The platform is accessible near the Stormhill Evergaol.
ArrowArrow's Sting Talisman Effect: Raises attack power of arrows and bolts.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest at the top of the tower next to the Impassable Greatbridge site of grace in south east Caelid.
Arsenal Charm ImageArsenal Charm Effect: Raises maximum equipment load.
How to Get:
Reward as part of Nepheli's questline after you defeat Godrick the Grafted. She will be standing outside Gideon's room in the Roundtable Hold.
Arsenal Charm +1 ImageArsenal Charm +1 Effect: Greatly raises maximum equip load.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse on a wooden platform inside the Altus Tunnel in the Altus Plateau. The platform can be reached using a large root.
AssassinAssassin's Cerulean Dagger Effect: Critical hits restore FP.
How to Get:
Dropped by the hidden Black Knife Assassin inside the Black Knife Catacombs in Liurnia. The boss will be found behind an illusory wall inside the dungeon.
AssassinAssassin's Crimson Dagger Effect: Critical hits restore HP.
How to Get:
Dropped by the half-health Black Knife Assassin boss inside the Deathtouched Catacombs in Limgrave.
Axe Talisman ImageAxe Talisman Effect: Enhances charge attacks.
How to Get:
Found inside a chest under the Mistwood Ruins in Limgrave. The entrance leading down is guarded by a sleeping Runebear.
Blessed Dew Talisman ImageBlessed Dew Talisman Effect: Slowly restores HP.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest near the Divine Bridge site of grace in Leyndell. It will be guarded by a Guardian Golem.
Blue Dancer Charm ImageBlue Dancer Charm Effect: Raises attack power with lower equipment load.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Guardian Golem boss inside the Highroad Cave in Limgrave.
Blue-Feathered Branchsword ImageBlue-Feathered Branchsword Effect: Raises defense when HP is low.
How to Get:
Dropped by a Deathbird to the east of the Warmaster's Shack in Limgrave. This boss only spawns at night.
Boltdrake Talisman ImageBoltdrake Talisman Effect: Boosts lightning damage negation.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse to the north east of the Limgrave Tower Bridge site of grace in Stormveil Castle.
Boltdrake Talisman +1 ImageBoltdrake Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts lightning damage negation.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse inside the Old Altus Tunnel in the Altus Plateau. Keep going up using the ladders to find the small shed that contains the body.
Boltdrake Talisman +2 ImageBoltdrake Talisman +2 Effect: Vastly boosts lightning damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse above the room where Beastmen and a Crucible Knight are fighting in Crumbling Farum Azula. Use the ladder in the room to reach the corpse.
Bull-GoatBull-Goat's Talisman Effect: Raises poise.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse inside Dragonbarrow Cave in Caelid. It will be on the same level as the Runebear mini-boss.
Carian Filigreed Crest ImageCarian Filigreed Crest Effect: Lowers FP consumed by skills.
How to Get:
Can be bought from Iji for 5000 Runes at the outskirts of Caria Manor in Liurnia. Requires you to have helped Blaidd complete his quest in Limgrave.
Cerulean Amber Medallion ImageCerulean Amber Medallion Effect: Raises maximum FP.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Bloodhound Knight inside the Lakeside Crystal Cave in Liurnia.
Cerulean Amber Medallion +1 ImageCerulean Amber Medallion +1 Effect: Greatly raises maximum FP.
How to Get:
Looted from a body guarded by a Red-Eyed Banished Knight in Castle Sol. The section is accessed by using the ladder outside the southern side of the Church of the Eclipse.
Cerulean Amber Medallion +2 ImageCerulean Amber Medallion +2 Effect: Vastly raises maximum FP.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest under the Lunar Estate Ruins in Liurnia. The entrance will be behind an illusory floor marked by an Imp Statue.
Cerulean Seed Talisman ImageCerulean Seed Talisman Effect: Boosts FP restoration from Flask of Cerulean Tears.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse at the very top of the Carian Study Hall in Liurnia.
Clarifying Horn Charm ImageClarifying Horn Charm Effect: Raises focus.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse on the stairs leading up to the elevator platform at the Below the Well site of grace in Siofra River.
Clarifying Horn Charm +1 ImageClarifying Horn Charm +1 Effect: Greatly raises focus.
How to Get:
From the Mimic Tear site of grace in Nokron, Eternal City ride to the very end of the long platform to the north east. Jump down into the large structure at the end to find the corpse with the talisman.
Claw Talisman ImageClaw Talisman Effect: Enhances jump attacks.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse atop a tower in the middle of Stormveil Castle. From the Rampart Tower site of grace, take the exit north. From there, jump down to the roof to your east and platform up.
Companion Jar ImageCompanion Jar Effect: Raises potency of throwing pots.
How to Get:
Final reward of the Jar-Bairn questline. Obtained after you give Alexander's Innards to Jar-Bairn.
Concealing Veil ImageConcealing Veil Effect: Conceals wearer while crouching away from foes.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Black Knife Assassin inside the Sage's Cave in Altus Plateau.
CrepusCrepus's Vial Effect: Eliminates all sound made by the wearer during movement.
How to Get:
Dropped by Rileigh the Idle after killing him during the Volcano Manor questline.
Crimson Amber Medallion ImageCrimson Amber Medallion Effect: Raises maximum HP.
How to Get:
Sold by the Nomadic Merchant near the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace at the Weeping Peninsula for 1500 Runes.
Crimson Amber Medallion +1 ImageCrimson Amber Medallion +1 Effect: Greatly raises maximum HP.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse behind an Imp Statue fog wall to the west of the Prison Tower Church site of grace in Volcano Manor. It will be guarded by an Abductor Virgin.
Crimson Amber Medallion +2 ImageCrimson Amber Medallion +2 Effect: Vastly raises maximum HP.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse on one of the beams above the Underground Roadside of the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. Only accessible via the sewer gate that opens in Leyndell, Capital of Ash.
Crimson Seed Talisman ImageCrimson Seed Talisman Effect: Boosts HP restoration from Flask of Crimson Tears.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse behind an Imp Statue fog wall at the Sainted Hero's Grave in Altus Plateau. The room is right next to the dungeon's site of grace.
Crucible Feather Talisman ImageCrucible Feather Talisman Effect: Improves dodge rolling but increases damage taken.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse inside the Auriza Hero's Grave in Altus Plateau. It will be guarded a cloaked Omen enemy.
Crucible Knot Talisman ImageCrucible Knot Talisman Effect: Reduces damage and impact of headshots
How to Get:
Dropped by the Omenkiller boss at the Village of the Albinaurics in Liurnia.
Crucible Scale Talisman ImageCrucible Scale Talisman Effect: Reduces damage taken from critical hits.
How to Get:
Found on an altar inside the Leyndell Catacombs. It will be guarded by an Omen enemy. Use the first fire trap to reach the altar room.
Curved Sword Talisman ImageCurved Sword Talisman Effect: Enhances guard counters.
How to Get:
Found inside the dark room where Gostoc locks you in with a Banished Knight in Stormveil Castle. Loot it from one of the two chests in the room.
DaedicarDaedicar's Woe Effect: Increases damage taken.
How to Get:
Left behind by Rya at the end of her questline in Volcano Manor.
Dagger Talisman ImageDagger Talisman Effect: Enhances critical hits.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse on a platform inside the large dark hall with hanging cages at Volcano Manor. The area is locked behind an Imp Statue fog wall.
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman ImageDragoncrest Greatshield Talisman Effect: Enormously boosts physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest at the upper level of the cathedral filled with Kindred of Rot in Elphael. The upper level is reached by jumping down from the cathedral roof while coming from the Drainage Channel site of grace.
Dragoncrest Shield Talisman ImageDragoncrest Shield Talisman Effect: Boosts physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse behind the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. The platform can be reached by completing the jump puzzle leading down to the cliffs behind the sanctum.
Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1 ImageDragoncrest Shield Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse in the Sainted Hero's Grave in Altus Plateau. Use the first blade in the blade trap room to go up and into a secret room. The talisman will be behind the Imp Statue fog wall.
Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2 ImageDragoncrest Shield Talisman +2 Effect: Vastly boosts physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse on a broken platform that you encounter while moving from the Dragon Temple Altar to the Dragon Temple Lift sites of grace in Crumbling Farum Azula.
ErdtreeErdtree's Favor Effect: Raises maximum HP, stamina and equip load.
How to Get:
Found inside the Fringefolk Hero's Grave in Limgrave. It will be guarded by 2 Grafted Scion enemies.
ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +1 Effect: Raises maximum HP, stamina and equip load.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest inside the Cathedral of the Forsaken underneath Leyndell. Defeat Mohg, The Omen to access the chest.
ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +2 Effect: Raises maximum HP, stamina, and equip load.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse in a large ashen field patrolled by 3 Ulcerated Tree Spirits at the eastern side of Leyndell, Capital of Ash. You will need to backtrack from the Forbidden Lands site of grace.
FaithfulFaithful's Canvas Talisman Effect: Raises potency of incantations
How to Get:
Found on a corpse in front of 2 worshipping Kindreds of Rot at the Sellia Crystal Tunnel in Caelid.
Fire Scorpion Charm ImageFire Scorpion Charm Effect: Raises fire attack, but lowers damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse on a hidden platform at the upper level of Fort Laiedd in Mt. Gelmir.
Flamedrake Talisman ImageFlamedrake Talisman Effect: Boosts fire damage negation.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Beastman of Farum Azula boss at the end of the Groveside Cave dungeon in Limgrave.
Flamedrake Talisman +1 ImageFlamedrake Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts fire damage negation.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse at the western end of the bridge that connects Leyndell and the Forbidden Lands.
Flamedrake Talisman +2 ImageFlamedrake Talisman +2 Effect: Vastly boosts fire damage negation.
How to Get:
Dropped by the duo Beastmen of Farum Azula boss inside Dragonbarrow Cave in Caelid.
FlockFlock's Canvas Talisman Effect: Greatly raises potency of incantations.
How to Get:
Dropped by Gowry after you complete Millicent's questline (regardless of your choice at the end).
Furled FingerFurled Finger's Trick-Mirror Effect: Take on appearance of a cooperator.
How to Get:
Sold by the Twin Maiden Husks for 5000 Runes.
Godfrey Icon ImageGodfrey Icon Effect: Enhances charged spells and skills.
How to Get:
Dropped by Godefroy the Grafted inside the Golden Lineage Evergaol in Altus Plateau.
Godskin Swaddling Cloth ImageGodskin Swaddling Cloth Effect: Successive attacks restore HP.
How to Get:
Defeat the Godskin Apostle, Godskin Noble, and Spiritcaller Snail bosses inside the Spiritcaller Cave at the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Gold Scarab ImageGold Scarab Effect: Increases runes obtained from defeated enemies.
How to Get:
Defeat the duo Cleanrot Knight bosses inside the Abandoned Cave dungeon in Caelid.
Graven-Mass Talisman ImageGraven-Mass Talisman Effect: Raises potency of sorceries
How to Get:
Looted from the body of a dead Graven-Mass at the top of the Albinauric Rise tower in the Consecrated Snowfield.
Graven-School Talisman ImageGraven-School Talisman Effect: Raises potency of sorceries.
How to Get:
Found inside a room with small Living Jars in the Academy of Raya Lucaria. This room can be accessed via the illusory bookshelf just before the boss room of the Red Wolf of Radagon.
Great-JarGreat-Jar's Arsenal Effect: Vastly raises maximum equip load.
How to Get:
Defeat the 3 Champions of the Great Jar at the Caelid Colosseum. This area can be accessed via the Below the Well elevator in Siofra River.
Greatshield Talisman ImageGreatshield Talisman Effect: Boosts guarding ability.
How to Get:
Looted from a carriage chest inside a ruined camp to the south east of the Erdtree-Gazing Hill site of grace in the Altus Plateau.
Green Turtle Talisman ImageGreen Turtle Talisman Effect: Raises stamina recovery speed.
How to Get:
Found behind an Imp Statue fog wall at the western entrance of Summonwater Village in Limgrave.
Haligdrake Talisman ImageHaligdrake Talisman Effect: Boosts holy damage negation.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse above the Stranded Graveyard. You can access it by finding the cave entrance on the beach to the west of the Seaside Ruins site of grace in Limgrave.
Haligdrake Talisman +1 ImageHaligdrake Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts holy damage negation.
How to Get:
Found behind 2 sets of illusory walls and guarded by a Spiritcaller Snail in the Leyndell Catacombs. Take the elevator up to where the ghosts are to find the walls.
Haligdrake Talisman +2 ImageHaligdrake Talisman +2 Effect: Vastly boosts holy damage negation.
How to Get:
Fast travel to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace in Mohgwyn Palace. From there, head to the south west shore of the large blood lake. The talisman will be on a corpse beside a few gravestones (guarded by a Giant Bird).
Hammer Talisman ImageHammer Talisman Effect: Enhances stamina-reducing attacks against blockers.
How to Get:
Dropped by Recusant Henricus after he invades you at the entrance of the Limgrave Colosseum.
HostHost's Trick-Mirror Effect: Take on appearance of a Host of Fingers.
How to Get:
Sold by the Twin Maiden Husks for 5000 Runes.
Immunizing Horn Charm ImageImmunizing Horn Charm Effect: Raises immunity.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse guarded by large ants in the Ainsel River. The area can be accessed by heading west from the Ainsel River Downstream site of grace.
Immunizing Horn Charm +1 ImageImmunizing Horn Charm +1 Effect: Greatly raises immunity.
How to Get:
Dropped by a lone Ancestral Follower enemy patrolling to the south of the Lake of Rot Shoreside site of grace at the Lake of Rot.
Kindred of RotKindred of Rot's Exultation Effect: Poisoning or rot in vicinity increases attack power.
How to Get:
Dropped by the duo Kindred of Rot boss inside Seethewater Cave in Mt. Gelmir. The dungeon entrance will be behind an Imp Statue fog wall.
Lance Talisman ImageLance Talisman Effect: Enhances attacks on horseback.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse along the cliffs to the north east of the Saintsbridge site of grace in Limgrave. The area will be guarded by a damaged Guardian Golem.
Lightning Scorpion Charm ImageLightning Scorpion Charm Effect: Raises lightning attack, but lower damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse behind an Imp Statue fog wall at the Wyndham Catacombs in Altus Plateau. You'll see the Imp Statue after climbing the long ladder inside the dungeon.
Longtail Cat Talisman ImageLongtail Cat Talisman Effect: Grants immunity to fall damage, but does not prevent death from a high fall.
How to Get:
Found on a burnt corpse at the bottom of the Academy of Raya Lucaria (guarded by an Abductor Virgin).
Lord of BloodLord of Blood's Exultation Effect: Blood loss in vicinity increases attack power.
How to Get:
Dropped by Esgar, Priest of Blood in the Leyndell Catacombs.
Magic Scorpion Charm ImageMagic Scorpion Charm Effect: Raises magic attack, but lowers damage negation.
How to Get:
Reward for giving the Amber Starlight to Seluvis during his questline.
MarikaMarika's Scarseal Effect: Raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse at the waterfall behind the Dragonkin Soldier boss in the Siofra River.
MarikaMarika's Soreseal Effect: Greatly raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
How to Get:
Found inside a room locked by an Imp Statue fog wall (south east of the Prayer Room). It will be at the very bottom level of the large ringed wall after you exit the Prayer Room site of grace at Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
MillicentMillicent's Prosthesis Effect: Boosts dexterity, raises attack power with successive attacks.
How to Get:
Obtained by invading and killing Millicent at the end of her questline. Locks you out of getting the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia until NG+.
Moon of Nokstella ImageMoon of Nokstella Effect: Increases memory slots.
How to Get:
Found in a chest at the top of the highest building in the Nokstella Waterfall Basin at the Ainsel River. It will be guarded by a Nox Swordstress and 2 Silver Tears.
Mottled Necklace ImageMottled Necklace Effect: Raises robustness, immunity, and focus.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse atop a broken walkway in Nokron, Eternal City. Use the Night Sky Unceasing portal at the Four Belfries in Liurnia to reach this location.
Mottled Necklace +1 ImageMottled Necklace +1 Effect: Greatly raises robustness, immunity, and focus.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse atop one of the broken stone beams above the Hallowhorn Grounds in Nokron, Eternal City.
Old LordOld Lord's Talisman Effect: Extends spell effect duration.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest at the end of a long walkway to the north east of the Beside the Great Bridge site of grace in Crumbling Farum Azula (where you get invaded by Bernahl).
Pearldrake Talisman ImagePearldrake Talisman Effect: Boosts non-physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Use the Crumbling Lands portal at the Four Belfries in Liurnia. After teleporting, jump down to the lowest broken platform to find the seated corpse that has this talisman.
Pearldrake Talisman +1 ImagePearldrake Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts non-physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest under the Wyndham Ruins in Altus Plateau. The entrance will be locked behind an Imp Statue fog wall.
Pearldrake Talisman +2 ImagePearldrake Talisman +2 Effect: Vastly boosts non-physical damage negation.
How to Get:
Found in front of a statue guarded by a Misbegotten Warrior in Miquella's Haligtree. From the Haligtree Town site of grace, head north west and climb the long ladder. At the top, turn around to see the statue.
PerfumerPerfumer's Talisman Effect: Raises potency of perfume items.
How to Get:
Found in a chest under the Perfumer's Ruins in Altus Plateau. The stairs leading down will be hidden behind wooden planks next to a Giant Miranda Bloom.
Primal Glintstone Blade ImagePrimal Glintstone Blade Effect: Spells consume less FP, but maximum HP is reduced.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest under the Stargazers' Ruins in the Mountaintops of the Giants. Summon your Spirit Jellyfish next to the other Jellyfish in the ruins to unlock the chest room.
Prince of DeathPrince of Death's Cyst Effect: Greatly raises vitality
How to Get:
Dropped by a Runebear in the Deeproot Depths. From the Deeproot Depths site of grace, head north east and hug the waterfalls to your right. The cave with the Runebear will be behind one of the waterfalls.
Prince of DeathPrince of Death's Pustule Effect: Raises vitality.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse under Stormveil Castle. It will be where you find out Rogier's fate after defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit.
Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom ImageProsthesis-Wearer Heirloom Effect: Raises dexterity.
How to Get:
Given to you by Millicent at the Church of Plague in Caelid after you give her the Unalloyed Gold Needle.
Radagon Icon ImageRadagon Icon Effect: Shortens spell casting time.
How to Get:
Found inside a chest at the Debate Parlor 2nd Floor of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Accessed by jumping off of a balcony in the courtyard outside the Debate Parlor.
RadagonRadagon's Scarseal Effect: Raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Ancient Hero of Zamor boss at the Weeping Evergaol in the Weeping Peninsula.
RadagonRadagon's Soreseal Effect: Greatly raises attributes, but also increases damage taken.
How to Get:
Found inside Fort Faroth in Caelid. The walled off area can only be accessed from an opening on the roof.
Red-Feathered Branchsword ImageRed-Feathered Branchsword Effect: Raises attack power when HP is low.
How to Get:
Defeat the Deathbird to the north east of the Scenic Isle site of grace in Liurnia. This boss only spawns at night.
Ritual Shield Talisman ImageRitual Shield Talisman Effect: Raises defense when HP is at maximum.
How to Get:
Looted from a corpse found at the steps of the Royal Colosseum in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Ritual Sword Talisman ImageRitual Sword Talisman Effect: Raises attack power when HP is at maximum.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest under the Lux Ruins in Altus Plateau. Defeat Demi-Human Queen Gilika to access the chest room.
Roar Medallion ImageRoar Medallion Effect: Enhances roars and breath attacks.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Stonedigger Troll boss at the end of the Limgrave Tunnels dungeon in Limgrave.
Rotten Winged Sword Insignia ImageRotten Winged Sword Insignia Effect: Greatly raises attack power with successive attacks.
How to Get:
Obtained by helping Millicent at the end of her questline. Locks you out of getting Millicent's Prosthesis until NG+.
Sacred Scorpion Charm ImageSacred Scorpion Charm Effect: Raises holy attack, but lowers damage negation.
How to Get:
Dropped by the invader, Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater, after you defeat her at the Smoldering Church in Caelid.
Sacrificial Twig ImageSacrificial Twig Effect: Will be lost on death in place of runes.
How to Get:
Can be obtained from multiple locations and bought from multiple merchants in the Lands Between.
ShabririShabriri's Woe Effect: Constantly attracts enemies' aggression.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse inside the Frenzied Flame Village in Liurnia guarded by 4 Frenzied Raya Lucaria Soldiers.
Shard of Alexander ImageShard of Alexander Effect: Greatly boosts the attack power of skills.
How to Get:
Dropped by Alexander at the end of his questline in Crumbling Farum Azula.
Silver Scarab ImageSilver Scarab Effect: Raises item discovery
How to Get:
Found inside a chest behind an illusory wall in the Hidden Path to the Haligtree. After dropping onto the invisible walkway, the wall will be behind the Grave Glovewort 9.
Spear Talisman ImageSpear Talisman Effect: Enhances counterattacks unique to thrusting weapons.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest inside the Lakeside Crystal Cave dungeon in Liurnia. It will be guarded by a Demi-Human Chief.
Spelldrake Talisman ImageSpelldrake Talisman Effect: Boosts magical damage negation.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Runebear boss inside the Earthbore Cave in the Weeping Peninsula.
Spelldrake Talisman +1 ImageSpelldrake Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts magical damage negation.
How to Get:
Found inside a chest in Sellia, Town of Sorcery in Caelid. Bring down the magic barriers of the town to access the chest.
Spelldrake Talisman +2 ImageSpelldrake Talisman +2 Effect: Vastly boosts magical damage negation.
How to Get:
Before the boss room door of the Hidden Path to the Haligtree, there will be stairs leading up an elevator to your right. The talisman will be found on a corpse after the elevator ride.
Stalwart Horn Charm ImageStalwart Horn Charm Effect: Raises robustness.
How to Get:
Found on a corpse seated on a ledge to the south west of the Mausoleum Compound site of grace in Liurnia.
Stalwart Horn Charm +1 ImageStalwart Horn Charm +1 Effect: Greatly raises robustness.
How to Get:
From the Inner Consecrated Snowfield site of grace, head south west until you reach the edge of the map with a lot of large trees. The talisman will be on a corpse guarded by an 2 Ancestral Followers.
Stargazer Heirloom ImageStargazer Heirloom Effect: Raises intelligence.
How to Get:
Found at the top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia. The tower can only be accessed once you get the Carian Inverted Statue from Ranni the Witch.
Starscourge Heirloom ImageStarscourge Heirloom Effect: Raises strength.
How to Get:
Found inside a chest at the upper battlements of Fort Gael in Caelid guarded by 2 Radahn Soldiers and 1 Redmane Knight.
TakerTaker's Cameo Effect: Restore's HP upon defeating enemies.
How to Get:
Reward from Tanith after you defeat Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood at the Mountaintops.
Twinblade Talisman ImageTwinblade Talisman Effect: Enhances final hit of chain attacks.
How to Get:
Found inside a chest atop the southwestern tower of Castle Morne. Accessible from the Behind the Castle Site of Grace.
Two Fingers Heirloom ImageTwo Fingers Heirloom Effect: Raises faith.
How to Get:
Looted from a chest under the Purified Ruins in Liurnia. The stairs leading down will be hidden behind barrels and wooden planks.
Viridian Amber Medallion ImageViridian Amber Medallion Effect: Raises maximum stamina.
How to Get:
Dropped by Miranda the Blighted Bloom inside Tombsward Cave at the Weeping Peninsula.
Viridian Amber Medallion +1 ImageViridian Amber Medallion +1 Effect: Greatly raises maximum stamina.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Margit mini-boss that appears to the south west of the Outer Wall Battleground site of grace in Altus Plateau.
Viridian Amber Medallion +2 ImageViridian Amber Medallion +2 Effect: Vastly raises maximum stamina.
How to Get:
Inside the building where you fight Spiritcaller Snails in Miquella's Haligtree (right next to the Haligtree Town Plaza site of grace).
Warrior Jar Shard ImageWarrior Jar Shard Effect: Boosts the attack power of skills.
How to Get:
Dropped by Alexander if you kill him before you finish his questline. Locks you out of getting the Shard of Alexander until NG+.
Winged Sword Insignia ImageWinged Sword Insignia Effect: Raises attack power with successive attacks.
How to Get:
Dropped by the Cleanrot Knight boss inside Stillwater Cave in Liurnia.

All DLC Talismans

Shadow of the Erdtree Talismans
Elden Ring - Blade of Mercy TalismanBlade of Mercy Talisman Elden Ring - Talisman of the DreadTalisman of the Dread Elden Ring - Ailment TalismanAilment Talisman
Elden Ring - Spelldrake Talisman +3Spelldrake Talisman +3 Elden Ring - Blessed Blue Dew TalismanBlessed Blue Dew Talisman Elden Ring - Talisman of All CruciblesTalisman of All Crucibles
Elden Ring - Flamedrake Talisman +3Flamedrake Talisman +3 Elden Ring - Outer God HeirloomOuter God Heirloom Elden Ring - Crimson Amber Medallion +3Crimson Amber Medallion +3
Elden Ring - Cerulean Amber Medallion +3Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 Elden Ring - Viridian Amber Medallion +3Viridian Amber Medallion +3 Elden Ring - Two-Headed Turtle TalismanTwo-Headed Turtle Talisman
Elden Ring - Stalwart Horn Charm +2Stalwart Horn Charm +2 Elden Ring - Immunizing Horn Charm +2Immunizing Horn Charm +2 Elden Ring - Clarifying Horn Charm +2Clarifying Horn Charm +2
Elden Ring - Mottled Necklace +2Mottled Necklace +2 Elden Ring - Boltdrake Talisman +3Boltdrake Talisman +3 Elden Ring - Golden BraidGolden Braid
Elden Ring - Pearldrake Talisman +3Pearldrake Talisman +3 Elden Ring - Crimson Seed Talisman +1Crimson Seed Talisman +1 Elden Ring - Cerulean Seed Talisman +1Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
Elden Ring - Fine Crucible Feather TalismanFine Crucible Feather Talisman Elden Ring - Shattered Stone TalismanShattered Stone Talisman Elden Ring - Two-Handed Sword TalismanTwo-Handed Sword Talisman
Elden Ring - Crusade InsigniaCrusade Insignia Elden Ring - Aged OneAged One's Exultation Elden Ring - ArrowArrow's Soaring Sting Talisman
Elden Ring - Pearl Shield TalismanPearl Shield Talisman Elden Ring - Dried BouquetDried Bouquet Elden Ring - Smithing TalismanSmithing Talisman
Elden Ring - Retaliatory Crossed-TreeRetaliatory Crossed-Tree Elden Ring - Lacerating Crossed-TreeLacerating Crossed-Tree Elden Ring - Sharpshot TalismanSharpshot Talisman
Elden Ring - St. TrinaSt. Trina's Smile Elden Ring - Enraged Divine BeastEnraged Divine Beast Elden Ring - Beloved StardustBeloved Stardust
Elden Ring - Talisman of LordTalisman of Lord's Bestowal Elden Ring - Verdigris DiscusVerdigris Discus Elden Ring - RellanaRellana's Cameo

All DLC Talismans

Best Talismans in Elden Ring

Item Effect How to Get
ErdtreeErdtree's Favor Raises maximum HP, stamina and equip load. ・In the area with the two Grafted Scions at Fringefolk Hero's Grave.
Gold Scarab ImageGold Scarab Increases runes obtained from defeated enemies. ・Defeat the two Cleanrot Knights inside the Abandoned Cave.
Great-JarGreat-Jar's Arsenal Vastly raises maximum equip load. ・Obtained from the Giant Jar in the Caelid region.
Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom ImageProsthesis-Wearer Heirloom Raises dexterity. ・Give Millicent the repaired Unalloyed Gold Needle at the Church of the Plague.
RadagonRadagon's Soreseal Greatly raises attributes, but also increases damage taken. ・On a dead body at Fort Faroth.
Stargazer Heirloom ImageStargazer Heirloom Raises intelligence. ・On a dead body on top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia.
Starscourge Heirloom ImageStarscourge Heirloom Raises strength. ・Inside a treasure chest in Forth Gael.
Two Fingers Heirloom ImageTwo Fingers Heirloom Raises faith. ・In the basement underneath the Purified Ruins.

Best Talismans

Legendary Talismans in Elden Ring

Legendary Talismans
Radagon Icon IconRadagon Icon RadagonRadagon's Soreseal MarikaMarika's Soreseal Godfrey Icon IconGodfrey Icon
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman IconDragoncrest Greatshield Talisman Old LordOld Lord's Talisman ErdtreeErdtree's Favor +2 Moon of Nokstella IconMoon of Nokstella

Legendary Talismans are powerful talismans that provide stronger stat boosts or unique effects, and are often found in late-game locations.

How to Get Legendary Talismans

How to Get Talismans

Purchase from Merchants

Elden Ring - Purchase from Merchants

Some talismans can be purchased from merchants in the Lands Between.

All Nomadic & Isolated Merchant Locations and Items Sold

Defeat Bosses

Elden Ring - Defeat Bosses

You can also obtain talismans by defeating bosses found in legacy dungeons, catacombs, and caves.

List of Bosses and All Boss Fight Guides

Obtain as Loot

Elden Ring -Obtain as Loot

Plenty of talismans can be found inside treasure chests or on corpses in catacombs, dungeons, and other locations.

Progress Questlines

Elden Ring - Progress Questlines

Talismans such as the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia and Companion Jar can be obtained as you progress through an NPC's questline.

All NPC Questlines and Where to Find Them

What are Talismans?

Equippable Accessories

Talismans are additional accessories that you can add to your equipment. They can be found below the main armor on the Equipment screen.

List of Best Talismans

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring Wiki - Top Partial

Elden Ring Wiki Top

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Elden Ring - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Elden Ring - TalismansTalismans
Elden Ring - Spirit AshesSpirit Ashes Elden Ring - Bell BearingsBell Bearings
Elden Ring - Great RunesGreat Runes Elden Ring - WhetbladesWhetblades
Elden Ring - ItemsItems Elden Ring - EndingsEndings
Elden Ring - BossesBosses Elden Ring - WeaponsWeapons
Elden Ring - Magic SpellsMagic Spells Elden Ring - ArmorArmor
Elden Ring - BuildsBuilds Elden Ring - ClassesStarting Classes
Elden Ring Ashes of WarAshes of War Elden Ring - Divine Towers Divine Towers
Elden Ring - Smithing StonesSmithing Stones Elden Ring - Scrolls Scrolls
Elden Ring - News and Game InfoNews and Game Info Elden Ring - Patch NotesPatch Notes
Elden Ring - Message BoardsMessage Boards Elden Ring - DungeonsDungeons

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10 Anonymousabout 1 year

Its a great list! However, the location descriptions are so vague that I have to have two pages open, one for this list and another to search video locations. To me its the best talisman list, however not very great regardless of that considering just about all of them have crappy location descriptions and this one felt no better.

3 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Great list! I found a few that weren't mentioned but don't recall the locations. Arsenal Charm+1, Bull-Goat's Talisman, Cerulean Amber Medallion +2, Crucible Scale Talisman, Erdtree's Favor +2, Fire Scorpion Charm, Immunizing Horn Charm, Pearldrake Talisman +2, Spelldrake Talisman +2, Stalward Horn Charm +1, Viridian Amber Medallion +2


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