Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

All DLC Talismans

Elden Ring - DLC Talismans

This is a list of all new talismans added in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on for a full list of DLC talismans, their effects, and how to get them.

List of All DLC Talismans

All Shadow of the Erdtree Talismans

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Talisman Effect and How to Get
Aged OneAged One's Exultation Effect: Madness in the vicinity increases attack power.
How to Get: In the Abyssal Woods south of the Woodland Trail Site of Grace, defeat the multi-eyed enemy near the message about crouching in the undergrowth. Parry the enemy's grab attack to make it vulnerable to damage
Ailment Talisman IconAilment Talisman Effect: Raises resistance to the last ailment suffered.
How to Get: Found on a corpse in the Abandoned Ailing Village north of Greatbridge, North Site of Grace, on a platform overlooking the river
ArrowArrow's Soaring Sting Talisman Effect: Increases the effective range of bows and raises attack power of arrows and bolts.
How to Get: Found in a chest at the top of Fog Rift Fort
Beloved Stardust IconBeloved Stardust Effect: Shortens casting speed for sorcery and incantations by the utmost, but increases damage taken.
How to Get: Given by Ymir after sounding the bell at the Finger Ruins of Rhia as part of his questline
Blade of Mercy Talisman IconBlade of Mercy Talisman Effect: Raises attack power after each critical hit.
How to Get: Found on top of a building at the Scorched Ruins in Gravesite Plains
Blessed Blue Dew Talisman IconBlessed Blue Dew Talisman Effect: Slowly restores FP
How to Get: Found at a statue in the Church of Benediction.
Boltdrake Talisman +3 IconBoltdrake Talisman +3 Effect: Boosts lightning damage negation by the utmost.
How to Get: Found on a slumped corpse in a room to the right of the Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace. Look for a dark, narrow room with book piles to get there
Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 IconCerulean Amber Medallion +3 Effect: Boosts maximum FP by the utmost.
How to Get: Defeat the Death Knight in Scorpion River Catacombs
Cerulean Seed Talisman +1 IconCerulean Seed Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts FP restoration from Flask of Cerulean Tears.
How to Get: Obtained by sounding the hanging bell in Finger Ruins of Dheo as part of Ymir's questline
Clarifying Horn Charm +2 IconClarifying Horn Charm +2 Effect: Vastly raises focus.
How to Get: Found in the Sewers of Lamenter's Gaol
Crimson Amber Medallion +3 IconCrimson Amber Medallion +3 Effect: Boosts maximum HP by the utmost.
How to Get: Defeat the Death Knight in Fog Rift Catacombs
Crimson Seed Talisman +1 IconCrimson Seed Talisman +1 Effect: Greatly boosts HP restoration from Flask of Crimson Tears.
How to Get: Obtained by sounding the hanging bell in Finger Ruins of Rhia as part of Ymir's questline
Crusade Insignia IconCrusade Insignia Effect: Raises attack power after defeating an enemy.
How to Get: Defeat Fire Knight Queelign at the Church of Crusade
Dried Bouquet IconDried Bouquet Effect: Raises attack power when summoned spirit dies.
How to Get: Found on a corpse in front of an altar near the Stagefront Site of Grace
Enraged Divine Beast IconEnraged Divine Beast Effect: Raises potency of storms.
How to Get: Obtained by defeating the Divine Beast Dancing Lion and exchanging its Remembrance with Enia
Fine Crucible Feather Talisman IconFine Crucible Feather Talisman Effect: Improves backsteps but increases damage taken.
How to Get: Found on the huge tree branches at the lowest floor of the ruins southwest of the Viaduct Minor Tower Site of Grace
Flamedrake Talisman +3 IconFlamedrake Talisman +3 Effect: Boosts fire damage negation by the utmost.
How to Get: In Fort of Reprimand (room with cages)
Golden Braid IconGolden Braid Effect: Boosts holy damage negation by the utmost.
How to Get: Found inside the tree at the top of Shaman Village
Immunizing Horn Charm +2 IconImmunizing Horn Charm +2 Effect: Vastly raises immunity.
How to Get: Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Well of Depths
Lacerating Crossed-Tree IconLacerating Crossed-Tree Effect: Enhances dash attacks.
How to Get: Obtained from Leda after killing Hornset
Mottled Necklace +2 IconMottled Necklace +2 Effect: Vastly raises robustness, immunity, and focus.
How to Get: Found inside a chest accessible via a sealed Spirit Spring in Rauh Ancient Ruins
Outer God Heirloom IconOuter God Heirloom Effect: Raises arcane.
How to Get: Found in small room at the top of Prospect Town
Pearl Shield Talisman IconPearl Shield Talisman Effect: Boosts all non-physical damage negation while guarding.
How to Get: Found inside a chest hidden among the boxes in a tent near the Ancient Ruin Base Site of Grace
Pearldrake Talisman +3 IconPearldrake Talisman +3 Effect: Boosts non-physical damage negation by the utmost.
How to Get: Found by raising the hanging statue in the Specimen Storehouse in Shadow Keep
RellanaRellana's Cameo Effect: Enhances attacks executed after maintaining the same stance for a while.
How to Get: Found on a church's altar located at Castle Ensis guarded by Moonrithyl
Retaliatory Crossed-Tree IconRetaliatory Crossed-Tree Effect: Enhances attacks executed after rolling or backstepping.
How to Get: Obtained from Leda after taking down Ansbach
Sharpshot Talisman IconSharpshot Talisman Effect: Boosts attack power of precision-aimed shots.
How to Get: Found on a corpse inside the Albinauric's Shack at the back of Shadow Keep
Shattered Stone Talisman IconShattered Stone Talisman Effect: Raises potency of kicking and stomping skills.
How to Get: Found on a corpse in Moorth Ruins (house at the sinkhole)
Smithing Talisman IconSmithing Talisman Effect: Enhances weapon-throwing attacks.
How to Get: Found on a corpse past the room with lava inside the Ruined Forge of Starfall Past
Spelldrake Talisman +3 IconSpelldrake Talisman +3 Effect: Boosts magic damage negation by the utmost.
How to Get: Room under the bridge near the Castle Front Site of Grace
St. TrinaSt. Trina's Smile Effect: Sleep in the vicinity increases attack power.
How to Get: Found at the end of Stone Coffine Fissure
Stalwart Horn Charm +2 IconStalwart Horn Charm +2 Effect: Vastly raises robustness.
How to Get: Found in Bonny Gaol in a room with a strong enemy after climbing a ladder out of a narrow rat tunnel.
Talisman of All Crucibles IconTalisman of All Crucibles Effect: Grants effects of all crucible talismans.
How to Get: Found in a chest inside a room accessible through the pillars in Rauh Ancient Ruins
Talisman of LordTalisman of Lord's Bestowal Effect: Increases poise after using a flask of tears.
How to Get: Found under a large golden tree inside Shadow Keep
Talisman of the Dread IconTalisman of the Dread Effect: Raises potency of magma.
How to Get: Found on a corpse at Elder's Hovel
Two-Handed Sword Talisman IconTwo-Handed Sword Talisman Effect: Enhances attacks with two-handed weapons.
How to Get: Foud in a treasure chest in Temple Town Ruins
Two-Headed Turtle Talisman IconTwo-Headed Turtle Talisman Effect: Greatly raises stamina recovery speed.
How to Get: Found at the end of Ellac River, in a cave behind the waterfall
Verdigris Discus IconVerdigris Discus Effect: Raises defense with higher equipment load.
How to Get: Found at the foot of a statue behind a waterfall in Ancient Ruins of Rauh
Viridian Amber Medallion +3 IconViridian Amber Medallion +3 Effect: Boosts maximum stamina by the utmost.
How to Get: Obtain from a chest in Darklight Catacombs, in a room with a broken ledge above. This room is in the chamber tied to the first light switch

How to Access DLC Talismans

Requires Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree - Mesmer

To be able to obtain these DLC talismans, you need to own and install the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Accessing the DLC requires defeating both Starscourge Radahn and Mohg, Lord of Blood.

After defeating the required bosses, the DLC can be started by interacting with Miquella's Egg at the Cocoon of the Empyrean Site of Grace in Mohgwyn Palace.

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