Elden Ring

How to Get to The Roundtable Hold | Table of Lost Grace

Elden Ring - Roundtable Hold

The Roundtable Hold is a central hub area in Elden Ring where you can interact with various NPCs and vendors. Read on to find out how to get to The Roundtable Hold, the NPCs that you can find there, and all activities you can do in the Roundtable Hold!

How to Get to the Roundtable Hold

Rest at a Site of Grace Outside Limgrave

Melina will invite you to the Roundtable Hold after you activate and rest at any Site of Grace outside of Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula. To prevent certain NPC quests from getting cut, avoid taking the shortcut to reach Liurnia.

Instead, head over to the Third Church of Marika and activate the teleporter behind it to reach Caelid. Once at Caelid, open the doors to the Bestial Sanctum (where Gurranq is). Activate and use the site of grace to have Melina take you to the Roundtable Hold.

Fight Margit Once

Elden Ring - Margit The Fell Omen

You can also access the Rountable Hold after fighting Margit, the Fell Omen. If he defeats you, rest at a site of grace and speak to Melina who will then offer to take you to the Roundtable Hold.

How to Beat Margit the Fell Omen

Unlocked for Fast Travel on Arrival

Elden Ring - Roundtable Hold Map

After you have gained access to the Roundtable Hold (either by fighting Margit or using a Site of Grace outside Limgrave), you'll be able to acess the Roundtable Hold by using the fast travel feature.

How to Fast Travel

All Roundtable Hold NPCs

Character Description
CorhynCorhyn Sells Incantations. Will be at the Roundtable Hold by default. If you tell him about Goldmask later on, he will leave the Roundtable Hold. His quest is the key to unlocking the Age of Order ending.
Smithing Master HewgSmithing Master Hewg The game's primary Blacksmith. Go to him for weapon upgrades, as well as Ash of War imprinting and duplication. He will unlock Roderika as a vendor for Spirit Ash Summon upgrades.
Twin Maiden HusksTwin Maiden Husks A general vendor inside the Roundtable Hold. Will accept Bell Bearings allowing you to access and purchase from merchant inventories of dead NPCs.
Enia, the Finger ReaderEnia, the Finger Reader Unlocked after you obtain your first Great Rune. Will allow you to use Remembrances to get the weapons and spells of the demigods. She will also allow you to purchase the armor sets of each of the demigods.
DiallosDiallos Will appear at the Roundtable Hold by default. Offers no services but completing his questline rewards you with his armor set.
RoderikaRoderika Appears at the Roundtable Hold if you fulfill one of the ff. conditions: defeated Godrick the Grafted, gave her the Chrysalid's Memento, or if went to Liurnia.
Can be convinced by Hewg to become a Spirit Tuner. This unlocks her as the primary vendor for Spirit Ash Summon upgrades.
FiaFia Can be hugged to obtain an HP debuff and a Baldachin's Blessing. Appears at the Roundtable Hold by default and progressing her questline allows you to unlock the Age of the Duskborn ending.
Gideon OfnirGideon Ofnir Appears at the Roundtable Hold by default and provides you with info about the Demigods. Will grant you rewards for informing him about the missing demigods like Malenia, Mohg, Ranni, and Miquella.
EnshaEnsha Appears at the Roundtable Hold by default. Obtaining either the left or right half of the Haligtree Secret Medallion will cause him to ambush you the next time you visit the Roundtable Hold. Defeat him to get his weapon and armor set.
RogierRogier Appears at the Roundtable Hold after you defeat Godrick the Grafted. Will sell Ashes of War while also providing hints regarding Fia's questline.
Nepheli LouxNepheli Loux Appears at the Roundtable Hold after you defeat Godrick the Grafted and after you defeat the Omenkiller at the Village of the Albinaurics. Complete her questline to gain access to 2 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones.
D, Hunter of the DeadD, Hunter of the Dead Appears at the Roundtable Hold once you defeat the Tibia Mariner at Summonwater Village and speak to him there or once you rest at a site of grace in Caelid or the Altus Plateau. Sells Incantations and his fate will be tied to Fia's questline.
Dung EaterDung Eater Will appear after you reach the Altus Plateau. Grants access to his quest which gives you the option to choose the Blessing of Despair ending on completion.

There are several NPCs that you can interact with in the Roundtable Hold. All of them will have questlines for you to complete and some of them will be vendors that you can purchase goods and services from.

What Can You Do At The Roundtable Hold?

All Roundtable Hold Activities

Access to Table of Lost Grace

The Table of Lost Grace functions similarly to a normal Site of Grace. However, after completing the game, you can interact with the Table of Lost Grace to start a New Game Plus (NG+) playthrough.

New Game Plus Guide

Upgrade Weapons and Imprint Ashes of War

Elden Ring - Hewg Smithing Options

Smithing Master Hewg will be the primary blacksmith of the game, offering to upgrade your weapons, as well as imprint and duplicate Ashes of War. Speak to him if you want to tinker with your weapons and adjust their affinities.

How to Upgrade Weapons

Buy and Sell Items, Equipment, and Spells

Elden Ring - Twin Maiden Husk Merchant

The Twin Maiden Husks are your primary vendor in Elden Ring. You can offer them Bell Bearings of dead NPCs to gain access to NPC merchant inventories.

Additionally, other merchant NPCs like Rogier, Corhyn, and even D will sell you Incantations so long as they remain at the Roundtable Hold.

Spirit Tuning to Upgrade Spirit Ashes

Once Roderika joins the Roundtable Hold, you can progress her and Hewg's questlines to get her to become a Spirit Tuner. Once she sets up shop in front of Hewg, you will be able to upgrade your Spirit Ashes using Grave or Ghost Gloveworts.

Obtain Baldachin's Blessings

Elden Ring - Fia

You can obtain an item called a Baldachin's Blessing from Fia by choosing to embrace her. On use, you will consume a small amount of your FP to temporarily boost your Poise. However, do note that your max HP will be reduced while this item is unused in your inventory.

Baldachin's Blessing Effects

Change Character Appearance

Elden Ring - Change Appearance Cosmetics

You can change your character's appearance and their cosmetics by using the Mirror in Fia's room. The only things you cannot change are your character's class and their Keepsake.

Character Creation Guide

Get Lore and Tips of the Demigods

Elden Ring - Gideon and Demigod Tips

Sir Gideon Ofnir will appear in The Roundtable Hold after defeating Godrick or one of the other Demigods. He will give lore and tips on the Remembraces of the Demigods, which helps the player in deciding who they should take on next.

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