Elden Ring

List of All Items

Elden Ring - List of All Items
This is a list of all items in Elden Ring, including Crafting Materials, Consumables, Upgrade Materials, Cookbooks, Tools, and Key Items! Read on to learn about each type of item and their effects.

List of All Items

All Items List

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Item Type Effect
Academy Glintstone Key IconAcademy Glintstone Key Key Item Key to open the academy's two sealed gates.
Academy Magic Pot IconAcademy Magic Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to inflict heavy magic damage.
Academy Scroll IconAcademy Scroll Sorcery Scroll Give to a learned sorcerer to acquire new sorceries.
Acid Spraymist IconAcid Spraymist Consumable Uses FP to release acid mist from the mouth.
Aeonian Butterfly IconAeonian Butterfly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Albinauric Bloodclot IconAlbinauric Bloodclot Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Albinauric Pot IconAlbinauric Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to impede healing using a flask of tears.
AlexanderAlexander's Innards Key Item Keepsake of the warrior jar Alexander.
Alluring Pot IconAlluring Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to lure foes of human build only.
Altus Bloom IconAltus Bloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Amber Draught IconAmber Draught Key Item Glistening amber draught made for a scheme.
Amber Starlight IconAmber Starlight Key Item Ingredient used in special draught.
Ancestral InfantAncestral Infant's Head Consumable Uses FP to spray spirit vapor.
Ancient Dragon ApostleAncient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Ancient Dragon ApostleAncient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Ancient Dragon ApostleAncient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Ancient Dragon ApostleAncient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Ancient Dragon KnightAncient Dragon Knight's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Ancient Dragon KnightAncient Dragon Knight's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone IconAncient Dragon Smithing Stone Upgrade Material Reinforces armaments to +25.
Ancient Dragonbolt Pot IconAncient Dragonbolt Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict heavy lightning damage.
Antiquity ScholarAntiquity Scholar's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Antiquity ScholarAntiquity Scholar's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 5 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 6 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
ArmorerArmorer's Cookbook 7 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Arteria Leaf IconArteria Leaf Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
AssassinAssassin's Prayerbook Prayerbook Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
BaldachinBaldachin's Blessing Consumable Uses FP to temporarily boost poise.
Battlefield PriestBattlefield Priest's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Battlefield PriestBattlefield Priest's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Battlefield PriestBattlefield Priest's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Battlefield PriestBattlefield Priest's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Beast Blood IconBeast Blood Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Beast Eye IconBeast Eye Key Item Said to tremble when close to Deathroot.
Beast Horn Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Beast Liver IconBeast Liver Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Beastlure Pot IconBeastlure Pot Throwable Uses FP. Lure beasts only.
BernahlBernahl's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Bewitching Branch IconBewitching Branch Consumable Uses FP to charm pierced enemy.
Black Knifeprint IconBlack Knifeprint Key Item Mark of the Night of the Black Knives ritual.
Black Pyrefly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Black Whetblade IconBlack Whetblade Whetblade Grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon.
BlackguardBlackguard's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Blasphemous Claw IconBlasphemous Claw Tool Deflects the power of the Black Blade.
Blessed Bone Shard Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Blood Grease IconBlood Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting blood loss.
Blood-Tainted Excrement IconBlood-Tainted Excrement Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Bloodboil Aromatic IconBloodboil Aromatic Consumable Uses FP to enter a temporary state of fervor.
Bloodrose IconBloodrose Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Bloodsucking Cracked Tear IconBloodsucking Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Enhances attacks at the cost of HP in mixed physick.
Bloody Finger IconBloody Finger Multiplayer Item Attempts invasion of other player's world.
Blue Cipher Ring IconBlue Cipher Ring Multiplayer Item Enables the wearer to answer calls for rescue.
Boiled Crab IconBoiled Crab Consumable Greatly boosts physical damage negation for a time.
Boiled Prawn IconBoiled Prawn Consumable Boosts physical damage negation.
Bone Dart IconBone Dart Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict damage.
Bone PeddlerBone Peddler's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Budding Cave Moss IconBudding Cave Moss Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Budding Horn IconBudding Horn Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Call of Tibia Consumable Use FP to summon one lost in death.
Carian Inverted Statue IconCarian Inverted Statue Key Item Key revealing the hidden form of Carian Study Hall.
Cave Moss IconCave Moss Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Celestial Dew IconCelestial Dew Key Item Carry out Absolution at the Church of Vows.
Cerulean Crystal Tear IconCerulean Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Restores half of total FP in mixed physick.
Cerulean Hidden Tear IconCerulean Hidden Tear Crystal Tear Eliminates all FP consumption in mixed physick.
Cerulean-Sapping Cracked Tear IconCerulean-Sapping Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Grants attacks FP-restoring effect in mixed physick.
Charming Branch Consumable Use FP to charm stabbed enemy and surrounding enemies.
ChrysalidsChrysalids' Memento Key Item Broach wrapped in red velvet.
Clarifying Boluses IconClarifying Boluses Consumable Alleviates madness buildup.
Clarifying Cured Meat IconClarifying Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts focus.
Clarifying White Cured Meat IconClarifying White Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts focus.
Congealed Putrescence Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Conspectus Scroll IconConspectus Scroll Sorcery Scroll Give to a learned sorcerer to acquire new sorceries.
CorhynCorhyn's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Crab Eggs IconCrab Eggs Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Cracked Crystal IconCracked Crystal Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Cracked Pot IconCracked Pot Crafting Material Container required for crafting cracked pot items.
Crafting Kit IconCrafting Kit Key Item Enables the practice of item crafting.
Crimson Bubbletear IconCrimson Bubbletear Crystal Tear Restores HP when near death in mixed physick.
Crimson Crystal Tear IconCrimson Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Restores half of total HP in mixed physick.
Crimson-Sapping Cracked Tear IconCrimson-Sapping Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Grants attacks HP-restoring effect in mixed physick.
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear IconCrimsonburst Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Steadily restores HP for a time in mixed physick.
Crimsonburst Dried Tear IconCrimsonburst Dried Tear Crystal Tear Steadily restores HP of nearby allies for a time in mixed physick.
Crimsonspill Crystal Tear IconCrimsonspill Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts max HP in mixed physick.
Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear IconCrimsonwhorl Bubbletear Crystal Tear Converts damage received into HP in mixed physick.
Crystal Bud IconCrystal Bud Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Crystal Cave Moss IconCrystal Cave Moss Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Crystal Dart IconCrystal Dart Throwable Uses FP. Throw to inflict magic damage.
Cuckoo Glintstone IconCuckoo Glintstone Consumable Uses FP to produce a magic bolt.
Cursed-Blood Pot IconCursed-Blood Pot Throwable Throw to douse enemy with accursed blood.
Cursemark of Death IconCursemark of Death Key Item Cursemark carved into Lunar Princess Ranni's discarded flesh.
DD's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
DancerDancer's Castanets Key Item Castanets used by dancers from distant lands.
Dappled Cured Meat IconDappled Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts immunity, robustness and focus.
Dappled White Cured Meat IconDappled White Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts immunity, robustness and focus.
Dark Moon Ring IconDark Moon Ring Key Item Ring of Lunar Princess Ranni's cold oath.
Deathroot IconDeathroot Key Item Beast Clergyman seeks and devours these.
Dectus Medallion (Left) IconDectus Medallion (Left) Key Item Join medallions to operate Grand Lift of Dectus.
Dectus Medallion (Right) IconDectus Medallion (Right) Key Item Join medallions to operate Grand Lift of Dectus.
Deep-Purple Lily Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Deflecting Hardtear IconDeflecting Hardtear Crystal Tear Enhances spontaneous guard in mixed physick.
Dewgem Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Dewkissed Herba IconDewkissed Herba Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear IconDexterity-knot Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts dexterity in mixed physick.
Discarded Palace Key IconDiscarded Palace Key Key Item Key to treasure chest for Carian Princesses.
Dragon Communion Flesh Consumable Boosts Vigor, Stamina, Strength, and Dexterity at the cost of gradual HP loss.
Dragon Communion Grease Consumable Coats armament, granting potent anti-dragon effect.
Dragon Communion Harpoon Consumable Throw at enemies to inflict heavy damage. Has an anti-dragon effect.
Dragon Cult Prayerbook IconDragon Cult Prayerbook Prayerbook Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
Dragon Heart IconDragon Heart Key Item Gain power of the dragon at the Dragon Communion altar.
Dragon's Calorbloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Dragonbolt Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting heavy lightning damage.
Dragonwound Grease IconDragonwound Grease Consumable Coats armament, granting special dragon attacks.
Drawing-Room Key IconDrawing-Room Key Key Item Key to the Volcano Manor drawing room.
Drawstring Blood Grease IconDrawstring Blood Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting blood loss.
Drawstring Dragonbolt Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting heavy lightning damage.
Drawstring Eternal Sleep Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting eternal sleep, but with a brief effect, owing to its small size.
Drawstring Fire Grease IconDrawstring Fire Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting fire damage.
Drawstring Golden Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting heavy holy damage
Drawstring Holy Grease IconDrawstring Holy Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting holy damage.
Drawstring Lightning Grease IconDrawstring Lightning Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting lightning damage.
Drawstring Magic Grease IconDrawstring Magic Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting magic damage.
Drawstring Messmerfire Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting heavy fire damage.
Drawstring Poison Grease IconDrawstring Poison Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting poison.
Drawstring Rot Grease IconDrawstring Rot Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot.
Drawstring Royal Magic Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting heavy magic damage.
Drawstring Soporific Grease IconDrawstring Soporific Grease Consumable Quickly coats armament, inflicting sleep.
DuelistDuelist's Furled Finger Multiplayer Item Creates competitive multiplayer summon signs.
Elden Remembrance IconElden Remembrance Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Ember of Messmer Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Empyrean-Blood Burgeon Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Erdleaf Flower IconErdleaf Flower Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Eternal Sleep Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting eternal sleep.
Eternal Sleep Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of eternal sleep.
Exalted Flesh IconExalted Flesh Consumable Temporarily boosts physical attack.
Explosive Stone IconExplosive Stone Throwable Explodes when thrown, inflicting fire damage.
Explosive Stone Clump IconExplosive Stone Clump Throwable Explodes when thrown together, inflicting fire damage.
Eye of Yelough IconEye of Yelough Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Faded Erdleaf Flower IconFaded Erdleaf Flower Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Faith-knot Crystal Tear IconFaith-knot Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts faith in mixed physick.
Fan Daggers IconFan Daggers Throwable Throw fanned-out knives at enemies to inflict damage.
Festering Bloody Finger IconFestering Bloody Finger Multiplayer Item Attempts invasion of other player's world.
Festive Grease Consumable Coats armament, granting wielder trace amount of runes on landing attacks
Fetid Pot IconFetid Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of deadly poison.
FevorFevor's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
FevorFevor's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
FevorFevor's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Finger Mimic Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Finger Severer IconFinger Severer Multiplayer Item Sends another, or oneself, home.
Finger-WeaverFinger-Weaver's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Finger-WeaverFinger-Weaver's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Fingerprint Grape IconFingerprint Grape Key Item Eyeball of the knight Vyke, inflamed yellow.
Fingerprint Nostrum Consumable Boosts Mind, Intelligence, Faith, and Arcane at the cost of gradual HP loss.
Fingerslayer Blade IconFingerslayer Blade Key Item Hidden treasure of the Eternal City of Nokron.
Fire Blossom IconFire Blossom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Fire Coil Consumable Use FP to conjure tiny fire snakes.
Fire Grease IconFire Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting fire damage.
Fire KnightFire Knight's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Fire KnightFire Knight's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Fire MonksFire Monks' Prayerbook Prayerbook Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
Fire Pot IconFire Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict fire damage.
Fire Spritestone Consumable Uses FP to release a fire sprite that bounces along the ground.
Fireproof Dried Liver IconFireproof Dried Liver Consumable Temporarily boosts fire damage negation.
Fireproof Pickled Liver Consumable Temporarily boost fire damage negation.
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear IconFlame-Shrouding Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts fire attacks in mixed physick.
Flask of Cerulean Tears IconFlask of Cerulean Tears Tool Restores FP.
Flask of Crimson Tears IconFlask of Crimson Tears Tool Restores HP.
Flask of Wondrous Physick IconFlask of Wondrous Physick Tool Bestows various special effects.
Flight Pinion IconFlight Pinion Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Forager Brood Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Forager Brood Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Forager Brood Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Forager Brood Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Forager Brood Cookbook 5 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Forager Brood Cookbook 6 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Forager Brood Cookbook 7 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Formic Rock IconFormic Rock Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Four-Toed Fowl Foot IconFour-Toed Fowl Foot Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Freezing Grease IconFreezing Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting frost.
Freezing Pot IconFreezing Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of frost.
Frenzied Flame Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of madness.
FrenziedFrenzied's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
FrenziedFrenzied's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Frenzyflame Stone IconFrenzyflame Stone Consumable Uses FP to continuosly heal chaos followers.
Frozen Maggot Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Frozen Raisin IconFrozen Raisin Consumable On horseback, feed to Torrent to vastly restore HP.
Fulgurbloom IconFulgurbloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Furlcalling Finger Remedy IconFurlcalling Finger Remedy Multiplayer Item Reveals co-op and hostile summoning signs.
Furnace Visage IconFurnace Visage Crafting Material Material used for crafting items
Gas Stone Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Ghost Glovewort IconGhost Glovewort Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to a certain level.
Ghost Glovewort 1 IconGhost Glovewort 1 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +1.
Ghost Glovewort 2 IconGhost Glovewort 2 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +2.
Ghost Glovewort 3 IconGhost Glovewort 3 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +3.
Ghost Glovewort 4 IconGhost Glovewort 4 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +4.
Ghost Glovewort 5 IconGhost Glovewort 5 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +5.
Ghost Glovewort 6 IconGhost Glovewort 6 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +6.
Ghost Glovewort 7 IconGhost Glovewort 7 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +7.
Ghost Glovewort 8 IconGhost Glovewort 8 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +8.
Ghost Glovewort 9 IconGhost Glovewort 9 Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +9.
Ghost-Glovewort PickerGhost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 1 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Ghost-Glovewort PickerGhost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Ghost-Glovewort PickerGhost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 3 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Ghostflame Bloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
GiantGiant's Prayerbook Prayerbook Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
Giantsflame Fire Pot IconGiantsflame Fire Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw at enemies to inflict heavy fire damage.
Glass Shard IconGlass Shard Consumable Shard of filthy glass. Worthless rubbish.
Glinting Nail Consumable Use FP to fling a magic nail that crumbles during flight.
Glintslab Firefly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 5 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 6 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 7 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Glintstone CraftsmanGlintstone Craftsman's Cookbook 8 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Glintstone Firefly IconGlintstone Firefly Throwable Material used for crafting items.
Glintstone Scrap IconGlintstone Scrap Consumable Break gem and use FP to produce a magic bolt.
Glintstone Whetblade IconGlintstone Whetblade Whetblade Grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon.
Glovewort Crystal Tear IconGlovewort Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Enhances attacks of spirits in mixed physick.
Glovewort PickerGlovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 1 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Glovewort PickerGlovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Glovewort PickerGlovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 3 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Glowstone IconGlowstone Throwable Emits a faint light from the location it is placed.
Godskin Prayerbook IconGodskin Prayerbook Prayerbook Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
Gold Firefly IconGold Firefly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Gold Sewing Needle IconGold Sewing Needle Key Item Special sewing needle for demigod attire.
Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot IconGold-Pickled Fowl Foot Consumable Boosts rune acquisition for a time.
Gold-Tinged Excrement IconGold-Tinged Excrement Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Golden Centipede IconGolden Centipede Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Golden Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting heavy holy damage
Golden Order Principia IconGolden Order Principia Key Item Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
Golden Rowa IconGolden Rowa Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Golden Rune 1 IconGolden Rune 1 Rune Use to gain a small number of runes.
Golden Rune 10 IconGolden Rune 10 Rune Use to gain a great many runes.
Golden Rune 11 IconGolden Rune 11 Rune Use to gain a great many runes.
Golden Rune 12 IconGolden Rune 12 Rune Use to gain a great many runes.
Golden Rune 13 IconGolden Rune 13 Rune Use to gain a great many runes.
Golden Rune 2 IconGolden Rune 2 Rune Use to gain a small number of runes.
Golden Rune 3 IconGolden Rune 3 Rune Use to gain runes.
Golden Rune 4 IconGolden Rune 4 Rune Use to gain runes.
Golden Rune 5 IconGolden Rune 5 Rune Use to gain runes.
Golden Rune 6 IconGolden Rune 6 Rune Use to gain many runes.
Golden Rune 7 IconGolden Rune 7 Rune Use to gain many runes.
Golden Rune 8 IconGolden Rune 8 Rune Use to gain many runes.
Golden Rune 9 IconGolden Rune 9 Rune Use to gain many runes.
Golden Seed IconGolden Seed Upgrade Material Reinforces the Sacred Flasks.
Golden Sunflower IconGolden Sunflower Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Golden Tailoring Tools IconGolden Tailoring Tools Key Item Allows demigod garb alteration at sites of grace.
Golden Vow Consumable Uses FP to increase attack and defense
GostocGostoc's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
GowryGowry's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Grace Mimic IconGrace Mimic Multiplayer Item Light shows the path, but without order.
Grave Cricket Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Grave Glovewort IconGrave Glovewort Upgrade Material Strengthen ashes to a certain level.
Grave Glovewort 1 IconGrave Glovewort 1 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +1.
Grave Glovewort 2 IconGrave Glovewort 2 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +2.
Grave Glovewort 3 IconGrave Glovewort 3 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +3.
Grave Glovewort 4 IconGrave Glovewort 4 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +4.
Grave Glovewort 5 IconGrave Glovewort 5 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +5.
Grave Glovewort 6 IconGrave Glovewort 6 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +6.
Grave Glovewort 7 IconGrave Glovewort 7 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +7.
Grave Glovewort 8 IconGrave Glovewort 8 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +8.
Grave Glovewort 9 IconGrave Glovewort 9 Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +9.
Grave Keeper's Brainpan Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Grave KeeperGrave Keeper's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Grave KeeperGrave Keeper's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Grave Violet IconGrave Violet Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Gravel Stone IconGravel Stone Throwable Material used for crafting items.
Gravity Stone Chunk IconGravity Stone Chunk Consumable Uses FP to cause a gravitational explosion.
Gravity Stone Fan IconGravity Stone Fan Consumable Uses FP to emit fan-shaped gravitational shockwave.
Gravity Stone PeddlerGravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
GreasemongerGreasemonger's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Great Dragonfly Head IconGreat Dragonfly Head Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Great Ghost Glovewort IconGreat Ghost Glovewort Upgrade Material Strengthen renowned ashes to +10.
Great Grave Glovewort  IconGreat Grave Glovewort Upgrade Material Strengthens ashes to +10.
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 10 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 11 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 12 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 13 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 14 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 5 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 6 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 7 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 8 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greater PotentateGreater Potentate's Cookbook 9 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Greenburst Crystal Tear IconGreenburst Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts stamina recovery speed in mixed physick.
Greenspill Crystal Tear IconGreenspill Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts stamina in mixed physick.
Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) IconHaligtree Secret Medallion (Left) Key Item Join medallions to operate Grand Lift of Rold.
Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) IconHaligtree Secret Medallion (Right) Key Item Join medallions to operate Grand Lift of Rold.
Heart of Bayle IconHeart of Bayle Key Item Gorge upon this at the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion to absorb Bayle's power.
Hefty Beast Bone IconHefty Beast Bone Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Hefty Cracked Pot Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Hefty Fetid Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause a large buildup of deadly poison
Hefty Fire Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflinct severe fire damage
Hefty Fly Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to release a large swarm of bloodflies
Hefty Freezing Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause a large buildup of frost
Hefty Frenzied Flame Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause a large buildup of madness.
Hefty Furnace Pot IconHefty Furnace Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to create a whirlwind of flame.
Hefty Lightning Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflinct severe lightning damage
Hefty Magic Pot Throwable Throw to inflict severe magic damage
Hefty Oil Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to soak them in a heavy coat of oil
Hefty Poison Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause a large buildup of poison
Hefty Rancor Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to spawn a throng of vengeful spirits
Hefty Red Lightning Pot Throwable Inflict heavy lightning damage that links nearby enemies
Hefty Rock Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict heavy damage
Hefty Rot Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause a large buildup of scarlet rot
Hefty Volcano Pot Throwable Creates heat cloud, causing continuous heavy fire damage
Herba IconHerba Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Herbalist's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
HeroHero's Rune 1 Rune Use to gain an abundance of runes.
HeroHero's Rune 2 Rune Use to gain an abundance of runes.
HeroHero's Rune 3 Rune Use to gain an abundance of runes.
HeroHero's Rune 4 Rune Use to gain an abundance of runes.
HeroHero's Rune 5 Rune Use to gain an abundance of runes.
Holy Grease IconHoly Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting holy damage.
Holy Water Pot IconHoly Water Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw at enemies to inflict holy damage.
Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear IconHoly-Shrouding Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts holy attacks in mixed physick.
Holyproof Dried Liver IconHolyproof Dried Liver Consumable Temporarily boosts holy damage negation.
Holyproof Pickled Liver Consumable Temporarily boost holy damage negation.
Horn-Strewn Excrement Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Human Bone Shard IconHuman Bone Shard Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
IgonIgon's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
IgonIgon's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
IgonIgon's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
IjiIji's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Imbued Sword Key IconImbued Sword Key Key Item Unseals sending gate, but disappears upon use.
Immunizing Cured Meat IconImmunizing Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts immunity.
Immunizing White Cured Meat IconImmunizing White Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts immunity.
Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear IconIntelligence-knot Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts intelligence in mixed physick.
Invigorating Cured Meat IconInvigorating Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts robustness.
Invigorating White Cured Meat IconInvigorating White Cured Meat Consumable Temporarily boosts robustness.
IrinaIrina's Letter Key Item Letter addressed to the commander of Castle Morne.
Iris of Grace IconIris of Grace Consumable Place on the eye of another to grant the light of grace as a fleeing blessing.
Iris of Occultation IconIris of Occultation Consumable Place on the eye of another to deny light in all its forms.
Iron Whetblade IconIron Whetblade Whetblade Grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon.
Ironjar Aromatic IconIronjar Aromatic Consumable Uses FP to temporarily turn wielder's body to steel.
KaleKale's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Knifeprint Clue Info Simple map showing location of black knifeprint.
Kukri IconKukri Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up onset of blood loss.
LamenterLamenter's Mask Tool Transforms wearer into a lamenter and causes head to swell in size
Land Octopus Ovary IconLand Octopus Ovary Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Lands Between Rune IconLands Between Rune Rune Use to gain many runes.
Lantern IconLantern Key Item Attach to waist to illuminate surroundings.
Large Glintstone Scrap IconLarge Glintstone Scrap Consumable Break gem and use FP to produce many magic bolts.
Larval Tear IconLarval Tear Key Item Material needed by Rennala to grant rebirth.
Leaden Hardtear IconLeaden Hardtear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts poise in mixed physick.
Letter from Volcano Manor (Old Knight Istvan) IconLetter from Volcano Manor (Old Knight Istvan) Info Request from Volcano Manor.
Letter from Volcano Manor (Rileigh the Idle) IconLetter from Volcano Manor (Rileigh the Idle) Info Request from Volcano Manor.
Letter to Bernahl IconLetter to Bernahl Info Request from Volcano Manor to Bernahl.
Letter to Patches IconLetter to Patches Info Request from Volcano Manor to Patches.
Lightning Grease IconLightning Grease Consumable Coasts armament, inflicting lightning damage.
Lightning Pot IconLightning Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict lightning damage.
Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear IconLightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts lightning attacks in mixed physick.
Lightningproof Dried Liver IconLightningproof Dried Liver Consumable Temporarily boosts lightning damage negation.
Lightningproof Pickled Liver Consumable Temporarily boost lightning damage negation.
Living Jar Shard IconLiving Jar Shard Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Lord of BloodLord of Blood's Favor (Bloody Cloth) Key Item Bloodied white oath-cloth, dyed in a maiden's blood.
Lord of BloodLord of Blood's Favor (White Cloth) Key Item Pure white oath-cloth given by Varré.
LordLord's Rune Rune Use to gain an enormous abundance of runes.
Lost Ashes of War IconLost Ashes of War Key Item Used to duplicate Ashes of War
Loyal KnightLoyal Knight's Cookbook Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Lulling Branch Consumable Pierce oneself, causing a gentle buildup of sleep. FP gradually recovers during this time.
Lump of Flesh IconLump of Flesh Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Mad CraftsmanMad Craftsman's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Mad CraftsmanMad Craftsman's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Mad CraftsmanMad Craftsman's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Magic Grease IconMagic Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting magic damage.
Magic Pot IconMagic Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to inflict magic damage.
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear IconMagic-Shrouding Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts magic attacks in mixed physick.
Map: Ainsel River IconMap: Ainsel River Map Map of Ainsel River and environs.
Map: Altus Plateau IconMap: Altus Plateau Map Map of Altus Plateau and environs.
Map: Caelid IconMap: Caelid Map Map of Caelid and environs.
Map: Consecrated Snowfield IconMap: Consecrated Snowfield Map Map of Consecrated Snowfield and environs.
Map: Deeproot Depths IconMap: Deeproot Depths Map Map of Deeproot Depths and environs.
Map: Dragonbarrow IconMap: Dragonbarrow Map Map of Dragonbarrow and environs.
Map: Lake of Rot IconMap: Lake of Rot Map Map of Lake of Rot and environs.
Map: Leyndell, Royal Capital IconMap: Leyndell, Royal Capital Map Map of Leyndell Capital and environs.
Map: Limgrave, East IconMap: Limgrave, East Map Map of Limgrave's eastern region.
Map: Limgrave, West IconMap: Limgrave, West Map Map of Limgrave's western region.
Map: Liurnia, East IconMap: Liurnia, East Map Map of Liurnia's eastern region.
Map: Liurnia, North IconMap: Liurnia, North Map Map of Liurnia's northern region.
Map: Liurnia, West IconMap: Liurnia, West Map Map of Liurnia's western region.
Map: Mohgywn Palace IconMap: Mohgywn Palace Map Map of Mohgwyn Palace and environs.
Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, East IconMap: Mountaintops of the Giants, East Map Map of Eastern Mountaintops of the Giants.
Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, West IconMap: Mountaintops of the Giants, West Map Map of Western Mountaintops of the Giants.
Map: Mt. Gelmir IconMap: Mt. Gelmir Map Map of Mt. Gelmir and environs.
Map: Siofra River IconMap: Siofra River Map Map of Siofra River and environs.
Map: Weeping Peninsula IconMap: Weeping Peninsula Map Map of Weeping Peninsula
MargitMargit's Shackle Tool Briefly binds Margit, once imprisoned, to earth.
Meat PeddlerMeat Peddler's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Medicine PeddlerMedicine Peddler's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Meeting Place Map IconMeeting Place Map Info Simple map showing a meeting place.
Examine using X.
Melted Mushroom IconMelted Mushroom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Memory of Grace IconMemory of Grace Tool Lose all runes, return to last site of lost grace visited.
Memory Stone IconMemory Stone Key Item Increases memory slots.
Mending Rune of Perfect Order IconMending Rune of Perfect Order Key Item Can be used to mend the shattered Elden Ring.
Mending Rune of the Death-Prince IconMending Rune of the Death-Prince Key Item Can be used to mend the shattered Elden Ring.
Mending Rune of the Fell Curse IconMending Rune of the Fell Curse Key Item Can be used to mend the shattered Elden Ring.
MessmerMessmer's Kindling Key Item Burns the Sealing Tree.
Messmerfire Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting heavy fire damage.
MimicMimic's Veil Multiplayer Item Uses FP to mimic nearby objects.
Miniature Ranni IconMiniature Ranni Key Item Doll resembling Ranni the Witch.
MiquellaMiquella's Lily Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
MiquellaMiquella's Needle Tool Subdues a once-accepted frenzied flame.
Mirage Riddle IconMirage Riddle Info Simple map taken from an imp statue.
Examine using X.
Miranda Powder IconMiranda Powder Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 5 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 6 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MissionaryMissionary's Cookbook 7 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
MohgMohg's Shackle Tool Briefly binds Mohg, once imprisoned, to earth.
MoldmongerMoldmonger's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
MooreMoore's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Mushroom IconMushroom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Mushroom-SellerMushroom-Seller's Bell Bearing 1 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Mushroom-SellerMushroom-Seller's Bell Bearing 2 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Nailstone Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Nascent Butterfly IconNascent Butterfly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Nectarblood Burgeon Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Neutralizing Boluses IconNeutralizing Boluses Consumable Alleviates poison buildup and cures poison.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 10 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 11 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 12 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 13 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 14 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 15 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 16 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 17 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 18 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 19 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 20 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 21 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 22 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 23 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 24 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 5 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 6 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 7 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 8 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Nomadic WarriorNomadic Warrior's Cookbook 9 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Note: Below the Capital Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Demi-human Mobs IconNote: Demi-human Mobs Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Flame Chariots Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Flask of Wondrous Physick IconNote: Flask of Wondrous Physick Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Frenzied Flame Village Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Gateway Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Gravity's Advantage Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Hidden Cave Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Imp Shades Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Land Squirts Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Revenants Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Stonedigger Trolls Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: The Preceptor's Secret Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Unseen Assassins Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Walking Mausoleum IconNote: Walking Mausoleum Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
Note: Waypoint Ruins IconNote: Waypoint Ruins Info Note imparting knowledge in brief.
NumenNumen's Rune Rune Use to gain a multitude of runes.
Oil Pot IconOil Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to soak them in oil.
Oil-Soaked Tear IconOil-Soaked Tear Crystal Tear Coats nearby enemies with oil in mixed physick.
Old Fang IconOld Fang Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Omen Bairn IconOmen Bairn Consumable Uses FP to unleash wraiths that chase down foes.
Opaline Bubbletear IconOpaline Bubbletear Crystal Tear Significantly negates damage in mixed physick.
Opaline Hardtear IconOpaline Hardtear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts all damage negation in physick.
Opaline Pickled Liver Consumable Temporarily boost non-physical damage negation.
PatchesPatches' Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Pearlescent Scale Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Perfume Bottle IconPerfume Bottle Crafting Material Essential vessel for crafting perfume items.
PerfumerPerfumer's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
PerfumerPerfumer's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
PerfumerPerfumer's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
PerfumerPerfumer's Cookbook 4 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire.
Pickled Turtle Neck IconPickled Turtle Neck Rune Temporarily boosts stamina recovery.
PidiaPidia's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Piquebone Arrow Consumable Releases a white smoke at the point of impact, luring in foes of human build who are not in combat, and drawing their aggression. Effective on demi-humans even if they are already in combat.
Piquebone Arrow (Fletched) Consumable Releases a white smoke at the point of impact, luring in foes of human build who are not in combat, and drawing their aggression. Effective on demi-humans even if they are already in combat.
Piquebone Bolt Consumable Releases a white smoke at the point of impact, luring in foes of human build who are not in combat, and drawing their aggression. Effective on demi-humans even if they are already in combat.
Poison Grease IconPoison Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting poison.
Poison Pot IconPoison Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of poison.
Poison Spraymist IconPoison Spraymist Consumable Uses FP to release poison mist from the mouth.
Poisonbloom IconPoisonbloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Poisonbone Dart IconPoisonbone Dart Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up poison.
Poisoned Stone IconPoisoned Stone Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of poison.
Poisoned Stone Clump IconPoisoned Stone Clump Throwable Throw together to cause buildup of poison.
Polter Stone Consumable Creates noises imitative of human presence where it lands when thrown.
Prattling Pate "Apologies" IconPrattling Pate "Apologies" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "Apologies".
Prattling Pate "Hello" IconPrattling Pate "Hello" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "Hello".
Prattling Pate "LetPrattling Pate "Let's get to it" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "Let's get ot it"
Prattling Pate "My beloved" IconPrattling Pate "My beloved" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "My beloved".
Prattling Pate "Please help" IconPrattling Pate "Please help" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "Please help".
Prattling Pate "Thank you" IconPrattling Pate "Thank you" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "Thank you".
Prattling Pate "Wonderful" IconPrattling Pate "Wonderful" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "Wonderful".
Prattling Pate "YouPrattling Pate "You're Beautiful" Prattling Pate Emits a voice that says "You're beautiful"
Preserving Boluses IconPreserving Boluses Tool Alleviates scarlet rot buildup and cures rot.
Pureblood KnightPureblood Knight's Medal Tool Audience with Mohg will be granted, one day.
Purifying Crystal Tear IconPurifying Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Purifies the Lord of Blood's curse in a mixed physick.
Radiant BaldachinRadiant Baldachin's Blessing Consumable Uses FP to temporarily boost poise.
Rainbow Stone IconRainbow Stone Consumable Shines with colored light when placed, serving as a guide.
Rancor Pot IconRancor Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to spawn vengeful spirits.
Rauh Burrow Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Raw Meat Dumpling IconRaw Meat Dumpling Consumable Restores HP but causes poison buildup.
Recusant Finger IconRecusant Finger Multiplayer Item Attempts invasion of other player's world.
Red Fulgurbloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Red Letter Info Request from Volcano Manor.
Red Lightning Pot Throwable Inflict lightning damage that links to nearby enemies.
Red-Hot Whetblade IconRed-Hot Whetblade Whetblade Grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon.
Redmane Fire Pot IconRedmane Fire Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict heavy fire damage.
Regal Omen Bairn IconRegal Omen Bairn Consumable Uses FP to unleash many wraiths that chase down foes.
Rejuvenating Boluses IconRejuvenating Boluses Consumable Alleviates death blight buildup.
Remembrance of a God and Lord IconRemembrance of a God and Lord Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of Hoarah Loux IconRemembrance of Hoarah Loux Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of Putrescence IconRemembrance of Putrescence Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Black Blade IconRemembrance of the Black Blade Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Blasphemous IconRemembrance of the Blasphemous Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Blood Lord IconRemembrance of the Blood Lord Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Dancing Lion IconRemembrance of the Dancing Lion Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Dragonlord IconRemembrance of the Dragonlord Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Fire Giant IconRemembrance of the Fire Giant Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen IconRemembrance of the Full Moon Queen Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Grafted IconRemembrance of the Grafted Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Impaler IconRemembrance of the Impaler Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Lichdragon IconRemembrance of the Lichdragon Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame IconRemembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers IconRemembrance of the Mother of Fingers Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Naturalborn IconRemembrance of the Naturalborn Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Omen King IconRemembrance of the Omen King Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor IconRemembrance of the Regal Ancestor Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Rot Goddess IconRemembrance of the Rot Goddess Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Saint of the Bud IconRemembrance of the Saint of the Bud Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower IconRemembrance of the Shadow Sunflower Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Starscourge IconRemembrance of the Starscourge Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight IconRemembrance of the Twin Moon Knight Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Remembrance of the Wild Boar Rider IconRemembrance of the Wild Boar Rider Remembrance Take the power of its namesake via Finger Reader.
Rimed Crystal Bud IconRimed Crystal Bud Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Rimed Rowa IconRimed Rowa Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Ritual Pot IconRitual Pot Crafting Material Container required for crafting ritual pot items.
RogierRogier's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Rogier's Letter Info Letter written in a trembling hand.
Rold Medallion IconRold Medallion Key Item Operates Grand Lift of Rold.
Root Resin IconRoot Resin Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Roped Fetid Pot IconRoped Fetid Pot Throwable Throw behind to cause buildup of deadly poison.
Roped Fire Pot IconRoped Fire Pot Throwable Throw behind to inflict fire damage.
Roped Fly Pot IconRoped Fly Pot Throwable Throw behind to release a swarm of flies.
Roped Frenzied Flame Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of madness.
Roped Holy Water Pot IconRoped Holy Water Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw behind to inflict holy damage.
Roped Lightning Pot IconRoped Lightning Pot Throwable Throw behind to inflict lightning damage.
Roped Magic Pot IconRoped Magic Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw behind to inflict magic damage.
Roped Oil Pot IconRoped Oil Pot Throwable Throw behind to douse enemies in oil.
Roped Poison Pot IconRoped Poison Pot Throwable Throw behind to cause buildup of poison.
Roped Volcano Pot IconRoped Volcano Pot Throwable Creates heat cloud, causing continuous fire damage.
Rot Grease IconRot Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot.
Rot Pot IconRot Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to cause buildup of scarlet rot.
Roundrock Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Rowa Fruit IconRowa Fruit Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Rowa Raisin IconRowa Raisin Consumable On horseback, feed to Torrent to restore HP.
Royal House Scroll IconRoyal House Scroll Sorcery Scroll Give to a learned sorcerer to acquire new sorceries.
Royal Magic Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting heavy magic damage.
Ruin Fragment IconRuin Fragment Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Ruins Map Map TBD
Ruins Map (2nd) Map TBD
Ruins Map (3rd) Map TBD
Rune Arc IconRune Arc Consumable Grants the blessing of an equipped Great Rune upon use.
Ruptured Crystal Tear IconRuptured Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Causes concoction to explode in mixed physick.
Rusty Key IconRusty Key Key Item Opens locked door in Stormveil Castle.
RyaRya's Necklace Key Item Rya's necklace, stolen by a blackguard.
Sacramental Bud IconSacramental Bud Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Sacred Order Pot IconSacred Order Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw at enemies to inflict heavy holy damage.
Sacred Tear IconSacred Tear Upgrade Material Improves Sacred Flask's potency.
Sanctified Whetblade IconSanctified Whetblade Whetblade Grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon.
Sanctuary Stone IconSanctuary Stone Throwable Material used for crafting items.
Sanguine Amaryllis Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Scarlet Bud Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Scorpion Liver Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Scriptstone IconScriptstone Multiplayer Item Reveals more messages from other worlds.
Seedbed Curse IconSeedbed Curse Key Item Curse grown on a body defiled by the Dung Eater.
SellenSellen's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
SellenSellen's Primal Glintstone Key Item Glintstone from within Sellen's body.
Sellia's Secret Info A piece of paper given by Sage Gowry.
Sellian Sealbreaker IconSellian Sealbreaker Key Item Can release Master Lusat from his confinement.
SeluvisSeluvis's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
SeluvisSeluvis's Introduction Key Item Letter of introduction addressed to Sellen.
SeluvisSeluvis's Potion Key Item Small flask received from Preceptor Seluvis.
SerpentSerpent's Amnion Key Item Amnion from a womb that bore unintended offspring
Sewer-Gaol Key IconSewer-Gaol Key Key Item Unlocks sewer-gaol door beneath Leyndell.
Sewing Needle IconSewing Needle Key Item Boc the demi-human's prized sewing needle
Shabriri Grape IconShabriri Grape Key Item Yellowing, oozing eyeball of the infirm.
Shadow Sunflower Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Sharp Gravel Stone Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Shield Grease IconShield Grease Consumable Boosts guarding ability and all damage negation.
Silver Firefly IconSilver Firefly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Silver Tear Husk IconSilver Tear Husk Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot IconSilver-Pickled Fowl Foot Consumable Temporarily boosts item discovery.
Sleep Pot IconSleep Pot Throwable Uses FP. Throw to cause buildup of sleep.
Sliver of Meat IconSliver of Meat Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Slumbering Egg IconSlumbering Egg Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Small Golden Effigy IconSmall Golden Effigy Multiplayer Item Sends a co-op sign to summoning pools.
Small Red Effigy IconSmall Red Effigy Multiplayer Item Sends a hostile sign to summoning pools.
Smithing Stone IconSmithing Stone Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to a certain level.
Smithing Stone 1 IconSmithing Stone 1 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +3
Smithing Stone 2 IconSmithing Stone 2 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +6
Smithing Stone 3 IconSmithing Stone 3 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +9
Smithing Stone 4 IconSmithing Stone 4 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +12
Smithing Stone 5 IconSmithing Stone 5 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +15
Smithing Stone 6 IconSmithing Stone 6 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +18
Smithing Stone 7 IconSmithing Stone 7 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +21
Smithing Stone 8 IconSmithing Stone 8 Upgrade Material Reinforce armaments up to +24
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 2 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 3 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Smithing-Stone MinerSmithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 4 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Smoldering Butterfly IconSmoldering Butterfly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Soap IconSoap Consumable Removes filth and accumulations on the body.
Soft Cotton IconSoft Cotton Consumable Temporarily reduces fall damage and sound.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone IconSomber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Upgrade Material Reinforces special armaments to +10.
Somber Smithing Stone IconSomber Smithing Stone Upgrade Material Strengthens special armaments to a certain level.
Somber Smithing Stone 1 IconSomber Smithing Stone 1 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +1
Somber Smithing Stone 2 IconSomber Smithing Stone 2 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +2
Somber Smithing Stone 3 IconSomber Smithing Stone 3 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +3
Somber Smithing Stone 4 IconSomber Smithing Stone 4 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +4
Somber Smithing Stone 5 IconSomber Smithing Stone 5 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +5
Somber Smithing Stone 6 IconSomber Smithing Stone 6 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +6
Somber Smithing Stone 7 IconSomber Smithing Stone 7 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +7
Somber Smithing Stone 8 IconSomber Smithing Stone 8 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +8
Somber Smithing Stone 9 IconSomber Smithing Stone 9 Upgrade Material Reinforce special armaments up to +9
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 1 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 2 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 3 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 4 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Somberstone MinerSomberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 5 Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Soporific Grease IconSoporific Grease Consumable Coats armament, inflicting sleep.
Spark Aromatic IconSpark Aromatic Consumable Uses FP to broadly scatter sparks in a wide arc straight ahead.
Speckled Hardtear IconSpeckled Hardtear Crystal Tear Boosts resistance and heals status in mixed physick.
Spectral Steed Whistle IconSpectral Steed Whistle Tool Summon and ride Torrent, spectral steed.
SpellmachinistSpellmachinist's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Spellproof Dried Liver IconSpellproof Dried Liver Consumable Temporarily boosts magic damage negation.
Spellproof Pickled Liver Consumable Temporarily boost magic damage negation.
Spiked Cracked Tear IconSpiked Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Enhances charged attacks for a time in mixed physick.
Spirit Calculus Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Spirit Calling Bell IconSpirit Calling Bell Key Item Bell that summons various spirits from ashen items.
Spirit Raisin Consumable Spectral steed pushes back enemies when breaking into gallop.
Spiritgrave Stone Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Spritestone Consumable Uses FP to release a sprite that slowly homes in on enemies.
St. Trina DiscipleSt. Trina Disciple's Cookbook 1 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
St. Trina DiscipleSt. Trina Disciple's Cookbook 2 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
St. Trina DiscipleSt. Trina Disciple's Cookbook 3 Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Stanching Boluses IconStanching Boluses Consumable Alleviates impending blood loss.
Starlight Shard IconStarlight Shard Consumable Use to gradually recover HP.
Stimulating Boluses IconStimulating Boluses Consumable Alleviates buildup of sleep.
Stonebarb Cracked Tear IconStonebarb Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Makes attacks more likely to break enemy stances in a mixed physick.
Stonebarb-Shrouding Cracked Tear IconStonebarb-Shrouding Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Makes attacks more likely to break enemy stances in a mixed physick.
Stonesword Key IconStonesword Key Key Item Breaks the seal on imp statues, but can only be used once.
Stormhawk Feather IconStormhawk Feather Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Strength-knot Crystal Tear IconStrength-knot Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily boosts strength in mixed physick.
String IconString Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
String-SellerString-Seller's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Strip of White Flesh IconStrip of White Flesh Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Sunwarmth Stone Consumable Uses FP to continuously heal nearby allies
Surging Frenzied Flame Consumable Place a stone on the ground that spews frenzied flame.
Swarm Pot IconSwarm Pot Throwable Throw at enemies to release a swarm of flies.
Sweet Raisin IconSweet Raisin Consumable On horseback, feed to Torrent to greatly restore HP.
Swollen Grape Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Tailoring Tools IconTailoring Tools Key Item Enables armor adjustment at sites of grace.
Talisman Pouch IconTalisman Pouch Key Item Increases talisman equip slots.
Tarnished Golden Sunflower IconTarnished Golden Sunflower Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
TarnishedTarnished's Furled Finger Multiplayer Item Creates cooperative multiplayer summon signs.
TarnishedTarnished's Wizened Finger Multiplayer Item Used to write messages.
TaunterTaunter's Tongue Multiplayer Item Lures in invaders.
Telescope IconTelescope Tool Allows viewer to see faraway things.
Thawfrost Boluses IconThawfrost Boluses Consumable Alleviates buildup of frost.
The Stormhawk King IconThe Stormhawk King Key Item Ashes of a hawk which heeds no summons.
Thin Beast Bones IconThin Beast Bones Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
ThopsThops's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access.
Thorny Cracked Tear IconThorny Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Makes consecutive attacks grow stronger in mixed physick.
Throwing Dagger IconThrowing Dagger Throwable Throw at enemies to inflict damage.
TibiaTibia's Cookbook Cookbook Expands crafting repertoire
Tonic of Forgetfulness IconTonic of Forgetfulness Key Item Tonic that banishes distress and bitter memories
Toxic Mossling Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Toxic Mushroom IconToxic Mushroom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
TrinaTrina's Lily Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Turtle Neck Meat IconTurtle Neck Meat Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Twiggy Cracked Tear IconTwiggy Cracked Tear Crystal Tear Briefly stop rune loss on death in mixed physick.
Two FingersTwo Fingers' Prayerbook Prayerbook Give to a learned cleric to acquire new incantations.
Unalloyed Gold Needle IconUnalloyed Gold Needle Key Item Snapped intricate needle of unalloyed gold.
Uplifting Aromatic IconUplifting Aromatic Consumable Uses FP to raise the attack power of the user and nearby allies while also reducing the damage from one incoming attack by half.
ValkyrieValkyrie's Prosthesis Key Item Golden prosthesis used by the one-armed Valkyrie.
Viridian Hidden Tear IconViridian Hidden Tear Crystal Tear Eliminates all stamina consumption in mixed physick.
Volcanic Stone IconVolcanic Stone Throwable Material used for crafting items.
Volcano Manor Invitation IconVolcano Manor Invitation Info Letter of invitation to Volcano Manor.
Volcano Pot IconVolcano Pot Throwable Creates heat cloud, causing continuous fire damage.
Warming Stone IconWarming Stone Consumable Uses FP to continuously heal nearby allies.
Weathered Dagger IconWeathered Dagger Key Item Dagger received from Fia, Deathbed Companion.
Well-Pickled Turtle Neck Consumable Temporarily boost stamina recovery speed.
Whetstone Knife IconWhetstone Knife Whetblade Can add new battle arts and affinities to weapons.
White Cipher Ring IconWhite Cipher Ring Multiplayer Item When invaded, requests the aid of a rescuer.
Windy Crystal Tear IconWindy Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Enhances dodge rolls for a time in mixed physick.
Winged Crystal Tear IconWinged Crystal Tear Crystal Tear Temporarily reduces equip load in mixed physick.
Winter-Lantern Fly Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Wraith Calling Bell IconWraith Calling Bell Tool Uses FP to ring bell and calls prowling wraiths.
Yellow Ember IconYellow Ember Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
Yellow Fulgurbloom Crafting Material Material used for crafting items.
YmirYmir's Bell Bearing Bell Bearing Offer to Twin Maiden Husks for new item access
Zoraya's Letter Info Farewell letter written in an inexpert hand.

All Item Types

In-Game Item Types
Key Item IconAll Key Items Crafting Material IconAll Crafting Materials Arrow and Bolt IconAll Arrows and Bolts
Bolstering Material IconAll Bolstering Materials Tool IconAll Tools Elden Ring - RemembrancesAll Remembrances
Elden Ring - Bell BearingsAll Bell Bearings - -

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Elden Ring - Spirit AshesSpirit Ashes Elden Ring - Bell BearingsBell Bearings
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