Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Shadow Keep Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

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Shadow Keep is one of the Legacy Dungeons that you can explore in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on for a complete walkthrough of the dungeon, its location on the map, list of bosses and how to beat them, and obtainable items in Shadow Keep Legacy Dungeon!

Shadow Keep Walkthroughs
Shadow Keep (Main Entrance) Specimen Storehouse
Church District Shadow Keep, Back Gate

Shadow Keep Overview

Shadow Keep Basic Information

Shadow Keep

View Full Map
Type Legacy Dungeon
Region Scadu Altus
Location North side of Scadu Altus next to the lake.

Shadow Keep is found in the Scadu Altus region of the Realm of Shadow.

Realm of Shadow DLC Interactive Map

How to Get to Shadow Keep

Elden Ring - How to Get to Shadow Keep.png

If you are following the main story of the DLC (part of which is defeating Messmer the Impaler), you will need to make it to the Shadow Keep Main Entrance. You will need to travel to the Highroad Cross Site of Grace first.

To get to the Highroad Cross, you can either pass through Castle Ensis, defeating Rellana, Twin Moon Knight, or you can pass through Fort of Reprimand via a sealed spiritspring near Elder's Hovel then pass through Moorth Ruins.

Alternate Storehouse Entrance at Church District

Elden Ring - How to Get to Church District

If you want to prioritize side content first, there is an alternate section of the Shadow Keep that is only accessible via the Church District area which is through the eastern entrance of Shadow Keep.

To get to the east of Scadu Atlus, you will need to go through an underground path in Moorth Ruins leading to Bonny Village, and then following the path east then north to the Church District Highroad. The entrance to an alternate section of the Shadow Keep is at the northwest of that site of grace.

Church District Walkthrough and Location

Shadow Keep Walkthrough

Shadow Keep Main Path
checkmark Reach Shadow Keep's Main Gate Plaza.

checkmark Reach the Specimen Storehouse Elevator.

Shadow Keep Detour Path
(Castle Watering Hole Coffin Access)
checkmark Gain Access to Shadow Keep Secret Coffin.

Shadow Keep Main Path Guide

Reaching the Shadow Keep Entrance
1 Elden Ring - On the Way to the Shadow Keep Entrance
From the Highroad Cross Site of Grace, follow the path north and power through or maneuver around the enemy encampment and the Furnace Golem until you reach the main gate.
 ⓘ Upon reaching within the proximity of the Shadow Keep's entrance, a shattering sound will be heard and will get a prompt about a Great Rune and a charm being broken. This signifies that the Stone Coffin Fissure is now accessible and NPC quests have shifted.
2 Elden Ring - Take the Elevator Up
Once at the entrance to Shadow Keep, head inside, take the elevator up, and claim the Shadow Keep Main Gate Site of Grace. Prepare for a boss battle once you enter the doorway next to it!
Main Gate Plaza
3 Elden Ring - Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus
Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus. After defeating this boss and claiming the Main Gate Plaza, enter the room to the west.
4 Elden Ring - Staircase
Push forward and follow the path up the stairs.
 ① The doorway at the top of the stairs leads to a large dining room with an exit to the main ramparts.
 ② The doorway at the stair's midsection leads to a garden with a giant golden tree. You will find the Talisman of Lord's Bestowal at the foot of the tree.
Golden Tree Area (Detour)
If you decide to explore the doorway at the midsection of the stairs and into the main garden, there will be two exits:
 ① The southwest exit will lead you back to the Main Gate Plaza's west room with the kneeling spirit.
 ② The north exit will lead you to an armory. The next doorway in the room will have a ladder guarded by a knight. This ladder leads to the large dining room with an exit to the main ramparts.
Choose ② if you want to proceed to the dining hall without circling back to the stairs again.
Main Ramparts
At the center of the ramparts, you will find:
 ① To the north, an elevator leading to the Specimen Storehouse guarded by a Fire Knight. Follow this path to progress the main story.
 ② The path south going down will lead to a door that gives you quick access back to the Main Gate Plaza.
 ③ At the east of the main ramparts is a ladder that will lead you to a coffin transport to the Castle Watering Hole (Scadu Atlus) which gives you access to another large part of the lower areas of the Realm of Shadow (such a Ruins of Unte, Recluses' River, and eventually the Abyssal Woods).
To continue progressing the main story to Messmer, take ① the elevator to the Specimen Storehouse.
Once you have gotten past the Fire Knight in the way. Take the elevator to the Specimen Storehouse. The Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace will be waiting for you at the top.

How to Get to Messmer

Going Through the Main Gate
After arriving at the main entrance of Shadow Keep, take the elevator up and you will find the Shadow Keep Main Gate site of grace. Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus ahead to progress further. You can summon Hornsent and Freyja for this fight if you have progressed their questline.
After defeating the boss, take the path to the west to progress further and go to the top of the wooden stairs on your right into the room with two Black Knights. Head past them and take the stairs on your left into a Fire Knight. Take the lift behind him to arrive at the Specimen Storehouse.
Specimen Storehouse Run-Through
From the Storehouse, First Floor site of grace, take the path to the left and into the narrow alley. Keep moving forward and once you are up the stairs, immediately take a left by the bookshelves.
Go past the first intersection and take a right into the stairs leading up. Go up another set of stairs in front of you that leads to a Fire Knight in the middle. Head past him to his left onto the bridge and jump on the feet of the statue hanging on your right. You will find the Specimen Storehouse, Fourth Floor site of grace at the end.
From the Storehouse, Fourth Floor site of grace, go out the doorway, take a left, and go up the stairs past the Fire Knight at the end. Head inside the doorway on the left, take a right and keep moving forward past another Fire Knight until you reach a set of stairs leading up. Take these stairs two more times going up another floor to find the Storehouse, Seventh Floor site of grace inside the room in front of you.
Head back outside the room and go down a floor by the stairs into another room with a lever at the end. Pull the lever to rotate the pillar in the middle, opening a path leading up. Jump onto the wooden pillar and climb the goat statue leading to a small room with a Stake of Marika.
7 Specimen Storehouse Bridge to Messmer
Head out the doorway and go up the stairs on your right to find a Fire Knight guarding the double doors. Open the door and go up the stairs to find the Dark Chamber Entrance site of grace and Messmer the Impaler.

Path to the Castle Watering Hole Coffin

To the Castle Watering Hole (Detour)
The ladder can be found at the east of the main ramparts. Climb the ladder down and head into the waterfall to find a room with another ladder to climb down below.
 ⓘ You can continue exploring the edge after the waterfall entrance to find a slumped corpse with Somber Smithing Stone 8. Turn back after this since there is nothing at the end.
At the bottom of the ladder, you will find a room with a painting. Claim the "Domain of Dragons" Painting on the left, then hit or roll into the wall on the right to clear an illusory wall and reveal a path to the coffin transport.
 ⓘ The painting can be given to the ghost painter southwest of the the Jagged Peak Mountainside Site of Grace (use a spiritspring to get there) in exchange for a Rock Heart, allowing you to transform into a dragon form for boosted Dragon Communion incantations.
Past the illusory wall, head down the stairs and follow the stream to the left. Use the coffin to teleport to an entrance near the Castle Watering Hole Site of Grace.
Once out of the coffin, move forward and claim the Castle Watering Hole Site of Grace. You can open your map and head back to any of the site of graces in Shadow Keep from here, or you can continue your detour.

Gaining access to the Castle Watering Hole Site of Grace via a secret coffin in Shadow Keep will give you access to other major lower areas of the Realm of Shadows such as the Ruins of Unte and the Abyssal Woods.

Shadow Keep Items and Equipment

List of Obtainable Rewards
Scadutree Fragment x3 Weapons Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns
Talisman of Lord's Bestowal Iris of Grace -

Shadow Keep Scadutree Fragment Locations

Checkbox Overworld View Map Location
Scadutree Fragment Location: Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus at Shadow Keep.
Scadutree Fragment Location: Inside a flooded room before the lift and the drain lever.
Scadutree Fragment Location: Inside a room near the Site of Grace.

All Scadutree Fragment Locations

Shadow Keep Weapons

Weapon Details
Main-gauche Icon Main-gauche
Weapon Skill: Parry
Weight: 2.5
Type: Daggers
Stat Requirements:
STR: 7
DEX: 15
Fire Knight Fire Knight's Greatsword
Weapon Skill: Stamp (Upward Cut)
Weight: 16.0
Type: Colossal Sword
Stat Requirements:
STR: 22
DEX: 18
FAI: 12

All DLC Weapons

Shadow Keep Spells

Spell Type and Effect
Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns Icon Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns Type: Incantation
FP Cost: 14
Creates a mass of bristling thorns on back to scour the area.

All DLC Spells

Shadow Keep Talismans

Talisman Weight and Effect
Talisman of LordTalisman of Lord's Bestowal Weight: 3.0
Effect: Increases poise after using a flask of tears.

All DLC Talismans

Iris of Grace

World View Map Location

One Iris of Grace is found in the Shadow Keep. Fast travel to the West Rampart site of grace and keep heading east into the Living Jar room. The Iris of Grace will be in front of an altar with a fleshy enemy guarding it.

Iris Grace Locations and How to Use

Shadow Keep Bosses

The Golden Hippopotamus

Elden Ring - Defeat the Golden Hippopotamus

The Golden Hippopotamus is a DLC boss required to be defeated for gaining further access to Shadow Keep from its main entrance.

Defeating the Golden Hippopotamus will reward the Aspect of the Crucible: Thorns incantation and will unlock the Main Gate Plaza Site of Grace.

How to Beat the Golden Hippopotamus

Messmer the Impaler (After Specimen Storehouse)

Elden Ring - Defeat Messmer the Impaler mode:show

Messmer the Impaler is only accessible after clearing the Specimen Storehouse on top of Shadow Keep.

Messmer the Impaler is a DLC Remembrance boss and is required for progressing the DLC main story, giving you Messmer's Kindling for burning the Sealing Tree which gives access to Enir-Ilim. Defeating him also unlocks Messmer's Dark Chamber Site of Grace.

Defeat Messmer to obtain the Remembrance of the Impaler and acquire either the Spear of the Impaler or Messmer's Orb incantation.

How to Beat Messmer the Impaler

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