Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Jori, Elder Inquisitor Location and How to Beat

How to Beat Jori Elder Inquisitor

Jori, Elder Inquisitor is the boss found at the end of the Blacklight Catacombs in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. See Jori, Elder Inquisitor's location, stats and drops, and how to beat Jori, Elder Inquisitor here.

Jori, Elder Inquisitor Location

Found at end of Darklight Catacombs

World View Map Location

Jori, Elder Inquisitor is found at the bottom of the Darklight Catacombs in Scadu Altus, guarding the boundary to the Abyssal Woods. Navigate the Catacombs to search for lifts to keep descending until you reach the fog wall.

Reach Darklight Catacombs From Castle Watering Hole

To get to Darklight Catacombs, you will need find the coffin in Shadow Keep in order to reach Recluses' River, which leads to the Catacombs. The coffin can be found behind an illusory wall after taking the lift down from Specimen Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace.

Jori, Elder Inquisitor Weakness

Weak to Slash Damage

Jori, Elder Inquisitor is weak to Slash damage, so try to equip Curved Swords, Katanas, Great Katanas, or other types of weapons that deal Slash-type damage.

Backhand Blade, Rakshasa's Great Katana and Claws of Night are great DLC options, while Rivers of Blood and Bloodhound's Fang from the base game are also effective against Jori.

List of All Slash Weapons

Weak to Fire and Lightning Damage

Fire damage is the most effective element against Jori, but Lightning is almost equal in performance with Fire. Both of these elements are affected by the water in the boss arena.

Infuse weapons with Fire or Lightning affinities using the Red-Hot Whetblade or Sanctified Whetblade to deal extra damage. Or, take armaments with innate Fire or Lightning damage like the Fire Knight's Greatsword and the Death Knight's Twin Axes.

For spellcasters, memorize incantations like Knight's Lightning Spear and Fire Serpent to poke Jori from range in a magic firefight.

Susceptible to Sleep

Jori can be temporarily stunned with Sleep, as he succumbs to the status after just 4 Sleepbone Arrows. You can also craft and toss Sleep Pots and Eternal Sleep Pots if you have any prepared.

Melee builds can instead use the Sword of St. Trina or Velvet Sword of St. Trina to build up sleep with melee hits. Or, you can craft Eternal Sleep Grease to infuse your preferred weapon with Sleep buildup.

List of All Sleep Weapons

Jori, Elder Inquisitor General Tips

Tips for Beating Jori, Elder Inquisitor

Keep Track of Jori's Summons

Jori, Elder Inquisitor is heavily reliant on casting spells from a distance, and will frequently summon different types of mobs to harass you in different ways. Memorize the different mobs and their behaviors to know how to avoid or deal with them so you can keep your focus trained on Jori.

Tank Summon

Jori - Tank Summon

Jori's tank summon will slowly pursue and try to body slam you. Keep it in view, but it is normally too slow to be a threat. It will dissipate once it does its candle fire breath attack.

Caster Summons

Jori - Caster Summons

Jori will sometimes spawn a pair of casters that will charge then fire a full-auto barrage of arc spells similar to Jori's own spell attack. Run directly sideways to avoid their tracking. They will dissipate after doing their spells.

Candlebearer Summons

Jori - Candle Summons

Jori can spawn a pair of candlebearing mobs that will either pursue and melee you with their candlesticks, or blow the candles to breathe fire similar to the tank summon. They will dissipate after either of these attacks.

Simultaneous Summon

Jori - Full Summon

Jori will sometimes spawn all three types of mobs at once to swarm you. The casters will fire their spells at you, the candlebearers will either breathe fire or try to melee you, and the tank summon will do a new move where it continuously spins while tracking you.

All the mobs will despawn once they finish their attacks, so run away from the spinning tank and the spells of the casters until the summons expire.

Rush Jori After Dodging Spells

Unless there are summons barring your way, you will typically want to poke and attack Jori, be it melee or ranged, right after dodging spells, as there is a pretty comfortable delay between spells being cast.

For melee builds specifically, be advised that Jori can teleport to reposition when in danger, so maximize your damage window before you have to chase them again.

For High INT Builds, Moons Eat Spells

Jori - Moon Eats Spells

Magic users are likely to find themselves dodging and trading spells against Jori in pitched ranged battles. There's a particularly interesting interaction with moon spells and Jori's full-auto spell attack wherein the moon can absorb Jori's projectiles while still traveling and hitting Jori.

If you have 68-70 INT, consider using Rennala's Full Moon or Ranni's Dark Moon to negate one of Jori's more annoying attacks that you would normally have to run or dodge from.

Jori, Elder Inquisitor Rewards

Jori, Elder Inquisitor Details
Elden Ring - Jori, Elder Inquisitor
Runes 260000
Spirit Summons? Spirit Ashes Allowed
Gold Summons?

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Bosses

List of All Bosses

DLC Bosses

DLC Boss Lists
All DLC Bosses Order and Locations All DLC Remembrance Bosses
Bosses Difficulty Tier List -
Main Bosses
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight Golden Hippopotamus
Messmer the Impaler Romina, Saint of the Bud
Promised Consort Radahn
Optional Bosses
Divine Beast Dancing Lion Commander Gaius
Demi-Human Queen Marigga Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Blackgaol Knight Chief Bloodfiend
Black Knight Edredd Ancient Dragon-Man
Furnace Golem Lamenter
Putrescent Knight Jori, Elder Inquisitor
Death Knight Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame
Bayle the Dread Scadutree Avatar
Metyr, Mother of Fingers Red Bear
Rakshasa Jagged Peak Drake
Rugalea the Great Red Bear Ralva the Great Red Bear
Ancient Dragon Senessax Curseblade Labirith
Black Knight Garrew Fallingstar Beast
Death Rite Bird Tibia Mariner
Ghostflame Dragon Tree Sentinel
Magma Wyrm Crucible Knight Devonia
Hostile NPCs
Logur the Beast Claw -

Main Bosses

All Bosses in Elden Ring
Margit the Fell Omen Godrick the Grafted
Red Wolf of Radagon Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Royal Knight Loretta Starscourge Radahn
Godfrey, First Elden Lord Morgott, the Omen King
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy Fire Giant
Malenia, Blade of Miquella Mohg Lord of Blood
Regal Ancestor Spirit Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Lichdragon Fortissax Godskin Duo
Dragonlord Placidusax Maliketh, the Black Blade
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Radagon of the Golden Order Elden Beast

Optional Bosses

Limgrave Optional Bosses
Beastman of Farum Azula Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Demi-Human Chiefs Flying Dragon Agheel
Guardian Golem Leonine Misbegotten
Mad Pumpkin Head Miranda the Blighted Bloom
Patches Runebear
Scaly Misbegotten Soldier of Godrick
Stonedigger Troll Tree Sentinel
Liurnia of the Lakes Optional Bosses
Adan, Thief of Fire Alabaster Lord
Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader Bols, Carian Knight
Bloodhound Knight Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Glintstone Dragon Adula Magma Wyrm Makar
Royal Revenant Spirit-Caller Snail
Caelid Optional Bosses
Battlemage Hugues Black Blade Kindred (Caelid)
Commander O'Neil Decaying Ekzykes
Fallingstar Beast Flying Dragon Greyll
Frenzied Duelist Magma Wyrm
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest Putrid Tree Spirit
Altus Plateau Optional Bosses
Ancient Dragon Lansseax Crucible Knight Ordovis
Demi-Human Queen Gilika Demi-Human Queen Maggie
Demi-Human Queen Margot Draconic Tree Sentinel
Elemer of the Briar Esgar, Priest of Blood
Fell Twins Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
Godefroy the Grafted Kindred of Rot
Mohg, The Omen Necromancer Garris
Onyx Lord Perfumer Tricia
Red Wolf of the Champion Sanguine Noble
Virgin Abductors Wormface
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Astel, Stars of Darkness Black Blade Kindred (Mountaintops of the Giants)
Borealis the Freezing Fog Commander Niall
Misbegotten Crusader Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
Great Wyrm Theodorix Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable
Siofra River Optional Bosses
Ancestor Spirit Valiant Gargoyles
Mimic Tear
Ainsel River Optional Bosses
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella -
Deeproot Depths Optional Bosses
Crucible Knight Siluria -
Multiple Location Optional Bosses
Ancient Hero of Zamor Black Knife Assassin
Bell Bearing Hunter Cemetery Shade
Cleanrot Knights Crucible Knight
Crystalian Death Rite Bird
Deathbird Erdtree Avatar
Erdtree Burial Watchdog Godskin Apostle
Godskin Noble Grafted Scion
Grave Warden Duelist Mad Pumpkin Head
Misbegotten Warrior Night's Cavalry
Omenkiller Tibia Mariner
Dragonkin Soldier -


All Bosses in Elden Ring
Elder Dragon Greyoll Lion Guardian
Valiant Gargoyle (Leyndell) -

Hostile NPCs and Invaders

Limgrave Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Bloody Finger Nerijus Old Knight Istvan
Recusant Henricus -
Liurnia of the Lakes Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Great Horned Tragoth Festering Fingerprint Vyke
Altus Plateau Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger Inquisitor Ghiza
Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan Rileigh the Idle
Vargram the Raging Wolf & Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm Magnus the Beast Claw
Mountaintops of the Giants Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood -
The Roundtable Hold Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Mad Tongue Alberich -
Multiple Location Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater -


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