Elden Ring

How to Upgrade Spirit Summons | Spirit Tuning Guide

Elden Ring - Spirit Tuning Guide

This guide will explain how to upgrade spirit summons using Spirit Tuning in Elden Ring. Read on to learn how to Spirit Tuning, the materials needed, and how to unlock Spirit Tuning.

How to Upgrade Spirit Summons

Talk to Roderika in Roundtable Hold

To strengthen your Spirit Ashes, you need to travel to the Roundtable Hold. From there, speak with Roderika and select Spirit Tuning.
Select a spirit ashes you want to strengthen.
Once you confirm that you have all the materials you need, select OK and your spirit is now strengthened.

Requires Grave Glovewort

Elden Ring - Grave Glovewort

Strengthening Spirit Ashes will require the use of Grave Gloveworts, an item that can be found in catacombs and numerous places in the Lands Between.

How to Get Grave Gloveworts

How to Unlock Spirit Tuning

Acquire the Chrysalids' Memento

To get Roderika in the Roundtable Hold, you will need to find the item Chrysalids’ Memento which you can find inside Stormhill Castle.

How to get the Chrysalids' Memento

Head out into the balcony once you reach the Rampart Tower Site of Grace.
Follow the path along the balcony with the birds and explosives barrels. Take the ladder down at the end of the path.
Follow the path and you will come across a hanging dead giant. Look down and you'll be able to see a pile of corpses with an item at the center. Jump down and pick it up to get the Chrysalids' Memento
Travel to Stormhill Shack Site of Grace and give her the item. After speaking to her, teleport to the Roundtable Hold and she'll be right by the fireplace.

Rest at the Lake-Facing Cliffs

Elden Ring - Pathway
Resting at the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace will make Roderika go to the Roundtable Hold without going through the trouble of defeating Margit and finding the Chrysalids’ Memento.

How to Get to Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace

Head to Stormhill Shack Site of Grace. From there head up the road towards the entrance leading to Stormhill Castle.
Take the path forward until you reach the end of a destroyed bridge.
Jump down to the cliff and follow the path, and at the end of it is the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace.
Activate it and teleport back to the Roundtable Hold and you should be able to see Roderika near the fireplace.

Talk to Roderika at the Roundtable Hold

Once you have Roderika at the Roundtable hold, follow the steps below so that you will be able to unlock Spirit Tuning.

Unlocking Spirit Tuning

Talk to Roderika in front of the fireplace at the round table.
2 Talk to Smithing Master Hewg about Roderika. He will tell you about her special talent.
3 Go back to Roderika and tell her what the Blacksmith said."
Once you finished talking to Roderika, go back to the Blacksmith and tell him to watch over her and that she wanted it.
5 After finishing the dialogue, teleport out and back to Roundtable Hold.
You can find Roderika in the same room, across where the Blacksmith is. Talk to her to start Spirit Tuning.

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