Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Location, Stats, and Scaling

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe is a Greataxe in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree that scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith. Read on to learn how to get the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe, as well as its location, description, upgrades, stat requirements, and best Ashes of War.

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Location

Note: Death Knight's Longhaft Axe is only available if you own the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Dropped by the Death Knight in Scorpion River Catacombs

The Death Knight's Longhaft Axe is obtained by defeating the Death Knight boss at the end of the Scorpion River Catacombs. You can get to the Scorpion River Catacombs by following the path north of Temple Town Ruins.

Scorpion River Catacombs Dungeon Guide

How to Get the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe

Start from the Moorth Ruins site of grace and enter the cave near the triangular pond to the north. Exit on the other side and pass through the grove that curves west to reach the Ancient Ruins Base site of grace.

Travel southwest to the Temple Town Ruins and go through the ravine to the north until you reach the Scorpion River Catacombs at the end.
Take the lift down and activate the dungeon's site of grace. Move two rooms ahead into a large one with basilisk eyes up ahead (watch out for the Deathblight buildup from the eyes). Run across to the other side and to the next room.
Go down the stairs on your left or simply drop down then pass through the northeast path.
Get across the room, minding the Bigmouth Imp that might blast you as you walk by, and turn right at the fork.
This large room has a spike trap that drops from the ceiling. Bait it into dropping down then move to the alcove on the right as it ascends. After it drops down the second time, quickly run south to the safe space.
Immediately turn right and climb the ladder. Take note that this area has another spike trap, so you can either run fast to the ladder or wait for the trap to ascend before moving on.
You have to move quick in this floor as well since there's another pair of basilisk eyes up ahead. Cross the bridge to your right and into the room to the south to find a lift that will take you to the first checkpoint (a statue of Marika).
Move forward, but before you turn right at the tunnel, wait for the moving basilisk eyes to pass by. Once it turns around and travels back to its statue, run along with the eyes (while staying behind them) and turn right at the end.

There will be more stone imps in the next room, including a giant Bigmouth Imp.
In the next room, you might want to take out the mage enemy on the floor above using ranged attacks as it can summon ricocheting projectiles where you stand. Once it's clear, enter the tunnel to your right.
Wait for the basilisk eyes to pass by and move northeast before going up the stairs and following it. Turn right at the statue and take the lift down to find the Death Knight boss room. Defeat this boss to obtain the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe.

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Description and Stats Overview

Basic Information

Elden Ring - Death KnightDeath Knight's Longhaft Axe Overview
Type: Greataxe
ATK Type: Standard
Skill: Blinkbolt: Long-hafted Axe
Weight: 11.5
A long-hafted golden axe wielded by the Death Knight. Bears a representation ofa decayed golden ring. Crackles with lightning, the power of the capital's ancient dragon cult. The knight, once the personal guard of Godwyn, was also the protector of the Prince of Death's cadaver surrogate.

Required Stats to Equip

23 10 0 18 0

Stat Scaling

D E - D -

Basic Stats

Phys. Atk. 113 Phys. Def. 61.0
Mag. Atk. 0 Mag. Def. 32.0
Fire Atk. 0 Fire Def. 32.0
Lght. Atk. 73 Lght. Def. 46.0
Holy Atk. 0 Holy Def. 32.0
Crit. Atk. 100 Guard Boost 43

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Upgrades

Jump to a Section!
Base vs. Max Max Upgrades Req. Materials

Base and Max Level Comparison

Lvl. Phys. Dmg. Sec. Dmg. STR DEX INT FAI ARC
+0 113 73 LGHT
D E - D -
+10 276 178 LIGHT B E - D -

Max Upgrade Level in Each Affinity

The Death Knight's Longhaft Axe is a unique weapon. It cannot be modified to have other affinities.

Required Upgrade Materials

Levels Material Quantity
+2 Somber Smithing Stone 2 (1)
+3 Somber Smithing Stone 3 (1)
+4 Somber Smithing Stone 4 (1)
+5 Somber Smithing Stone 5 (1)
+6 Somber Smithing Stone 6 (1)
+7 Somber Smithing Stone 7 (1)
+8 Somber Smithing Stone 8 (1)
+9 Somber Smithing Stone 9 (1)
+10 Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (1)

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe requires one Somber Smithing Stone for every level to upgrade until +9. The final level at +10 requires a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Somber Smithing Stones Farming Guide

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Ashes of War

Cannot Be Infused with Ashes of War

The Death Knight's Longhaft Axe cannot be infused with a different Ash of War since it is considered a unique weapon. Weapons that are upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones are classified as unique weapons.

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List of Weapon Types

Melee Weapons
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Daggers Fists
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Katanas Reapers
Spears Straight Swords
Thrusting Swords Torches
Twinblades Whips
Spellcasting Weapons
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Ranged Weapons
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Greatbows Crossbows
Small Shields Medium Shields
DLC Weapons
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