Elden Ring

Hyetta Questline and Location

Elden Ring - Hyetta
Hyetta is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found at the Lake Facing Cliffs. Read on to learn more about Hyetta's location, a full questline guide, lore and more!

Hyetta Character Profile

Description A Finger Maiden looking for her purpose.
Initial Location Liurnia of the Lakes

Can be found next to the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace.
Items Dropped ・500 Runes (NG)

Where to Find Hyetta

Liurnia of the Lakes

Map Location
World View

Hyetta can be found right next to the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace in Liurnia of the Lakes. After teleporting, look northwest and she should be standing next to a large rock.

Hyetta Questline

How to Complete Hyetta's Questline

How to Complete Hyetta Questline

Hyetta is an NPC tied to the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending for Elden Ring. While completing her quest is not necessary to get the ending, it will reward players with the Frenzied Flame Seal - a unique seal that boosts the effectiveness of Madness incantations.

Complete her questline to get this seal as well as an inkling behind the motivations of those who manage to call upon the Frenzied Flame.

Questline Objectives
1 Complete the Irina and Edgar Questlines
2 Defeat Godrick the Grafted
3 Obtain 3 Shabriri Grapes
4 Speak to Hyetta at the Lake-Facing Cliffs
5 Speak to Hyetta at the Purified Ruins
6 Speak to Hyetta at the Gate Town Bridge
7 Speak to Hyetta at the Bellum Church
8 Obtain a Fingerprint Grape
9 Give the Fingerprint Grape to Hyetta
10 Go to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
11 Defeat Mohg the Omen
12 Go to the Frenzied Flame Proscription
13 Speak to Hyetta at the Frenzied Flame Proscription
14 Embrace the Three Fingers
15 Get the Frenzied Flame Seal from Hyetta

Complete Irina and Edgar Questlines

Edgar Reunited with Irina

Required NPC Questlines
Irina Questline Edgar Questline

Hyetta will only appear beside the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace after Edgar sees Irina's corpse at the Weeping Peninsula. Make sure to complete Irina's and Edgar's questlines to spawn in Hyetta.

Defeat Godrick the Grafted

Defeat Godrick the Grafted

Before players can progress Hyetta's questline, the basement underneath Godrick's Throne Room will need to be unlocked as it contains a required key item. To access this area, you will have to defeat Godrick the Grafted in Stormveil Castle.

How to Beat Godrick the Grafted

Obtain 3 Shabriri Grapes

Obtain a Shabriri Grape

During Hyetta's questline, she will move about Liurnia while asking for a Shabriri Grape each time you see her. Obtain the 3 Shabriri Grapes at the following locations to make it easier to follow her questline.

Shabriri Grape Locations
Check Icon Underneath Godrick's Throne Room
Check Icon Underneath the Purified Ruins
Check Icon Dropped by Edgar at the Revenger's Shack

Shabriri Grape Under Godrick's Throne Room

World View Map Location

The first Shabriri Grape can be found in the basement underneath Godrick the Grafted's throne room. There will be a ghost there that has a Shabriri Grape right next to it. Pick it up in order to give to Hyetta when you first meet.

Stormveil Castle Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Shabriri Grape Underneath the Purified Ruins

World View Map Location

This next Shabriri Grape will be inside a chest at the Purified Ruins. The path to the basement with the chest will be hidden by wooden planks. Roll into the debris to reveal the opening and loot the Shabriri Grape located below.

Purified Ruins Location and What to Do

Shabriri Grape Dropped by Edgar at the Revenger's Shack

Edgar the Revenger Invasion

If players have not yet met Edgar in Liurnia, head over to the Revenger's Shack where he will invade you as Edgar the Revenger. Defeat him and he will drop the last Shabriri Grape you need.

Revenger's Shack Location and What to Do

Speak to Hyetta at the Lake-Facing Cliffs

With all the Shabriri Grapes secure, head over to the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace in Liurnia. Hyetta will be nearby. Speak to her and give her a Shabriri Grape so she can feel the guidance of the Three Fingers.

Speak to Hyetta at the Purified Ruins

Map Location
World View

Hyetta will next appear beside a ruined structure at the Purified Ruins. To get here, head directly north from the Lake-Facing Cliffs. Speak to her again and hand her another Shabriri Grape to progress the questline.

Speak to Hyetta at the Gate Town Bridge

Map Location
World View

After the Purified Ruins, Hyetta will appear next to the Gate Town Bridge site of grace. This time, the location can be found by riding northwest from the Purified Ruins or east from the Academy Gate Town.

Once there, give Hyetta the last Shabriri Grape and tell her that they were in fact eyes and not grapes. Exhaust her dialogue before reloading the area. Speak to her again to progress the questline.

Speak to Hyetta at the Bellum Church

Map Location
World View

Hyetta's final appearance in Liurnia will be at the Bellum Church. Enlightened and no longer afraid of the horrific Shabriri Grapes, speak to her and she will ask you if you happen to have any Fingerprint Grapes in your possession. Obtain one to her to progress the quest.

Obtain a Fingerprint Grape

Get a Fingerprint Grape

There is only one Fingerprint Grape in the game and it is dropped by an invader called Festering Fingerprint Vyke. To find him, head over to the Church of Inhibition to the west of the Bellum Church. Defeat him to obtain the grape for Hyetta.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Go to the Church of Inhibition
Check Icon Defeat Festering Fingerprint Vyke

Go to the Church of Inhibition

In order to reach the Church of Inhibition, players will need to get past the Frenzy-Flaming Tower and through to the Frenzied Flame Village. To avoid getting hit by the Eye of Madness, follow the indicated path, hugging the cliffside until you reach the church (marked in yellow).

Church of Inhibition Location and What to Do

Defeat Festering Fingerprint Vyke

Defeat Festering Fingerprint Vyke

Festering Fingerprint Vyke will invade you as you approach the Church of Inhibition in Liurnia. Defeat him in order to get the Fingerprint Grape needed to progress Hyetta's questline. Additionally, he will drop a madness-inducing weapon called Vyke's War Spear.

How to Beat Festering Fingerprint Vyke

Give the Fingerprint Grape to Hyetta

Give Hyetta a Fingerprint Grape

With the Fingerprint Grape secure, head back to the Bellum Church and give it to Hyetta. Exhaust her dialogue after this to progress her questline.

Go to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Go to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Hyetta's final location will be a secret underground area in Leyndell called the Frenzied Flame Proscription. To get here, players will need to reach the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds and explore it thoroughly.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel
Check Icon Explore the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

Defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel

Draconic Tree Sentinel Boss

In order to unlock Leyndell, players will need to have defeated 2 Shardbearers and the Draconic Tree Sentinel. Once you have two Great Runes, challenge this boss at the eastern entrance to the capital.

How to Beat Draconic Tree Sentinel

Explore the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds

World View Map Location

The entrance to Hyetta's final location will be very hard to find. Keep exploring the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds until you find the Forsaken Depths site of grace inside it. After that, it is a short walk down to Mohg the Omen.

Subterranean Shunning-Grounds Walkthrough and Location

Defeat Mohg the Omen

Mohg the Omen

To get to Hyetta's final location, players will first need to defeat Mohg, The Omen inside the Cathedral of the Forsaken. While this is a watered down version of Mohg, Lord of Blood, he can still be tough to beat if he procs bleed on you multiple times.

How to Beat Mohg, The Omen

Go to the Frenzied Flame Proscription

Hidden Passage Behind Mohg Altar

The Frenzied Flame Proscription can be found by hitting the altar where you first saw Mohg the Omen. This will open a secret passageway that leads players into a series of catacombs that they will have to painstakingly descend. At the very bottom will be the secret area and Hyetta.

Parkour Down the Catacombs

Parkour Down the Catacombs

This is perhaps the hardest part of Hyetta's entire questline. Parkour your way down this deep catacomb using the coffins that jut out of the walls. Measure your jumps since the ledges are not entirely flat, causing you to slip if you only catch the coffin edge.

Note: While dangerous, there is a bunch of lore-rich items that can be looted at each level of the catacombs. Included is a note regarding Miquella's Needle as well as the Nomadic Merchant armor set that shares the grisly history of this forgotten tomb.

Speak to Hyetta at the Frenzied Flame Proscription

Map Location
World View

Once at the Frenzied Flame Proscription, seek out Hyetta and exhaust her dialogue. She will tell you that you need to remove all your equipment to pass through the door that leads to the Three Fingers.

Embrace the Three Fingers

Three Fingers Giving the Frenzied Flame

The final act of Hyetta's quest can only be completed if you embrace the Three Fingers. This means that you will be locked into the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending once you inherit the flame.

Note: For players planning to get the Frenzied Flame Seal but not this particular ending, you will have to complete a different NPC questline and beat Malenia just to reverse the Lord of Frenzied Flame.

How to Get the Lord of Frenzied Flame Ending

Embrace the Three Fingers Before Burning the Erdtree

Embrace the Three Fingers

For players who want to see a different cutscene play out when Melina burns the Erdtree, embrace the Three Fingers before you speak to Melina at the Forge of the Giants. This allows you to be the one to set the tree alight, saving Melina from death.

Get the Frenzied Flame Seal from Hyetta

Hyetta After Accepting the Frenzied Flame

Once you embrace the Three Fingers and accept the Frenzied Flame, return to Hyetta and speak to her. Exhaust her dialogue until she tells you to burn her with the flame. Do it to receive the Frenzied Flame Seal and 5 Frenzyflame Stones.

How to Prevent the Frenzied Flame Ending

Use Miquellas Needle

To get out of the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending and use the other options available to you, players will need to complete Millicent's questline and retrieve the Unalloyed Gold Needle from her at the Haligtree.

Once done, defeat Malenia and use the needle to retrieve Miquella's Needle by interacting with the flower inside the boss arena. Take this needle and use it in front of Dragonlord Placidusax in Crumbling Farum Azula to quell the Frenzied Flame.

Lore and Trivia


  • Hyetta is a wandering Finger Maiden as evidenced by her attire. However, unlike those guided by the Two Fingers, Hyetta has yet to understand that it wasn't grace that guided her, but the Frenzied Flame of Chaos.
  • Upon meeting the Tarnished, Hyetta asks for a donation of Shabriri Grapes. She shares that they help with her sight, allowing her to glean the distant warmth of the Chaos Flame. Later on, she will find out that these are the eyes of the those afflicted by madness.
  • With more grapes consumed, Hyetta eventually concludes that it was the act of consuming eyes which allowed her to see the light. With her poor eyesight, the only way was to have many more eyes, after all. Her final request is to get a Fingerprint Grape - the eye of one who has been marked by the Three Fingers.
  • When the Tarnished takes within them the Flame of Chaos, Hyetta will ask to have her eyes burned away. Just as Enia interprets the words of the Two Fingers, Hyetta becomes the conduit that transmits the message of the Three Fingers.


  • The Fingerprint Grape you give Hyetta will be the eyeball of Festering Fingerprint Vyke. For those unfamiliar with his history, Vyke was the Lord Contender - the only Tarnished who ever came close to becoming Elden Lord. However, before he could ascend to the Erdtree, Vyke answered the call of the Three Fingers and was forever marked by the Frenzied Flame.
  • Hyetta's armor set can be found at the Shack of the Lofty in the Mountaintops of the Giants. This particular armor set is called the Traveling Maiden armor set.
  • Shabriri Grapes derive their name from Shabriri, the progenitor of the Chaos Flame. You will first encounter this entity at the Zamor Ruins. It will have taken possession of Bloody Finger Hunter Yura's body.

Hyetta Quotes

"Hello? Is someone there? My name is Hyetta, and I'm journeying in search of the distant light. If I might be so bold as to ask... Would you donate any Shabriri grapes in your possession to me? My eyesight has been weak since birth, you see. I can't tell which way I'm supposed to go next. But when I eat one of those grapes, I can feel a distant light in the back of my eyes. It will lead me, to my true duty, as a Finger Maiden."
"I'm on a pilgrimage in search of the distant light. And when I eat one of those grapes, I can feel the light in the back of my eyes."
"N-No... That's not possible... Not all of those people... Their own... So those noises I heard were... Sorry... I'm alright now. Don't mind me... I apologize. You only did as I asked. I'll be fine. Think no more of it."
"Ah, is that you over there? I've gleaned something very important indeed, thanks to you. The reason why it was eyes I had to eat. The distant light is far and frail. So faint it can't be seen by the naked eye. But with everyone's eyes together, it appears. Finally, it all makes sense. I'm certain now. I will be a Finger Maiden."
"Please, could you donate a fingerprint grape to me? Without one I don't know, I feel like I might go mad."
"Ah, so you're here as well, are you? I realized as we've talked. I'll be a Maiden, and you... Surely, a Lord. Go to the door ahead, after divesting yourself of your possessions. It will surely open, and the Three Fingers will welcome you."[/mid]
"Oh, it burns... My eyes, my eyes, they're melting... Aaargh! Thank... Thank you... I have touched them. The words of the Three Fingers. As your maiden, allow me to divine them."
"All that there is came from the One Great. Then came fractures, and births, and souls. But the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction. Every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake. And so, what was borrowed must be returned. Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame. Until all is One again."
"Those who gave me grapes howled without words. Saying they wished they were never born. Take their torment, despair. Their affliction. Every sin, every curse. And melt it all away. As the Lord of Chaos. No more fractures. No more birth..."

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