Elden Ring

Sorceress Sellen Quest and Location

Elden Ring - Sorceress Sellen
Sorceress Sellen is an NPC in Elden Ring initially found in Limgrave. Read on to learn more about Sorceress Sellen's questline walkthrough, location, armor and weapon drops, and lore!

Sorceress Sellen Quest Walkthrough

Sorceress Sellen, also known as the Graven Witch, is an apostate witch of Raya Lucaria. Become her apprentice and complete Sellen's quest to get different sorcery-related spells and items for your Intelligence builds.

Quest Objectives

Become Sellen's Apprentice

Sellen Selling

In order to begin Sellen's quest, you will need to become her apprentice. Select I want to learn sorcery and I still want to learn when you first meet her to start learning from her.

Once you become Sellen's apprentice, you will be rewarded with the Nod In Thought gesture. She will also become available as a merchant of Sorceries, allowing you to give her different scrolls to expand her inventory.

Find Primeval Sorcerer Azur

Map Location
World View

To begin this portion of the quest, players will need to find Primeval Sorcerer Azur on Mt. Gelmir in the Altus Plateau. Interact with him to receive the Comet Azur spell. Return and show the spell to Sellen back at the Waypoint Ruins.

After the spell is shown, select the new dialogue option I have a favor to ask. Listen to her plea for help and accept by selecting the option, Let us Journey Together. This triggers the Finding Lusat segment of the questline.

Search for Lusat


In order to trigger the next phase of Sellen's questline, players will need to meet Primeval Sorcerer Azur Once spoken to, return to Sellen to trigger the quest to look for Master Lusat.

After locating Lusat's body, return and speak to Sellen. She will reward you with a Starlight Shard for your efforts before telling you the location of her real body. Exhaust whatever dialogue is left to progress her questline.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Find the Sellia Hideaway
Check Icon Unlock the Glinstone Seal and Find Lusat

Find the Sellia Hideaway

Location Map Location

While Sellen will tell you the last location of Lusat was in Sellia, this will not be true. Instead, to find the sorcerer, head over to the Church of Plague in Caelid. Ride to the northeast and hit the illusory wall that opens the way to the Sellia Hideaway.

Unlock the Glinstone Seal and Find Lusat

Path to Lusat

Sellen will provide you with a key item called the Sellian Sealbreaker to break the seal of Lusat's resting place. With the Sellia Hideaway discovered, progress through the dungeon until you reach a lit crystal cavern.

Lusat will be at the bottom floor of this area, right after the enemy mage you have to jump over to. Drop down to the small river area and look for a large, Glinstone Seal glowing in the dark. Speak to Lusat and he will give you the spell, Stars of Ruin.

Defeat Starscourge Radahn

Starscourge Radahn

To unlock the next step of Sellen's questline, players will need to defeat Starscourge Radahn in Caelid. After defeating the general, return and speak to Sellen to help her get a new body.

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn

Give Sellen a New Body

Map Location
World View

After you defeat Radahn, Sellen will share that her real body is actually trapped somewhere in the Weeping Peninsula. To find it, head over to the Witchbane Ruins in the Weeping Peninsula. She will be in the basement of the ruins.

Speak to Sellen's restrained form and she will give you her Primal Glinstone. Players will have to put this into a new body to free Sellen from her prison.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat Royal Knight Loretta
Check Icon Go to Seluvis' Puppet Dungeon
Check Icon Transplant the Primal Glintstone

Defeat Royal Knight Loretta and Unlock the Three Sisters

Royal Knight Loretta Boss - Elden Ring

Sellen's new body can only be found in the Three Sisters area to the north of the Caria Manor. For players who have not yet unlocked this area, you will need to defeat Royal Knight Loretta to get there.

How to Beat Royal Knight Loretta

Find Seluvis' Puppet Dungeon

World View Map Location

Sellen's new body can be found inside the puppet dungeon of the wizard named Seluvis. You will have to go through two different illusory walls to find it

The location of the first wall is pictured above, while the second illusory wall will be the large brick wall at the back of the dungeon. Hit it or roll towards it to reveal the other side.

Transplant the Primal Glintstone

Elden Ring - Transplant Primal Glintstone

Approach the puppet that looks like Sellen and transplant the Primal Glintstone into it. This will allow Sellen to return to the Academy of Raya Lucaria and continue her work.

Note: If the prompt to transplant the Primal Glintstone does not appear, quit to the main menu and re-enter the game to reload the area without having to fast travel away.

Help Sellen Defeat Jerren

Map Location
World View

With Sellen free to resume her work as the Graven Witch, head over to the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria for the finale. Side with either Sellen or Jerren to complete Sellen's questline.

Note: A lot of events need to be triggered or completed to get to this point. The following section will detail each step that needs to be completed to get to this point of the quest.

Quest Objectives
Check Icon Defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Check Icon Speak to Jerren in Redmane Castle
Check Icon Meet Jerren at the Witchbane Ruins
Check Icon Side with Sellen
Check Icon Side with Jerren (Optional)

Defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Elden Ring Boss - Rennala Queen of the Full Moon

The final showdown between Sellen and Jerren will be at the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria. In order to unlock this location, players will need to defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon.

For players who have beaten Lorreta but not Rennala (this is possible), you will need to explore the Academy of Raya Lucaria and defeat its shardbearer to progress.

How to Beat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Speak to Jerren in Redmane Castle

World View Map Location

Once Radahn is beaten and Sellen acquires her new body, return to Redmane Castle and speak to Castellan Jerren. He should be seated on a chair in front of the castle's chapel. Exhaust his dialogue to get him to move on to the next location of the quest.

Meet Jerren at the Witchbane Ruins

World View Map Location

Reload Redmane Castle to make sure Jerren is gone from his position. If he is, return to the Witchbane Ruins in the Weeping Peninsula. Go to the basement and Jerren should be there, examining Sellen's supposedly dead body.

Side with Sellen

Side with Sellen

Once the above steps are complete, head back to the Grand Library of the Academy and exit through the main door. Just outside should be two summoning signs. Choose the gold sign to help out Sellen.

Defeat the now hostile Witch-Hunter Jerren and he will drop his Eccentric's Armor, Eccentric's Hood, Eccentric's Manchettes, and Eccentric's Breeches. Additionally, Sellen will reward you with her Glintstone Kris.

Side with Jerren

Side with Jerren - Reward

For players siding with Jerren, use the red summoning sign instead. Defeat Sellen to receive a Rune Arc, a Furlcalling Finger Remedy, her Bell Bearing, as well as the Witch's Glintstone Crown.

After the battle, exit through the main doors of the Grand Library. Jerren should be standing right outside. Speak to him to receive an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Speak to Sellen After the Battle

Sellen Transformation

For players who sided with Sellen, speak to her after the battle. She will be standing at the center of the Grand Library where Rennala once sat. Exhaust her dialogue before leaving the area.

Once the area is reloaded, Rennala will return to her usual location and Sellen will have transformed into a Graven Ball of Mages. She will drop her Witch's Glintstone Crown after the transformation.

Still Available as a Merchant

Sellen Still a Merchant

Despite the unfortunate consequences of her forbidden research into Glinstone Sorcery, Sellen will remain interactable. Speak to her if you want to buy Sorceries or give her scrolls to unlock other spells for purchase.

Sorceress Sellen Location

Located Under the Waypoint Ruins

Map Location World View

Sorceress Sellen can be found in the Waypoint Ruins Cellar, underneath the Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave. This area can be found on a cliff at the east side of Agheel Lake.

Sorceress Sellen Armor and Weapon Drops

This NPC has no Drops

Sorceress Sellen Shop Items

Shop Items Price
Glintstone Pebble 1000 Runes
Glintstone Stars 3000 Runes
Glintstone Arc 1500 Runes
Crystal Barrage 1500 Runes
Scholar's Armament 3000 Runes
Scholar's Shield 2500 Runes

Sorceress Sellen Information and Lore


  • According to her fellow student, Thops, Sorceress Sellen was once regarded as the most promising sorceress in the history of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.
  • However, following accusations of her killing off mages in an attempt to glimpse the Primeval Current, she was expelled from the academy and labeled as an apostate. It was after her questionable practices came to light that Sellen was dubbed the Graven Witch after the Graven-Masses that follow the study of forbidden magic.
  • Later on, the Tarnished learns from Sellen herself that the witch's real body is shackled by the academy under the Witchbane Ruins in the Weeping Peninsula. There the Graven Witch is imprisoned and kept from terrorizing the world anew.
  • Eventually, after reconnecting with the lost sorcery of her Master Azur, Sellen enlists the Tarnished to help her recover the bodies of her former masters. In light of this new thirst for knowledge regarding the Primeval Current, her apprentice complies and finds the body of Master Lusat in Sellia.
  • With the preparations complete, all that is left is to leave her shackled form underneath the Witchbane Ruins. The Tarnished helps her, transplanting her Primordial Glintstone into a new body within Seluvis' dungeon.
  • Having tasted freedom and a renewed thirst for the arcane, the Graven Witch returns to the Academy of Raya Lucaria to usurp what she calls the restricting rule of the Carian Queen, Rennala.
  • With the help of the Tarnished, Sellen slays Witch-Hunter Jerren and manages to secure her spot as the head of the academy. It is with high hopes and a renewed vigour that the Tarnished leaves Sellen to manage the academy.
  • However, by delving too far and too deep into the research of the Primeval Current, Sellen's new attempt to restore forbidden magic, spells her tragic end. If the Tarnished returns to the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria after helping Sellen, she will already have turned into an abominable Graven-Mass.


  • Players can have an additional interaction with Sellen by following the questlines of Blaidd and Ranni. During the search for Nokron, Blaidd will suggest asking Seluvis for help. The dodgy preceptor will refer you to Sorceress Sellen and she will tell you that the only way to find Nokron is to defeat Radahn.
  • Players can skip the fight between Sellen and Jerren by killing Jerren at the Witchbane Ruins. Jerren still drops his Eccentric Armor Set and Sellen's quest simply fast forwards to her standing where Rennala once sat.

Sorceress Sellen Quotes

"Tarnished, are we? A wonder you should turn up here. I am Sellen, a sorcerer, quite plainly."
"Ahh, a yen for glintstone sorceries? Well, your aptitude does appear... passable. But one must choose one's masters wisely. I was exiled from the Academy of Raya Lucaria, as a reviled, apostate witch. Do you still wish to learn from me?"
"The form you see before you is merely a projection. My body lies elsewhere. But the academy's shackles prevent it being moved. My body is on the Weeping Peninsula, at the southern tip of the Lands Between, imprisoned in the ruins just down from the Church of Marika, past the plain of the Wandering Mausoleum. Can you make the journey to my body? I have something that I can only trust with you."
"My apprentice, thank you for coming. These shackles take a toll on us all. There is something I need you to look after. My primal glintstone. A star has fallen, and my fortunes waver. Someone may come for my life. And so, I entrust it with you. My self."
"Jerren, bringer of my death. You have my gratitude. For freeing me from my shackles. But I am afraid your work is done. Join the school. To reflect on your mistake."
"Ahh, my apprentice. You've saved my skin once again. Do you see this? The Queen of Caria is no more. With the bodies of Masters Azur and Lusat returned, the academy can hone the primeval current. So that we, fallen children of the stars, shall beam with brilliance once again."
"My apprentice. Will you stay with us, here at the academy? Oh, I know it's not possible. You have your own calling. To be the next Elden Lord. But do think of me. Of your teacher. On the eve of your crowning. You will always be my darling pupil. Rest assured that I... No, the entire academy, will swear allegiance to the new monarch. My apprentice. Become Elden Lord."
"Hmm, perhaps I'm jumping ahead, but here is a symbol of my allegiance, and the academy's. Do you recall what once I told you? That glintstone is the amber of the cosmos, and sorcery is the study of the stars, and the life therein. When you become Elden Lord, please illuminate me. Lay bare the secrets of life which course the Elden Ring. Next time, I will be your student."

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