Elden Ring

Volcano Manor Questline Walkthrough | Should You Join the Volcano Manor?

Elden Ring - Volcano Manor Walkthrough

Volcano Manor is one of the Legacy Dungeons that you can explore in Elden Ring. Read on for a complete walkthrough of the dungeon, its location on the map, list of bosses and how to beat them, obtainable items, and what happens if you join the Volcano Manor!

Volcano Manor Overview

Volcano Manor Basic Information

Volcano Manor

View Full Map
Type Legacy Dungeon
Region Altus Plateau
Location South of the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite, take the Spirit Spring, cross the jagged rock bridge and go down the hill
Boss Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy
Godskin Noble
Abductor Virgins
Inquisitor Ghiza
Magma Wyrm

How to Get to Volcano Manor

Pass through the Bridge of Iniquity

From the Grand Lift of Dectus, head north until you reach the Site of Grace at the Bridge of Iniquity. Follow the guidance of grace west until it leads you south to the entrance of Volcano Manor.

Get the invitation from Rya

There's another way to get inside the Volcano Manor as soon as you reach Altus Plateau through the Grand Lift of Dectus. Find Rya in a shrine north of Laskyar Ruins and help her retrieve her necklace from the Tarnished at Boilprawn Shack, northwest of where you found Rya.

Buy the necklace for 1000 Runes and bring the necklace back to Rya. She will give you a Volcano Manor Invitation in return, which you can then use to go straight to Volcano Manor by finding Rya at the top of the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Rya Questline and Location

Alternate route from Academy of Raya Lucaria

Elden Ring - road to Volcano Manor

Ride one of the lifts until you fall down the area below with the iron maiden

You can also reach Volcano Manor without having to activate the Grand Lift of Dectus using the Dectus Medallion, but you have to get killed in the process. Find a mobile iron maiden within the Academy of Raya Lucaria and get your character killed by its imprison attack. This will respawn you in an area near the Volcano Manor.

Find a way out of the cavern and defeat the two iron maidens near the exit, then head northwest to the Volcano Manor.

Academy of Raya Lucaria Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough and Location

Volcano Manor Walkthrough

Passing through Mt. Gelmir

1 Warp back to the Grand Lift of Dectus and head north until you reach the Bridge of Iniquity
2 Press on to the area with iron maidens and find a ladder along the cliff on your left that leads to the top
3 Head further to the west to reach the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite
4 Keep following the path west until you reach the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite, then head south to the Volcano Manor
You can ignore the boss past the spirit spring.

Volcano Manor Objectives

5 Talk to the NPC near the Site of Grace to join the Volcano Manor and receive the Drawing-Room Key.
6 Take the hallway nearby and use the key to unlock the drawing room (second door on the left side), then find the Letter from Volcano Manor on the table inside.
7 Defeat Old Knight Istvan in Limgrave and report back to Tanith
8 Pick up another letter from the drawing room, defeat Rileigh the Idle in Altus Plateau, and report back to Tanith.
9 Return to the drawing room again for the third letter, defeat Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood at the Mountaintops of the Giants, and report back to Tanith.
10 Select "See the Lord" when asked by Tanith to be sent straight to the Site of Grace near the next boss
11 Pass through the mist, grab the Serpent-Hunter from the corpse on your left, and defeat the God-Devouring Serpent
We recommend using the Serpent Hunter against this boss (and the next) especially if you're using a Strength build. The weapon doesn't have stat requirements and has a B-scale with Strength.
12 A cutscene will play after defeating the serpent before moving on to the boss fight against Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy
How to Beat Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy
13 If you return to Tanith at the manor, all the NPCs inside will leave

Points of Interest in Volcano Manor

Location What You Can Find
Drawing Room ・Complete Bernahl's questline (Available only before defeating Rykard)
Volcano Manor ・Secret passage to the boss area

Walkthrough and Progression Guide: Where to Go and What to Do First

Should You Join the Volcano Manor?

Join and become one of the Recusants

Elden Ring - joining the Volcano Manor

Upon arriving at the Volcano Manor, speak with Tanith, the woman sitting next to a knight, and become a member of the Volcano Manor. Tanith will then give you the Drawing Room Key for the rooms along the hallway on your right (except for the first door on the left side, which should be opened from the other side).

The key that you get from Tanith grants you access to more questlines and items within the Volcano Manor.

Tanith will take you to Rykard

Elden Ring - shortcut to Rykard

The second and third door on the left side of the hallway can be unlocked using the Drawing Room Key, and is where you can find some of the other Recusants. You can also find a letter on the table inside, which is basically an assassination contract.

The location of your target will be marked red on your map and is explained in detail if you examine the letter from your inventory. Head to the marked location and interact with the red summon sign to invade your target's world. After winning, report back to Tanith to receive your reward.

Another letter will appear on the table after receiving your reward. Eventually, you'll find a red letter on the table instead of the usual design—marking your final target. Report back to Tanith after your third successful kill and she will offer to take you straight to Rykard.

Access the rest of the Volcano Manor

Elden Ring - portal to Rykard

Alternatively, you can find Rykard yourself by exploring the manor (or if you don't like hunting down your own kind). You can do so by unlocking the first door on the right side of the hallway and revealing the illusory wall next to the corpse.

This opens a path to the rest of the legacy dungeon where you can find more rare items, as well as a portal at the very end of the long trek that will take you to Rykard's boss room.

Volcano Manor General Tips

Defeat Old Knight Istvan

Stormhill, Limgrave
Reward Magma Shot

Your first target, Old Knight Istvan, is found at Stormhill in Limgrave. Head north from the Warmaster's Shack Site of Grace and you'll find the sign in front of a colosseum. Return to Tanith after defeating Istvan to receive the Magma Shot Sorcery.

Defeat Rileigh the Idle

Bridge of Iniquity, Atlus Plateau
Reward Serpentbone Blade

Pick up the second letter inside the drawing room after reporting to Tanith to receive the letter for your next target, Rileigh. You can find the summon sign for Rileigh below a cliff south of the Bridge of Iniquity. Report back to Tanith after taking out your second target to receive the Serpentbone Blade weapon.

Defeat Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood

Ancient Snow Valley Ruins, Mountaintops of the Giants
Reward Taker's Cameo

Return to the drawing room to find the third letter on the table, which sends you to the Mountaintops of the Giants to defeat Juno Hoslow. You'll find your target's summon sign near a shack north of the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace. Return to Tanith after defeating Juno Hoslow to receive the Taker's Cameo talisman.

Shortcut to Rykard

Talk to Tanith after your third kill and she'll offer to take you straight to Rykard. Choose the "See the Lord" option when asked and you will appear next to the Site of Grace near the boss area.

Take note that after you defeat Rykard, all NPCs inside the manor will disappear. Make sure to finish all their questlines first before engaging the lord.

Boss Fight Strategy for Rykard

You'll first battle against the God-Devouring Serpent before the fight transitions to Rykard revealing himself in the second phase.

Use the Serpent Hunter

Elden Ring - Serpent Hunter

Before you approach the serpent, grab the sword conveniently placed on a nearby corpse, the Serpent Hunter, and equip it. This weapon doesn't have stat requirements but since it has a B-scale with Strength, it'll be more powerful if you invested a lot on Strength.

With the Serpent Hunter, you'll be able to deal massive damage without having to get close. Keep an eye out on your stamina bar, though, as each attack consumes a chunk of stamina and you might want to save some for dodging.

Bring one or two charges of Cerulean Flasks

Using the Serpent Hunter's skill can make the fight a lot smoother due to its damage output, but since it consumes FP each use, be sure to allocate at least one charge to the Sacred Flask of Cerulean Tears so you can keep spamming.

How to Beat Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy: Boss Fight Guide

What to Do in Altus Plateau

Altus Plateau Checklist
CheckmarkComplete Bernahl's Request

CheckmarkFind the secret path in the manor

CheckmarkRestore Rykard's Great Rune

Complete Bernahl's Request

Note: Defeating Rykard will make all NPCs in the manor disappear so make sure to complete their questlines first.

Vagram and Wilhelm Location

After defeating Rileigh the Idle as part of Tanith's second request, talk to Bernahl to receive a letter and another mission. Your targets, Vagram the Raging Wolf and Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm, are found in Leyndell's Roundtable Hold.

Bernahl will join your side after invading your targets' world to make this a fair fight. After defeating them, return to Bernahl to receive the Gelmir's Fury Sorcery.

Bernahl Questline and Location

Find the secret path in the manor

Elden Ring - Illusory Wall in Volcano Manor

If you want to take the long way and find Rykard yourself, you can unlock the first door to the right of the hallway and approach the corpse to reveal an illusory wall. The tunnel will lead you back outside to a different area within the manor.

This lets you explore the rest of the legacy dungeon where you can also find a portal that leads to Rykard at the very end.

Restore Rykard's Great Rune

After defeating Rykard, take his rune to the Divine Tower of West Altus to restore its power. You can reach the tower by passing through the Sealed Tunnel, a minor dungeon filled with illusory walls.

Rykard's Great Rune, when equipped and activated by a Rune Arc, makes your character recover HP by defeating enemies.

How to Equip Great Runes: All Effects and Locations| Elden Ring

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